Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Bulldog (Page 5 of 9)

Sharpen Up November Challenge

Most men in life are in the middle of the bell curve  unless we choose to be be better than that.  If you believe you are one of those guys in the middle, then this is especially for you.    I am talking to the guys that post a couple days  a week and call it good.  The guys who are passively involved in one or two F’s.  The one’s who don’t avail themselves to all the items on the F3 Menu.  The ones who won’t do a CSAUP or Q a workout regularly.  The ones who don’t lives their lives intentionally and “oversleep” instead of making a decision to wake up and get after it.  This challenge is to push that bell curve to the right.

I have heard some clamoring among the Gashouse PAX for a challenge along the lines of the 40 day challenge so here it is.

No excuses!

VISION:  In November you are going to challenge yourself to a few required physical tasks as well as maintaining standards to increase your acceleration.

This challenge can be modified based on your fitness level but make sure you make it happen.


1st F Requirements:

100 Miles combined run/ruck miles for the month to include:

-At least one ten-mile run and…

-At least one 12-mile ruck

-Or…one combined run/ruck of 15 miles

One Murph workout

Combined total of at least 25 workouts (30 minutes minimum, CSAUP’s count as 1)

Hydrate and take in protein after each workout.

Dietary Guidelines:

No Soda

No Fast Food

No sweets

No chips

More water

More salads, vegetables, and lean meats

No alcohol* (except at Bottom’s Up, F3 Gastonia’s only standing 2nd F event.  Limit yourself to two drinks (Moderation in all things, including moderation))

Cheat meals must be EARNED!   (with the exception of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a cheat day)

Seven workouts in a week earns you a cheat meal.

Going to Q-Source on Sunday morning earns a cheat meal.

If you have never been to a Q-Source session and go to your first one, you get an additional Cheat meal.

Persuasion:  Don’t be weak.  If you aren’t strong, you’re wrong.  That is it.  Make a shared Google Doc with your Shieldlock to track your mileage.  Journal your posts using Notes on your phone or some other method.  Post on Slack to update on your progress #accountability

YHC encourages Site-Q’s to schedule a long run or Ruck or Murph sometime during the month.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.  Otherwise, commit now to the challenge and quit making excuses.  Covid 2020 has been a real challenge  but we can continue to improve.  Prepare for this challenge now so you are ready.    The challenge begins with a ten miler at the Coconut Horse on November 1st, followed by Q-Source.  I am sure my friends in NOGA will make a similar option available.

EXHORTATION:  Quit being soft,



5 nickles = 25 cents

Very nice morning for a work out.  A solid crowd made it out to the Bulldog for some rock pushing and starting the day the best way we can think of.

5:30…time to clock in.


20 double count SSH IC

20 double count goofballs IC

Mosey down to the lower parking lot for the thang.

Clavin was nice enough to bring the coupons that YHC had asked for last week, showed early, and helped set up.  Thanks man.  By the way…warning! Clavin has a truck full of coupons for you Labrynth goers.

Q called 5 curls at top of hill, 5 squat thrusts at the bottom, and 5 big boys every time we pass the half way point., all 5 times.  This makes a quintuple nickle or 25 cents.

Goose leads plank work while waiting for 6.

On your 6 with head down hill for;

50 LBCs

Homer and Marge.  The mumblechatter got interesting here.  Should have been there.


Back to top of hill for 25 cents more.  Upright rows at top, squat thrusts at bottom, mountain climbers in the middle.

Quick lap around parking lot.

Clean up coupons.

Rudolph lead SSHs until the coupon cleaners returned.

The rest was stretching, merkins, MNCs, inverted big boys (shout out to Tesla for this gem),  step ups, big boys, and lbcs.

Times up.



Prayer requests:

Sledges brother in law with Bells Pausey.

People with Covid

Goose for a safe return to service

It was very much a honor this morning with such an awesome group of HIMs.




Tune in, turn on, Tube out

One week ago today, during an exercise where I was having to curl, press and overall use a 53 lb kettlebell at Spidey’s brutal Q, my mate Tube said “I thought you’d been working out at home?”.   I asked for Bulldog Q for today, immediately after he said it.  Operation “Murder Tube” was a go.  I set up a lot of weights upon arrival, which after seeing 16 pull in, I’m glad I did.  Great turnout.  Tube got to the circle at the last second.  Should have turned around.


Warm-up:  20 SSH, 10 Squats, 12 MNC, 10 Merkins, 10 LBC’s, all in cadence.

Strength Training – Tuesdays have been my back/bicep days, so we’ll get some of that first.  Grab your weight, head to a bench, dropsets, 2 rounds each:

1A)  Bent Over Rows

1B) Deadlifts

2A) Curls

2B)  Pull Overs

3A) Derkins – this was an Omaha due to the numbers present.  Glad to have to Omaha…

3B) Dips

Bootcamp Training – I hunted the lexicon for 4 distinct exercises that looked like they would work well together.  They had to start with T-U-B-E.  Some new exercises!

T – Tennessee Rocking Chair – touch your toes, go to below parallel squat, back to toe touch, stand.  We did 10 in cadence

U – Uhaul’s – standing with weight at chest, push forward, retract, push to 45 incline, retract.  10 in cadence.

B – Burpees (10….I increased later on to the dismay of Tube, telling the Pax he was saying 10 were too easy.  I lied.)

E – Elf on the Shelf – these are kettlebell half-moons; stand with weight beside right leg, pick it up, maximum extension overhead, set down on your left.

After 4 rotations of this, with some mixed in abs between rounds, and 10 counts, we moved on to…

Cardio Training – I like to bear crawl.  Not sure how Tube feels about it.  Partner up (due to how many guys we had), partner 1 bear crawls 15 yards while partner 2 does SSH, then vice versa when p1 reaches the end.  Next round was NUR, then back to bear crawls, then back to NUR.  Not many people can out-race me on a bearcrawl, but Goose whipped my ass.  Good to see him.

5 minutes left, some Mary via round robin.  Some select exercises in honor of those in the circle.  Take a guess……6:15 TIME.


Announcements – Convergence on Halloween at Martha Rivers.  Give to Give for Freight, make him run.

Prayers – Pedal’s father in battle with Parkinson’s, HIPAA’s wife’s aunt for health, Tube’s friend Neiamiah, Oompa Loompa’s shoulder.  Forgive any missed.

Tube prayed us out at my request 🙂

MOLESKIN – fitness is important, but it shouldn’t override the fellowship and faith portions, in my opinion.  Yes, I focused on lifting this past month, sometimes life varies, but fellowship and faith should be constant.  If you don’t have a Shieldlock, I’d suggest getting one.  Invite a brother out for a beer or coffee (I’d suggest Primal, but this ol’ boy is still a little COVID gunshy!  Works well for others).  Get to know each other outside of the gloom.  We had 16 guys at Bulldog, I love it.  I know about 75% of them very well, time to work on the other 25%.  Thanks to Tube for being a good sport, as a fellow Painlab Q he gets Rudolph’s respect on many levels.

Always a pleaure



Bulldog Site-Q handover

I would like to take a moment to thank Hipaa for the vision and resolve in planting the Bulldog AO.  At the time this AO was started there were very little painlab options.  As I can recall the only option was at the Gashouse on Saturday mornings.  I commend Hipaa for seeing a need and having the resolve to follow thru in meeting that need.

I would also like to take a moment to thank Voodoo for his leadership this year.  Thank you for serving with honor and integrity.

It is my sincere desire to follow the lead of these 2 HIMS and MANY others be the head servant for the upcoming term at the Bulldog.  I hope to help grow the AO if I happen upon a chance to have any influence in that.  Growing the AO mean that more men are overcoming “sad clown” and there are personal, familial, societal benefits.

Thank all of you.  Aye!

It was finally a cooler clear morning.

We stretched, did merkins, moseyed a bit, did some yoga, and had a jolly good time.

See y’all out and about.



One of the fastest and tallest wooden runs on Earth

Or is it home lawn equipment, a restaurant or a bull? Don’t know. But what I do know is that we have a freshly minted FNG named El Toro. He speaks 4 languages, runs a company, has 3 daughters and has yet to hit the age of 30(give or take 5-10 years). This was his introduction, at the BULLDOG!


5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks
5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks, 15 merkins,
5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks, 15 merkins, 20 monkey humpers
5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks, 15 merkins, 20 monkey humpers, 20 freddy mercuries
5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks, 15 merkins, 20 monkey humpers, 2 0freddy mercuries, 10 feet to heaven

20 Curls
10 Bent Rows per arm
Plank pull kettlebell to side REPEAT x 10
Repeat 3X

Low step back lunge holding kettlebell – X5 per leg
Monkey Humpers 20
5 kettlebell extended arm raises
Repeat 3X

Squat Curl Press w/ hand walk-out to a merkin – 10 OYO
Flutterkicks 20
Beast position – Opposite arm/leg extensions
KB swings x 20
Repeat 3X

15 Dips, 40 Calf Raises, 15 Derkins, 10 Hip Dips
Repeat 2X

Stretches for 2 minutes

Voodoo Special

It has been an honor to be Site Q for Bulldog for the past year +.  Watching it grow from the beginning with regulars like…HIPAA, WattsUp, DryRub, Pedal, Rudolph…until is has grown to have a steady 10-15 every Tuesday has been awesome.   F3 has been, as most of us feel, an anchor.  It’s starts my day off right, clears my mind, fills it with positive energy, and lifts me up when I need that little push to get out of my own way.  It reminds me, in the COT, to let God go before me and shape me into a better man everyday. Anyway, enough of that .  I am really happy to hand over the reigns to Timeframe.  He is going to do a fantastic job.  Here’s the fun we put down.



MNC x 20

Low slow squats to stretch it out x 10 OYO

Merkins x 10 IC

Imperial walkers x 10 IC



100 Curls

200 Swings (personal bell)

300 Step ups / calf raises

While P1 goes P2 will (1 lunge walk down/ bear crawl back until curls are done…rd 2 lateral lunge down/ high knees back…rd 3 duck walk down 5 burpees then high knee back

Voodoo Special:

Mary: American Hammers, LBC, Freddie Mercury’s, Crunchy Frogs, plank jacks all x 25

Repeat x 2

Miscellaneous pain: repeat 2x times

Arnold presses x 10 each arm

Upright rows x 20

Over head pulls x 20

Super man presses x 20

Chest presses x 25


Announcements:  CSAUP Saturday, Mt Mitchell

Prayer requests:  Tubes Friends battling addiction and liver disease, Buckeyes Friend and family,

YHC took us out.

His F3 name is Blowjob

I Arrive with about 4 minutes to spare cutting it close…. pax look like bowling pins as I come in hot driving up to pickup area in front and park …. pax start getting excited as to what is hidden in the box ( truck).
Pledge and brief disclaimer as ( at the moment ) there are no FNGs
Let’s do a super abbreviated Iron pax challenge
3 burpees ( I also explain how challenge is meant to go EMOM)
5 hand release release merkins
10 leg raises ( make sure to drop legs back to ground)
5 jungle Boi Squats ( 2 spoon style ) jump squat with x jump
10 big boys
10 lunge steps ( each leg gets count)
The REAL numbers are 50, 100, 150,200,250 with 3 burpees EMOM ( Tabata timer)

time to open truck bed and drop Ms speaker … oops

grab a coupon for 20-1

goblet squat



overhead press

triceps extension

20 reps each then following Time Frames example from last week alternate traveling  exercise to end of shelter and resume 19 and presumably down to 1 …. I’ve never used this and have never been present at a beat down with it …. was not disappointed nor surprised to learn there’s a reason no one finishes this ( although in the cooler weather coming this exercise will return without a warmup or cool down!)

tough exercise

somewhere at beginning of 20 reps we had an individual arrive (  Brian Kerr who knew Outhouse, Time Frame and Tube growing up… and was EHd by Tube …. also had been present many moons ago but could not remember F3 name….

Brian really opened up about struggles with addiction and falling off the wagon only to self admit for treatment in Florida which he has just completed …. fan of Georgia ….. and since he’s truly faced his struggles head on …. and the AO has that name as well as schools mascot …. only seems fair to dub him Bulldog!

announcements for Mt Mitchell, Gastones run with cancer survivor day after, Gump’s 50k

prayers for Les Nessman M ( Shelly) back in hospital

Hermies brother ( surgery today)

Sledges brother-in-law

unfortunately in all the excitement forgot to pray us out so I humbly ask those present to lift these prayers up

lastly we enjoyed STP (Stone Temple Pilots) and I n our cool down I queued up the Hu band ( check them out Jacoby Shaddix (Papa Roach) has brought their brand of metal called Manchurian Metal as well as their singing ( almost chanting ) called throat singing … believe me when I say check it out as well as their video featuring their main instrument … horse head mandolin …  (pretty damn cool)

now why that title?    Well The Bess groundsman came out to leaf blow whilst we worked out and Time Frame called out his F 3 name as Blowjob!!! I had to stop exercising at this point or I would have dropped something on my foot !!




Warmup :

Imperial walkers x 15

MNC x 10

SSH x 15

Bobby Hurleys x 10


AMRAP : 1 min

Squat curl press


Flutter kicks

Tricep extensions

Plank jacks


Lap in between

Dirty Dogs

KB swings


Big boys

Chest Press

Baby makers



Step ups



Front raises


American hammers

Calf raises

Rinse and repeated and till soaked!

Announcements:   IPC coming up, JJ 5 k

Prayer requests:  SA 2.0,  Short sale surgery, AT surgery,  Our Country

YHC took us out

Timeframe’s 44’th B-Day Extravaganza

Two weeks ago YHC was blessed with yet another birthday and honored to have another year with my amazing family and you clowns.  In recognition of this it was decided that a birthday beat down was warranted.  Voodoo was happy to ablidge YHC with the Q for this muggy yet dry morning at the Bulldog.  So the stage was set for the rock pushing and trash talking.  Both were in full swing.

5:30…let the beatings begin


Stretching; up, down, left, right

SSH x 44 (double count)

Mountain Climbers x 44 (double count)

Mountain Murpees x 5 (this is from standing down to 2 mountain climbers, 2 merkins, and up to complete the burpee)

The Thang:

Mosey to the hill in the lower parking lot.

44’s.  This is 11’s counting by 4’s.  Imperial walkers at bottom and LBC’s at the top.  In moving back and forth up and down the hill between sets there was a choice of and combination of bear crawls, crab walk, karaoke, nur, Bernie Sanders, Clavin threw in bunny hops which several of the PAX including YHC used,  mosey, or meander.  All PAX worked hard on this and YHC is proud to notice that everyone did a great job of mixing it up and pushing.

Meander to near by wall for calf work.

Parallel x 20 (double count)

Toes in x 20 (double count)

Toes out x 20 (double count)

20 x merkins

20 x squats

15 x merkins

15 x squats

9 x merkins

9 x squats

For a grand total of 44 each.

Take a lap around lower parking lot


44 x LBC’s

20 x heels to heaven

20 x oblique crunches each side

5 x leg climbers each leg

Meander back


It is a huge honor and I consider it a substantial privilege to call every one of you a friend.  Thank you all for your support and encouragement throughout this trying year.  I am humbled and pray that I can have the impact on someone maybe new to F3 or otherwise that the PAX has had on my family and myself.

We prayed for the PAX, our families, community, leaders, police and first responders, and our influence on the people around us.

It’s a real honor.



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