Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: F3 Gastonia (Page 11 of 22)

Pre-Blast: Not so CSAUP CSAUP

Greetings gentlemen:  I hope all are recovering from the Thanksgiving holidays.  I know its hard to pursue the 40/50 challenge when there’s so much opportunity to fail.  However with the T-giving holiday behind us its time for the final push.  We have started strong and we need to finish strong!  So many have rediscovered living an austere life – Limiting the unnecessary excesses and becoming better men in the process .  Many have lost weight and all have  become healthier by limiting excessive calories.  If nothing else we will go into the new decade better men for our perseverance.  A big part of this challenge has also (for me) finding ways to give back.  Therefore with this in mind I would like to close out the challenge with a CSAUP.  On Saturday December 21 we will have the “Not So CSAUP  CSAUP” at all three AOs.  Post at the AO of your choice – Starting at 5am at Folsom and at 5:30 at Gashouse and the Yank we will ruck the surrounding community and pick up trash along the way.  The rucks will be led by Pockets at the Yank,  Big Pappy at Folsom and myself at Gashouse.  The rucks themselves will be challenging with stops for pain along the way.  The ruck will end by the time the regular bootcamps start (so plan on another hour of pain to follow the ruck).  If nothing else this final push will send you off into the end of year holidays feeling good about yourself.  So I challenge  you – don’t blow this off – Find the time to make the community and yourself better!

Blockwork at Hollywood

13 Men posted in the frosty gloom this morning at Mt. Hollywood. I knew that the coupons hadn’t been used at Hollywood yet, so I to bring them out to break the AO in. I had borrowed a portion of my Q from Goodwrench in Sailview and these PAX were going to be the test mules for the workout.


Seal Jacks X 10IC, Gravel Pickers X 10 IC, Morr. Nightclubs X 10 IC


“The Last Castle” I had placed a pile of coupons (CMU’s, Medicine Balls) in one of the parking spaces at the middle school. All PAX line up shoulder to shoulder 20 yards away from coupons. First PAX moseys/walks/skips to the pile of coupons and transports them by any means to another parking spot approx. 10 yards away. Q calls an exercise for all other PAX to perform while their brother is transporting the coupons. The Q may have placed too many coupons for a crowd of this size. Realizing this would take forever, I reduced the number of coupons to facilitate a quicker turnaround time for each PAX. I can’t remember all the exercises called, but I attempted to keep it balanced between cardio/chest/legs/abs. Side note: Blart is a Jenga champion with coupons. I will need to modify this routine, but I was pleased with the disgruntled mumblechatter it produced.

Next, all grab a coupon and circle up for curls/ overhead press. Start from 15 (curls/ overhead presses) all the way down to 1, never letting the coupon touch the ground. This locked down the mumblechatter.

Next was the Bearmuda Triangle. Bear crawl in a triangular pattern on the sidewalk (there’s a perfect spot at Mt. Hollywood for this) and perform escalating hand release Merkins until you reach 10. This is a shoulder burner for sure.

Quick mosey back to the coupons for 5 Blockees to finish us out.


Christmastown 5K this Saturday. We have 7 chariots committed (possible 8th). It’s going to be awesome!

Convergence on 12/28 at Gashouse. All other AO’s will be closed.

Christmas Party on 1/4/2020. RSVP will posted soon.

Prayer Requests:

Pillagers’ sister-in-law (surgery), PAX/families traveling for the Thanksgiving season

Those who have lost loved ones that will make this Thanksgiving/ Christmas season more difficult.

YHC took us out in prayer

We then had the Pledge and Name-o-rama. (Q fail)


I know this workout seemed scatterbrained. I was trying some new things, and I appreciate the PAX working with me to see it through. Thank all of you men for allowing me to lead. I encourage each of you to remember what the Thanksgiving Holiday means and to remember those things that you’re most Thankful for. Don’t take a day for granted!

Until Next Time,


Bets were made

It seemed to be just another day at PrisonBreak, but the faces seen on this particular day was anything but. Folsom seems unique in that the group of PAX who mostly make up the AO are on a GroupMe text group and if you thought the mumblechatter at a boot camp was enough, this group puts that to shame. Anyway, bets are made regularly to encourage or trash talk fellow Folsomites into posting.  Roadie was a face rarely seen on this AO day and yes it was part of a bet. The bet was and many times is the purchase of breakfast. Roadie is quick to jump in on these and rarely loses. Sparky owes Roadie breakfast due to the fact Allen Tate, actually posted, to, how he says it, werk. Allen Tate has been providing breakfast for Roadie rather regularly. I’m not sure if there’s some back channel betting, but Anyway, that being said, there was a nice crowd out to actually WORK. Miles were logged.


YHC took us out in prayer

Downtown – No Burpees


Warm up: SSH x 30 LBCx 20 & Flutter x 15

Mosey down  N 321 to Franklin and over to McQuiters wall: 20 step ups each leg, repeat with 10 per leg

Mosey down Franklin toward UMC stopping 3 times in between: 20 monkey humpers, 40 & 60

Cross over Franklin heading back toward the parking deck stopping 3 times for 25 squats each stop

Mosey to lower level of parking deck – partner up (one partner runs stairs while  the other performs said exercise-continue to count is meet)

400 flutters , 300 LBC, 200 American hammers, & 100 sandy Vs

Mosey to the top level of parking deck and than back down to level 2-circle up for some core (no burpees allow, so i thought)

Peter parkers,  Flutters, LBCs, Nolan Ryans,  Peter Parker merkins, American Hammers, Micheal Phelps, Freddie Mercury,  Ankle Crutches, Top hat special (not sure what that was-lot of noise), and yes someone called Burpees(rebel)

Mosey back to start to call it (6:15)

Announcements: up coming ruck, Freight will be at Gashouse Saturday, running events, Christmas party (not in July) – sure if miss a few

Prayer request: family members of Pax,, other spoken and unspoken





A Man’s Burden

It always a great opportunity to Q outside your home AO’s.  You learn about more about your fellow brothers, gain insight,  and come up with new ideas to get right.

Today, selfishly,  YHC really wanted to see how far I have come since my last post at this AO.  I measured against myself and how I felt last time. We did a similar workout from when YHC posted last at the Labyrinth. (with some add weights to pass around) I have so much farther to go, but in the 5 or 6 months since my last post here, I am very grateful to find that I am a whole lot stronger.  YHC can run farther, be less winded, and feel a whole better afterwards even with very sore shoulder from a previous work out and bum foot.  Thank you to all the men of F3 Gastonia for helping me to get right and be better.

Warm up

  • 5 Burpees
  • Let’s mosey

The Thang

  • We mosey to the light posts and do sets of 30 or 40 LBC’s in cadence, squats, and big boys
  • We mosey to the shelter and do a 20 set ups, 20 dips
  • We take a short bear crawl to the center of the parking lot.
  • We do more LBC’s, big boys, and squats
  • Lunge walk to up the lot. We stop a few times and do more LBC’s, big boys, squat and we through in some hillbillies and merkins for good measure
  • At the top of the lot we do about 40 rocky balboas and 20 Mike Tysons.
  • We mosey by to the bottom to the lot for more LBC’s, big boys, and my new favorite exercise hillbilly squats.
  • Back to the shelter for step ups and dips.
  • The we mosey back up home stopping at the light post for more LBC’s in set qty’s of 30 and 40 in cadence and 10 big boys
  • Once back would did 50 more LBC’s in cadence and 22 merkins for the troops.

We pledged, then did the COT.

During the workout we had two 10lbs weights.  YHC gave no direction to what to do with the weights except to pass them around. Unknowing to PAX until the COT, these weights represented the burden we carry as men.  The social experiment worked and during the work out PAX asked to help carry the weight, some PAX did not want to give up the weight, and some PAX maybe wanting to carry the weight did not speak up.  This is exactly how we as men act when it comes to the burdens that are laid upon us.   We want to help others. We want to support others. We are stubborn though, and we want to carry the burden ourselves. Other times we see those who need help but stay dormant and never speak up.  Men, pray about those burdens that are laid upon you, talk to fellow PAX and utilize the Whetstone program. It will do nothing but benefit you and your blade.

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”  Psalm 55:22

Big Pappy



Y’all look Good down there

Starkville 11/18/19

3 made it to Starkville this Monday

Short mosey to flag . yea I know no running but I needed to get warmed up.


Then on our six for a little ab work lbc’s 20 IC

As we neared 20 two older ladies out of nowhere where standing right over Broke and said y’all look good down there…not sure what that meant but anyway..

Back to starting point for a couple rounds of BLOCK TABATA













Did 2 rounds of this with a set of colt 45’s between

(Curls 3 sets of 15 1/4 up, 1/2 up all the way up)

Finished with 22 for best

Out with prayer

I hope to see this AO GROW  let’s all do what we can to help out….

Thanks for the push men….



F3 Workouts are held outside, regardless of weather

YHC was a bit optimistic of a big crowd on this fine cool, rainy morning. After all, one core principle of F3 is that workouts are held outside, regardless of the weather conditions. That being said, 5 held account and got some work in.


SSH, Hillbillies, Gravel pickers all x10 IC


Mosey to lower shelter for some Dora.


Partner up; Dora 100 burpees, 200 step ups, 300 SSH. Partner 1 performs amrap exercise while partner 2 runs to the turd shack for 5 hip slapped in cadence. Flapjack and continue until Dora is completed. After several rounds, the hip slapped were switch to a lap up the parking lot and back. With a few minutes left, we get in 22 merkins for the Vets. Now mosey back to start.


YHC took us out in prayer

Raisin Bran Sucks

12 Men posted at Folsom this morning for a workout delivered by YHC. As I roll in, the ruckers are finishing up and unloading their canned goods in Freight’s truck. He had half a bed full after all was said and done. Outstanding work by our former Nantan to make an impact and get other PAX involved as well. Dr. Seuss rolls in from a solo EC run. He was running so fast that Freight said they thought he was riding a scooter! The wind was blowing pretty hard this morning, adding to the suck factor. We circle up and at 6:30 and get to work.


Seal Jacks X 15 IC, Gravel Pickers X 15 IC, 5 Burpees (credit Freight for those), Goofballs X 10 IC

I can’t remember if we got the pledge in at this time. If not, EPIC Q FAIL.


Mosey to tennis courts for the “Marguerita”. It’s a Crossfit benchmark WOD that I selected for a specific reason (I’ll explain later).

50 Rounds (yes, 50 rounds) of: 1 Burpee, 1 Merkin, 1 SSH (single count), 1 Big Boy Situp, 1 CDD. This takes some time, and mucho mumblechatter ensued. That’s what I love about the Folsom squad (especially with Freight in the mix to stir the pot). Many topics were discussed, but the main topic was our 1st F Q’s cereal addiction. He usually keeps “6 to9” boxes of cereal in his house. The older PAX (Broke, Leppard, and YHC) remembered when we had to pour sugar on our cereal to sweeten them up. Strange fact- Def Leppard had no idea that other cereals existed besides Corn Flakes and Raisin Bran. When the Silver Fox confessed his love of Raisin Bran, the usually quiet Volt exclaimed “Raisin Bran SUCKS!” It was awesome to hear Volt put the old man back in his wheelchair! Way to go, Volt!

Next, all PAX lined up on the first tennis court line.

At this line, 5 Flying Squirrels (or Burpees if you got it) Bear Crawl across first court, then 10 Sumo Jump Squats. Lunge across next court, then 15 Werkins. Bear Crawl, then 20 Big Boys. Lunge, then 25 CDD’s. Bear Crawl, then 30 LBC’s. Lunge, then 35 SSH (single count) at the end. Reverse that all the way back down to 5 Flying Squirrels while Lunging and Bear Crawling backwards across the courts (thanks for the suggestion, Pizza Man).

Next, we lined up for 11’s with Mike Tysons and Squats being the exercises of choice.

6 minutes left for some Mary. LBC’s, Rosalitas, American Hammers, Flutter Kicks, Peter Parker/ Parker Peters and LBFC’s called by the Silver Fox.


Announcements: Christmastown 5K 11/30, Christmas Party at Lewis Farm on 1/4/2020. I also forgot to mention the 40/50 challenge Defib had issued and progress so far.

Prayer requests: People battling addiction, Clavin’s Family, others YHC cannot recall at this time.

YHC took us out in prayer.


As I stated earlier, I chose the Marguerita because I knew it would take some time to complete. I admitted to the PAX that I have the tendency to cheat myself at workouts if the workout is very difficult. I brought sidewalk chalk to count every round and see it through to the end. My personal accountability has been substandard lately. I had a gut check and realized I’m cheating myself and performing to my full potential when I cheat myself. Another issue I confessed to the PAX was seeing traits in my 2.0 that she had learned from her Dad. These were not good traits. I’ve always been a glass half-empty type of person. Hope for the best, but always prepare for the worst. I had no idea that she had been picking up these habits from me while she was living at home. Now that she’s in college, I see clearly that she is acting and reacting to situations the same way I would. Even though I believed I had taught her differently, she’s acting like her Dad, which isn’t good. I say this to remind all of us- (especially the men with younger children) to live a positive lifestyle and exhibit behaviors that you would want your children to have when they grow up. Also, tell them that you love them. Every day. They need to hear that so much (as well as the M). We all have to be the HIM that our wives and children need us to be.

Until next time,


Cardio Yanked

It was a beautiful, brisk morning.  Caught several Pax lining up for EC.  Pockets and myself took a 2 mile mosey in addition to an additional walk.

14 Pax for the show, let’s mosey, no warm up required.  Right at the tracks I realized my first Q fail as I did not indicate to the learned Pax that I was indeed no professional.  Figured it was worth mentioning anyway.  Off we go, turns out Queen of the Apostle Catholic Church is about an 8/10 of a mile stretch.

Showing up nearly last, I heave a call to do the following:

11’s, Partner Booyah Merkin:  Shout out to Roscoe for true Booyah form.  Start at bottom of hill, 10 squats, mosey to the top and partner booyah merkin, 1 and counting up.   You can recall how the rest of this goes.  During one of my last stretch I encountered a not so friendly apostolic welcome from one of our parking saboteurs.  Knowing this, I figured our time was limited but really wanted to finish some mosey/relief exercises.

Hold’s:  No partners only group 1 and 2.  Group 1 runs full U-shape while group one holds plank.  Rinse and repeat for:


Crab plank

Al Gore

Off to Suntrust we go, arrive.  Here I’ve saved the best of the worst for the week and Breaker Breaker Cooper River Bridge run steals the show.  A quite modified version, mind you.  Still in U shape pattern.  Location 1, 1 burpee, 1 squat, 1 beer (I mean merkin), run to location 2 and count up in same fashion.

Mosey to gravel parking lot and public farmers lot.  Think we have time to knock out a round of Dora.

Dora 1,2,3:  Merkins, LBC, Flutter kicks (I did not finish but think that some Pax may have)   Hmmm, me leading the beasts.

One minute til, thank goodness, I’m about to fall over.  With Pocket’s EC and this Bootcamp, my ever so handy 1990’s Vivofit registered 7.5 miles.  Who know’s, it may have actually been a bit more cardio than I cared for, who do I complain to about that?


Shirt orders online now


Lynn Hamm and family

Breaker Breaker family with uncle, Step Dad, and cousin’s husband in surgery

Top Hat, family friend, Kee family

Termite, wife in surgery

Freight, Grandmother

Honored to lead

Aye, Linus

The Quinton Chronicles

YHC thought he may be the lone rucker today after getting a message from King Pin saying he probably wasn’t going to make it and Rockabilly had previous engagement.  But then as I pull into Folsom there is Oompa Loompa ready to work.

We rucked, we had fellowship, we pledged to the flag, and we prayed in the COT.


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