Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: F3 Gastonia (Page 21 of 22)

Mandelbrot Set – The Story of Big Pappy

10 PAX showed up this morning to get some work in at Folsom. For my first Q, I struggled with coming up with something that would push all of us. I noticed sometimes at Folsom and as I visited other AO’s that Q’s would use music in the exercises.  It dawned on me that it would be better to push to a time over a quantity for my first Q. Hence “Mandelbrot Set – The Story of Big Pappy” was born.

Warm up – Some toy soldiers, daisy pickers, and  Moroccan Nightclubs

The Thang:

Act I  Pappy’s Childhood Years – Run to 4th tennis court and do  20 x XCrunches  then run back and do 20 x LBC’s .  Repeat until Act I is over.

    • Hunger Strike  – Temple of the Dog – I was poor.
    • Sabotage – Beastie Boys – Reason I was poor.
    • Peaches – Presidents of the United States – I moved from the north to the south.

Act II Pappy’s Young Adult Years – Run to 4th tennis court and do 10 merkins then run back and do 10 shoulder touches. Repeat until Act II is over.

    • Mandelbrot Set – Jonathan Coulton – Found that I had a god given gift of understanding advanced mathematics
    • Drunken Sailor – Blaggards – I liked to drink
    • The Gates – Da Vinci’s Notebook – Found that I could code and loved to write code
    • The Most Beautiful Girl in the Room – Flight of the Conchords – Met my M.

Act III Pappy’s Adult Years – Run to 3rd tennis court and do 3 burbees then run back and do 30 monkey humpers. Repeat until Act III is over.

    • RE: Brains – Jonathan Coulton – What it feels like working in a cube everyday.
    • The Backpack Song – Nerf Herder – People with multiple kids would understand.

Credits  – Run to 4th tennis court and do 20 squats then run back and do 20 hillbillies. Repeat until the credits is over.

    • God’s Gonna cut you down – Johnny Cash – For F3 Nothing.
    • Dust in the Wind – Kansas – Your my boy F3 Blue
    • Better Man – Pearl Jam – For F3 Pearl Jam

I overheard a PAX saying he was not sure if he was going to throw up from the music or the workout. Mission Accomplished.

Thanks to all that came out. It was a pleasure to lead a group of fine men that have lead me over the past several months to better health and a better lifestyle.


Convergence on the 30th at Folsom


The P200 guys, Family of Medicine Woman, and the needed unspoken prayers


First and Last VQ

Good group of 6 showed this morning in a crisp 40 degrees. Lots of people hurting and resting from injury or for the P200 so I was surprised we had that many. 


10 Side strattle hops

10 daisy pickers

10 imperial walkers



Mosey over to the tennis courts for a few rounds of 4 corners. 

Round 1: 7 – jump lunges at each of the 4 corners

Round 2: 14 merkins 

Round 3: 21 LBCs

Round 4: 28 squats

Round 5: 21 shoulder taps

Round 6: 14 flutter kicks

Round 7: 7 burpees

Next exercise:

Run between the 1st and 3rd court on your own and knock out:

70 SSHs 

140 mountain climbers


Circle up for some CORE

10 Big boy reach for the sky sit ups (reach straight back, reach for the sky, reach for your toes)

Freddie Mercury’s

American hammers

Straight Leg lifts

More big boys



2 more laps around the tennis courts and head back to the YANK


Prayer requests; 

Lion King’s family

P200 personnel and training

Lots of guys nursing injuries



Sparky Run

3/17/2019 Sparky’s House
Sparky sent out a Slack invitation to everyone to his house for an afternoon run mostly for P200 training so I was asked to do a backblast. The backblast is not so much for skillet credit but to annoy a certain Pax who shall remain nameless but his name rhymes with Mister Jacked. We ran close to 5 miles on a beautiful, warm afternoon with nice scenery and several long, rolling hills. Freight and Sparky ran a little extra as they were going back for the six. Round-up was leading the way. Great to see Allen Tate back out today. He said this was his first run since he was at the hospital a few weeks back with high blood pressure and he was chugging right along.

3rd F Event

Friday Evening, April 12th, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at New Covenant Church located at 631 Efird St. Gastonia NC 28054 we will have a 3rd F event. This is at the corner of 3rd Street and Hudson Boulevard. The speaker will be our own “Tool Time” Scott Johnson. He will speaking about his Peru Mission Trip among other things. Please make plans to attend. It should be interesting to hear what happens when F3 guys run a mission trip. Thanks to Hushpuppy for getting permission to use his church. Please help spread the word!

It’s All Uphill from here……

Another Schiele slumber party, parking limited.

Gather, circle, no fng’s, watered disclaimer, first exercise is Side Straddle Hop, starting position move, in cadence, EXERCISE…..

SSH-20 ic

Merkins-10 ic

LBC’s-20 ic

Squats-20 ic

12 PAX total, Painlab (7) will venture into eager hands of VooDoo, balance (5) with me.

Up sidewalk past Grier, yhc heaving at the light, glad it was red for a moment.  Moseyed across over to FPC parking lot at steps leading to the PAD.  Love the easy route guys, back to the basics.

11’s – Merkins on the bottom, Squats up top.  Stroganoff and Moses held true to correct counting form, balance of Pax followed me which may have been a mistake.  Thinking it is better to start at first exercise and work your way down, I did the opposite.  Which, like George Costanza I have found I would be much better to do anything in life ‘opposite’ of the way I figured was correct.  Other than some traffic confusion on the stairs we finished this event with only 58 1/2 minutes to go.  Whew, dang……hope my weinke is strong enough to cover the morning.

Mosey to bottom of ‘hill’ leading to the Pad.

Dora 1, 2, 3’s

Leg Raises – 100,  LBC’s – 200,  Flutter Kicks, 300

Partner 1 exercise, Partner 2 halfway up the ‘hill’

Sherwood – 

Turns out this was Stroganoff’s inaugural visit since his graduation in 1979.  Same partners, Partner 1 will hold his ‘Al Gore’ position, partner 2 in the parking lot, up the ‘hill’ and 5 Burpees up top.  Real burpees mind you, not the standing crunch that ‘mums’ around the world are celebrating as a record feat.

Stroganoff ready to go again, hold tight sir.  Next round let’s change up.

Round 2 – Partner 1 plank, partner 2 up hill and 4 real burpees

Round 3 – Partner 1 hold feet at 6″ (not on the damn curb mind you), partner 2 up hill and I forget how many burpees.

Back to the Sherwood track

Same partners, partner one AMRAP Monkey Humpers while partner 2 ‘sprints’ to next corner, partner 2 MH’s while partner 1 sprints to catch up.

Round 2 – LBC flutter

Round 3 – Sigh…..let’s continue round 3 back at the church.  I understand the notion and through some readings that Stroganoff has led me to I try to formulate my understanding’s of other’s thoughts based on how they process and feel.  All said and done however I did my best (at least I thought) to avoid this nice lady on the track who ultimately expressed to us of how terrified she was of us.  I think what get’s me the most was I was not even wearing my ‘blue’ leg bloomers!  Try that on for scary….For what it’s worth, I’m sorry she felt that way about us and for any grief and discomfort I caused the guys in tarrying through the public properties trying to get our work on.  What is weird is that I’m not sure what lesson I have learned  but do feel like I’ve grown some from it.  Whatever, finished round 3 at the church, AMRAP merkins.

There was just enough time to do some bear crawls.  Much to the chagrin of Stroganoff, JJ, Heyzus, Moses, and Linus (wait that was everybody, why are we doing this then?) we BC’ed about 50-75 feet and finished with 10 merkins.  To some sympathetic relief, we shortened the distance the 2nd round for crab walk and then did not do 10 dips at the end?

Speaking of no dips, I forgot the pledge in the beginning.  Luckily I stood front and center at the COT staring right at the flag, good reminder.  Let’s knock out a pledge.

Summary:  Uphill to FPC, Steps at The Pad, Hill at The Pad, Hill drive at Sherwood, Hill back up FPC and well it was sort of ‘down’ hill from there.

8:00, time……


Community Foundation Run – April 13, should have 4 track commanders, 2 hard commits, 90% on 3rd, Pizza Man working on 4th, April 13

Belmont Classic 5K – Coming in May (28?), sign ups now, should be another SFN event with two chairs, Hunka will be directing traffic

Convergence – Folsom, March 30 will be at 0700, Epic Painlab will be there

May 5 – Mt. Mitchell event with Mr. Gastone

Every Friday night – Tiger has 2nd F at The Station in Belmont, 5:00 pm

Allen Tate, start hosting a men’s Bible study at his house, 2nd Thursday of month (check that), 7:30 pm

Concerns and prayer out

Honored to lead…..Aye, Linus

We Already Have A Peffercorn

Just when we start getting used to the warmer morning weather, nature hits us with a surprise mid 20 degrees. That’s cool cause I know real HIM will post no matter what. Time to clock in.

There were 6 runners and 2 for a ruck. Miles were logged and our FNG seems like he’s gonna fit in with the “Runners.”

All return to start at 6:15.

Pledge, wait, no shovel flag, but no worries, Sparky just happened to have a Flag patch on his boggin. He hangs it on a vehicle and we get it done.

Naming the FNG wasn’t too hard. After learning he grew up playing baseball, played college ball at Limestone and he’s on the Parks And Rec art in Dallas. Smalls was the first thought, but we already have a Smalls. Then Wendy Peffercorn was announced. That had to be it. So, YHC being the Q confirms it. Well, little did I know, but later on was told, that F3 Gastonia already has a Peffercorn. A rename will take place his next post. #QFail

YHC took us out in prayer

Downtown downtown.

Thanks to bedpan for allowing me to lead on this morning. Thanks to SA and his patience with getting this bb posted.

Ssh, arm circles, imperial walkers

short mosey for some coupons.

Partner up. 3 sets of each exercise whilst your partner runs to the end of the parking lot and back. Music of choice this morning – Frank Sinatra. If you want the music changed you and your partner will have to perform 5 wolverine burpees.

Deep see divers, shoulder flies, crunchy frogs. I think. It has been a while since this actually happened. I had to call out some runners as I think they were actual lay faster than they were portraying.

SA and leppard did not like my music so they completed 5 wolverines on top of the other exercises.   At some point we add a farmer carry for all pax to carry 45 lb plates to the catering van and back.

circle up for some core time.  Extended cross, real big big boys, reverse hammers, extended cross and new favorite figure eights where we were lead by some music pax in “he’s got the whole world in his hands”

running low on time.  Few plank exercises and then mosey back for pledge.

Prayer request

  • community with the flu going around

-the pax


-top hats family



-rooster 3-2-2019

-Q Source Sunday’s at the coconut horse and crossroads

-Gastone is organizing a hike at mount Mitchell May 5th 5.5 miles up the mountain and 5.5 more back

Sparky takes us out in the BOM


There’s a new Chief in town

  1. This morning had to be one of the gloomiest yet most exciting mornings Folsom has witnessed in a good while. As far as gloom, the fog was thick rolling into Folsom and it was a damp 40*. You’ll understand here shortly that there was more “gloom” and a lot of excitement as stated.

YHC has come up with a pretty good weinke for this morning. I borrowed some of a Q that our own Gastone had laid out Downtown a little while back. Word on our Folsom GroupMe chat yesterday was that there would be an FNG. Not to my surprise, he showed. I’ve gotta hand it to Folsom, there’s been some EHing going on lately and a lot of the new guys are sticking around! Ok, so, several PAX roll in at time so we start.



SSH, Low Slow Squats x10 IC



Indian run from start to the far parking lot by the ball fields. Stop at about the half way point of the lot. Partner up for some Dirty 11’s. This is basically individual Dirty 11’s but at the mid way point you’ll perform 5 BooYa merkins with your partner. The other 2 exercises were burpees and Mike Tyson’s. This took a bit longer than planned so once we hit 0610, we lined up to Indian run back to start. While the 6 were being picked up, PAX did some Mary with 10 burpees, 20 LBCs, 20 Flutter Kicks.


announcements- Rooster CSAUP, P200

COT- Allen Tate’s Mom, Rockabillys Mother had surgery today

YHC took us out in Prayer

Its an honor to lead you men. We all are getting stronger everyday. Also, if you didn’t know already, Allen Tate had been labeled Chief RockPusher by Montross a while back. Some approved and actually started referring him as such. He had tried his best to have his F3 name changed, but that wasn’t going to happen. Rules say you can’t name yourself and if you ask for a different one, it’s going to be more harsh than the first. So, anyway, Folsom has an FNG to name this AM. Allen Tate nor his side kick SiteQ Montross were present. That being said after getting to know this FNG, it was determined his name would be Chief. After all, he mentioned that he had a “lot of kids, a tribe of them.” Some say it was spiteful, but I say it was destiny. It seems today that there are some hurt feelings due to said events of the naming, but I’m sure they shall heal over time. There’s was also excitement in the disbelief of what had happened. Anyway, Welcome Chief.

“Thankful to get hard”

We call it “the gloom,” this this morning at PrisonBreak, it really didn’t feel gloomy. Yes, it was still 0530, but it seemed that the air quality and temperature were above the classification of gloom. Anyway, as always I arrive a little early and Volt is headed out for his run. Shortly  after, several roll in. It looked like we were going to do more rucking than running by the show of packs being unloaded. Tater Hole hops out and is looking for Sparky. Apparently they made arrangements at Folsom yesterday for Tayer Hole to borrow Sparkys ruck pack. Needless to say, he was left hanging. Sparky was a no show. That didn’t stop Tater though. He partnered up with Meatsuit and put in some co-ruck mileage. The group was pretty diverse with  ruckers, mall walkers, runners, joggers, and walkers. Some PRs were made.

All arrived safely back at start.

Announcements; Rooster CSAUP, P200, Lincolnton Middle School 5k(get with Sparky)

COT- prayer requests lifted

BedPan took us out in prayer

We all have our moments when we pray out loud. Sometimes what you really mean to say just doesn’t come off the tongue quite right. Remember, that’s OK, we all do it. During his prayer, Bedpan was thankful “to get out here and get hard with the guys.” Needless to say, Folsom found it pretty good time with it.

Thanks for coming out to the premier running AO in all of Dallas.

MW out

A stranger from a strange land of Princesses, Disney Princesses

Waylon Jennings and the country outlaws are playing as the Pax roll in.

no rain, we have an FNG Todd.  Disclaimer, Let the music begin.  Disney Princess Radio leads off, If you want to change the station please complete 5 blockee’s.

SSH in cadence, Imperial walkers in cadence, Moroccan Night Clubs in cadence.

Grab some blocks and move to the tennis courts.  Thank  you Sparky for bringing the coupons.  We have 14 pax this morning and only 13 blocks, luckily (remember what luck is) we had some extra 45 lb plates to use as well.

Thrusters x 15, bear crawl across tennis court, 15 American hammers each side, nur across tennis court, 15 mike tysons, bear crawl across tennis court, 15 freddy mercury’s each leg, nur across tennis court, 15 step back lunges each leg then run back to the beginning.

after first set we plank for the six.

This time, we take turns farmer carrying the 45 lb plates around the tennis courts whilst the pax continues with 2 more rounds of the above exercises. The pax seem to be enjoying the music even singing along with the Disney Princesses.  I thought these Folsom boys were tough guys, but apparently they have a soft spot for Princesses, or maybe they are Princesses.  Show to know.

As we plank for the six to finish the 3rd round some start to complain about the music.

As we circle up for some core time, Montross completes 5 blockees and request some more Waylon Jennnings.  We keep passing the 45s and work through various ab exercises including fan favorite reverse American Hammers, Straight Leg Freddys, Figure Eights, Extended Cross and Real Big Boys.  Time is running out.  5 minutes of Stretching, 22 for the vets, take the coupons back to Sparky’s Truck.



  • Convergence 30th of March (not February) at Folsom

–  Blart looking for people for the Rooster.  this Saturday March 2.

–  Medicine Woman with Q on Thursday

  • Swimmer with Q coming on Saturday

  • Remember to visit different AOs periodically.

Prayer Requests

  • Pax, Allent Tates Mom, RockaBilly Mom has Surgery, the community, Lawson Family.

FNG Todd Mayo.  From Dallas, NC.  Went to North Gaston.  Roundup EH’d our new member.  He owns his own landscape company Gaston Land Services and works also as a FireFighter.  Some Names got tossed around including Chief (met with strong opposition by one pax in-particular – no names but we all know whom).  We find out he enjoys to Listen to Lady Gaga.  Montross offers up Meat Suit.  No other suggestions.  Please welcome Meat Suit.

Sister Act and Broke were not present. No sighting of Huck either.

Sparky Takes us out in the BOM

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