Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: GasHouse (Page 9 of 53)

Gashouse PT Test – Round 2

The weather was almost perfect for Round 2 of the PT Test and 27 PAX stepped up and put in some work. In case you missed the PreBlast, here’s what the test consists of:


400m run

100 each – Merkins, LBC’s, Squats, SSH

400m run

75 each – Merkins, LBC’s, Squats, SSH

400m run

50 each – Merkins, LBC’s, Squats, SSH

400m run

25 each – Merkins, LBC’s, Squats, SSH

1600m run

*All reps of each exercise must be completed prior to moving to next exercise and all exercises are to be done in the order listed.


Since the first test was done in July, YHC was anticipating some improvement due to the more favorable conditions and the training that the PAX have been doing over the last 5 months. As always, the men of F3 Gastonia did not disappoint. Some of the big gains were: Tiger -6:19, Sargento -5:37,  Volt and Watts Up from 1 lap remaining to finish the first test to a time just over 36 minutes this time. When we did the test in July, Gavel had just started in F3 and ended up with the final 1600m run remaining when time was called. This time he finished the entire test with a time of 43:30 and all the PAX joined in for his final lap. That’s F3.

Here are the results from both tests:

 PT TEST 7-19-2020  PT TEST 11-14-2020
Breaker Breaker 38:10
Broke 32:54 30:33
Buckshot 41:45
Clavin 41:43
Def Leppard 39:03
Doodles 37:12 34:16
Double Stuff 36:45 33:40
Dr. Seuss 31:04
Dry Rub
Freight 33:18
Gavel 4 laps remaining 43:30
Hermie 3 laps remaining
Ice T 36:38
JJ 33:18
Les Nessman 3 laps remaining
Linus 1 lap remaining 43:25
Nutria 35:22
Oblivious 35:34 31:06
Orangeman 35:05 31:00
Pizza Man 29:14
Purple Haze 35:44 32:40
Roscoe 35:32 35:14
Sargento 37:45 32:08
Shortsale 33:45
Sister Act 31:12 31:30
Slaw 38:53
Sledge o matic 3 laps remaining
Spiderman 38:29
Stroganoff 35:32
Tesla 36:38 33:28
Tiger 39:19 33:00
Timeframe 39:58
Top Hat 2 laps remaining
Volt 1 lap remaining 36:39
Watts Up 1 lap remaining 36:11
Wet Nutz 41:30
Wichita 38:09
Yo Adrian 35:30



Thanksgiving Day – 0530 Folsom, 0700 Goat, 0830 Pub Turkey Trot 5k, M’s & 2.0’s welcome, asking for a $5 donation for Christmas Party

December 10th – Blood drive at Park Street Methodist in Belmont, sign up on Red Cross website and search for F3

December 12th – Christmas Party, be on the lookout for more details


Prayer Request

Sargento’s 40 day challenge prayer list

Roscoe 2.1 upcoming surgery

Tiger’s aunt in hospital

Termite upcoming surgery


Def Leppard took us out.

I’m Broke

The Six Foundational Movement Patterns

The Squat, the Hinge, The Lunge, The Push, The Pull, and the Carry.

We ran to the Church and did some abs while keeping the PAX together.

Then we did squats, run uphill, pistol squats, run downhill, and repeat x 5.

Hinge with Straight leg deadlifts

Mosey to Sherwood track for lunges but wait, there is some sidewalk chalk and a hop scotch thing set up with math equations.  Hop Scotch to the jungle gym.

Push ups and pull ups


No carry’s due to Covid so we moseyed to Grier for some football drills.

The Center hikes to the QB while the receivers run deep routes for sprints and the QB throws it as far as possible.  This was a learning opportunity as we learned our ages and lack of preparation in running, AND CATCHING the ball was very difficult.

However, when it was time to play two hand “injury free” touch football the hands got more sure and we enjoyed the remaining time playing a game.

We moseyed back the long way and circled up for our second Pledge with the PainLab PAX.

Prayer requests:  Sparky’s Dad, Hippa’s M’s side of the family, Tube with a job interview Monday, Kevin, Catamount, My Father in Law,

Thanks for Watts Up for the EC invitation.  Two for a four mile EC ruck and three for a Union Road Diner spectacular breakfast.

PT Test next Saturday at the Gashouse, November Challenge ongoing, Christmas Party December 12th.



Come On Everyone, The Walls Came Tumbling Down

YHC and others were surprised at the modest turnout considering the nearly perfect conditions.   That being said 9 HIM’s did overcome the “over sleeping” epidemic plaguing our region has been experiencing.  The one that YHC though Roscoe was going to call me out by name in his November Challenge preblast.  In talking to other PAX members they felt the same.  I regress, but there will be more to come about that.

The smaller than normal turnout and weinke with modest running it was discussed and decided that everyone should participate in the bootcamp today.  YHC felt that it was a treat to have everyone together today.

YHC showed at 6:15 for some EC to find Stroganoff already there.  He says he clocked 4 miles before 7.  Nice work!

7:00 and time to get after it!


20 SSH’s

Mosey across Garrison to the rear of the library for a better warmup.

Partner up:

P1 AMRAP big boys.

P2 up both sets of steps for 5 merkins.


All x 3

Mosey 2 doors up to dentist office for the Walls of Jericho:

7 exercises

7 count each on 3 walls (was going to be all four walls but unbeknownst to YHC there is no pavement in the rear).

Exercises were:

Imperial Walkers


Monkey Humpers

Merkins….Omaha’d these to CDD’s beginning of lap 4

Mountain Climbers


Flutters…Omaha’d these to Heels to Heaven beginning of lap 5

Mosey to Grier track for the last 15 minutes.

Partner up again.

P1 AMRAP merkins until burned out

P2 Lunge walk

P1 moseys to catch P2 then flapjack.

This went for roughly half a lap.

Mosey back to start.



Site shirts are going up for sale.  Please tell your site Q this week.  These are being ordered on 11/2.

Convergence at Martha Rivers park on Halloween morning at 7.  6:15 at Snoballs is the EC run/ruck.

PT test 11/14 Gashouse


Hermey’s M

Sargento’s M

Sister Act’s 2.0

Double Stuf’s friend Cory’s family

Linus’ father in law


Great push by all this am.  Nice comradery.  Excellent way to start the day.

Thank you to Linus for the opportunity.

Thank you to all PAX who showed for the push and inspiration.

Sounds like the AO’s and PAX are getting ready for the November challenge.  Should be great.

And the walls came a’tumbl’n down.




Sharpen Up November Challenge

Most men in life are in the middle of the bell curve  unless we choose to be be better than that.  If you believe you are one of those guys in the middle, then this is especially for you.    I am talking to the guys that post a couple days  a week and call it good.  The guys who are passively involved in one or two F’s.  The one’s who don’t avail themselves to all the items on the F3 Menu.  The ones who won’t do a CSAUP or Q a workout regularly.  The ones who don’t lives their lives intentionally and “oversleep” instead of making a decision to wake up and get after it.  This challenge is to push that bell curve to the right.

I have heard some clamoring among the Gashouse PAX for a challenge along the lines of the 40 day challenge so here it is.

No excuses!

VISION:  In November you are going to challenge yourself to a few required physical tasks as well as maintaining standards to increase your acceleration.

This challenge can be modified based on your fitness level but make sure you make it happen.


1st F Requirements:

100 Miles combined run/ruck miles for the month to include:

-At least one ten-mile run and…

-At least one 12-mile ruck

-Or…one combined run/ruck of 15 miles

One Murph workout

Combined total of at least 25 workouts (30 minutes minimum, CSAUP’s count as 1)

Hydrate and take in protein after each workout.

Dietary Guidelines:

No Soda

No Fast Food

No sweets

No chips

More water

More salads, vegetables, and lean meats

No alcohol* (except at Bottom’s Up, F3 Gastonia’s only standing 2nd F event.  Limit yourself to two drinks (Moderation in all things, including moderation))

Cheat meals must be EARNED!   (with the exception of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a cheat day)

Seven workouts in a week earns you a cheat meal.

Going to Q-Source on Sunday morning earns a cheat meal.

If you have never been to a Q-Source session and go to your first one, you get an additional Cheat meal.

Persuasion:  Don’t be weak.  If you aren’t strong, you’re wrong.  That is it.  Make a shared Google Doc with your Shieldlock to track your mileage.  Journal your posts using Notes on your phone or some other method.  Post on Slack to update on your progress #accountability

YHC encourages Site-Q’s to schedule a long run or Ruck or Murph sometime during the month.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.  Otherwise, commit now to the challenge and quit making excuses.  Covid 2020 has been a real challenge  but we can continue to improve.  Prepare for this challenge now so you are ready.    The challenge begins with a ten miler at the Coconut Horse on November 1st, followed by Q-Source.  I am sure my friends in NOGA will make a similar option available.

EXHORTATION:  Quit being soft,



Not Short Sale approved

It was a perfect fall morning for a post at the Gashouse and many a HIM showed to know. There was a rare Quiche sighting so you know something big was going to happen. Well, it did. Keep reading…

Strong health declaration that if anyone has Covid, been in contact with or around those with Covid, please stay home for a couple weeks. This was followed by the customary disclaimer even though there were no FNGs present.


Monkey Humpers (kind of in cadence)

Pledge of Allegiance

Split up the bootcamp and painlab guys with a mosey up to the Grier front parking lot. We counted off somewhere along the way and determined we have 10 although the count off was pretty wack. Oh yeah, YHC brought the music and showed off a new playlist since we got a family subscription to Spotify the day before. It’s great!

Once we got to the smooth pavement of the lot YHC paused the music so Short Sale could hear the instructions. Full disclaimer, YHC forgot his carefully prepared weinke and had to recall what to do.


Merkins on one end and WWI situps on the other. Lunge walk from one end to the other. The exercises weren’t that bad but the lunging was pretty tiresome. Good push. The music was awesome!

Mosey from there to the parking lot at Parkwood that isn’t very smooth at all. Again, I paused the music so Short Sale could hear the instructions and complain.

Four Corner Escalator

  • Corner 1 – 10 V-Ups (Sargento style which Short Sale took issue with. He showed us the “proper” way but we did it my way anyway)
  • Corner 2 – 10 V-Ups and 20 CDDs as chosen by Defib because I forgot the weinke
  • Corner 3 – 10 V-Ups, 20 CDDs and 30 Plank Jacks as chosen by Termite
  • Corner 4 – 10 V-Ups, 20 CDDs, 30 Plank Jacks and 40 Flutterkicks as chosen by Linus
  • Reverso in order back down to the start. The music was still great!

Mosey from here to the stairs in back of First Pres.

Triple Nickel

5 Merkins at the bottom, 5 Squats at the top x5. Music was phenomenal.

Mosey down to the Grier track for YHC’s interpretation of…

Dora 123

Partner up, while partner 1 does AMRAP exercises, partner 2 runs a lap around the track and then swap. Each PAX would do 3 laps, hence the 1, 2, 3. Get it? The exercises were Side Straddle Hops, Squats and Goofballs. Music was still great. There was a penalty to be paid. Roscoe was warned not to change the music but chose to anyway to his hair metal stuff. He did it twice which meant he owed 20 burpees. Short Sale took issue with my music too and split the burpees with Roscoe. That’s so sweet.

Mosey back to the start and arrive just in the nick of time! Aye!

Announcements: Convergence October 31st, PT test November 14th

Prayer requests: Double Stuf’s friend’s family, our country, Goose and young folks, Herme’s M, the election


With the passing of Edward Van Halen I knew that some VH would need to be played at the Gashouse. After a brief disclaimer, the opening exercise was SSH for the length of the song “Eruption”. I had that song on 45 ( for you “hate” PAX, a 45 is a small two sided record that contained one song on each side and had to be played on a record player.  The “A” side was the single, and the “B” side was a lesser known track. The B side was running with the devil as I recall). when I was a kid and took it proudly to my next door neighbor Because I was so proud.  He was At least 5 years older and took me to his playroom and pulled out a couple carts of albums and found the original album and all the songs. I realized I had a ways to go to be that cool. #apprenticeship

After the warmup We said the Pledge and then I put the speaker Up and we moseyed to the Library. We encountered a 10-60 suspicious vehicle and checked it out. It had a used car dealer tag and dents all over it but since it posed no threat we moved on by.
We had seven to start. The first exercise I called was the Colonel Trautman. 20 merkins at the bottom of the parking lot then run up the stairs to the library for 19, back down for 18, and so on to 1. At about 12 Stroganoff texted me and asked where we were. I texted back and shortly thereafter he joined in. It is always a good idea to carry your phone during a workout.

Next we moseyed to FPC.  Two PAX would give an exercise and we would do EMOM of those two exercises  every minute on the minute for 3 minutes and then the next two PAX would call an exercise.  We did burpees, LBC’s, squats, flutters, squats, dying cockroaches, v-up toe touches, and calf raises.

Next we moseyed to the playground for more EMOM’s  this time it was 6 pull-ups and 15 squats for 5 minutes, followed by a dead hang competition.  I underestimated how hard it was to keep my feet off the ground.  We need a high school playground.  Anyway, it came down to JJ and Goose and JJ won with probably over a minute dead hang.  Those two guys should live a long time as I hear grip strength is an indicator of life expectancy.

We then moseyed to the library again for ring around the curb.  It is a lateral bear crawl for one rotation, then we went back the other way.  We followed that with a mosey to the nature trail and some dips IC before heading back to close it out with the Pain Lab and Gashouse combined CoT


Announcements:  OCT 31 Convergeance at Martha’s House.  Costumes welcome

prayer requests: Slaw, SA’s daughter, Double-Stuff’s late friends’ family

It was great to see Goose and Woody And Anchorman back in the Gloom. It was also nice for a pretty normal breakfast at the Union Road diner, and even nicer that Boudin picked up the tab!  Until next time, keep pushing the rock!



Old School at the Gashouse

I had not Q’d at the Gashouse in quite a while and jumped at the chance when Linus called for some Q help in October.

A good crowd gathered for Painlab and the bootcamp.  One FNG showed (more to come on that).

We circled up for the disclaimer, pledge and a quick warm up of:

10 IC Imperial Walkers

10 IC Side Straddle Hops

Time to split up for the bootcamp and Painlab (Les Nesman with the Q there).

8 total took off to the track at Grier Middle School where so many of our region’s early workouts occurred.

The Thang

First up was some partner work with Dora:

Starting on the track straightaway, Partner 1 performs exercise while Partner 2 runs across the field to the straightway on the other side, performs 5 Monkey Humpers and runs back to Partner 1 and switches spots.

The Dora exercises included cumulative 100 Merkins, 200 Squats and 300 LBC’s.

Next on the list was 1/4 Mile four corners around the track as follows:

1st corner – 10 Merkins

2nd corner – 20 Squats

3rd corner – 30 CDD’s

4th corner – 40 FNG’s

We ran it back, literally as we nurred from corner to corner for the 2nd round of the same exercises in reverse.

YHC then mistakenly called a made up round of work that he called 1/4 Mile Merkin Lunges.  With same partners, Partner 1 performed AMRAP merkins while Partner 2 lunged around the track.  When Partner 1 completed a set of merkins, he ran to catch up with Partner 2 to start his set of lunges.  The original plan for this was to go a full lap…….YHC omaha’d this to a half lap and it was plenty.

Finally had to throw in a few Wolfpack Grinder laps as follows:

10 IC Squats – Run Half Lap – 50 Freddy Mercury’s

Rinse Repeat for another half lap

Next round:  10 IC Squats – Run Half Lap – 25 CDD’s

Rinse Repeat for another half lap

Nearing 0800 so we moseyed back to the Schiele for some Mary that included Flutter Kicks and Dying Cockroaches.

During the COT we each shared a praise or prayer.  I appreciate everyone sharing.

The naming of the FNG became a challenge due to his comment somehow related to “Big Gun”.  I actually do not remember the context of the comment but that led to many names suggested including “Pew Pew”.  I fought it valiantly but eventually succumbed to the time and pressure and our newest recruit was tagged with “Pew Pew”.  Welcome.

Good work men.  It was great to get out and Q the Gashouse Bootcamp again.

Until the next one.  Aye!!


IPC week 4. Murder Bunnies!!

16 for the final round or the Iron PAX Challenge.  It when like this.

1 Round For Time

10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 25yds
25 Thruster
Return to the goal line with your block

10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 50yds
50 Alternating block merkins
Return to the goal line with your block

10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 75yds
75 Curl Presses
Return to the goal line with your block

10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 100yds
100 Block Windshield Wipers
Return to the goal line with your block
10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)

Gashouse Week 3 IPC

Week 3 of Gashouse Iron Pax Challenge, no coupons, no matter.  The bootcamp aspect wiped a lot of us out.  Time’s posted started in the mid 30’s.  All Pax worked extra hard.  What I have truly loved about Gashouse commitment to the IPC for the month of September is the Bootcamp and Painlab connection we’ve experienced with all of us working as one.  The running aspect needed to be modified for some, and other Painlab regulars worked on a great mosey.  All, and I mean all of us improved today.  Mumblechatter was great.  This gives me great ideas moving forward on combining a workout (maybe once a month) with Painlab, I’ll get with Tube on that.

Great credit to Linus for confusing COT location, hoping all is accounted for in this blast.  Truly enjoyed Saturday experience.


Mosey however you like to Grier field.  Slight warm up.

SSH, Merkin and Squats:  Why not?  Plenty more coming

IPC Week 3

400 M lap

100 Merkins

400 M lap

90 Squats

400 M Lap

80 Merkins

400 M lap

70 Squats……………….

I think you get the idea, we certainly did.  Last round of 10 squats complete 800 M (two laps) and record your time.  Total laps should account for 3 miles.


CSAUP this weekend, hope you made it

Mt. Mitchell Hike:  This coming weekend, see Gastone for any details


Dry Rub and wife

Clavin and family

Les Nesman and family

Hermie and brother (doing much better)

Singlet (F3 visit from Chapel Hill) and friend

Gashouse Rendition of Iron Pax week 2

24 HIM decided to fight off the fartsack and post for what would be the hardest IronPax challenge this year.  YHC arrived early to set up cones and flag.  The first thing I noticed was that 25 yards between the flag and the cones was a lot further than I expected – Not good when rifle carrying a 35lb cinder block.

We started at Schiele for a quick warm up of 20 SSH and 20 LBCs before heading over to Grier for the formal challenge – “A wheel of Misfortune” This was an AMRAP  43 minute wheel and spoke designed workout with a 400meter run to start and after each round.  After the initial 400meter run start at the center of the wheel with 10 squat thrusters. Pax then  rifle carry block periphery of wheel 25 yards away to one of 6 cones  to perform an exercise then rifle carry back to center for 10 squat thrusters – Exercises at each cone included, 25 Derkins, 25 Blockees, 25 Weighted Squats, 25 Block Swings, 25 vertical presses, and 25 Alpo’s (crossed arm block raises).  All Pax (Painlab and bootcamp) participated.  Rifle carries and squat thrusters proved to be the archenemy and mumble chatter was quite minimal.  All pax killed it – pushing themselves beyond the usual Gashouse /PainLab work.  In the end I believe all were fairly proud of their achievements.  Despite being gassed at the end YHC called out 5 additional squat thrusters to remind everyone that you are more capable than your mind would have you believe (see David Goggins).  Tclaps to Freight who proved that despite a diet consisting of livermush it is still possible to push through over 540 reps in 43 minutes. I suspect if he took better care of himself he would have beaten SA today.


Sept19 – CSAUP

Sept 26th JJ 5K

Sept 27th hike Mt Mitchell

Blood drive date TBD

Prayers requests:

Friends and families battling addiction, Clavin and his family, SA’s daughter, Pizzman’s family, Double Stuf’s friend in ICU, Breaker’s daughter-in-law


TAPs go out to F3Lake Wylie and the friends and family of Jay Grigg – F3 “Cash” – RIP



As always it was a true honor to lead this outstanding group HIM,



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