Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: GasHouse (Page 2 of 53)

Glossy Lips @ Gashouse

It wasn’t really that gloomy.  The weather was just about perfect.

Good crowd for Painlab and Gashouse Bootcamp, especially considering the F4 event occurring at the same time.

Short disclaimer and warm up of Side-Straddle Hops and Imperial Walkers before the groups split up.

The bootcampers moseyed to the entrance to the museum parking lot for 4 burpees.  We headed toward the track behind Sherwood Elementary that included 3 stops along the way for 3, 2, and 1 burpee respectively.

Time for a super simple, modified Wolfpack Grinder Workout that included some moseying and 3 sets of 3 exercises X 4 times:

Round 1:  Merkins – LBC’s – Squats (Run half of track between sets of all 3 exercises – this would be the repeated rhythm for the workout with other runs across the field and back)

Round 2:  Derkins – Flutter Kicks – Lunges (3 sets with running in between each set)

Round 3:  CDD’s – Freddy Mercury’s – Step Ups

Round 4:  Dips – Dying Cockroaches – Calf Raises

To finish it out we performed 10 reps of the first 10 exercises (no Dying Cockroaches or Calf Raises due to time)

We started working our way back to the Schiele with stops along the way for burpees.

Pledge – Announcements – Prayers – Name-O-Rama

During the COT, Whoopee shared some info about TM (The Man) and The Campos, the original Saturday workout that eventually birthed F3.  One of the originals recently passed away.

Also, Whoopee spurred us during the workout to pick up trash around the AO at Sherwood Elementary.  Well done Whoopee as we did clean it up significantly.

Until the next one.  Aye.


Gashouse 10/28/23

When Short Sale reached out to YHC to grab a Q, YHC knew exactly what he would do. Bring the blocks to Gashouse and administer the same Iron PAX challenge he led at Folsom a couple months ago! It’s a heck of a beatdown, and it truly is you vs. you.

Warmup: The usual stuff


Nutria takes the pain lab boys and the boot campers follow YHC across Garrison to the library parking lot. Grab a coupon out of the bed of the truck and line up side-by-side on one side of the parking lot. The thing to remember is that all the exercises are performed in 25 rep sets. After 25 reps, set the coupon down, mosey to the other side of the parking lot, do 3 Burpees, then return to coupon and resume the reps until all reps for that exercise are completed. Exercises are reps were as follows:

  • 200 Curls
  • 175 Squats
  • 150 Overhead Presses
  • 125 Block Swings
  • 100 Merkins
  • 75 Thrusters
  • 50 Bonnie Blairs
  • 25 Blockees

Mumble chatter was light, then got better after awhile. Some bad dad jokes (Broke has a few if you really have nothing better to do with your life). Some discussion on if (or when) the “b!tch” will be back. See Whoopee’s downtown BB if you need clarification. He wasn’t at Gashouse, either. The valley is deep.

All the PAX pushed hard. Like YHC stated earlier, this one’s a gasser. We put the coupons back and moseyed back to start just as the 8 o’clock church bells rang. Great work, men!


  • 11/4 – 24 hour run at Old School. Start time is 0530. Also, Folsom will be closed and all Dallas boys meet at Old School for The Touchdown Beatdown. Winner takes the belt!
  • 11/18 – F4 Trail Run at Midoriyama
  • 11/23 – Ultimate Frisbee Tournament at Midoriyama Thanksgiving morning
  • 11/25 – Speed for Need at the Christmastown 5K. HC to Broke if you want to push a track commander.
  • 12/2 – Convergence at the Yank the Christmas party at Lewis Farm that evening
  • 12/9 – Beer Ruck. BOS has the lead

Prayer Requests:

  • Jackson Hall
  • Turtleman
  • Gumby’s Mom
  • Kids  we will be pushing at the Christmastown 5k
  • Clavin’s M
  • Quiche headed to Pakistan

Great to see a lot of the Gashouse guys I usually don’t see. I hope the beatdown was worth the price of admission! Until next time –



Forty Day Challenge…Again

F3 Gastonia has been around for 8.5 years.  During this time there have been numerous CSAUP’s, beatdowns, new AO’s, and the occasional random challenge.  The Forty Days of Discipline Challenge has been completed several times and it is coming back by popular demand.

This is a fitness and nutrition challenge, but like anything dealing with discipline, it will be on you to control yourself.  Some key points to consider:

  • Delayed gratification
  • Not eating/drinking certain things, regardless of your appetite
  • Discipline isn’t concerned about your feelings, only your behaviors.

This 40 day initiative begins on October 14th and ends on November 22nd, 2023.  Yes, that is the day before Thanksgiving. (You’re welcome)


  1. Workout a minimum of 5 xs per week from October 14th through November 22nd.

Don’t eat sweets, soft drinks, or junk food.  ONE cheat meal the entire 40 days.  You can earn more.  Don’t drink any alcohol  (with two exceptions*).   Hold yourself accountable by journaling your efforts.

  1. Cherish your M: Take your wife out on at least two dates in the forty days. (no kids)  
  2. Bring at least one FNG to a workout in these 40 days. For every FNG, you get a cheat meal.  #AlwaysbeEH’ing.  If you EH a guy who posts and you aren’t there, that is a 50 burpee penalty #nojoke
  3. Acts of Service: Do something for someone else daily with no expectation of anything in return.  Be grateful you get to do it.  Encourage others.  Lead or participate in a service project.  Make a point to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know.  Journal your efforts (honor system) Extra credit if your 2.0’s watch your example and/or participate. 
  4.  Read a book.


Your fitness is important and you are pushing the rock.  You workout with your brothers.  You are blessed to continually strive to experience all 3 F’s and you know that when you are striving to be your best, you need to share it.  Be the example.  Be the man you know you were made to be. 

Now for the fine print….


You must workout a minimum of 5 times per week (at least 27 workouts in 40 days) using the #F3 250 model.  Any workout that is a minimum of 30 minutes counts.  This could include running, cycling, rucking, any F3 workout or workout you put together at home.  Two a-day workouts count.  Example, you complete an F3 bootcamp in the morning and a minimum 30 minute run in the afternoon=2 workouts.

Diet:      No Mountain Dew.  No other soft drinks, desserts, sweets, potato chips, junk food, etc.  You know what your food vices are so stay away from them.  Fast food is allowed if it is salad or chili and unsweetened tea or water…you get the idea. Orangeman can’t have his Princess Punch or whatever specialty coffee he orders at F&B’s.

Protein shakes within 30 minutes of ending the workout.  Get some protein powder and a shaker bottle and make it a habit.   Drink more water.  You will be working out more and this will help you recover.

You are allowed ONE cheat meal.  Your choice but they must be named and claimed. If you work out more than 5 times per week, you can claim an extra cheat meal.  An example is a couple of slices of pizza but don’t blow it on a whole pizza.  Even though you will be getting the workouts in you can’t out train a bad diet.  Remember you can earn more by bringing in an FNG or going on a date with your M.  If you attend at least two Q-Sources, you get a cheat meal.  If you meet with your stone/blade, you get a cheat meal.  If you do something with your shieldlock, you get one cheat meal.

Alcohol:  No Alcohol.  I will include two exceptions.  Wedding receptions and tailgates.  (A marriage retreat is also acceptable)  It is football season after all. This only includes football tailgates at and before an actual game you attend.  This does not include FUTBOL and does not include your tailgate spread at home when you watch on tv.  Wedding receptions are self-explanatory.  If they want you to dance you probably need a drink.  I know you guys.  It will also prove you can have fun at a second F event and still enjoy it without your pumpkin spice Ale.

You must keep a daily journal of both your workouts and cheat meals. The journal is for your eyes only.  I use the “notes” on my IPhone since I always have it with me.  I have journaled all my workouts on my phone since 2017.  It is helpful to look back and see types of workouts, two a days, and extra credit workouts that make journaling worth it.  You can also see where you failed to work out and why.  It is a good habit.  I also saw where I was injured and what I did to modify workouts until I was healed up.

Journal what you are grateful for and start with your M.  Try not to take her for granted.  If she likes to stay home, stay home and spend time without distractions.  Write her notes…send her flowers…cards…Text emoji’s are nice but they don’t count.  If you are on a date with your wife, you can eat a free cheat meal.  If you don’t have an M, be nice to your dog (or cat).  (If this isn’t in your comfort zone and your M is taken aback in your sudden change in behavior, it will probably be amusing so share it with your bros)


If you missed an opportunity to bless someone by an act or gesture of kindness, try not to miss the opportunity the next time.

Read a book that would do you good.  Make it about something that interests you or inspires you.  You have the time.

Give it away.  Think about that friend that you have mentioned F3 to many times.  You know he needs it so get him out.  And then do it to someone else.  Pick them up.  Post with them.  If they post and you aren’t there, you will do 50 burpees the next time you post. If an FNG shows up for the first time and says he was EH’d by you, you will be called out on all social channels and ridiculed without mercy (and deservedly so)

Be grateful for your family.  Be the example for your kids.  Push the rock and hold yourself accountable.  Give it away.  Realize it isn’t about you.  Serve others.  Be the best you can be.  Maybe we will all be a little better in October and November because we will be intentional about it.    Make positive change in yourself and make it contagious.  Also, when you get lean and ripped before you see your in laws at Thanksgiving, they will be in awe that someone (your age) looks that damn good.

It begins next week so get ready and prepare!



Stupid is as Stupid Does

The humidity is still hanging on and it might impact what I had in mind for the bootcamp.

Quality crowd for both the bootcamp and painlab this morning.

The best part for me were two Kotters.  My nephew Prius came out for the beatdown along with Happy Feet (F3 Dads name – that will change today).

Disclaimer.  Pledge.

Short Warm-Up with 12 IC side-straddle hops and 12 IC Imperial Walkers.

The Thang

Mosey to the entrance to the museum parking lot (what will we do?):

2 burpees – let’s rehash The Forrest Gump (which we have not done in several years).

Start the mosey west on Garrison Blvd – quick stop at the first street for 2 burpees.

Mosey to the parking lot at East Garrison Baptist Church for some OYO work:

15 Merkins – 20 Squats – 25 LBC’s – 2 burpees

Mosey to the Taxco Mexican parking lot

Repeat OYO reps:  15 Merkins – 20 Squats – 25 LBC’s – 2 burpees

Mosey to the memorial in the center of Lineberger Park for some Dora 1-2-3:

Partner up  for cumulative 100 CDD’s – 200 Squats – 300 Flutter Kicks

While partner 1 performs the exercise reps, partner 2 runs up toward the pool to the top of the steps and back.   Everyone enjoyed this one.

10 count followed by a mosey to the top of the steps again for 2 more burpees before moseying further up to the picnic shelter inside the train track for more in-cadence reps:

12 Dips – 12 Step Ups – 12 Dips – 12 Step Ups – 10 Dips – 10 Step Ups

10 count before moseying back to the memorial in the center of the park.

15 OYO derkins – 10 OYO derkins – 2 burpees

Start the mosey back toward the Schiele:

1st stop at the corner convenience store – 2 burpees

2nd stop at Taxco Mexican Restaurant – 15 Merkins – 20 Squats – 25 LBC’s

3rd stop back at East Garrison Baptist Church – 15 Merkins – 25 LBC’s and finished with the Forrest Gump tradition of 20 Monkey Humpers along the edge of Garrison Blvd….always a traffic pleaser.

Mosey back to the Schiele.  Time for one set of 20 reps of dying cockroaches.



Belmont ruck on 10/21

2nd F lunch coming up at Pita Wheel Gastonia

Prayer Requests:

Turtleman – Jackson Hall – Norwood

Good work men.  We covered just over 3 miles during the bootcamp.

Good to see some Kotters out at the Gashouse this morning.   A big welcome to Enos (Roscoe’s son and previously known as Happy Feet from his F3 Dads days).

Honored to lead.  Until the next one.  Aye!


Golden Anniversary

YHC took the Q at Gashouse on Thursday, and by Friday night, the ideas for a weinke started forming. Early in the evening on Friday, YHC remembered that tomorrow was his parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. This seemed like an important event, but how would that be relevant to the PAX? Then, later that evening after enjoying the music of the Liquid Pleasure Band in Mt Holly, YHC found out that it was the 50th anniversary of Hip-Hop. Who knew? As someone who experienced high school and college in the 90’s, this seemed significant due to the quality of hip-hop music in the 90’s. But once again, how would this be relevant ot the PAX? The events may have been less important for a global reach, but numbers are important. And the number 50 seemed like the right direction for the weinke.

YHC arrived to the Schiele on Saturday morning to find Flintstone and Virus in what appeared to be a post-run state. Thought they’d got in some EC and would be joining the crowd. Turns out, they were taking a little break half-way through their 14 mile mosey. Good work men.

0700 and time to get going. Brief disclaimer.

SSH IC x 10
Low-Slow Squats x 10
Merkins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10
(That’s 50 in the warm-up in case you missed that)

The Pledge

Bootcamp moseyed off while Nutria took the Pain Lab crew.

Mosey to the steps at First Pres where I gave the Site Q the option of 5-10 or 10-5. After some explanation and deep, thoughtful consideration, Short Sale chose 5-10.
That meant 5 count of each exercise 10 times.
So 5 Squats at the bottom of the stairs, mosey up the stairs, 5 Big Boy Sit-ups, mosey back down the stairs.
Repeat that 10 times (Once again, that’s 50 of each exercise in case you aren’t keeping up).

Mosey to the parking lot of Parkwood. Earlier YHC had explained to the PAX about the relevance of the number 50 to which Short Sale responded if it was the anniversary of hip-hop, then why didn’t we have any music? This is what makes him the King of Q and YHC a mere peasant Q dealing out scraps to the PAX. Had the idea not formed at 9:30pm the night before, that idea may have come up but probably not. With only a phone in hand, YHC started playing the “50th Anniversary of Hip-Hop” playlist on Amazon music. This was extremely underwhelming, but YHC let it play nonetheless.

Here’s how the parking lot madness went…

Start in the middle of the 4 corners. Mosey to the first corner and complete 10 of the exercise. Then, return to the center for 1 burpee.
Mosey to the second corner (counter-clockwise) and complete another 10 of the same exercise. Then, return to the center for 1 burpee.
Repeat for all 4 corners. Once returning to the center, complete a final 10 of the same exercise and 1 burpee.
That made 50 of each exercise during a round.
Round 1 – SSH
Round 2 – Jump Squats
Round 3 – Flutters (Count both legs)
Round 4 – Hand-release Merkins
Round 5 – Calf Raises
Round 6 – LBCs
Round 7 – Air Presses
Round 8 – Lunges (Count both legs)
Round 9 – Crunchy Frogs
Round 10 – Mike Tysons

Once we completed round 6, time was running low. So we had to combine rounds 7-10. Instead of 1 burpee, we did 4 burpees to make sure we hit the count.
So that was 50 of each exercise and 50 total burpees.

With little time remaining, mosey back to the flag arriving at exactly the 1 hour mark.

PT Tests coming up; Classic next Weds @ Ricky Bobby
Kings to Crowder Ruck 8/27 (#1 in 3-part Ruck Series)
Coconut Derby 9/4 – the belt is on the line
Convergence on Labor Day (9/4) @ Caramount Park downtown

Prayer Requests
Nutria’s brother adoption

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time (shameless plug, which will be next Weds at The Labyrinth, 2nd Annual Back to School Q)…

Gashouse “53”

Yesterday was my 53rd birthday so I decided to have a “53” theme to the workout.  For better or worse, I have not written out a weinke in years and today was no different.  We would figure it out.

Good crowd for both the bootcamp and painlab workout this morning and we gathered for the disclaimer and warm-up:

11 IC – Side Straddle Hops; 11 IC – Imperial Walkers; 11 IC – Squats; 11 IC – LBC’s; 9 IC – Merkins (total reps add up to 53 IC)

The Thang

Bootcamp group moseyed up to the Grier Middle School parking lot for the first round of exercises:

Bear Crawl across parking lot – 11 Merkins at other side – Lunge back to other side of lot (11 lunges per leg) Repeat 4 more times with the last set at 9 reps. (Total of 53 reps of merkins and lunges)

Mosey toward First Presbyterian Church with a stop at the steps at the Garrison Blvd light for 53 calf raises.  Dodge the traffic and mosey to the PAD and steps behind First Presbyterian for some Dora 1-2-3 with a “53” twist.

CDD’s (106 reps) – Squats (212 reps) – Flutter Kicks (318 reps) – Partner 2 ran up steps and tagged the building before returning.

Mosey off-road to the Sherwood Elementary track for some modified Wolfpack Grinder work.  We had a spectator with a dude on the Sherwood field practicing his golfing skills.  He needs to keep practicing.

The modified Wolfpack Grinder went like this:

11 Merkins  – Run 1/2 lap – 53 LBC’s – 11 Merkins – Run 1/2 lap – 53 Freddy Mercury’s – 11 Merkins – Run 1/2 lap – 53 LBC’s – 11 Merkins – Run 1/2 lap – 53 Freddy Mercury’s – 9 Merkins (53 total merkin reps)

Mosey to the closest parking lot beside the Sherwood field for some sprint & merkin work:

Split into two groups (3 & 4).  1st group sprints across parking lot and does 11 Merkins at opposite end and sprints back while 2nd group rests.  Repeat 4 times with the last set of 9 merkins.  (53 total reps)

Start working our way back toward the Schiele with a few stops on the way.  Mosey a short distance and then stop for 11 Squats + 11 CDD’s.  Repeat the mosey and exercises 4 more times for a total of 53 reps before arriving back at the start.

One minute left for Mary.  JJ called Flutter Kicks until our time ran out.

Good work men.

Announcements:  F3 Dads coming up on August 19th?  Another annihilation workout coming up.

Prayer Requests:  Praise for Radar’s sister; prayers for Norwood, Turtleman, Clavin’s M

Pledge of Allegiance followed by praying us out.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


The Daughter’s Boyfriend is Coming to Gashouse

I had gotten word that the boyfriend of one of Whoopee’s daughters might be attending with him.  I paused with this knowledge…..and reworked my planned wienke.  More pain.  I then remembered that I’m afraid of Whoopee’s M and decided maybe I should dial down the pain.

Good crowd for both painlab and the bootcamp.  The boyfriend did indeed show up so let’s get after it.

Circle up at 0700 for the pledge and warm-up:  SSH X 10 – Imperial Walkers X 10 – Gravel Pickers (not really but I did threaten them for Whoopee)

Bootcampers took off with YHC for a mosey up to the Grier Middle School parking lot.  I typically run basic Q’s and today would be no different.

20 Merkins – 50 LBC’s – 25 squats

Mosey to the next stop down Burtonwood Rd.

20 Merkins – 50 LBC’s – 25 Squats

Mosey to the parking lot in front of Ollie’s.

20 Merkins – 50 LBC’s – 25 Squats

Time for some modified partner Dora work:

Partner 1 does exercise – Partner 2 runs to upper end of parking lot, performs 1 burpee and returns to start the exercise

Cumulative 100 CDD’s – 200 Flutter Kicks – 100 Lunges

Mosey up to New Hope Rd for the next stop in the BOA parking lot.

20 Merkins – 50 LBC’s – 25 Squats (Whoopee performed some solo hip slappers on the BOA wall during this stop)

Mosey across New Hope to Dr. Feelgood’s office for some dips (20) and Derkins (20) and a selfie in front of his office.

Back across New Hope to Myers Memorial Church – great location on their steps for 30 calf raises.

Time to start the trek back toward the Schiele.  Moseyed back down Burtonwood with the next stop at the Pearson Properties building.

20 Merkins – 50 LBC’s – 25 Squats

Moseyed back to the upper entrance to Grier and the steps at Garrison for 30 more calf raises.

And for heaven’s sake, a quick stop for hip slappers (so Whoopee would shut up about them) against the Grier auditorium outside wall followed by some Derkins (15).

Mosey back to the Schiele to finish up with some Flutter Kicks and Goofballs (of course called by Sargento).


Blood drive coming up in a couple of weeks.  2nd F lunch at Logan’s next week.

Several prayer requests across the groups.

Welcome FNG Jackpot and Pacino (from Painlab)

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Clock Work at Gashouse

Gashouse 5/20/23
Warmup with the Painlab guys.
SSH, Cotton Pickers, Hillbillies, ROL stretches, leg stretches on ground, Merkins. (Some of these did not meet the exacting standards of some Pax but we persevered). Timeframe is the Q for the Painlab guys and will have their backblast. A nice sized group of 11 bootcampers with Sargento joining somewhere along the way so let’s roll.

Mosey across the road to the far side middle of Parkwood Baptist parking lot.
Filthy Fifty Pain Clock – Start in the center (Clavin tried to help keep us returning to the same spot but I kept messing it up). Everyone stay together. Try to picture the parking lot as a big clock, no not a digital clock. Run to 12 o’clock, 50 reps of exercise, back to center, run to 1 o’clock, 50 reps of something, back to center, etc. all the way around to 11 o’clock. I thought our clock looked pretty good on Strava.
Flutters (count right leg),
MNC’s, (SA loves those)
Freddy Mercuries (count right leg),
Calf Raises,
Imperial Walkers (count right side),
Plank Jacks,
Overhead Claps.

Mosey to Presbyterian church to find blocks (not the official 35 pounders but my 24 pounders).
Curls x 30
OH Press x 30
Shrugs x 30
On Your Six Chest Press x 40
Triceps Ext x 30
Rows x 15 each arm
Swings x 30
Repeat Curls x 30

Mosey to Presbyterian back bottom parking lot closer to their ball field for Georgia Pine or Meet in The Middle. Partner up and run in opposite directions to the middle parking lot. When you meet, P1 squat holds while P2 does 5 burpees. Flapjack. Repeat until each partner has done 25 burpees. Meet back at the start. Round 2 is Plank Hold and Merkins x 10, up to 50 merkins each but most made 3 rounds. Round 3 we didn’t get to for time.

I try to have a theme or quote from someone dispersed throughout the workout when the Pax (or likely myself) may need a rest. Here are a few I read today mostly on Perseverance.
1. “If you can’t outplay them, outwork them.” ~ Ben Hogan
2. “What you lack in talent can be made up with desire, hustle and giving 110% all the time.” ~ Don Zimmer
3. “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ~ George Bernard Shaw
4. “You just can’t beat the man who won’t give up” ~ Babe Ruth
5. “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by a**holes.” ~ William Gibson (Whoopee finished this one for us)
6. “Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don’t have a plan.” ~ Larry Winget
7. (One of my favorites) 1 Corinthians 16:13 NASB “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” Apostle Paul

Announcements: 2nd F Lunch at The Lodge Wednesday 5/24 at noon
Town of Lowell BBQ Event today

Prayer Requests
Sargento’s Uncle
Ratchet son Jackson Hall is coming home from cancer treatments today
Kids graduating

**NMM Always a pleasure to Q at the original Gashouse site of my first post ever. Thanks to all of the Pax who posted today and got just a little bit better. Whoopee tried to sing but it didn’t go well. Great to see Medicine Woman as we go way back to “the leg” days. Stroganoff ran over 5 fast miles EC. Sister Act usually has more to say but I guess he misses his buddy Slaw who was away with Broke on a couples retreat I think. We got in 3 miles and a lot of reps so it was a good morning.

Welcome to the Jungle

A month or more ago after a Sandlot workout, Flintstone approached YHC and the conversation went something like this:
FS: I want to start the Annihilation workout series back.
YHC: That’s a great idea.
FS: I want you to lead the first workout at Gashouse one Saturday.
YHC: That’s a terrible idea.

It didn’t take too much arm twisting and YHC agreed to lead the workout. Since then, YHC has been thinking of ways to draw up a weinke that would challenge the PAX but also one the Q could complete (If you can’t do it, don’t Q it.)

Fast forward to the eve of the event, and YHC found himself at the Guns n Roses tribute band (Night Train) concert in Belmont. They were in full costume and played all the GNR hits. As they played Welcome to the Jungle, YHC thought about the next morning and the fun and games in store for the PAX. Almost inspired YHC to bring along a speaker with GNR hits for the workout, but that seemed too frilly for an annihilation workout. The pre-blast said no BS, and the thought of bluetooth trouble getting in the way deterred that thought pretty quickly.

0700 Saturday morning so it’s time to go. Quick disclaimer and even quicker warm-up.


Bootcamp with me; Pain Lab staying with Noisy Cricket.

Mosey past the farm down the hill. This was a last minute addition in fear that YHC didn’t have enough to fill the hour. 1 burpee at the bottom of the hill. Mosey up the Hill. 2 burpees at the top. Back down the hill. Increment 1 burpee at each stop. The plan was to go to 11, but YHC wanted to get on with the original plan. Mosey by the stream towards Garrison. Then, we hit a bump in the road, or a fence on the hill, where in the past we could access the side parking lot of the Schiele. Well….now there was a locked gate. Mosey back down the trail, up the hill past the farm, through the parking lot, and around the museum.

In the parking lot, Route 66 with Merkins at each parking space line and bear crawls in between.

Once that was done, mosey down Garrison and across into the office parking lot. YHC called 11’s, but this was annihilation so these would be “nasty” 11’s. Unlike typical 11’s, there would be 11 Monkey Humpers at the bottom of the hill, mosey up the hill with a stop in the middle for a burpee, and 11 Perfect-form Merkins up the hill, mosey back down the hill with another stop for a burpee in the middle. The final 11 would be the 11 minute timer set to track how long we’d run up and down the hill. This was a very long 11 minutes.

Once the timer sounded, the PAX moseyed over to the wall behind the offices for a pyramid.
Wall-sits with 5 Air Presses IC, then 5 Hip Slappers IC
Wall-sits with 10 Air Presses IC, then 10 Hip Slappers IC
Wall-sits with 15 Air Presses IC, then 15 Hip Slappers IC
Wall-sits with 10 Air Presses IC, then 10 Hip Slappers IC
Wall-sits with 5 Air Presses IC, then 5 Hip Slappers IC

At various points (including this one), YHC called on the PAX for a 3-count for a quick breather. Annihilation ain’t got no time for a 10-count.

Let’s mosey. Line the PAX up for an Indian Run down the side streets on the south side of Garrison. We ended up in Lineberger Park at the flag poles. Around the poles, there were 9 stations, one exercise at each station. Just happened to have 10 PAX. One man at each station with the 10th running as the timer. Timer would run up the hill, up the steps, perform 2 burpees, then run back. When he returned, PAX would rotate to next station with last man now running as the timer.

Hand Release Burpees
Spiderman Burpees
Wolverine Burpees
8-Count Body Builders
Mike Tysons
Crunchy Frogs
Jump Squats
Flutter Crunches
Jump Lunges

After each PAX had a chance to serve as the timer, it was time to head back.

At this point, YHC was pretty smoked but knew we had a mile back to the flag. Group moseyed back down the side street on the north side of Garrison with several stops to gather the PAX (or keep the Q from splashing merlot). Mosey back to the entrance of the Schiele with less than a minute remaining. Jail break with what you have left back to the flag.

And that gentlemen was time.

2F Lunch 24th @ The Lodge in Belmont
Memorial Day Murph – 0700 start – No 0530 Sandlot bootcamp that morning
Next annihilation – June 3 @ The Yank led by Boudin
NEW SUMMER AO – Friday mornings – Starting 6/2 – 0645 start – Short Sale serving as Site – Meet at Pharr Corporate building

Prayer Requests
Jackson Hill – Ratchet’s 2.0
No Brainer drag race proceeds going to their Brain Cancer Foundation
Flintstone’s mom and dad
Buckeye and family of Buckeye’s friend

Prayer to take us out.

It was an honor to lead the workout and thankful for the PAX that showed up. Hope it was worth your time. YHC has been pretty sore ever since so hopefully you are going through the same misery.

Wet Meow

13 PAX in the rain at Gashouse on Saturday. A much better turnout than I thought. Some may have showed because they HC’d to help pickup trash after. I didn’t officially cancel that until about 0630 just to make sure people still posted. We will reschedule that soon.


Led by Tube. Then the bootcampers went for a mosey up to the front parking lot at Grier.

The Thang:

Dirty dirty triple nickel. Lunges on one end and WWl’s on the other. Every time you pass a drain do a burpee. There were 2. Next we mosey’d down to the track….Son of a….it’s locked! Mosey over to the Presbyterian parking lot. We got into groups of 4. I instructed the PAX to mosey a lap then carry one member of the team one lap. Rinse and repeat until all members had been carried. The intent here was for all members to be involved in the carry. Most teams messed this up. Maybe it was my directions. I’ll take ownership of this one. That being said even once they saw my team and heard my instructions they still didn’t comply. Some people are afraid of the harder thing. Proof of this was seen in the recent QvQ voting where the easier thing won out. Only by one so that leaves me hope! Any way back over to the Grier parking lot. Broad jump 2 spaces and do 10 burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs, and 10 WWl’s. Do this 2 more times then bearcrawl back to the start. That’s 1 round. Do 3 rounds. Sounds simple right? Yeah not with this crowd. Especially Shortsale who complained that it wasn’t written out and laminated for all to see. Now I get why he does that. He can’t remember what to do. No wonder he spent the first 10 minutes of his QvQ finally not working out and just walking around yelling instructions. It wasn’t until I called him out for Qing and not doing that he joined me for the exercises. Noted he didn’t mention that in the BB. On this fine morning he decided to ramp up his mummblechatter to try and get at me. The problem was when the real work started he couldn’t do both….hate to see it. Keep practicing Shorty. After this we moseyed down to the corner of the museum for a few rounds of wall sits and Mike Tysons to finish things off.





Prayer request


I’d also like to note that I picked up the 6 during this workout and I did not see Slaw doing the same. #Freight2023


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