F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Ground Assault

What a great morning for a run or ruck. This is a 50 minute AO and YHC need all of those minutes today. Fannie Mae showed up a little late but caught up pretty quickly he has been putting in a ton of work. The ruckers had a great time too.

Pledge of Allegiance

Lunch 11-15 noon at The Lodge Belmont
F4 Trail run at George Poston Park, see Freight
Frisbee football tournament Thanksgiving morning 0700, see Freight
Christmas Party 12-2, see slack for signup sheet

Montana continued healing
Anchorman’s friends 15 month old nephew

YHC prayed.

Sky Q is never at a loss for anything… so why should we ever be?

Pax showed up… some ran, some rucked. Those who showed up beat the fartsack.


Often times when asked to prepare a devotion, or something like this to talk about… I lean heavily into the thing that helps me most. And that’s the Sovereignty of God.

Basically there are no limits for God. He breathed the world into being. He said things and they happened. He’s done this for centuries even outside of creation. There’s not one single thing that goes on that was not known by Him. He’s never helpless, never frustrated, never at a loss for anything… so why should we ever be? When we’re in Christ it’s the most secure, peaceful, and free feeling we will probably have in this life before Christ comes back.

Proverbs 16:1 says, “The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.” In that same chapter, verse 33 says, “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.”. In the new testiment, after Judas committed suicide, Peter led 120 believers to cast lots to decide who should become an apostle in place of Judas. Barsabbas and Matthias became the two candidates. The remaining aposals prayed to God, asking who to choose… they cast lots again, and Matthias was chosen.

Now, if God is in control of everything… then that means every horrible and sinful thing is ultimately governed by God. That seems in correct… but if you think about it… the center of the solution is a choice to be made about the cross. God’s plan predestined everything into what took place to kill Jesus, some of the most horrible sins ever committed. But He planned it so that we might be saved from those sins… so that Jesus’ sacrifice would have weight to it.

This all might sound pretty heavy for a Monday morning, at around 6am… but just know… God knows you, and loves you… he’s got every part of your life in the palm of his hand. If you have any feelings of helplessness, frustration, or are at a loss… know that God is with you and will never leave you or forsake you.


We all know the announcements (though, you could call a Q fail because I didn’t meantion any… Q-fail and ComzQ-fail  #hatetoseeit).

Prayer Requests:

  • Wirenut’s Mom – putting in a pic line for an IV
  • Wichita’s Dad  – recovering from a fall… broken ribs, etc…
  • Pallbearer’s M – being let go from her job (along with others)… pray she is able to find something else quickly before the first of the year.
  • Rum Runner’s Family – pray for peace and comfort after the loss of a loved one.
  • Pray for Turtle Man and his family
  • Pray for Huckleberry
  • Pray for Oompa Loompa – stage 3 renal failure
  • Stogie’s M and school admins – stress and stomach ulcers

The Storm

Warm up:


10 Gravel Pickers IC

10 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

Moseyed to the back of the school at the back of the parking lot we did Route 66

One way we did Merkins and lunged in between parking spots

On the way back we did Squats and bear crawled in between parking spots.

Mosey back to the front of the school to parking lot closes to the school. Here he performed four corners and stacked the following exercise at each corner.

10 CDD

20 Arm Haulers

30 Big Boys

40 Monkey Humpers.

Back at the start we went in reverse and did performed the following excercise at there respective corner without stacking excercise.

40 Monkey Humpers

30 Big Boys

20 Arm Haulers

10 CDD.

We finished at the back entrance of the school.  Here we performed 1 round of Tabata 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest of the following exercise for two rounds.


Step Ups



Time running low we moseyed back to the start for some core work

25 Flutters IC

25 American Hammers

25 Heels to Heaven

25 Reverse Crunch

25 Scissors

Time 6:15 am


Prayer Request


I took us out in prayer.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  SYITG.

Military Happy Hour

1. Mosey down to the Schiele lake in the rain.

  1. Assort workouts for kettlebell and Calisthenics while one pax would ruck around the lake with 20 pounds of kitty litter. When pax returns we moved to other kettlebells activity and different calisthenics.
  2. Music was played.

  3. Military trivia was presented all pax’s present need to do some military homework on quotes from famous battles.

  4.  It ended by pax’s returning to Schiele parking lot waiting for the other  F3 group.

  5. All and all it was a good Happy Hour on Veterans Day.




I did not do a good job promoting this and I wish I had put more effort into it. The Chad1000X event is a pretty cool thing but in my opinion really requires some special training to be ready. If you don’t train, it doesn’t mean you can’t participate, but not many of us can do 1000 step ups with a 50# ruck in under an hour and have a relatively normal day after that without some training. So……..next year I plan to do a little better because I think this is a great event and bringing awareness to military suicide prevention seems like something worth promoting.

I got there a little late due to power outage at my house 3 minutes after I woke up. It was a bit of a cluster#### at my house so I was happy to finally get there. Three guys were into it and I did my best to catch up. Roscoe had the music going strong with lots of George Strait to keep us motivated while staying focused.

About next year-maybe a little AO competition, each AO sends their champion representative plus whoever wants to participate? Maybe there will be prizes for winning the competition? Maybe individual and also 2 or 4 man team event? We will see. I am open to suggestions so hit me up if you have an idea. The main reasons for the backblast were to thank the guys who posted and hopefully challenge some of you to consider participating next year on Veterans’ Day.


Seven Step Program

When Sister Act reached out about taking a downtown Q, YHC knew it couldn’t be a lightweight weinke. It needed to be something that would be tough but also foster the mumblechatter that is so valued Downtown.

YHC arrived to find a few PAX waiting and several other screaming into the parking lot close to time. 0530… so let’s get after it.

(Very) brief disclaimer
SSH IC x 12
LBCs IC x 12
Merkins IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 12

The Pledge

Let’s Mosey towards the bridge. YHC knew that Whoopee was doing the Chad1000 at Bess that morning so the plan all along was to incorporate as many step-ups into the workout as possible.
We stopped at the planters over the bridge for just that opportunity.
Step-ups – 25 each leg

Mosey towards the parking lot across Long Avg below the stairs. Time for what I named Stairway to Seven. Not step-ups, but we did go up steps.
Partner up – Partner 1 does the exercise AMRAP (not the missle system) while P2 runs up the stairs, across, and then down the other set of stairs. Once P1 returns, P2 runs while P1 does same exercise. 7 trips up the stairs for each partner
Round 1 – Seal Jacks
Round 2 – Squats
Round 3 – Flutter Kicks
Round 4 – Perfect-form Merkins
Round 5 – Calf Raises w/ Morrocon Night Clubs
Round 6 – Big Boy Sit-ups
Round 7 – Burpees
Then, Burpees until all groups were done

Mosey back over the bridge. First time through, Wirenut mentioned there were bars that were perfect for pull-ups. Great idea.
2 by 2 like Noah and the Arc, the PAX would do 5 pull-ups each while everyone else did Step-Ups at planters on bridge.
When all pairs had finished, YHC decided we needed another run of that. So we repeated down the line again. Just to note, a little better the second time, but not much.

Mosey to the parking deck. PAX would do 10 count of each of 7 exercises from Stairway to Seven. So…
Seal Jacks x 10
Squats x 10
Flutter Kicks x 10
Perfect-form Merkins x 10
Calf Raises w/ Morrocon Night Clubs x 10
Big Boy Situps x 10
Burpees x 10 (5 were called, but Q gave into peer pressure to not seem weak)

Mosey up stairs and around to next floor. Repeat of 7 exercises x 10.

Mosey up stairs again to top floor. Time only allowed for 10 burpees.

Mosey back to the flag. Flutter Kicks until a false stop was called with 20 seconds to go. As to not cheat anyone, 2 burpees were called. Time…

Post tomorrow to honor Veteran’s Day – Hero WODs at each AO
11/18 F4 Trail Run – see Freight
Thanksgiving – Ultimate Frisbee @ 0700
Christmastown 5k – see Broke
12/2 Christmas Party and Convergence @ The Yank

Prayer Requests
Flintstone’s son
Turtleman and family
Southern Bell’s son
Safe travels in upcoming weeks
Jackson Hall, praise that tumor appears to be shrinking
Wirenut’s mom
Pallbearer’s son

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Site Q Request at the Goat

Got a request to Q at the Goat.

Warmup: 15 x Goof Balls; 15 x Toy Soldiers

I wrote down 10 exercises on the pavement in chalk.  The PAX grabbed a partner, PAX 1 would do the exercises AMRAP while PAX 2 would run a lap around the block.

Exercises: Merkins; Bobby Hurley; American Hammer; CDDs; Burpee; Freddie Mercury; LBCs; Mountain Climbers; Smurf Jacks; Big Boys.

Mosey over to low wall for some:  Dips; Derkins; Step Downs

Round 1: 10 x Dips; 10 x Derkins; 5 each side Step Downs

Round 2: 16 x Dips; 16 x Derkins; 8 each side Step Downs

Round 3: 20 x Dips; 20 x Derkins; 10 each side Step Downs

Next, Circle of Merkins: Round 1, each PAX would do a Merkin, one at a time.  Rinse and Repeat around the circle increasing the number of merkins by one each loop around the circle.


Well, At Least Two of Us Like Crunchy Frogs

Great to Q again..and to be able to stick around for COT on a warm Veteran’s Day morning! Nice work by all pax! Good to have Tardi Gras back with us. No trains today, much to the chagrin of Radar; but burpees were still done. Thanks to Tricycle for adding more Crunchy Frogs during Mary, despite lots of resistance during the workout.

Warm Up: Don Q, Toy Soldiers, Plank Stretches 



100 Step Ups

200 Dips

300 LBCs

400 Flutters-count both legs

1 PAX member will execute as many reps as possible while PAX 2 sprints to cone 1: 1 Burpee, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 2: 2 Burpees, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 3: 3 Burpees, sprint back, switch with partner.

Triple Nickel: HR Merkins/Big Boys

7 of Diamonds:

7 Werkins

14 4-Count Crunchy Frogs

21 4-Count SSH

28 CDDs



‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:5‭-‬7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

[5] Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” [6]  Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, [7] casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

“In the end, your fear reveals a lot about your theology. When you embrace anxiety and worry, you are embracing a set of beliefs about God, his love for you, and his ability to take care of you. When our anxiety is fueled by fear, the Bible talks about it less in terms of a weakness of constitution that needs to be overcome, and more as a sin to be avoided and repented of.”


11/18 Freight’s Trail Run (sign up form)
11/25 Christmastown 5k (HC to Broke)
12/2 F3 Christmas Party (sign up form with year-end awards)

Prayer Requests

Kool Aid took us out.


Thanks for coming out!


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