Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Downtown (Page 9 of 21)

Downtown Beatdown

YHC finally takes a Q downtown. I know it’s been awhile. I hadn’t posted for a week prior due to sickness, so I wanted this workout to be a good one. Knowing that E-Z Rider has a love for the burpee like I do, I made sure that those would be incorporated into the Weinke. Everyone circles up and the mumblechatter is lively. Everyone seems to be in great spirits. 5:30 hits, and we get to work.


Seal Jacks X15 IC, Don Q’s X10 IC, Morr. Nightclubs X10 IC



Mosey to main street for route 66 Burpees. Real crowd pleaser. Mumblechatter almost nonexistent.

Next we moseyed to the parking deck for escalator work.

Ground level was 5 Burpees, then sprint to other end of parking deck and Joe Hendricks/ Bear Crawl up to next level. Rinse and repeat the sprinting/ Joe Hendricks work and add exercises at each level.

Level 1- 5 Burpees

Level 2- 5 Burpees, 10 H/R Merkins

Level 3- 5 Burpees, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Lunges

Level 4- 5 Burpees, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Lunges, 20 Big Boys

Level 5- 5 Burpes, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Lunges, 20 Big Boys, 25 Squats

Mosey to the top of the deck for Red Barchetta. This has become a favorite of mine. Keeps the heart rate up. We ran down 1 level to the far end for 100 SSH. Ran back up to start. Ran back down 3/4 of the way for 75 Mountain Climbers then back to start. Ran to far end up upper deck for 50 LBC’s then back to start. Ran 25 yards out for 25 Merkins then back to start. We then ran all the way down the parking deck to ground level, then performed the 10 Burpees.

Moseyed back to the pavilion for 5 MOM. Dirt calls 15 dying cockroaches IC, then the other 4 or 5 PAX (you know who you are) decided to be a bunch of “Walker wannabes” and called Flutter Kicks. That’s enough of that! Time’s up.


Convergence next Saturday at Martha’s at 07:00. Yes, we are doing it!

All other events (P200, Community Foundation 5k) may be cancelled/rescheduled soon, but as of now, they are still a go.

Prayer Requests: (My voice recorder flaked out on me, so I’m going off memory)

Family member of Orangeman, E Z Rider’s family, Blart’s M is having surgery next week, and the whole world with the Coronavirus situation.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Until the next time,


A morning grind

9 Men showed for a Gastone Q, fun was had.

The Thang:

20 SSH

Mosey to railing.

Everybody get up on the rails feet also on the top bar. Top guy bear crawls to the bottom. We did one set.

Mosey, South on South.

Stop at McQuitter’s Wall. 20 Dips in cadence, 30 Squats, 10 Wall Jumps. Then 15, 30, and 10, Then 10, 30, and 10. (Watts Up, took a hard fall on the Wall Jumps. I hope he is ok later. He should be sore.)

Mosey left on 2nd.

Lunges 20 yards. Then backwards Lunges 20 yards.

We stopped a the railing for some laying down pull ups 10, run to the end of the white fence for 1 Merkin. 11’s. (Dangerous road hazard, everyone survived.)

Some guys finished early and did some Flutter’s.

Walked across the street to the 1st landing before the stairs. 30 Monkey Humpers, 30 Squats, then 1 calf raise on first step, 2 on second, we made it to the 12th step.

We arrived at the second landing for 30 Monkey Humpers, 30 Squats, then back to the next step starting at 13, then 14, all the way up to 19. Arrived at the top for 30 Squats, 30 Monkey Humpers.

Mosey up Oakland street very poor sidewalk.  Continue Mosy while some guys got ahead of me. Quickly change direction to take back control, which worked.

Once in parking lot, backwards run back to finish. Then we went back and picked up the 6.

The Moleskin:

Great group of guys out today. Best form I have seen in a while from the a group of guys out. Form matters!

As the temperatures get warm try to get your F3 shirts on when you go to workouts. Advertise and grow anyway we can do it. Spring is a good time to get people back out or new Sad Clowns to join us. It’s time that we make this double the size in Gastonia.

We had announcements. Convergence, Mt Mitchell, some other things. I don’t remember.

Prayers out to all that are in need and there family members. The storm is coming or you are in the storm, it’s really just how you prepare for these challenges in life. Sometimes that is not enough and then we have all our brothers out here to lift us back up.

As always it’s an honor to come out and Q. Thanks for being there.

Gastone Out!



Snowmageddon Recovery

YHC wasn’t sure how many of the PAX would brave the post snowmageddon 2020 world to get some work in. When YHC arrived there were 3 gathered and reportedly 1 en route.

0530 arrives with the attendance unchanged.

Time to get started…

We knock the pledge before starting a little warmup.

SSH x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Smurf Jacks x 10 IC

We took a quick mosey to the parking garage to begin.

A few weeks back, YHC joined others for a HIPAA Q at The Vault (Uptown workout @1140 on Wed.). Here he introduced a workout that was named “The HIPAA Violation”. It sucked there, so let’s see how it works at Gastonia’s parking garage.

The call is 11’s with Burpees at the bottom and Burpees at the top, using the stairs. At each floor, perform 7 squats. (Note: Since the layout of the parking deck is different, this was modified to 7 squats at every other floor after first round)
Somewhere in the middle of this, the PAX en route arrives – welcome RoundUp. (Based on his Strava, he toured Downtown trying to find us)

YHC was lapped twice by the HIMs in attendance – Nice work!

PSA: Parking decks freeze faster than roads (and apparently don’t drain as well either). There quite a bit of ice, especially on the top level. This made the burpees and navigation easier and harder all at the same time.

At this point Whoopee said something about hearts, arteries, ties, guns or something and disappeared into the gloom.

Since 11’s were sooooo much fun, let’s do it again.
Flutters at the bottom and Mtn. Climbers at the top. Two changes – to avoid the ice, don’t go up to the open levels and run the ramps up, instead of the stairs.

We got about half done, before heading back to start.

There was time for two rounds of Mary:
Stinky Bird with American Hammers x 15 IC
RoundUp with Merkins x 10 IC

And that is time (although Stinky Bird thought he as cheated 8 seconds)

Announcements: They really haven’t changed in like a month, so if you don’t know what is going on, where you been?

Prayer Requests:
RoundUp’s M with pregnancy.
PAX recovery from injury/illness.
Those battling addiction.
Leaders of our state/nation.

Q fail on the verse for this morning:
Isiah 40:28
“The Lord is the everlasting God”

The Lord is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. You can count on Him in all things.

RoundUp took us out.

It was a honor to lead and be lead.

Watts Up powering down.

Joy and Peace and Cold

11 strong showed up a cold 26 degree morning in Downtown Gastonia. Here is how it went.
Warm Up
5 Burpees OYO, Goofballs x 10 IC, Don Q’s x 10 IC, Calf Raises x 10, Squats x 10 IC
Mosey across bridge past Courthouse to the DSS parking lot stairs.
Partner up for SPAM (Stairs Partner Ab Merkins) I made the name up but “borrowed” the routine from Stroganoff.
Partner 1 runs up the stairs and does 10 Merkins and runs back down while Partner 2 does Flutter kicks until each partner does 3 sets. Switch the exercise to Squats for 3 sets each, then Freddie Mercuries for 3 sets each.
Mosey back across the bridge to the parking deck top floor.
Set up cones and the bluetooth speaker for Reducing Time Sprints. Starting with 10 second intervals with 8 seconds of rest for 3 sets then reducing time to 9 seconds for 3 sets then 8 seconds (lost a few guys) for 3 more sets then 7 seconds (lost a few more) and then 6 seconds with only Orangeman and Virus still beating the timer. Virus was rolling. While we caught our breath on the top floor of the parking deck I talked about two words that are used frequently around this time of year. Joy and Peace. I had to admit that I haven’t been too “happy” lately about several things but I am trying to keep an attitude of Joy and Peace. It has been said often that being “happy” is based on your current circumstances whereas Joy and Peace are deeper feelings that aren’t shaken by your current circumstances. I shared of people I have seen who had the Joy and Peace in absolutely horrible circumstances. I am striving to be that kind of person and we all should. Mosey back to the flag.
A few minutes left for Lindsays on the benches (I said benches):
30 Dips/10 LBC’s
25 Dips/15 LBC’s
20 Dips/20 LBC’s
15 Dips/25 LBC’s
Stopped for time.

Announcements: Not so CSAUP CSAUP Saturday December 21st at 5 am at Folsom, 5:30 at Yank and Gashouse.
Convergence on December 28th at Gashouse at 7am
After Christmas F3 Gastonia Party on January 4th at Lewis Farms.

COT: Dry Rub’s M, Orangeman’s mom, special request for Easy Rider’s son. You don’t always know who may need lifting up but Easy Rider shared with us about his son needing prayer and also he and his M needing it as well as they deal with their son. It was great to have a group of guys lift up their brother as he deals with some of the things this world throws at us. It is also great for a big strong guy to be willing to say he needs some help. Thanks Easy Rider. Bedpan took us out in prayer. Thanks to all of the guys who showed on this cold morning. It was a pleasure!

Who got the W?

YHC had been looking for to do something new. Looking around Al Gore’s Internet, found a couple of new versions of exercises not normally done in Gashouse.

0530 hit within and within seconds YHC was called out for not starting on time. So lets get started…


Then YHC instructed the PAX to follow him…
Lunge around the Pavilion without changing directions…
Or Lunge Forward, Right, Backward, and finally Left.
It seems that some of the 10 PAX assembled thought this was chit-chat time, there was no waiting for all to finish.

Mosey West towards to Chester (2nd Bridge)
Bear Crawl Across Bridge
20 Squats at corner of Long/Chester.
While waiting on light/traffic, a train rolled through.

So, a detour to the ABC store for 5 Burpees. wait, make the 10 since another train rolled in.

Mosey East to York
Plank Walks Across Bridge
20 Monkey Humpers at Corner Main/York

Cross Street and Mosey back toward Long.
Crawl Bear Across Bridge
20 Squats at Corner Long/York

Mosey East to MLK
Plank Walk Across Bridge
20 Monkey Humpers at Corner Main/MLK

Mosey to Franklin
And head West to McQuitter Church wall.

25 Dips
25 Normal (Front) Step Ups Each Leg

25 Dips
25 Side Step Ups Each Leg

10 Dips
10 each leg Side Step Ups Opposite Leg

Mosey up South
Turn to Parking Deck

Bunny Hop Ramps
At Top of Ramps, 1 Fist Merkin (increase 1 at each Ramp)
Mosey Flats

25 American Hammers OYO
25 Flutter Kicks OYO

Go down stairs, touching each stair
Mosey to other set of steps and back up, touching each stair.


Mosey down stairs and back to wall on MLK.

A short wall sit with some air presses.
15 or 16 Hip Slappers lead by Whoopee.

Back to Pavilion.

YHC was going to end 30 seconds early, but again was called out on it, so Moroccan Night Clubs to close the time.

No new announcements were made, just the upcoming runs. There are many opportunities, so signup for something.

YHC took us out.

There was a good bit of mumble chatter this morn, most aimed at YHC.

Yes, UNC gave Clemson a close game, but who got the W?

Watts Up Powering Down…

Pavilion Chili Cookoff Pre-Blast

Bathrooms coming soon to the Pavilion!

The Rotary Centennial Pavilion has been home to the F3 Downtown workout since July of 2015, a few short months after the F3 Gastonia launch.  E4 was the original site Q before he handed it off to the elusive Spiderman who then turned over the reins to Bedpan.  By my calculations, F3 has posted over 200 Friday workouts at the Pavilion besides running through the site during our three 50 mile relays.

The big cheese, Sargento, happens to be the Nantan of the Gastonia Rotary Club this year.  Both Gastonia Rotary Clubs are raising money to install public bathrooms at the Pavilion soon.  Bathrooms would be a great thing for downtown as well as for any F3 PAX who routinely run late to the workout due to those “emergencies”.  (you know who you are)

To raise money for the bathrooms, the Gastonia Rotary Club is hosting a Chili Cook Off on November 2nd of this year.  I am aware that you should probably have bathrooms installed before eating chili but I am not in charge.  There are four levels of sponsorships, with $1000.00 being the “Four Alarm” sponsor.  I propose giving back to the Pavilion and raising money for this cause.  F3 Gastonia can assist in raising money for the bathrooms and if we meet our goal sooner rather than later we will be recognized in all advertisements and social media, leading to more exposure for F3 and hopefully draw in some FNG’s.

I am calling on all site Q’s to collect donations from PAX throughout the month of September until we reach our goal of $1000.00.  PAX may contribute cash or checks (made payable to the Rotary Club of Gastonia).  The good news is Diablo Sammich has already said they were going to raise $100, and that was immediately countered with a $150 pledge from the PUB.  The Coconut Horse then said they would raise $151.

The purpose will be to raise awareness of F3Gastonia and support the community through adding an amenity to the premier Friday AO in our region.

This initiative is “Nantan approved” as well as “Site Q approved”.  If each PAX that posts contributes something we should reach our goal in short order.  F3 is free so there is no obligation to give but Site Q’s please take up the collections and let’s hit this goal and put F3Gastonia on more men’s radars in our region.



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