Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Bulldog (Page 8 of 9)

Stop asking “How’s tha back?”

So, worked out with bulldog a few weeks ago.  it was fun.  I asked for the Q on 5/7 and it was mine.

Short and simple, I brought some blocks and some bricks.  I played some music.  We curled and heaved the blocks, we morrocced and shoulder tapped the bricks.  We did some burpees and lunges in between. At the end we did some Mary. It sucked. I hope it hurt.

The back’s fine.  How’s yours?



Comfort Zone

While I’ve posted at Bulldog and Painlab in the past, I’ve never had a Q at either one. I was a little concerned about whether or not I had enough planned to fill the time, and also if the Weinke would challenge the PAX that would assemble. Too late to worry about it now, the time has arrived and there are 12 PAX itching to get in some work. Everyone grabbed two bricks from my truck (to be used for all exercises) and after a short warmup we got started.


Partner Alarms

One partner lunge walks across the drive and back while the other does the exercise until the total cumulative reps are reached.

A – Shoulder press x100

L – Squats x150

A – Flutter kicks (bricks above chest) x200

R – Randy’s (arm flutters) x250

M – Mountain Climbers x300


Part one is complete, so let’s do a little station work. 5 Stations are set up along the drive with three exercises listed for each station. PAX completes the first exercise at a station and then moves to the next. After completing all 5 stations, move to second exercise and repeat, etc…..No walking from station to station, PAX choice of bear crawl, crab walk or lunge walk.

Station 1 – Tricep Extension x25, Curls x25 each arm, Chest press x50

Station 2 – American Hammers x25, LBC’s x50, Nolan Ryan’s x15 each side

Station 3 – Moroccan Nightclubs x25, Sun Gods x25, Front raise x25

Station 4 – Seal Jacks x25, Man Makers x5, Shoulder taps x25

Station 5 – Sumo Squats x25, Dying Cockroach x25, WWI’s x10


Everyone made it through all the exercises at least once. Time to put up the bricks and finish off with a couple of minutes of Mary.



Comfort Zone

As I mentioned, this was my first Q for a low impact type workout, so I was definitely outside my comfort zone this morning. So why do it? When we stay in our comfort zones we fail to reach our full potential, struggle with reaching our goals and fall short of living our lives as God intended us to. The next time you are faced with an opportunity to step outside your comfort zone, draw strength from the following verse:

2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power, and love, and self control.”




Mt. Mitchell hike this Sunday – meet at GSM at 5:30am

Belmont 5k SFN on May 25th

BRR Ruck meeting this Thursday at 7pm Buffalo Wild Wings


Prayer Request

Seltzer family – premature birth of child

Oompa Loompa – mother

Sargento – mother in law

Dr. Feelgood – mother

Honey Do – upcoming colonoscopy

Teenager who passed away on Mt. Island Lake this past weekend


YHC took us out.


I appreciate the opportunity to lead this morning and want to thank all of F3 Gastonia for the support and encouragement that you provide me on a daily basis. It’s truly a blessing to be able to have so many High Impact Men pushing me to get stronger and become a better leader in all aspects of my life.

Until the next time (this afternoon),




One flew over the…handlebars???

Some of you may recall Pedal was on the IR last Tuesday due to his backiotomy. I asked him Monday if he was clear to do his makeup Q this Tuesday. He said while PainLab felt great to him he had to defer yet again. Apparently he was out Mountain Biking, clipped a tree and flew over his handlebars. Ill let him tell you the rest when he’s able to return to action.  However this did not put YHC in a pickle. As i’ve attended or listened to many podcasts on Q Source, One that always sticks out is preparedness. “Always Be Prepared” is what 5.11’s moto is and so it shall be. Quick weinke creation. Arrived at Bulldog and see a surprisingly large crowd for this AO and I also see a return of Dry Rub, the FNG fresh off the convergence. Lets begin



Merkins 15 IC

Imperial Walkers 15 IC

Hillbillies 15 IC

Here comes HushPuppy coming in Hot. Glad to see you out here brother. Modify as needed, do what you can do!

HP takes off with a headlamp for many laps around the Bess Track.

The rest of us meet the Deck of Death

Card # Exercise Suit Exercise
2 TGU Hearts Merkins
3 Halos Diamonds Burpees
4 Half Knee Press Clubs LBCs
5 Figure 8 Spades Squats
6 Renegade Row
7 Skull Crushers
8 Clean & Press
9 Snatch
10 High Pull
J-15 Overhead Tricep
Q-15 Curls
K-15 Swings
A-15 pullovers

We ended up doing 69 Burpees, which i think was the exact # of PAX at the convergence.


Announcements – Comm. Foundation Run SIGN UP, Mt. Mitchell

Prayer requests

VooDoo took us out



Last week was the F3 Mental Battle. I told the PAX the story of my wife’s friend losing her sister over the weekend to Suicide. The struggle is real. I told the PAX that the mental illness battle shouldn’t be only 1 week, it should be every day. Talk to the men around you. Men, if you are struggling, talk to someone. We are all here for each other. We are here for you if you are the one struggling. Don’t be afraid.




Ages 8+ 2-? players

Pedal reached out to YHC late Sunday to take over his Q for Bulldog due to a backiotomy. Not a lot of time to plan a weinke as I’ve been preparing one for the convergence. Time to break out PAINOPOLY.

Forgot the flag but Google images always comes through in the clutch. Pledge



Imperial Walkers

Goof Balls

The Thang


Watt’s Up and I had a heated battle for property ownership. We went to Jail once, landed on a Rail Road, and drew the Queen Burpee card from Community Chest. 30 Burpees total were completed. At one point I recall Watt’s Up saying this board aint no joke. You’re damn right it’s not! By the end of the game we were both bankrupt and sore.


Convergence, SFN/CFN, Mt. Mitchell

Prayers for Watt’s Up son



That’s Jacked Up

No, I’m not referring to the leg either. Wanted to get these HIMs that come out to Bulldog Jacked Up for Spring/Summer. No soccer arms ’round here.



Jacked Up (F3 Exicon Name)

SSH x 50 IC
Seal Jacks x 40 IC
Plank Jacks x 30 IC – I “Jacked up” the cadence call on this, not once but twice. In the end we still did 30 IC.
Crossover Jacks x 20 IC
Lil Gumby’s In The Woods (AKA Smurf Jacks) x 10 IC

The Thang:

Bears & Bells

Get into Bear Crawl position with your Kettlebell on the pavement between your feet. Reach between your legs and pull the bell across the pavement passed your head. Now, bear crawl forward until the bell is between your feet again, and keep repeating across the length of the parking lot which was 65 Yards.


Kettlebell one arm overhead. Walk 30 yards and switch arms.


7’s – Renegade row (1 each arm is 1) at one end, Farmer Carry 30 yards, Curls at the other end, Farmer Carry back


Kettlebell Swings x 20
Little Gumby’s in the woods x15
Kettlebell Curls x 20
Diamond Merkins x15
Kettlebell Rows x 20
Mountain Climbers x15
American Hammers x 20 (count Right side only)
Plank Jacks x15
Tricep Extensions x 20
Burpees 5
Goblet Squats x 20
Monkey Humpers x15
Single Arm Bench Press x 20 (10 each arm)
Crab Cakes x15
Single Arm Shoulder Press  x 20 (10 each arm)
MNC x15
Dead Lift x 20
Chilly Jack’s x15
Upright Rows x 20 or 10 each arm
Plank jacks x15




Mentioned the F3 Mental Battle on 3/27. Briefly touched on depression, anxiety and other mental health things. Encouraged PAX to listen to C-SPANS roundtable/podcast on the topic. As we only have two workouts on Wednesdays, we will expand the Mental Battle to Tuesday and Thursday next week to cover more AO’s. End your workout at 0605 to allow extra time in COT to talk about topic.


SFN-CFN April 13th

Convergence March 30th

Mt. Mitchell Climb May 5th

Bible Study at Allen Tate’s house next Thursday 3/28 – Kingdom Man is the topic

Prayer requests:

Honey Do’s family, VooDoo’s family, Watt’s Up family & Mayor

YHC took us out.


Mayor, glad you came out this morning. I always enjoy having you at a workout as you seem to bring laughter to the PAX. I know you are battling some health issues right now but continue to push through and push the rock. Thanks to Pedal for volunteering to lead Bulldog next week. Thanks to Watt’s Up for stepping up and taking PainLab Q when most are going to be gone for P200.

I Swear, I CAN count… I think… maybe.

After a BULLDOG , Hipaa made the announcement he was looking for people to Q for the month of March… I told him I would look at my work schedule and let him know.   A bit later several days as I’m scrolling through the Twitter Feed I see he is still asking for people to step up and Q so I remember I never let him know anything and said I would take a day.

Now I’m in a jam I gotta make a Weinke.  So I begin sorting it out.  Inspired by a prior Bulldog Q’d by Hipaa involving a 300 Challenge, I think to myself;  that was good, I can come up with something like that… So I looked at his back blast to get the rep counts to give me an Idea of where to go with it.

I make the list.  I count the reps multiple times,  it is done… the Bulldog 300 Challenge (Part 2).  Night before I make the list on a poster board so that It will be a little easier to read… it wasn’t much better, also its not 300 Reps… Its 320… so i count again and again and again its 320 … So its morphed into the Bulldog 300+ Challenge.

Day of… I explain the inability to count correctly and the creation of the 300+ Challenge…   Oh yeah, We celebrate St. Patricks Day a little early with the play list.

Pledge, NO FNG No Disclaimer.

WARM UP… SSH X 10 only, I miss the  expressive cadence letting everyone know were done,  Imperial Walkers X 15 was supposed to be 10 but I realized i missed the expressive cadence so i went to 15 and included it.  Moroccan night clubs X 10… I miss the expressive cadence again and Hipaa calls me out by continuing until i physically told him i messed up the count and he could stop.    All in good fun.   I swear I can count.

The Bulldog 300+ Challenge

40 – Goblet Squat

20 – Tricep Press or Kickback (R)

25 – Kettlebell Swing

20 – Tricep Press or Kickback (L)

20 – Sumo Squat (Low Slow Squat with Wide stance)

10 – Calf Raises

25 – Kettlebell Curl (R)

25 – Kettlebell Curl (L)

15 – Squat Press (R)

15 – Squat Press (L)

10 – Goblet Squat

20 – LBC

5 – Squat Press (L)

5 – Squat Press (R)

25 – Kettlebell Swing

20 – Pretzel Crunch (L)

20 – Pretzel Crunch (R)

TOTAL 320 Reps.  Knowing this would not eat all of our time I offered up the choice to the PAX, go through it again or Pax Choice… Pax Choice it is…. I do not remember everything called here.  I do know the total Rep count went much higher than it was and everyone put in good work


Convergence: March 30, 0700 @ Folsom, Hipaa adds he wants to Highly Encourage everyone to bring an FNG  to flood the event with FNG’s

Community Foundation Run:  Speed for Need Event, April 13

Belmont Classic 5K / 1mile Fun Run : Speed for Need evnet, May 25

Prayer Requests and YHC took us out

Thank you for the opportunity, I hope you got something out of it… I know I did.  (my apologies for the delay on this back blast)




A “V” No More

A Monday a couple of weeks ago, YHC was voluntold he would get to the privilege of VQ’ing BullDog today.  Luckily most those same HIMs decided not to fartsack this fine NC morning and came to feel the bite of BullDog.  And would you believe a FNG to boot!



Since we had a FNG (Alan), HIPAA stepped in where the Q failed to give Alan all the required information.



Grass Pickers (IC)

Hillbillies (IC)

Sand Shakers (OYO)


The Bite:

6 Stations

2 Minute AMRAP

Rotate to the next station.


Round 1:

Burpees or Kettlebell Swings


Monkey Humpers


Bottom ½ Curl

Calf Raises


Round 2:

Burpees or Kettlebell Swings


Gorilla Humpers

Pretzel Crunch

Top ½ Curl

OverHead Shoulder Raises


Round 3:

Burpees or Kettlebell Swings

Diamond Merkins

Crab Humpers

Reverse Crunch

Full Curl

Tricep Press



Lots of chatter about the how long two minutes are (that is what she said) and the suck factor.



Mt. Mitchell Outing – May 5th

Convergence @ Folsom – March 30th

Island is Q for SnoBalls on February 27th


Prayer to close it out.


Welcome FNG Honey Do!


TClap to HIPAA for the advice and assistance.


Thanks to  all in the PAX.  On this journey,  I have been the six on the reg.  I am down over 20#, stronger and faster.  I am still the six, but not quite as far back.


Watts-Up powering down…

99 Problems

Like Jay-Z always says: “I got 99 problems & a…” and we’ll go with what VooDoo says for the second part of that verse: “…but Burpees ain’t one!” And he was right, burpees were not a problem for us this morning. Everything else perhaps.





*Warmup was extended as an unexpected newcomer was coming in a little hot. Sledge-O-Matic!!! My man finally made it out to Bulldog!!

The Thang:


Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
  • 99 LBC’s
  • 9 Burpees
  • 99 KB Curls
  • 9 Merkins
  • 99 KB Chest Presses
  • 88 LBC’s
  • 8 Burpees
  • 88 KB Curls
  • 8 Merkins
  • 88 KB Chest Presses
  • 77 LBC’s
  • 7 Burpees
  • 77 KB Curls
  • 7 Merkins
  • 77 KB Chest Presses
Set 4 Set 5
  • 66 LBC’s
  • 66 Burpees
  • 66 KB Curls
  • 6 Merkins
  • 66 KB Chest Presses
  • 55 LBC’s
  • 55 Burpees
  • 55 KB Curls
  • 5 Merkins
  • 55 KB Chest Presses


It sucked, literally. I know I had them Bill Cosby arms by the time we finished. For some reason some PAX had issues counting and doing math during the sets, I honestly think the Miodriyama guys could’ve figured this out.


Prayer requests

VooDoo took us out.

Watt’s Up has an unexpected, voluntold, VQ coming up at Bulldog on Tuesday February 26th. Be a great time for everyone to come out and support a VQ and a prosperous AO. I cant say enough great things about Watt’s Up, my man posts like 6 times every week. Constantly pushing the rock! Marco, your VQ is coming brother lol! I want to acknowledge you as well. You have been coming to Bulldog consistently now and putting in the work! Great work brother!!




Day 3 – HIPAAPALOOZA – Birthday Bash

It was YHC’s 41st birthday so why not go out in style by celebrating at HIPAAPALOOZA 2019! It was Heavy Metal day and there were 9 stages to visit. YHC was in Hysteria to see Def Leppard live in person, it’s like the best BDay gift a person could ever have; But then again VooDoo and his family did get me an F3 Minivan Centurion shirt (Which makes #23 in my F3 Shirt collection) so that is probably a better gift! Which by the way is only appropriate to have as I rolled up to Bulldog in the M’s Odyssey slammed packed with coupons for the workout. Let’s get it!

Today’s Groupies (To be a groupie you need to have posted 2 or more time during HIPAAPALOOZA):

Broke, Oompa Loompa & Def Leppard

Coupon List:
• Battle Rope
• Sand Buckets
• Tire
• Slam Ball
• Forearm rope roller
• Kettlebells
• Dumbbells

Playlist – 80’s Hair Bands

The Thang


30 Second AMRAP – 10 second rest – Why nobody still believes it’s not 10 seconds is beyond me. I swear its 10 seconds.

Station 1 – Battle Rope:
Round 1: 3 Sets – Double Arm Waves
Round 2: 3 Sets – Side to Side Slams

Station 2 – Slam Ball:
Round 1: 3 Sets – Overhead Slams
Round 2: 3 Sets – American Hammers

Station 3 – Kettlebell:
Round 1: 3 Sets – Upright Rows
Round 2: 3 Sets – Swings

Station 4 – Body Weight:
Round 1 – 3 Sets – LBC’s
Round 2 – 3 Sets – Pseudo Planche Merkin

Station 5 – Dumb Bells:
Round 1 – 3 Sets – Front Lateral Raise
Round 2 – 3 Sets – Arnold Press

Station 6 – Kettlebell
Round 1 – 3 Sets – Renegade Rows
Round 2 – 3 Sets – Dead Lift (Go Heavy)

Station 7 – Cinder Block
Round 1 – 3 Sets Curls
Round 2 – 3 Sets Curls

Station 8 – Misc Gear
Round 1 – 3 Sets – Bucket Shrugs
Round 2 – Forearm rope

Station 9 – Body Weight
Round 1 – 3 Sets – Merkins
Round 2 – 3 Sets – BBSU

Prayer requests
Def Leppard took us out

Thanks to everyone who came out to my birthday Q. Last year I turned 40 & No, joining F3 was not some mid-life crisis. I posted this on FaceBook on my birthday last year and I want to share it here: “They say when you hit 40 you are now “over the hill”. I feel that means 40 is the pinnacle of your life. Sorry folks but my life’s journey hasn’t even come close to the pinnacle yet. I’ve merely reached the “Nepal base camp”, the halfway point to the summit of the highest mountain in the world.” This last year is a testament to that statement. I kept climbing in 2018, never looking back. Now that I’m 41, I feel stronger than ever and I will keep pushing the rock up that mountain. See for me, the top of that mountain is when I meet the good lord, only then will I take the time to relax.



Fastest backblast ever

Lucky number 7 was the number of HIM’s that posted in the frigid 22 degree gloom this day at Bulldog. Even my bricks were cold, made the fingers numb. Here’s what happened.

I attempted to play the album Soup by Blind Melon because it’s awesome and it was recorded in New Orleans, which is where many of our PAX will be heading in a couple weeks to run races.

Warm Up

Don Quixote (exercise version)

Toy Soldiers

Mosey over to my chariot to pick up the bricks stowed in the trunk. Return to the start. We did…

Heavy Freddies (actually I made them Cockroaches) x15 IC

Dodo Birds x15 IC

Hands of Time (several rounds)

Oblique Crunch x15 IC each side

Newton’s Cradle x15

Stay put for a round of Flora 1-2-3. Partner up and do the following…

100 Merkins (10 at a time, swapping with your partner who was holding plank)

200 LBCs (25 at a time with bricks on chest, partner holds plank I think)

300 Goblet Squats (25 at a time, I can’t remember what the partner did in between)

We still had plenty of time so we did another round of the earlier exercises. Whoopee had to leave to save lives somewhere in all of this. He was missed.

Still had some time and my Blind Melon had stopped playing likely due to the freezing temperature so YHC modified for us to listen to Bring Sally Up via bluetooth. This was working well until it too stopped playing which led to what was possibly the most beautiful and horrific experience the local PAX has witnessed in a while, my acapella version of Bring Sally Up while doing said exercise. It was tremendous if I do say so myself!

End with prayer requests, announcements and namorama.

Sargento out!

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