F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Welcome Back Q’tter

It’s been at least 4 years since I Q’d a workout, but since we’ve had this AO in place for over a year (unofficially) , I figured it was time for me to write a backblast again.

The Thang: Early Friday morning, 7 HIMs showed up hoping to dodge the impending rain.  3 ruckers, not knowing the area, rucked 20 minutes out somewhere and then returned.  4 runners meandered through Belmont. Rain did not come, and Scheesch was back in bed by 540 for a nap.

Announcements: Q school 3/2/24 at Gashouse

Prayer Requests: Jackson Hall, Stogies vision

Good to have a couple of ruckers come join us this morning, it was good to see you guys!!


Dirty BJ in the parking lot

So apparently about a year and a half ago I agreed to Q Painlab 🤷‍♂️. I wanted to clown car to Apex to see the Dark Helmet Nantan ceremony but whatever.

Ok Lets do this!

Whooppee “Warmed up” everyone (Good thing there is Q School next weekend), and we split. PainLabers come with me.

Thang: Mosey over to picnic tables for a quick triple nickel. 3 exercises, 5 rounds, 10 reps
Dirkins, Dips, Step ups. ok NOW we are warmed up. mosey to the RANGER … Grab a Block…no you cant use your Dollar General Kettle Bell. Block work: Curls, Rows, Squats, Block Merkins(one each side), WW3’s ..10 reps. Then riffle carry your block to end of parking lot and do 1 blockiee. come back and do 9 reps, riffle carry 2 blockiees, etc… Kinda of a combination of cooper and 11s I call it the Dirty BallJoint. I turn on the blue tooth speaker and we went to work. Musical selection Varied from Hank Jr. , Chris Stapleton, Stevey Ray Vaugh, Rage Against the Machine and Beestie Boys. With just a few Minutes left we did some Mary&Carry and a round of Ring of Fire.


Prayer Request:
Turtle Man
Injured Pax
Breaker Breaker Family Member

Q School March 2nd @ Gashouse
April 13 Comunity Foundation Run/Speed-for-Need(see P.Haze)

Good group this morning! Shout out to Hermie pushing hard w/Tripple RESPECT!
Thanks Hunchback for letting(making) me Q . Try to do better on the AI next time.

Ball Joint

From The Outhouse

It was late on Tuesday, and YHC was still a little sore from the Austin race the prior weekend. In trying to come up with something a little different, YHC thought about Outhouse Q’s where we would typically mosey over to the KFC and select a coupon. YHC jotted down a few notes on a weinke and was ready to go.

Like YHC, the PAX seemed to be a little slow moving. 0530 hit and we got to work.

SSH IC x 12
Merkins IC x 12
LBCs IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 12

The Pledge

Mosey over to the KFC where YHC informed the PAX that their next decision would be the most important decision they made all day. Choose a coupon too large and the next 40 minutes would be torture. Choose a coupon too small and then you would be filled with regret and the feeling that others are looking at the size of your small coupon. Or be Goldilocks and choose one that is just right.

After choosing the coupon, mosey over to the bank parking lot beside the Malibu Monument.

Pretty simple. 5 exercises. 10 reps each. Then, take a lap around the building. Rinse and repeat 5 times.

American Hammers
Squat Thrusts
WW3 Sit-ups

Mosey across the street and down in front of the funeral home. Repeat 5 exercises with 5 reps (think we did 10 AH). Leave the coupon where they were and mosey back to the top of the drive.

One at a time, each man would mosey down the hill to retrieve their coupon. They would also leave behind an exercise for the other 4 PAX to AMRAP while they moseyed. YHC just reminded the PAX to choose wisely because any grace and mercy shown to the other PAX could likely be returned.

After each man retrieved their coupon, we moseyed back across the street to the Malibu Monument. This time the other PAX would mosey around the building while the single PAX AMRAP’ed the exercise they’d chosen in the previous rotation. What comes around, goes around.

Getting close on time so we moseyed back to KFC to return our coupons. Then, moseyed to the flag.

At this point, YHC noticed that he didn’t have his phone. Q fail. So we did annoucements and prayer requests.

From what I remember, Q School on 3/2 at Gashouse.

Prayer request… Maybelline’s grandfather who had fallen and got banged up.

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

(I’d left my phone in front of the bank for those wondering.)

is it over yet?

A bunch of good guys showed this am thankfully. We had a few for EC. Balljoint and I had our respective Q’s, and it makes me smile when we have a good crowd. I can’t ever roll into this lot without thinking about how all this started and the MANY guys that both got this F3 thing off the ground and continue to keep us in the air.

We started with a disclaimer then warmup which included modified gravel pickers. Even if you were there it didn’t really make sense….

We split up with bootcampers with me and painlabbers with Balljoint. I think they went to Panera and drank coffee for awhile…whatever.

We moseyed into the woods past the farm (sweet smell in the air) to the bottom of the hill. We’ve got the Mortimer coming up in 3 months and I guess I need to start preparing for it.  We did “Elevens” on the hill so I called them “Hillevens” which  I am certain really impressed everyone with my cleverness (as usual). The 2 young pax (Prius and Band Camp) were in awe of my cleverness. Clearly they both grew up in boring homes with no humor or cleverness. We did jump squats at the top and Merkins at the bottom. Next we moseyed to the pond. One day I may jump in that pond, but today was not that day. We tried a little Indian Run thing. Pax 1 drops down and does Merkins while the rest of the Pax run around the pond. When the group gets back to Pax 1 doing Merkins, Pax 2 drops down and starts doing Merkins, Pax 1 falls in at end of line of remaining pax and the group circles the pond again. Repeat until all have done Merkins. This would be better with like 3, maybe 4 pax (we had 10). It got old REALLY QUICKLY so we modified and multiple pax dropped down to do Merkins at a time so we could get thru this quicker.  I shared some wise sayings at this point. I believe the quote was from Confucius and something about violence, nutsacks, and mosquitos (shoulda been there). We moseyed back to bottom of hill then Nurred back up to the top. Shortsale struggled to keep it on the 50 foot wide path, but thankfully there were some experienced pax to help him. It’s ok guys, he’s new and needs some direction every now and then. We got to the top in time to see the painlabbers returning from their trip to Panera so we saluted them with some Monkey Humpers. Why???? Because those monkeys aren’t going to hump themselves. We moseyed on to the side/almost front of the Schiele and as we stopped by the wall, I counted no less than 5 different sets of eye rolls. (long pause then a slow falling tear from my eye-cue the Indian on the 1970’s commercial when he is riding his horse and sees all the trash and litter everywhere). Yes, we are going to do some hip slappers DAMMITTTTTTTTT!!!! We only did a couple sets with some wall sits for (I think) 15 seconds. In my head I was thinking “these guys love Hip Slappers but they just don’t know how to tell me. The eye rolls were probably them just thinking about how to tell me how much they love them.” MFers….bitches……oops, was that out loud????

We moseyed over to the library and dodged the early voting peeps. Once we got to the parking lot, we lined up this way. We moved our arms another way. Then we lined up that way. Then the instructions were given: burpee long jump across the lot. 3 long jumps then burpee, repeat until I get tired. This did not take too long then we lunged the rest of the way. At one point there was a 30 something year old smoking hot Sports Illustrated model that drove thru the lot for early voting and paused to check out Spiderman and his 8 (or was it 9) legs. Insert guttural growl at this point. It was clearly more than just a passing glance. #callmelaterspidey

Short mosey to another part of parking lot, partner up. Partners pick exercise for all other pax to do while the 2 partners run up the steps, 3 burpees, run back to join the pax. The next set of partners repeats the process but gets to pick new exercise for the other pax to do. Again, got old really quick. We moseyed to another part of the lot (are we finished yet??????) for some suicides. I offered to let one of the pax pick the exercise-I didn’t like that exercise so that pax was kicked off the island and I asked another pax and got a better, scratch that, less bad option. Suicides in the parking lot with 5 imperial walkers every time you get back to start. THIS. WENT. ON. FOREVER. We used a longer part of the lot than I originally planned. Why? Because I heart a certain unnamed pax whose name rhymes with Snortpail say something about this probably not being on my original Weinke. Of course it was not on my original Weinke! Why would it be? So I figured I would torture all of us just for the heck of it. (is it over yet??????)

At this point I think it was almost noon so we moseyed back to start with a quick stop by the wall for some Dirty Hookups and wall sits. I think I fell asleep during some of this then woke up with time to get back to start for some Mary then finished with COT.

I’d like to thank Ballsack for his reminder to say the pledge, however I would like it noted that we said the pledge when I damn well wanted to and not when he reminded me. I also went backwards then forwards with the namorama just because I wanted to irritate at least 10 guys. You’re welcome.

We had some announcements: Extinction run, Community Foundation run with chariots, and a few others.

Prayers for a few pax family members as well as Turtleman and Huck. Proud of you guys for pushing thru your issues and trying to be the best man you can be-we all have issues and struggle from time to time. Just make sure to keep getting up every time you fall down. We are here to help-just have to ask or keep showing up so we can help you thru it.

Good group for coffeteeria at Panera.

thanks again for posting this am and letting me Q-



Old School 24-Feb-24

Disclaimer:  Not a professional, but we will not move to fast or too far that you will not be able to keep up.  Work in between will be done with my count or a count of others who are called on.  Work hard for them. Stay with the group in cadence.  We will not go so fast where anyone gets left behind.

Principles of F3:
1) Free of charge (zero cost, never charge for a workout)
2) Open to all men (no matter the man, you are welcome)
3) Held outdoors (rain or shine, heat or cold we are out there)
4) Peer led (led in a rotating fashion by the men who attend)
5) End with a Circle of Trust (always ends with a COT)

Mission of F3:  Plant, Grow and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Mosey to square and grab the pledge at the FD on the way.

SSHx10, Grass Pickers x10IC, MNC x15IC

Do work and then run the square.  AMRAP

15-WW2 (Army or Navy standard)
15-Lunges (count each step and touch knee to ground)
15-Flutter kicks (count one leg)

Stair work:  calf raises on the way up in each direction in a triple nickel format with french fries and American hammers.

Announcements: Q-School at the Gashouse 3/2, Speed for Need Run 4/13 (See Purple Haze)

TAPs: A lot….f



Did a warm up first thing
then did 10push ups and 10crunches  every light post, then did the pledge did the same coming back to the starting point doing 10 Mike Tyson’s and 10 big boys at each light. Then we went to the tennis courts and did 11 rounds of 4 corners. First corner 10 squats 2nd corner 10 Mercian 3rd corner 10 LBCs 4th corner 10 hillbillys each side. Then back to starting point and did Mary 5 burpees, cherry pickers, and stretched

then had good word and name or aroma

Down Town 2/23

Glad SA opened Q’s downtown back up for the public 😁. I snagged one up this month and this is what went down. Proper warm up of course then 100 burpees in 10 minutes next moseyed to the bridge for 4 sets of 5 pull-ups 10 dips 15 squats.next 11’s hanging knee raises and big boys,then Route 66 merkins bearcrawls. Times up! Pledge announcements prayer requests I prayed us out. Good times were had by all good crowd for a rainy morning these men put in some solid work 💪🏻. Always a privilege to lead.

Chip off the ole Gold block

Midoriyama was graced by the presence of its youngest member today.  Nugget posted with his two older generation men Broke and Gold Digger.  YHC showed up a few minutes early to find Digger pushing Nugget in stroller for EC.  Broke was also there but seemed content to just be upright.  Workout went something like this:

Warm-up – usual SSH, Burpees some other stuff

Mosey to front for escalating Mike Tysons at each light pole x12

Then mosey to adjacent parking lot where Nugget was used as a timer to run/ride in stroller the length of the parking lot while pax on either side took turns doing AMRAP exercises.  Switch exercises when Nugget arrives.  Exercises included SSH, Merkins, LBCs, Mike Tysons, Dying cockroaches, Am hammers, Flutters, Squats, Moroccan NC, and Mountain climbers.  Needless to say everyone had to do some modifying (even Nugget who intermittently ran, was pushed or ended up at the playground. (Hey its you vs you.)  Finally with time running low we moseyed back to parking lot next to turdshack and did 11s with squats and Merkins.  We ended with 3 minutes of Mary.  All in all it was a good effort by all especially Nugget.



Q School Saturday 3/2 at Gashouse

Extinction run 4/20


Slaw’s wife, Wirenut’s mom, Breakers aunt, Anchorman, Turtleman, Huck


Tequila Sunrise – 2/23/24

Started out with the pledge, because we are Americans

Next, we did a lap around the parking lot then settled into a warmup of the following:

3 Rounds (slow to get us loosened up) of:

  • 5 merkins
  • 10 big boys
  • 10 squats

Next, was mini leg blasters which was 10 Rounds of:

  • 10 squats
  • 10 lunges (count both sides)
  • 10 jumping squats
  • 10 jumping lunges


Next, we hit a merkin circuit that was 3 rounds of:

  • 30 seconds max merkins
  • 30 second rest
  • followed by 1 – 60 second max merkins

To finish things off, we hit the hill on Assembly St. and did hill sprints with 5 Kraken burpees at the bottom each time.

2 Q Tuesday Rd. 2

2nd Q today. This wasn’t planned it just happened. Freight posted a couple of days back that he needed someone to step up and take his Midoriama Q today. I said what the heck I can take it. I got in enough cardio this AM so this afternoon we’re going to grind.

Warmup was pretty much nonexistent. We did 5 SSHs in cadence then grabbed the blocks and carefully slow moseyed over to the small soccer field.

Once everyone convened there we lined up and made our way across the field by means Murder Bunnies. We did 5 Murder Bunnies and 5 Block Thrusters until we were all at the other sideline.  At this point there’s some chirping starting to happen which is great. It was something like Murder Bunnies are stupid and should only be utilized during IPC. Well I agree with most of that statement that’s why we’re not doing any more of them today. We did however continue to use the blocks much to just about everyone’s disapproval. We continued to utilize the field for Rifle Caries between rounds. Each round consisted of 4 movements. They were Curls, Shoulder Presses, Bent Over Rows, and Squats. We started with a good even number of reps which was 50 each then as mentioned before Rifle Carried across the field and did the work again but we dropped the reps by 10 each time we crossed the field until we were at ten for the final round. Defib rolled through this way to quickly and made it look too easy. On the other hand I found a workout that Seuss didn’t give 2 craps about being in the front for. I’ll take that as a win. In all seriousness I thought this would have taken the entire time but these overachievers blasted right through it. Good job men your reward will be more block work. We carried the blocks back towards their hiding spot and they made it oh so close when I stopped everyone and we partnered up for a few rounds of I go you go work 1 man does 10 reps while the other rests. The work was Blockies and WW3s. After 2 rounds of each it was finally time.

Pledge, Prayers




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