Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: GasHouse (Page 1 of 53)

Solo Gashouse Bootcamp – Did I Miss a Memo?

Several (5 I think) showed for the Painlab this morning while I was the only one for the bootcamp.  Maybe I missed a memo with so many other events going on.  However, it’s F3 so let’s get after it.

Mosey over to 1st Presbyterian Church for a solo beatdown:

1 set each of 3 exercises followed by a slow mosey twice around the circle drive in front of the sanctuary.  1st 3 exercises were Merkins, LBC’s and Squats.  Rinse-Repeat 2 more times.

Second round included Derkins, Flutter Kicks and Lunges.  Rinse-Repeat 2 more times.

Mosey to the back of the Church in front of the fellowship hall.  Same routine with the mosey up the steps at the PAD and back.

The exercises were Dips, Freddy Mercury’s and Calf Raises.  Rinse-Repeat 2 more times.  After completing the 3 sets, we (I) did one set of all 9 exercises in succession.

Finished off the workout with 10 – 12 minutes of running the steps at the PAD along with the hill that goes behind the PAD down to the parking lot and back up.

Mosey back to the Schiele to close out the workout.

COT led by Sledge.  See the Painlab backblast for the details.

One quick note.  If I was meeting up with some guys to run or workout before F3 and no one showed, I would have gotten back in my car and headed home.  This solo workout was not the most intense workout ever in F3, however, at age 53, it was a good, solid workout for me.  As I have said many times, I have never regretted showing up for an F3 Workout or Event (except maybe The Mortimer).

Until the next one.  Aye!


Back to the Gashouse

Due to illness, work schedule, family commitments, I have not Q’d in quite a while and have only Boot Camped 3 – 4 times over the past 2 1/2 months.  In order to force myself to post, I asked Short Sale for the Gashouse Bootcamp Q.  He relented.

Good crowd for the Bootcamp and PainLab.  Well done men.

No FNG’s so we got right to the warm up:

12 SSH’s IC – 12 Imperial Walkers IC – 8 Merkins IC

Time for the bootcampers to leave the painlabbers behind.

We moseyed up to the drop off zone/pull through (sorry, I’m sure there is a more official name for this) at First Presbyterian Church for some simple circuit work:

3 sets of 3 exercises followed by two slow moseys around the drop off path.

Round 1:  10 Merkins – 25 LBC’s – 20 squats – Slow Mosey (Rinse Repeat 3 times)

Round 2:  10 Derkins – 30 Flutter Kicks – 10 Lunges – Slow Mosey (Rinse Repeat 3 times)

Mosey to the back of the Church outside the fellowship hall for Round 3 where the mosey included running from the covered portico up the steps to the scout building, perform 5 merkins before returning.

Round 3:  12 dips – 30 Freddy Mercurys – 10 Step Ups – Slow Mosey (Rinse Repeat 3 times)

For the finale of these exercises we repeated one set of each of the exercises for a total of 36 sets of exercises.

Still time remaining so we partnered up for some Dora 1-2-3 at the Pad.

Exercises included 50 Merkins – 100 Mountain Climbers – 150 Flutter Kicks.  Partner two ran up the steps and performed two burpees before returning to relieve his partner.  That is correct, I included a few burpees in the workout.

Time to mosey back.  We paused three times for 10 Squats and made it back right at 0800.

Well done men.

Announcements:  Extinction run next Saturday, the 18th.  If you can’t be there, please consider donating.  Lunch coming up this week at Ray’s Smokehouse.  Multiple prayer requests.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye.


Let’s Celebrate

April 27th is my wedding anniversary and my mom’s birthday. So this is cause for a celebration.

Party began with a disclaimer then the warm-up
SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 15
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 15

The Pledge

Pain Lab went and did their thing while the bootcampers moseyed to the 1st Pres parking lot.

YHC brought party gifts and wanted to give them out while the PAX were still fresh.
Route 66 with Merkins and Bear Crawls and with stops at each parking space line.
This was well received and the PAX were appreciative of the party gifts.

Mosey to the hill at the back of 1st Pres.
It was YHC and M’s 22nd anniversary so this called for 22s.
2 SSH in the parking lot and up the hill to the benches for 20 Dips.
Count up and count down until we got to 20 SSH and 2 Dips.

To keep the party going, we celebrated my mom’s 71st birthday using the steps.
Partner up for a Dora-style party game
71 Hand-Release Merkins
171 Squats
271 Flutter Kicks

If there wasn’t enough celebration already, mosey to the baseball field at 1st Pres to celebrate Babe Ruth Day (also 4/27)
From home plate, mosey to right field for 10 Burpees
Slow mosey to center field for 10 Burpees, and 20 American Hammers
Mosey to left field for 10 Burpees, 20 American Hammers, and 30 Big Boy Situps
Mosey to home plate for 10 Burpees, 20 American Hammers, 30 Big Boy Situps, and 40 Eagle Wings (these were actually only Bat Wings, but you need an E to spell Babe, the exicon is short on E’s, and there were no bricks readily available).

From there, mosey to the pharmacy parking lot, where the PAX gave out their gifts.
If I remember, Tricycle gave us Shoulder Taps and Cheesesteak gave us LBCs (I think)

Back to the flag for a couple rounds of Mary.

Goonie 5/4
Schiele entrance will be closed soon; will have another entrance in the back of the parking lot (more details to come)
Extinction Run
Memorial Day Murph at The Sandlot – 0700 start; no 0530 bootcamp that day
F3 Dads the 3rd Sat in June, July, and August

Prayer Requests and Praises
Maybelline’s parents
Maybelline’s coworkers and new business opportunity
Clavin’s M surgery praise; prayer for test on her pancrease
High School Seniors
Kids in the bus accident on 85 last week.

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Q School

Kotter: Feta EH’ed by Sargento

Our region has seen strong growth over the last number of months. The SLT felt like it was a good idea to have a Q School since we haven’t had one in a while. As Q of Development, it made since that I would help lead this workout. YHC could think of no better PAX to co-Q than Broke. Whether it’s roles on the SLT, relay and race experience, leadership with Speed for Need, he’s seen it all and done it all. Thanks to Broke for his patience in dealing with YHC through the planning for this. It’s been a little crazy lately for YHC so everthing seems to be pulled together at the last minute. This was no different.

Your Co-Q’s met in the parking lot prior th the beatdown to make our final plans for the morning.

As PAX started to arrive, Broke gave the 2 minute call. Then, YHC gave the 1 minute call. Then, 0700, let’s get rolling.

Intro to Q School and Disclaimer

Warm-up which included a LOT of talking along with some exercises
Topics we discussed were:
The Credo / 5 Core Principles / Significance of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd F
Exercise announcement (Next Exercise/Starting Position/Move/In Cadence/Exercise) & Cadence Counting
Importance of a Disclaimer
Duties of a Q (Be on time / Greet the PAX (especially FNGs) / Bring the Energy!)
Don’t Q it if you can’t do it

During this time, we also mixed in exercises:
Plank Jacks
Peter Parkers – the Q demo’d Parker Peters; this was a chance to get some mumblechatter going as far as you know
5 burpees for the train heard in the distance

At this point, YHC turned it over to Broke for the beatdown. Throughout the beatdown, Broke offered suggestions in building a weinke and what exercises to plan.
We moseyed across the street to the library.
Broke offered suggestions for building the weinke using things such as 11s and ways to modify to increase/decrease intensity.
He called 11s with Hand-Release Merkins and LBCs.
He determined the PAX were going too fast so he modified to Lunge Walks down and Bear Crawls back.
He then added burpees in the middle both ways to make the 11s dirty.
This was done to show the PAX how a workout could be intensified.

We then moseyed to the other side of the library parking lot.
We did a modified Dora-style partner workout. Partner 1 ran a lap while Partner 2 completed an exercise. 2 laps per partner. 3 exercises. Merkins (maybe? or something in the plank position), Jump Squats, and Seal Jacks.
YHC likes to call something like this instead of a typical Dora so that PAX can talk and not worry as much about counting, you can concentrate on form and not worry about getting behind, and it evens out the reps.

Slaw called flutter kicks while we waited on the six to finish.

After this we moseyed back to the Shiele. Broke instructed that 4-corners were also good to call (imagine that, 2 Carolina guys called 4 corners). Once again, this offered the opportunity to increase/decrease intensity by stacking at each corner or running it back with de-escalating 4 corners.
To the best of my memory, we did:
Corner 1 – 10 Merkins
Corner 2 – 10 Merkins, 20 Big Boys
Corner 3 – 10 Merkins, 20 Big Boys, 30 Squats
Corner 4 – 10 Merkins, 20 Big Boys, 30 Squats, 40 SSH

Back to the flag for Mary, where Broke had each PAX that had not Q’ed call an exercise and lead in cadence.

We then took questions and had veteran PAX add anything relevant that they wanted to share that hadn’t been covered. Topics included:
Where do I post the COT? (you don’t have to, but the PAX were encouraged to record in some matter so nobody was left out of the backblast)
Tips around writing a backblast
Get access to the site to write the BB before you have your VQ so you are prepared.
Timeliness of the backblast

Bulldog moving to Thursday – still @ WA Bess
3/9 Regional CSAUP Huntersville
3/16 Food Ruck – see mumblechatter channel for details
3/20 2nd F lunch Bad Daddy’s
4/13 Community Foundation Run – prior to the run Convergence @ the ball field @ 0700 – all other AO’s closed
4/20 Extinction Run
Pushing Rocks Update, Bonus points for bringing back a Kotter and taking Q

Prayer Requests
Def Leppard
Family of the Holbrook student, go fund me account has been started
Jackson Hall & family
Stroganoff mother-in-law back in the hospital
JJ’s M’s aunt – pancreatic cancer
Purple Haze praise, 2.0 made all-county band
Stogie’s M

Prayer to take us out

Thanks to all the PAX who participated. YHC believes it was the most PAX at a Q of mine. YHC was honestly very nervous going into this. (We didn’t mention this during Q School because we couldn’t go through the entire lexicon, but YHC means Your Humble Correspondent). Thanks again to Broke and all the other veteran PAX who showed and offered feedback. Thanks to the newer guys for showing up, asking questions, and being willing to learn. YHC hopes this will encourage you to take the step to schedule your VQ. Reach out to a site Q or any other PAX and they will be more than happy to co-Q. That may help take a little pressure off. YHC knows how much the men of F3 have impacted my life so it’s my desire to see every man strengthed by the impact F3 can have. Until next time…

Never got a name

We had four for five miles of EC.  Stroganoff expressed shock that Maybelline was on time for the EC.

We returned to the Gashouse as the PAX were assembling for the Painlab or Gashouse beatdown and Dolph was there with his 2.0 Dijon.  Great to see the legend himself looking as jacked as ever.

YHC warmed up the group and then we split.  The Bootcampers pledged at the flag and then moseyed up to the business park for some work.  We did some Broga at the bottom of the hill and then hit a jailbreak to the top of the hill.  Let’s just say, Dolph hasn’t lost a step, Wojo is a bolt of lightning, but Dijon looked like Usain Bolt.  #Humbled

We moseyed back during recovery for some partner 100 merkins as fast as possible and then went up again.  We did some bearcrawls and then one minute of tic tac toe.  We used the parking line to imagine a hashtag and jumped in a pattern for one minute.  The coordination required to do this must be too much if you are over 25 I guess.  It was a debacle.

We then moseyed to the back of the library for some Dora.  YHC was getting crushed by the site Q because we were making it up on the fly this morning.  50 burpees, 100 merkins, and 150 squats with one squat jump at the top.
Then lunge walk up the side of the library.  Wojo came back to life on this one.

We then did a relay plank sprint across the traffic island near the book return, followed up by a three minute wall sit that went over real well.

We moseyed to the pharmacy for MARY while PAX ran around the building.  We were going to mosey back to the start but Dolph called Jailbreak at the parking lot and so the PAX returned a couple minutes early.  We held a plank and started COT while we waited for the church bells to ring, signaling the end.

It was a good old school beatdown with good mumblechatter.  In spite of the heckling for not having a weinke, hopefully the delivered beatdown was acceptable for all who chose to come out.

Announcements:  Pushing Rocks starts this Thurday.  The halfpipe is open.

Prayer requests:  WOJO’s dad, Dolph’s relatives and coworkers grandmothers passing.   Turtleman and family.  Huckleberry,  Anchorman

The part about being humbled during a workout is a great lesson.  Some guys are in better shape or better in certain things.  That’s life.   Just don’t quit trying.

Always a pleasure to lead.




Sometimes workouts fly by, other times like this day, it seems like time stands still. We kept moving, and there was plenty of mumble chatter. Could have been that extra 15 minutes compared to a weekday workout… regardless, it went something like this.

0700 hit so it was time to go. Quick disclaimer

The Pledge

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 15
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 15

Bootcampers took off while the Pain Labbers stayed with Linus.

Mosey to the circle in front of 1st Pres for what I called a variant of Triple Nickel which confused everyone because it wasn’t the traditional Triple Nickel.

5 exercises, 5 count of each, then a lap, 5 times (see that’s sort of a Triple Nickel).
We did BLIMPs so the PAX said it was BLIMPs not Triple Nickel (YHC was the Q so it could be both)
Imperial Walkers
Peter Parkers

Mosey to the top of the steps. The news had just come out that Sports Illustrated would be no more. My childhood and teenage years consisted of reading SI cover to cover each week when it came in the mailbox. So in memorial, we’d run some partner cover to covers.
Under the Cover at The Pad, Partner 1 would AMRAP an exercise. Partner 2 would mosey to the cover at the lower entrance and back. Then, Partner 1 would run and Partner 2 would exercise
First round consisted of Merkins, Reverse Crunches, and Squats
Second round was PAX choice and consisted of Mtn Climbers, Somethings, and (I believe) Flutter Kicks

Mosey to the bottom of the parking lot near the ballfield. Four Core-ner time…
Corner 1 – 10 Crunchy Frogs
Corner 2 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercuries
Corner 3 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercuries, 30 LBCs
Corner 4 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercuries, 30 LBCs, 40 Flutter Kicks

De-escalate and unstack
Corner 3 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercuries, 30 LBCs
Corner 2 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercuries
Corner 1 – 10 Crunchy Frogs

Mosey to the small parking lot next to the church for “Real Triple Nickels”
Round 1 – 5 Dips on 1 side, mosey to other side for 5 Derkins, repeat 5 times
Round 2 – 5 Calf Raises on 1 side, mosey to the other side for 5 Hip Slappers

With time still remaining, mosey to the Shiele for Wall Sits.
Air Presses IC x 10
March in Place IC x 10

Mosey to the flag in time for Stroganoff to call Flutter Kicks. Finally, the bell.

It was the last day to sign up for Pushin’ Rocks Challenge

Prayer Requests

COT was short because the princesses were cold.

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

VQ @ Pain Lab

It was a cold morning at the final Gashouse / Pain Lab for 2023, so cold in fact there was ice on the ground… ok it had apparently been dumped from a cooler the night before but you get the drift!  Flintstone had the Q for the bootcampers & warmed us up a little.  We broke w/ 7 PAX for PL.

The Thang:  Zombie walked w/ coupons down to the amphitheater.  We completed the warm up with a round of 60 Second Circle (High Knees – 1 Burpee, SSHs – 2 Burpees, Moroccan Nightclubs – 3 Burpees, Imperial Walkers – 4 Burpees, & 30 seconds each of the “patented” RoL & LoR.   Next up was box jumps up the amphitheater rows (5) followed by 5 curls.  In honor of 2023 we completed 4 rounds w/ a final 3.  Next was Flip Flops w/ 1 partner counting up to 23 LBCs & the other counting down from 23 Squats.  Instead of Merry Christmas it was on to Happy New Year w/ Step-ups & Derkins.  Note to self… I think Tube forgot to yell Happy New Year as even Whoopie thought we completed enough to qualify for the Chad 1000!  With just 2 more PAX & ~ 15 minutes left YHC Omaha’d so we could move up to the top of the parking lot to play w/ some Spartan workout props.  We rotated through tire flips, sledgehammers (not the PAX although he was here), farmer carries, OH claps w/ bricks, gravel bucket carries, & squat presses or curls.  Back to the flag for about a minute of Mary.  TIME!  It was honor to lead you men.

COT:  Beer mile today @ 10:30 / New Year’s Day convergence @ Martha Rivers Park @ 07:00 (EC ruck & run @ 06:00)

Prayer Concerns:  Turtle Man, Mason & Cherry families (Maybeline’s friends), Purple Haze’s M, Jeff Guilabo (spelling ?) heart procedure did not go well & he’s struggling to stay alive, Curtis Rozelle family he was unpacking boxes in his new home in Stokes County & went to bed Tuesday night w/ some chest pain & did not wake Wednesday, Sledge’s family recent loss of mother.

Another Cliche Christmas Workout at Gashouse – But At Least it Included Gifts

Another 12 Days of Christmas Workout

I have asked to Q the last Saturday at Gashouse for the past 6 – 7 years.  At the end of each workout, I give out a book (or two) that has made an impact on me.  More on that later.

Decent crowd for Gashouse and Painlab.  Welcome back Kotter Stagecoach to the Painlab.

Quick disclaimer and pledge before the warm up.

Quick warm up with 12 SSH’s and 12 Imperial Walkers.

Bootcampers headed over to the back parking lot of First Presbyterian Church for a repeat 12 Days of Christmas from the 2016 version.

The 12 days were brought to us today by Defib, JJ, Roscoe, Short Sale, myself, Clark Griswold, Ralphie Parker, Rudolph, and others.

Here are how the days went:

  1. Lap around the lower and upper parking lot
  2. 10 Bobby Hurleys
  3. 10 Merkins
  4. 20 LBC’s
  5. 5 Burpees
  6. 30 Flutter Kicks
  7. 20 Squats
  8. 20 CDD’s
  9. 20 Hillbillies
  10. 20 Mountain Climbers
  11. 20 SSH’s
  12. 50 Morrocan Nightclubs

If you are not familiar with this workout, it is simply a stacked workout starting with the First Day and adding each subsequent exercise just like the classic Christmas song goes.  Needless to say, the last sets can become difficult for this old guy.

We still had a few moments so we added a few called exercises from the PAX:

American Hammers – Hand Release Merkins – some plank work from Roscoe

Mosey back to the Schiele just as the bells rang from First Pres.


New Year’s Day convergence at Martha Rivers-7:00 am-EC running and rucking options at 0600.  Beer Mile next Saturday.  AO’s closed for Christmas Day

Prayers:  Sledge – Turtleman – Family Members of several PAX – Others this time of year who have recently lost loved ones.

I brought two books to give out this year due to one of them being a book we had studied at Coconut Horse so I wanted that crowd to have another option.  The Wisdom of the Bullfrog by Admiral William McRaven and As We Think, So We Become by Mark Matteson were the two primary books I included today.  I still have a few copies of each in the back of my vehicle so if anyone would like a copy, please remind me next time you see me.

Always an honor to lead a workout.  F3 Gastonia is winding down another successful year of making an impact.  Continue to EH others and tell the story of F3.

Merry Christmas men!

Until the next one.  Aye!



YHC put together a weinke with a pre-Christmas theme to mirror all the hustle and bustle activities common this time of year. Little did the Q know but some of the PAX hit some EC prior to the workout. They not only warmed up their legs but apparantly the mumble chatter was warm and ready to go when the clock struck 0700.

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC… this is where the Tez Walker hate began. Something was mentioned about quitting at some point so YHC let the PAX continue doing Merkins until the Q was the only one still going.
LBCs IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 12

Turned Pain Lab over to Hunk a Junk and bootcamp went on a mosey.

Just like so many college and high school kids in the past week, in the Grier parking lot, we took EXAMS.
Partner 1 ran while Partner 2 performed an exercise. Then, switch until both partners performed all 5 exercises.
E – E2K (show to know or look it up in the lexicon)
X – X-Factor
A – American Hammers
M – Monkey Humpers
S – Squats

Left out of the parking lot towards New Hope. Stop at the office park. Got some Christmas shopping to do, but first we have to stop by the ATM for some cash. Same concept, one Partner runs while the other does an exercise. A – Alternating Shoulder Taps
T – Tempo Merkins
M – Merkins

The mumble chatter continued… and continued… and continued…

With cash in hand, it was time to visit Ollie’s. Shopping list included a set of Four Core-ners.
Corner 1 – 10 Crunchy Frogs,
Corner 2 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Peter Parkers
Corner 3 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Peter Parkers, 30 LBCs
Corner 4 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Peter Parkers, 30 LBCs 40 Flutter Kicks

With time left, the PAX got to choose things on their list.
Mosey half-way down the lane where Sargento picked something
Mosey to the end of the lane where Whoopee picked SSH
Mosey half-way back where somebody picked something else
Mosey to the end of the lane where Short Sale picked Jingle Balls or some variation.

Time was running out so time to mosey back. Stop for a burpee at each of the drive entrances.

Stop at the Grier parking lot where the PAX lunged from the road hump to the crosswalk.

Mosey back to start where Stroganoff had us flutter kick til the bell.

This recap does not due justice to the amount of mumble chatter during this workout. Fun was had by all.

2nd F lunch @ Hickory Tavern 12/20
Special Q at Gashouse next Sat (12/23)
Beer mile (12/30) HC to Sargento

Prayer Requests
Sledge’s mom

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

2 minutes Q!


Gravel pickers IC

Abe Vigoda IC for Whoopee

Hillbillies IC



Mosey to behind the Presbyterian Church where I parked my truck. Grab a block and gather around for 25 reps of 5 exercises with a run around the lower lot between each set. 5 burpees before and after each run with the reps dropping by 5 each round but the laps increasing by 1 after each set. The exercises were thrusters, curls, tricep extensions,  squats, and alpos. The PAX pushed hard and finished this up with enough time to get through half a set of 11’s starting with 10 diamond merkins an 1 low slow squat. Getting close to time so we loaded the blocks and headed back to the Schiele. With a few minutes left we did a round of PAX called Mary. LBC’s, Hammers, Flutters, Dying Cockroaches and 5 burpees that may or may not have put us a little over time.


Beer Ruck 11:30 today

Lunch 12/20 somewhere at lunchtime, check slack

Beer Mile look for Sargento’s pre blast

Prayer Request:

Clavins Neice and several other PAX running the Kiawah Island half and full



Jackson Hall

Purple Haze mom

my mom

Thanks for coming out and pushing hard today men, and thanks to ShortSale for the opportunity. It was an honor to lead today.

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