Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Coconut Horse (Page 14 of 20)

Schooling at the Coconut

YHC came in hot to the Coconut to find the PAX ready to run.  Most did 5 except Quiche who did either 6 or 8 depending upon if you believe that his run app stopped working for two miles.  Compass came in to the COT at the end and we had a couple show just for QSource on Schooling.  Thanks to Gastone’s flashlight YHC didn’t trip over a log on the greenway and YHC stopped to move it out of the way.  People could have been injured or seriously killed!

Short Sale was putting in the miles as he is prepping for a 1/2 marathon in 8 weeks.

Prayer requests:

Quiche and his M are going to Pakistan for some mission work.

Prayers for Sargento’s CFL exam and his ankle.  Our own T-Square will be on the American Yammer podcast soon!

Keep pushing the rock!


Pavilion Chili Cookoff Pre-Blast

Bathrooms coming soon to the Pavilion!

The Rotary Centennial Pavilion has been home to the F3 Downtown workout since July of 2015, a few short months after the F3 Gastonia launch.  E4 was the original site Q before he handed it off to the elusive Spiderman who then turned over the reins to Bedpan.  By my calculations, F3 has posted over 200 Friday workouts at the Pavilion besides running through the site during our three 50 mile relays.

The big cheese, Sargento, happens to be the Nantan of the Gastonia Rotary Club this year.  Both Gastonia Rotary Clubs are raising money to install public bathrooms at the Pavilion soon.  Bathrooms would be a great thing for downtown as well as for any F3 PAX who routinely run late to the workout due to those “emergencies”.  (you know who you are)

To raise money for the bathrooms, the Gastonia Rotary Club is hosting a Chili Cook Off on November 2nd of this year.  I am aware that you should probably have bathrooms installed before eating chili but I am not in charge.  There are four levels of sponsorships, with $1000.00 being the “Four Alarm” sponsor.  I propose giving back to the Pavilion and raising money for this cause.  F3 Gastonia can assist in raising money for the bathrooms and if we meet our goal sooner rather than later we will be recognized in all advertisements and social media, leading to more exposure for F3 and hopefully draw in some FNG’s.

I am calling on all site Q’s to collect donations from PAX throughout the month of September until we reach our goal of $1000.00.  PAX may contribute cash or checks (made payable to the Rotary Club of Gastonia).  The good news is Diablo Sammich has already said they were going to raise $100, and that was immediately countered with a $150 pledge from the PUB.  The Coconut Horse then said they would raise $151.

The purpose will be to raise awareness of F3Gastonia and support the community through adding an amenity to the premier Friday AO in our region.

This initiative is “Nantan approved” as well as “Site Q approved”.  If each PAX that posts contributes something we should reach our goal in short order.  F3 is free so there is no obligation to give but Site Q’s please take up the collections and let’s hit this goal and put F3Gastonia on more men’s radars in our region.




Five runners showed in the Gloom at the coconut just before sunrise. Quiche was there as he and Gold digger got a run in before the official workout. For Gold Digger it was EC but since Quiche didn’t stay for the official workout he gets no credit at all. Well, maybe a little!

Diva and Gold digger were out front while Clavin, Whoopee and I were the six. At some point I noticed mud on the greenway and it reminded me of Monk and his several “near misses” where he almost busted during previous runs.  Therefore I dialed him up via FaceTime and he accompanied us for about a mile along the run. The great news from the DC region is that Monk started a Q Source already, has friended the Nantan of his region and is helping the acceleration of his new region. He is also starting a running AO. (Remember the Pub?

I will confess that Linus did return from some sort of a run after the COT which counts as a post at the Coconut so I apologize for not giving credit originally  I thought he had poured water on his shirt or purchased a shirt with pre-sweat stains  thanks goes to Whoopee for calling me out and having Linus’ back


Several PAX had to leave before the Q Source but several more showed up  Linus, SledgeOmatic, Whoopee, and T-Square were at the Q Source where we discussed dancing idiots, vision, acceleration, cats, F3, humility, guard rails, and fast runners

A great start to the day!  Aye!


Run, Ruck, and Sweat!

8 men for the Coconut Horse.

Some ran extra.

Some Rucked.

but all made it to the Coconut Horse.

Warm morning but not to bad.

Prayers up for several in travel and business.

Quiche took us out in prayer.


Coconut Horse – It Rained & Was Gloomy

It was gloomy and raining at the start.

When I arrived, Diva was the only one in sight.  Two were already on the course and one would roll in late.

Diva did YHC a real solid by not leaving me behind.  No doubt it helped my pace on this gloomy morning.

We ran.  It was fun.

Two more showed up for Q Source.

Until the next one.  Aye!

See you in the gloom.


Living on the Edge at Coconut Horse

It wasn’t very gloomy.  In fact, it was quite nice.

We ran…..5 miles.

There was SV blood thanks to Sargento.

The Q went crazy and we ran the normal route in reverse……oh, the humanity and we all lived to tell about it.

4 for the Q Source after.

It was fun.

Until the next one.



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