Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Members Only (Page 1 of 2)

First 5 are the M’s

8 Ruckers and 7 runners took the DRP and braved the early spring wind with an 8° chill factor to improve their Fitness this morning.  COT ended with a passing of the flag for The GOAT to Ocho for site Q due to Bubba Sparxxx travel schedule. Coffeeteria followed with a discussion around the M.

**HIMs were challenged to take a step forward in accelerating this week by making their first 5 minutes at home exclusively dedicated to taking time to talk with the M. Doesn’t have to be just 5 minutes, but the priority is to immediately make a beeline to the M and focus on talking with her as soon as work is finished.**


  • Foundation run 4/13
  • Extinction run may change dates. TBD. Ruck sack still available—reach out to BOS or Anchorman for details on raffle tickets. Donations still needed.
  • Metro beer ruck 4/13
  • Convergence 4/13–all other AO’s are closed. Convergence will be at the Ballpark downtown. 


  • Jane Fonda slept at home last night!
  • Jane Fonda wedding 5/18
  • Anchorman
  • Turtleman
  • Hall family

Jester @ Members Only

Eh Y’All brought a Kotter – Greenhouse

Ruckers rucked.  Runners Ran.

All returned safely and on-time.

Many stayed to discuss Jester.

The Pledge of Allegiance, Announcements and Prayer Requests were all included in the post activities.

Eh Y’All took us out.

Watts Up Powering Down

Members Only and the DRP

7 Runners and 7 Ruckers took the Red Pill and braved 28° weather to push themselves and each other in the early Morning Gloom.

QIC pulled up the 6 in the first running workout completed, setting the stage for disruption to the status quo.

4 mile loop followed by COT


  • Q school this Saturday at Gashouse
  • Blood drive in June
  • Rice n beans March and May. (Good time to bring someone you’ve been trying to EH)


  • Anchorman
  • Breaker Breaker’s aunt and stepdad
  • Turtleman
  • Montana recovery
  • Jane Fonda
  • Final interview for job Fannie Mae – wisdom and discernment requested on the best path forward
  • Bubba sparks recovery


Finished COT with prayer and on to coffeeteria and discussion on the DRP


we all need to be active in reaching out to guys who have stopped posting. Not just once, but regularly. If they stopped posting, they may have something going on that they need friends for.

Keep up with the 2nd F



We rucked (some extra), others ran, and we all did COT.

Today’s Q source topic (Persuasion) was pushed my way by Bubba Sparx.  I gladly accepted today’s subject because it’s when we go from thoughts and talk to putting that into action. Any leader can tell others what to do but, great leaders use the art of persuasion to get others to see and understand the goal at hand. Persuasion is becoming a dying art and it’s a tool we should not only hone for ourselves but pass along to others.


2nd F lunch at Pita Wheel in Gastonia (G2) 9/20 @noon

Local CSAUP ruck event October 20 starting at The Fighting Yank.

Come support Rocky Branch trail run event Next weekend

Prayer Requests


Turtle Man

Anchor Man’s father-in-law

Membership Renewal

A solid 14 at Members Only Sunday morning. YHC decided to pick up the Q to go back for a visit after moving back to Dallas 7 months ago. While its nice to hit that closest AO it’s also nice to spend some time with others and get a change of scenery. It makes me very happy to see these guys and this AO is flourishing. Several people were out getting in extra miles. The 6:30 start group decided to do the Parkdale loop backwards. I thought this would be worse but the climb was not as bad as I thought. Turns out, when looking at the elevation map, we’ve been doing it the hard way all along. Most everyone stayed for Q source where we discussed shield lock.

January 1st New Years Day Q-Source Pre-Blast

Okay F3 Gastonia,

This year New Years Day falls on a Sunday.  There was talk of a possible convergence but with church and Sunday obligations it may be difficult for some to travel too far from home.  Instead, we will be doing a personal development exercise.

The 1FQ’s (Flintstone for those that don’t know) “Push the Rock” challengei is a perfect way to start off the first day of the year with a Sunday post at Member’s Only, Crossroads, or the Coconut Horse and stay for Q-Source and start your year off on the right path with two points towards the challenge.

What is on tap for Q-Source you ask?  We will be doing the 8-Block.  Those that have followed CSPAN and the weekly roundtable call (the first F3 podcast), may be familiar with it.  The 8-block is a worthwhile personal exercise to set your goals and priorities for the year.  More information is linked to this podcast….

You will also need your “one Word”.   What is a one word challenge? Essentially, a one word challenge involves choosing a specific word to guide you throughout the year as you make decisions, pursue goals, and try to become the human being you want to be. It’s part compass, part motivator, and part mirror.

That is it.  Show up on New Years Day at one of the three Sunday AO’s.  Get a run, ruck, or other exercises of your choice.  Bring a sheet of paper and a pen to Q Source in case the Q doesn’t have one.  We will all complete the exercise and then share with your peers and go over it again and again all year.

You will be amazed how some of your blind spots disappear and your priorities will be clearer.

Purple Haze is the Q-Source Q for 2022.  He will be leading the way at Crossroads.  YHC will have the Q at the Coconut Horse, and Tiger will be leading Member’s Only.

If you have questions feel free to contact me.



Lightning Free

The storms broke up right at 0630 so YHC and Dr. Seuss took off on a fellowship ruck. Tiger and Tesla joined for a QSource discussion on Articulation.


PT test next Sat. at Gashouse

50 mile relay 9/10

IPC in Sept

Dads Skate 9/17

JJ5k 9/24


Prayer Request

BOS and family

Tesla and family

Tiger and family




Dr. Seuss took us out

I’m Broke


2 Pax posted at Members Only Sunday morning. Tesla showed up for Q Source. Been a little light the last 2 weeks. I hope its due to vacation. The Nantan ran with EC added in. I rucked down some streets I’ve never been on(title of the BB). It looks like I’ll be moving back to Dallas in about a month so I hope turn out will keep up so that this AO can remain open. Sunday mornings with Q source is my favorite day for a post. I hope others will see how special that can be. I will be looking for a site Q to take over for me.


8 pax started their Sunday with either a run, ruck, or ride. After words we discussed correction over coffee. T-claps to all of you and your dedication to getting better each and everyday!


Announcements-tubing 7/30, 2nd f lunch coming up sometime/somewhere,

Prayer Request-Tesla’s wife and family, Broke’s wife surgery

MOB at Members Only

Runners, a rucker and the inaugural ride of the Members Only Bikers on a cool Father’s Day morning at Member’s Only. Gumby and Def Leppard drove in from the North Side to earn their patch, Mclovin, Quiche and Seuss ran to the North Side and back, and multiple others ran, rode or carried a pack. Most stayed for a great discussion on Positive Habit Transfer.



PT test and Street Cleanup this Saturday at Gashouse

Tubing July 30th

Rice and Beans every Tuesday night


Prayer Request


Gumby’s Mom

All Dad’s




PAX travels


Dr. Seuss took us out.

I’m Broke


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