Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Coconut Horse (Page 7 of 20)

Coconut Horse Rucking

3 showed for a nice morning of rucking and fellowship.

It was great for me to be back out this morning for some fitness and fellowship.

Announcements:  Amoeba Ruck coming up.

Prayers:  Turtleman and others in need

Until the next one.  Aye!


Fartleks for Whoopee

Whoopee thought nobody was going to show up to run with him. Roscoe was there and then YHC rolled in with 2.5 minutes to spare. That’s practically early if you ask me. The three of us headed out for a medium mosey around the usual route.

Whoopee is a little bit on the injured side but still posted and notified Roscoe and YHC that he’d probably slow down when his injury flared up. To counteract this situation we decided to cut the corner by taking a right on Hudson instead of going all the way to the greenway to give him a little shorter route.

As Roscoe and I would move ahead over time we’d circle back to pick up the 6. This was referred to as doing a fartlek, especially when one of us would break wind on the circle back and we had to run back through the crop dusted area. Fartlek…

We finished the run and all had a joyous time.

Announcements – lots of ruck stuff, Freed to Bleed this Thursday at Noble Smoke in CLT

Prayer Requests – GSM family, Turtleman, PAX looking for work, PAX travels

YHC took us out.

How to Get Good

Great morning for some work, so we did.  YHC rucked with Hermie.  Roscoe, Breaker Breaker, Virus and Fountainhead ran.  Short Sale, Whoopee and Stroganoff joined us for Q Source.  Breaker mentioned he might have PR’d the Coconut Horse loop, so seems like it was quite the push.

In QSource today, we talked about Qing, and counting cadence, and how it never goes as smoothly as you want it the first time, but by the 100th or 1000th time, it becomes natural.  Like all things, it takes persistent work.  The difference between adequate and good comes from within.  It’s our job as men to keep pushing the rock and take the responsibility to make the leap from acceptable to good, and then from good to great.

We also discussed HTC, the counting method that we’ve all come to know and love.  Research for my 1st Q a while back had me stumble on this gem of a backblast from a QSchool held at Gashouse a while back. In it, CSpan elaborates on some of the important parts of Qing.  One that struck me was this:

“When a Q does not lead an exercise in cadence that would normally be done that way, he is giving away his authority to lead the Pax. He is implicitly telling the Pax that he not able to count in cadence or is not willing to learn.”

I’ve tried to make sure not to forget this in designing beatdowns.   Anyways, check out the backblast in the link above for more details on how to Q.


  • PT Test – this Saturday
  • Breaker Breaker will be rucking for 4 hours in Belmont on Wednesday evening.  Come join him for all or part if you’re so inclined.

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtleman
  • Breaker Breaker’s son & his wife
  • Montross, the 5K, and the family being helped
  • GSM Family
  • Lewis Family
  • Shook Family
  • Lesslie Family


“I didn’t come this far to just come this far.”  Keep pushing the rock.  The work is never over.

Thankful to have the opportunity to lead today.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Just Leave me

Five ran the route, two rucked, and three ran before the OG running AO in the Gashouse.  Quiche, Buckeye, and Gold Digger ran before the start but it only counted as EC for Gold Digger as Buckeye and Quiche skedaddled out of there at about 0531.  Since we started one minute late, I guess it counts as a post for them.

Whoopee tried to stay with Gold Digger, YHC tried to keep them in sight.  Flintstone and Short Sale ran until Flintstone wanted to catch YHC and eventually Whoopee.  Gold Digger came back to get me and I tried to survive as he talked to me just after the gut check.  YHC then proclaimed to Gold Digger, “just leave me!  Go get Whoopee and I will get Short Sale” and that is what happened.

Les Nessman and Pockets rucked and were back in time for Nameorama.

YHC had the Q at Q-Source where we discussed the Starfish model of organizational leadership from Freed to Lead.  Tube was there.

Prayers for Stroganoff, Mr. Jenkins, Bobby, Purple Haze, and EZ Rider and the entire GSM family.



The Mission

What  lofty title for the Coconut Horse. If anyone of you are followers of my epic backblasts, well, today may be disappointing. At the Horse on Sunday mornings, we have an agreement that the Q of Q-Source is also the Q of the workout. Usually works well, but coming off The Mortimer, I had a scheduled day off to recover – at least from the run. Now Flintstone on the other hand, that HIM already threw out the HC for a ruck. I know his training was more steady than mine or he’s just a glutton for punishment. Either way, he was there at 0600 and Whoopee fresh off a relaxing week of spa treatments, foot massages, mud peels, and happy endings (let’s at least hope?), joined him for the standard 5 mile tour. I posted at the COT having completed my homework and ready to lead the discussion. Whoopee was nice enough to buy me a coffee.

Our Q-Source group is reading and reviewing Freed to Lead. Sunday morning covered Part 3, Chapter 1 and beginning of Chapter 2. We began by discussing The Mission which if it’s not engrained into your head is: “the reinvigoration of male leadership within the community.” Whoopee identified that has changed since the original publication (2014) as the F3 Nation website now states: “the invigoration of male community leadership.” So a slight variation. Whoopee is prepared to match wits with DREDD on the tense or word “invigorate or reinvigoration.” If you’re trying to invigorate, that means male community leadership is non-existent – obviously there are many organizations and causes that do a lot of good in our community prior to F3 starting in 2015 so maybe that take on words is to take a Sad Clown and invigorate them? Chew on that at your next opportunity.

We then dove into Chapter 2 covering a few pages discussing the First F and how the Sad Clown can navigate the gym or pay a personal trainer vs. the accountability that can be found among F3 men. I do agree it’s much easier to find a push or sometimes a pull from the PAX for the workout, something that can’t be achieved as easily when your watching a video. I can attest to that as I was on the IR a good portion of 2020 and missed the camaraderie which comes in the form of Mumble Chatter. We then moved briefly to Shovel Flags and their importance to identify the home base, especially for a new guy or out of town F3 man trying to find the exact location.

Finally moved to cover the backblast and their structure. Our region is better than most about publishing them. Obviously I enjoy writing mine and apologize for the length. If you haven’t been made aware, there is a point to their purpose which is more than identifying the best and worst or workout highlights. The attendance recorded greatly assists the SLT, especially Weasel Shaker and First F for who is posting and where. The data collected identified the recent expansion of Tequila Sunrise on Friday mornings and the upcoming Phat Ricky Extravaganza set to have a second workout in Dallas (begins Saturday morning at 0700 at Cloninger Park). As we migrate to the warmer months, possibly other AO’s could become candidates for expansion – that is up to you. Ideal size for a workout is 10-12 men. If you’ve ever been to workouts with 20 or more, it can be a lot to handle for a regular AO.  The last piece of the BB is the naked man moleskin – which is when the Q attempts to share a “truth nugget” which runs the gamut from motivation to wisdom. I always find Whoopee’s to be passionate (I shared that with him in the discussion).

The final thing we covered is the fact that we post for each other. Plenty of times we fart-sack or in some cases smart-sack (as was the case for all but Flintstone from the Mortimer participants). Sometimes just our mere presence can provide the necessary companionship that helps another brother more than we’d ever know.

If it’s been a while or you’ve never read Freed to Lead – it’s beneficial to go through this again, especially after having been at this thing a few years.

Spa Day

It was a great morning to attack daylight savings time and work out during that hour that was lost (or something).  Anyway, YHC arrived before 0600 to walk/run the Coconut.  I noticed Breaker’s car already there and knew I wasn’t alone.  I left on foot and eventually saw some ruckers ahead in the fifth mile.  Flintstone and Sweetheart were rucking and then I saw Breaker running solo backwards on the route to pick up Short Sale and Virus running the regular route.  Chili Cheeseburgers the night before the Coconut should be avoided apparently.

Tube showed up for Q-Source and Sweetheart left for early church.

We had a good discussion on Sad Clown Syndrome, Pogo 40, the Sifter and the Reacher.  Go hard or go home, but make sure you modify your routines so as not to get on IR.

We then had an impromptu discussion on marriage and learned Tube will be having a spa day with his M at the Grove Park.  Good job on 17 years of marriage!  The next time you see him, he will probably have those residual circles around his eyes from where the cucumbers were.

Short Sale has the Q-Source Q next Sunday as we continue with Freed to Lead.

Announcements:  Convergeance at the Bulldog (Bess Elementary) April 17 and PT test at the Gashouse on April 24th.

Prayers for Breaker’s step-father to get better and for all the Mortimer and P200 teams next weekend.



Freed to Lead @ Coconut Horse

Beautiful morning for some running and rucking.

7 showed for the workout, 2 more showed for Q Source.  We continued the study of Freed to Lead, the original F3 Book.

It was chilly.  The routes were not flat.  We did it anyway.

Until the next one.



Don’t Run “Rangry” unless you are Freed to Lead

It wasn’t really that gloomy this morning at The Coconut Horse.

I had not posted a good run in almost 3 1/2 weeks so it felt good just to be out there.  I decided to show a few minutes early as I knew my pace would not be what it had been a month ago.  Ruckers were coming in and Whoopee and DDC accompanied me on the run early.

We shared some great mumblechatter and a mile or two in, Whoopee mentioned that you shouldn’t run with me when I’m angry.  I’m not exactly sure what he was talking about but we determined we would from this moment forward refer to this state as “Rangry”,  short for Running Angry.  Sometimes this can cause an uptick in pace.

However, the best part was just getting some work in along with some great fellowship.  Thank you gentlemen.

We had a great group this morning and a great COT.  This was followed up with a large group staying for Q Source where we started a new book discussion on Freed to Lead, the original F3 book.

Until the next one.  Aye!


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