Most men in life are in the middle of the bell curve unless we choose to be be better than that. If you believe you are one of those guys in the middle, then this is especially for you. I am talking to the guys that post a couple days a week and call it good. The guys who are passively involved in one or two F’s. The one’s who don’t avail themselves to all the items on the F3 Menu. The ones who won’t do a CSAUP or Q a workout regularly. The ones who don’t lives their lives intentionally and “oversleep” instead of making a decision to wake up and get after it. This challenge is to push that bell curve to the right.
I have heard some clamoring among the Gashouse PAX for a challenge along the lines of the 40 day challenge so here it is.
No excuses!
VISION: In November you are going to challenge yourself to a few required physical tasks as well as maintaining standards to increase your acceleration.
This challenge can be modified based on your fitness level but make sure you make it happen.
1st F Requirements:
100 Miles combined run/ruck miles for the month to include:
-At least one ten-mile run and…
-At least one 12-mile ruck
-Or…one combined run/ruck of 15 miles
One Murph workout
Combined total of at least 25 workouts (30 minutes minimum, CSAUP’s count as 1)
Hydrate and take in protein after each workout.
Dietary Guidelines:
No Soda
No Fast Food
No sweets
No chips
More water
More salads, vegetables, and lean meats
No alcohol* (except at Bottom’s Up, F3 Gastonia’s only standing 2nd F event. Limit yourself to two drinks (Moderation in all things, including moderation))
Cheat meals must be EARNED! (with the exception of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a cheat day)
Seven workouts in a week earns you a cheat meal.
Going to Q-Source on Sunday morning earns a cheat meal.
If you have never been to a Q-Source session and go to your first one, you get an additional Cheat meal.
Persuasion: Don’t be weak. If you aren’t strong, you’re wrong. That is it. Make a shared Google Doc with your Shieldlock to track your mileage. Journal your posts using Notes on your phone or some other method. Post on Slack to update on your progress #accountability
YHC encourages Site-Q’s to schedule a long run or Ruck or Murph sometime during the month.
If you have questions, feel free to ask. Otherwise, commit now to the challenge and quit making excuses. Covid 2020 has been a real challenge but we can continue to improve. Prepare for this challenge now so you are ready. The challenge begins with a ten miler at the Coconut Horse on November 1st, followed by Q-Source. I am sure my friends in NOGA will make a similar option available.
EXHORTATION: Quit being soft,