YHC finally takes a Q downtown. I know it’s been awhile. I hadn’t posted for a week prior due to sickness, so I wanted this workout to be a good one. Knowing that E-Z Rider has a love for the burpee like I do, I made sure that those would be incorporated into the Weinke. Everyone circles up and the mumblechatter is lively. Everyone seems to be in great spirits. 5:30 hits, and we get to work.
Seal Jacks X15 IC, Don Q’s X10 IC, Morr. Nightclubs X10 IC
Mosey to main street for route 66 Burpees. Real crowd pleaser. Mumblechatter almost nonexistent.
Next we moseyed to the parking deck for escalator work.
Ground level was 5 Burpees, then sprint to other end of parking deck and Joe Hendricks/ Bear Crawl up to next level. Rinse and repeat the sprinting/ Joe Hendricks work and add exercises at each level.
Level 1- 5 Burpees
Level 2- 5 Burpees, 10 H/R Merkins
Level 3- 5 Burpees, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Lunges
Level 4- 5 Burpees, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Lunges, 20 Big Boys
Level 5- 5 Burpes, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Lunges, 20 Big Boys, 25 Squats
Mosey to the top of the deck for Red Barchetta. This has become a favorite of mine. Keeps the heart rate up. We ran down 1 level to the far end for 100 SSH. Ran back up to start. Ran back down 3/4 of the way for 75 Mountain Climbers then back to start. Ran to far end up upper deck for 50 LBC’s then back to start. Ran 25 yards out for 25 Merkins then back to start. We then ran all the way down the parking deck to ground level, then performed the 10 Burpees.
Moseyed back to the pavilion for 5 MOM. Dirt calls 15 dying cockroaches IC, then the other 4 or 5 PAX (you know who you are) decided to be a bunch of “Walker wannabes” and called Flutter Kicks. That’s enough of that! Time’s up.
Convergence next Saturday at Martha’s at 07:00. Yes, we are doing it!
All other events (P200, Community Foundation 5k) may be cancelled/rescheduled soon, but as of now, they are still a go.
Prayer Requests: (My voice recorder flaked out on me, so I’m going off memory)
Family member of Orangeman, E Z Rider’s family, Blart’s M is having surgery next week, and the whole world with the Coronavirus situation.
YHC took us out in prayer.
Until the next time,