F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Relay Games

I’m down with the stomach bug or food poisoning so I’m writing this from the toilet. I hope you enjoy that visual. Due to this scenario you will not get any more than this.

Sand Bags and Sissy Squats

Well I warned everyone that we were going to do some tough shit out here this week and people showed up anyway. This brought joy to my heart as this time of year it’s very easy to stay in the bed due to the cold and rain that we’ve had recently. Once I got everything set up I noticed several heading in from an EC run/ruck and a few more pulling in to the parking lot looking ready for action. With that we got after it with a quick warmup and some stretching. With the 1st part of the Warmup out of the way we’re heading around the corner for a little Triple Nickel on one of our little hilly back roads here in D-Town. Mike Tyson’s on the bottom of the hill and Jungle Boy’s on the top. All finished with Part 2 of the Warmup on to the Track back at the park for the actual workout. This was an AMARP style circuit workout with10 stations setup for 50 sec. of work and 10 sec. of rest/rotation to the next station. Exercises were.

  • Heavy Sandbag Deadlift 90lbs
  • Farmers Carry 2 – 55lb. Sandbags
  • Merkins
  • Riffle Carry 50lb. Block or 55lb. Sandbag
  • Curls 2 – 20lb. Kettlebell Bags
  • Sissy Squats
  • Heavy Sandbag Drag 90lbs.
  • Battle Rope Swings
  • Thrusters 2 – 20lb. Kettlebell Bags
  • Sandbag Rope Pull 55lb. Sandbag

It took a little over 10 min. to complete the circuit one time we got in 4 rounds of it. Well all of us except Leppard. He broke loose to finish a couple of laps around the park with Broke who’s running today in lieu of boot camping.

Everyone who was still around and didn’t bail on the workout helped throw everything back in my truck and we headed back to the parking lot for some final cooldown stretching and the COT. This is when Freight asked Dr. Seuss where He, Oompa and Leppard got their Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh from back in the day. Then as we turned to the Old Dallas High School now turned Old Dallas Old Folks Home for the pledge Def saw some of his old friends and soon to be hallway neighbors looking out the barred windows at us. He gave a nod of solitude towards them as if to say I’ll be back soon guys and that was the Q for the pledge so I let Dr. Seuss lead the way with that.



Great Job  Guys. Thanks for showing.



Lot’s of topics from haircuts to middle names being discussed during the workout this morning, hence the title. There were some real names, middle names being guessed at, made up names called out and some smash up of names. Some good mumble chatter this morning!



SSH, Hillbillies, LOR/ROL, Gravel Pickers ( there was some heckling of the Q for the erratic count on the warmup. ) Maybe they need to revisit Mayors Q Source topic


mosey to triangle for  10 merkins 10 squats, and 10 x crunches at each corner.

Mosey to flag for pledge, mosey across road for suicides / rack and stack. Repeat each exercise every time after returning to start before moving to the next one.

10 burpees

20 WW I

30 squats

40 LBCs

Mosey to behind the senior center for 11’s 

Freddie Mercury ———  Imperial Walker Squats

Triple nickel on hill at triangle. Spider-Man merkins at top and jump squats at bottom. Slight mutiny or possibly inability to perform the called exercise here!  Hate to see it!!

Mosey back to start for some ab work from a couple of PAX, a few Kraken burpees to finish up.   Thanks men!

The flag moved and caught my eye and the next thing we know we are saying the pledge again. I caught a little grief for that, but hey, Sister Act has been in the valley so I wanted to make sure he still remembered the pledge.  Also can you ever be too patriotic?

It has been a long time since having the Q at Folsom. I’ll do better in 2024. Lots of work done today  getting in between 3 to 3.5 miles.  I definitely appreciated the push from Wichita, Chilli  being consistent and putting in the work again today! Swole shirtless Gearwrench doesn’t like to run but was putting in the effort as was Pony Boy. Sarlacc quietly and non stop putting in the work. Sister Act trying to climb out of the valley  although there were quite a  few 2 minutes calls to the Q that were noted and ignored.

Prayer request

Wichita’s dad and family

My mom

Stogie M and Mother In Law medical testing

Haze M

Broke M



Jackson Hall

Each other/ unspoken


Beer Mile @Sargentos  12-30  (Sargento with the win, keeping the title)

Convergence 1-1 @ 07:00 Martha Rivers.  BYOB ( bring your own block)Park at Pelicans if gate is closed.  Clothes for Rice and Beans. EC run or ruck not sure of times.


5 of us got out for a Pre-Beer Run warm-up bootcamp.  Mixed in some new with the standard, and went back to pick up the Six as they were saving their legs to run 1 mile later in the day.  Here’s what I remember:

The Thang:

No new faces, so a disclaimer, then time for work

  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Hillbillies (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

Split off, but bootcampers didn’t leave the parking lot just yet.  Time for some double dutch.

Recycled from Tuesday at Bulldog, but just a short sequence today with the jump ropes.  Partner up, and 1 PAX does the exercises while the other jumps rope.  Switch and do the same exercises.  Then switch back for the next exercises and continue on until all exercises are done by all PAX.

The exercises:

  • 10 x Mike Tysons
  • 20 x Bulgarian Split Squats (10 x each leg)
  • 30 x Dips

Wrapped that up, then moved on to Burtonwood in front of First Presbyterian for the next call, stopping twice for:

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

Also during the stops today, instead of a 10 count, we went with reflections of gratitude for 2023.

So once to Burtonwood, we modified the Zombie Apocalypse from YHC’s Thanksgiving Q.  This time, instead of working in groups, the whole group would Zombie Walk to the Stop sign way far in the distance.  1 PAX at a time would break off from the group, run to the Stop sign, and then run back.  We did this until Roscoe got caught up in conversation and didn’t run.  Truth be told, it didn’t change things.  The lunges were the worst of it.

Next we moseyed to uncharted territory, the Kindercare on Dixon across from Sherwood.  After scouting out Sherwood’s parking lot and finding it unfavorable and a potential source of Sandy V, YHC made the call to go to the day care.  There were at least 8 parking spots at the front, perfect for stations, and we had blocks, bricks, dumbbells and the like out there to put in work.  50 seconds of work, 10 seconds to switch stations.  Exercises were:

  • Squeezes (Half Block)
    • Standing, press the block in front of you while squeezing it to keep it stable
  • Plank Flys (Bricks)
  • Curls (Double Bricks)
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Thrusters (Block)
  • Double Crunches (2 x 5 pound dumbbells)
  • 1-armed Rows (Block)
  • Star Boys
    • Big Boys, but cross over and touch left toe with right hand and flapjack)

Next, we moseyed down to the Sherwood track for some modified Lightning action.

  • Run 1 Lap
  • 10 x Jump Squats (OYO)
  • 20 x Merkins (OYO)
  • 30 x LBCs (OYO)
  • Sprint across the field
  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • Run 2 Laps
  • 10 x Jump Squats (OYO)
  • 20 x Merkins (OYO)
  • 30 x LBCs (OYO)
  • Sprint across the field

YHC realized that he planned for probably 2 hours, as we weren’t close to finished with the Weinke and we were cutting everything short.  We headed back up to the stations at Kindercare and each PAX picked 5 of the stations to work through for a second round.  Then we loaded up the blocks and headed back to the Schiele, stopping along the way for:

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

And somehow that was it.  We lunged a lot, and ran a little, lifted some things and put them down, and gave it a good solid 75% out there today.  At least one of the PAX went on to place in the Beer Mile.  So yeah.

Haze finished with COT after PainLab.


So I took the Q, only because I realized I was just a couple Qs away from Qing at every F3 Gastonia AO in 2023.  Might as well finish the Bingo card, so I took Bulldog Tuesday and Gashouse today.  With 52 Qs available each year at every AO, it’s certainly reasonable to take one of them.  Looking forward to doing it again next year.

Gratitude today was given for time with the M, health, new opportunities, and growth in our 2.0s, among other things.  I must admit that it’s been a good year with a lot to be thankful for.

But the grind don’t stop.  Bring on 2024 and a chance to do it all again.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

John Brown

Couple early, few runners, few ruckers, and a nut sniffer started out the last day of the year right. Roscoe covered the COT because John Brown showed up and was calling, scratch that, SCREAMING my name.

We covered the 8 block this morning with input from all pax. We ran over time which was my fault-didn’t even look at the clock and got caught up in the discussion. If you haven’t done 8 block in the past, now is a good time-you can google 8 block and F3 then listen to CSPAN’s podcast or read any of the summaries of this. It’s a great way to plan your year and help you accelerate in a lot of areas. Feel free to ask anyone that was there this am if you have questions.


Too much or too little running

Started with a quick disclaimer and the first trivia question.  Per usual, YHC asks a trivia question, gives the pax some time to deliberate, gets one final answer, then maybe we do 5 burpees, maybe we don’t depending on the answer.

Mosey to the tennis quarts.  Suicides along the quarts with 5 merkins at each turn.

Mosey back to the track for some four corners, that really were four rappers.  10 CDDs run a lap.  10 CDDs, 20 squats, run a lap.  10 CDDs, 20 squats, 30 LBCs, run a lap.  10 CDDs, 20 squats, 30 LBCs, 40 SSHs, run a lap.

Fellowship mosey to the blacktop for some cordwood – crunchy frogs, pretzel crunches, dying cockroaches, American hammers.

Headed to the school building with a couple of 1 minute wall sits with 20 SSHs in between.

Finished up with a Dora 1-2-3.  100 lunges, 200 shoulder taps, 300 LBCs.


Prayer requests


Members Only – Equipping

As a Virtuous Leader you have to know your team. Once you know your team you have to assign the right man for each position. This may not work the first go around so you also need to understand that and be willing to make the adjustments for the team. In the flip side, as a team member, you have to understand that you may not end up with the role you want. And that’s ok. Know your role and understand that it’s probably what’s best for the team.


1-1-2024 Convergence  / 6am EC run/ruck, park at Pelicans. 7am the convergence starts. Martha Rivers Park. Bring gently used clothing for Rice & Beans


Turtle Man

Jane Fonda


Jackson Curti

Jackson Hall

Broke’s mom

New year comin

Good turn out this evening, after warming up we moseyed down to the soccer fields and used the parking lot for some Dora.

on our way back we did 10 calf raises and 10 baby makers per light post back to the flag.

We finished the evening with 10-1 with 3 exercises starting at 10 take a lap. then 9 of each then a lap.

Finished with Pledge and COT.

3 Wise Men

Three wise Men posted this morning at Prison break. A 4th attempted to infiltrate the COT which we allowed feeling we can all use some good prayer. Then one departed and the 4th became the 3rd and we continued our travel after the COT to the big yellow sign of Waffle House.

Thankfully one wise man kept a little gold in his pocket for the trip back home  from seeing baby Jesus.

Coffee aint Free at the Waffle..



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