F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Folsom (Austin 3:16 ) 16-Mar-24

Kotter:  Manikan and BOB EH’ed by Sarlacc
Kotter:  Scoonter EH’ed by Gearwrench

Disclaimer:  Not a professional, but we will not move to fast or too far that you will not be able to keep up.  Work in between will be done with my count or a count of others who are called on.  Work hard for them. Stay with the group in cadence.  We will not go so fast where anyone gets left behind.

Principles of F3:
1) Free of charge (zero cost, never charge for a workout)
2) Open to all men (no matter the man, you are welcome)
3) Held outdoors (rain or shine, heat or cold we are out there)
4) Peer led (led in a rotating fashion by the men who attend)
5) End with a Circle of Trust (always ends with a COT)

Mission of F3:  Plant, Grow and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Motto:  We welcome men of all fitness levels and all physical abilities to our workouts. We have no requirement for membership other than you show up on time to the location and follow what the workout leader has planned. We will not leave any man behind!

Warm Up:  Did some principle work for the new guys (Kotters).  Lots of fun.  SSHx15, Grass Pickers x10IC, MNC x15IC.

Mosey up to blocks to loosen up. Grab a block to carry with you throughout the workout.  You can put it down when we get to various stations to do the work.

Mosey up to pole for pledge
Parking lot do 11s (Squats/Merkins)
Horse track to split squats and box jump up and walk down.  Three sets of 10 (5 each leg).
Mosey to field for sled work – One pulls while the rest work (merkins, leg raises, squats, CDDs, Burpees, Shoulder Taps, Situps, SLDL/Good Mornings).  Sled was pulled with harness across the soccer field the short way.  A block was added to give a little more weight.

I had to throw in some Stone Cold Steve Austin Trivia (see further below).  I asked GW’s kid what he liked to do and he said wrestle his brother.  Promptly, the Q said “If there’s one thing I can’t stand……”

We moved back to the start for Iron Hulk for time.  Eight (8) is the best number.  We got to 10 and that’s how I know eight is a good stopping point.

We passed out some beers, slam and chug…….TIME

Announcements: April 13 SFN > send Purple Haze a DM if you can run this, Donations for mens clothing (Hei Hei) give to him anytime,  Extinction Run on 4/20 @ 10:00 (money raised goes to Anchormans Disease research, 2nd F Lunch Bad Daddy’s on 3/20,

TAP:  Stogie and the retina troubles ,  EZ Rider (Family), Anchorman, Jason & Jackie Hall (Jackson) & celebration of Life today, Huckleberry upcoming liver surgery, Bed Pan (FIL Surgery), Haiti, Slaw and Chili’s dad with COVID, Turtleman


Played college ball where………….North Texas
Initial nickname in WCW…………Stunning Steve
WWF Championship titles………SIX
Royal rumble Wins…………………..Three
Name of his Ranch…………………..Broken Skull
What does Austin 3:16 say………I just whipped your ass

FRC again

Everybody ran. Some were faster than others. Everyone made it back safely.



Prayer Requests – Fannie Mae’s dad recovery from heart attack

Mold and Listeria will give you diarrhea

Apparently, there is a national recall on some products from the namesake of YHC. Even so, 9 HIM showed for the show. Do you know what happens when you have bad cheese? This is what happened…

Warmup of various stuff

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey toward the main road where we gathered and then partnered up for some Dora 123. We would do 2 rounds of AMRAP per exercise. Partner 1 would do the reps and Partner 2 runs around the island. The exercises were

M – Merkins

O – Overhead Claps

L – LBCs

D – Dips

From there we moved over to the flag at the extension office for the very rare 2nd Pledge of Allegiance because a couple of the PAX missed the first one due to poor planning on their part.

Mosey from there down the drive to the dark tennis courts for the next Thang.

LISTERIA – from one end of the courts, the PAX would stop at the middle of each court and do 5 reps of the exercise all the way down for 8 sets of 5.


I – Imperial Walkers

S – Squats

T – Turkish Getups

E – E2K but we skipped it due to time constraints

R – Ranger Merkins

I – Imperial Walker Squats but we skipped these too

A – American Hammers

At this point time was up and we went back to the start for COT. Thanks to the Folsomers for the hospitality and the chance to lead.

Moleskin – In light of all the joking and a weinke that might have been a self-fulfilling prophesy, the night after this workout YHC came down with the rot-gut and the squirts followed the next couple days. TMI? Maybe. Moral of the story is beware of what you put in your weinke, you might just get what you’re asking for!

Announcements – 2nd F lunch Wednesday, Community Foundation Run, Food Ruck this Saturday at the Yank, Extinction run, Convergence coming soon

Prayer requests – Hall family, Stogie recovery, Danny Miller (friend of YHC), Turtleman, Huck, Anchorman

Prison Break 3/13/2024

8 out on a crisp Wednesday morning to get a little better. Everyone ran, some harder and faster the others 🤷‍♂️.

Same as yesterday

Hall Family
Gavels Family
Fanie May Dad
Brokes 2.0



Ball Joint’s Kotters

Ball Joint gets credit for 2 Kotters


Simple workout. Blocks seemed to have been the theme at most of the Midoriyama workouts recently, so YHC decided to flip the script.


Mosey to the dam. 15 Merkins, Big Boys and Squats then run to the gate and repeat exercises. Rinse and repeat until time.



Food ruck at the Yank this Saturday

2nd F lunch March 20 at Bad Daddy’s

Mr. Miagi stuff at Old School and Folsom Saturday


Pray for the Hall family, Lincoln Charter student’s family and praise for Broke’s 2.0 / Gold Digger’s M successful surgery


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

The Gastonia Goonie 2024

Ok men of F3 its time for something completely stupid.  Just like the crazy Goonies from the 80s this CSAUP will require physical prowess and mental acuity (yes I know those kids didn’t have either but its 2024)

What: Ruck based CSAUP

Date: 5/4/24

Time: 3 AM yes 3 AM – no excuses I know you don’t have plans at that time. (Yes completely stupid)

Duration – under 4 hours

Location: Gashouse AO (Schiele Museum)

Why: Because we can

What you need to bring: yourself, a rucksack and a good attitude.  It will suck but I promise you you’ll love every minute (after you’re done).

Details: Full details and instructions will be given the morning of the event.  Pax will follow the lost map for a 10+ mile ruck with adventure stations along the way to challenge you both mentally and physically.  We will be back in time for the beatdown at the gashouse at 7am.

Pi eating Contest

As I was preparing my  weinke, there was mumblechatter about High rep counts and if I remembered my Q for this morning. I decided to do something a little different. Since it was 3/14, I figured the crew would want some Pi .

6 Pax joined me for the beatdown in the gloom this morning.

Warm Up:




Mosey to the court


1 Pi: 3.1415926535897932384626

3 Rounds

1 Burpee

4 CDDs

1 Burpee


9 Crunchy Frogs

2 Burpees

6 Skaters

5 Merkins

3 Squat Jumps

5 Plank Shoulder Taps (Both Sides)

8 Mountain Climbers

9 Big Boys

7 Calf Raises

9 American Hammers

3 Squats

2 Burpees

3 Merkins

8 LBCs

4 Plank Shoulder Taps

6 Forward Lunges

2 Burpees

6 Reverse Lunges

1 Lap around the court

Slow mosey back to the COT.

22 for the vets


I found out this morning that these Pax are strong, but their eyesight sucks.  Wirenut saved the day lending me a work light so everyone could read the WOD.

Gearwrench, Slaw, and Purple Haze just devoured each Pi set completing more than 2 Pis each. Pall Bearer, Pony Boy, and I were working hard completing 2 Pi rounds each. Wirenut got in a full round and a Cow Pattie because nature called.

If you weren’t present, you were missed.


F2 this month @ Bad Daddy’s

4/13 7am Convergence at a ball field with some new name…

Purple Haze is looking for 2 commanders for the Chairs.



Hall Family

Goje Family(Loss of Son)

Sheldon Cristy’s mom heart issues (Purple Haze’s neighbor)

Gavel’s Family

Unspoken requests


This has been a rough week in our communities. 2 young men lost their lives this week and it has been weighing heavy on my heart. I am thankful for each of the HIM that show up in the gloom when I am present. It makes me a better man, husband, and father. Remember to tell your family you love them, hug them, and show up for them, we are not promised tomorrow.

Ozark out


Listeria @ The Pub

Sargento showed describing to us his recent GI Tract opportunities.  Defib asked him if he had Listeria.  The irony was not lost on anyone in attendance.

We then ran the “Sargento” route.  Perfect running weather.

All returned safely.


Announcements.  Prayers.

Great way to start the day.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Leg Day in Mt Hollywood

I was so proud to give the Mt Hollywood PAX a make-up workout since I had missed my weekend leg day…they maybe not so pleased:

After a general heart rate increasing warm up, we hit it off with Route 66 Mike Tysons.  Once complete, we began to mosey out from the lot, but recognized we were light a couple of members we started with.  A FNG was already feeling the pressure and had to break, so we all elected to mosey back to the AO parking lot in effort of not leaving a man behind.  We conducted a ‘turning 50’ workout to include:

  1. 50 squats, lap around the lot
  2. 50 split leg squats, lap around the lot
  3. 50 sumo squats, lap around the lot
  4. 50 jump squats, lap around the lot
  5. 50 calf raises, lap around the lot
  6. 50 count Al Gores, lap around the lot
  7. 50 pigeon toe calf raises, lap around the lot
  8. 50 (4 count) Triple Bears

Announcements, Praises and Prayers included:

  • Bulldog Wednesday to Thursday
  • Welcome to FNG Blow Grits
  • Prayers for Blow Grits family
  • Prayers for Jackson Hall family
  • Prayers for the unfortunate child who died on the Holbrook school bus
  • Prayers for friend Mandy who lost her 22 year old daughter to illness

back on the wagon

I got some EC with a slow mosey and got back to a growing crowd. There was some gentle mumble chatter then we started at 0530 with Disclaimer and Pledge as the site Q arrived with the flag.  We had a quick warmup then moseyed to front of park for some instructions. Today is the 13th so we will do some exercises at 13 reps each: SSH, Squats, Merkins, and LBCs. Next, mosey to the first island. Plan is same exercises, bear crawl around the island, then mosey two islands down. I don’t like quiet workouts so at this point I was only one counting and when I did the 13 reps we would move on to the next exercise. This didn’t have the complete desired effect, however the mumble chatter got a little better. We did about 5 or 6 of these islands then moseyed to the turd shack for some wall work-Easy Rider mistakenly said we would be doing hip slappers, however I had something else in mind and honestly, the HSers would have been better. We did Jackass Burpee Webbs-found this online last night and looked really stupid so I thought it would be good to try. Get on the wall, do a burpee followed by 2 donkey kicks. Next, 2 burpees and 4 donkey kicks, and keep on rolling. We got to 4 then moved back out into the parking lot for a 10 count then moseyed back to near the baseball fields for work on Clavin’s hill-we did Jack Webbs (merkin + 4 air presses, then 2 merkins + 8 air presses, and keep going) to a 10 count. The exercises were at top of hill with a trip back and forth on the hill with each set. Bullwinkle was setting the pace and I didn’t even hear him breathing heavy.  Once we finished, I called for 1 more round to 11 just because I wanted to see what kind of reaction I would get.  Next we moseyed to the picnic area for some Dips and Step Ups. Mosey back to home stopping at the island for escalator squats starting at 5 and adding 5 at each island till we ran out of time and high tailed it back home for COT.

We had a quick talk about being strict with yourself and tolerant with others. Hold yourself to the highest standards and give those around you the grace to stumble occasionally. Realize others will have different standards that likely will not match with yours. I think this is different from Candor, however there is likely a fine line between the two. Candor originates from love with the intention of enlightenment and improvement, and the other situation I think is more about your own mental approach to a particular situation and how your attitude about that situation  is manifested. Honestly, I think I am still struggling with this and not sure I have it figured out completely yet. Bottom line is, I think I probably should keep my mouth shut more often than I do which is a daily, scratch that, hourly….or minute by minute struggle. Being around F3 guys provides a lot of opportunities for me to learn more about both these situations.

With Mortimer behind me, now it seems like I need to get back on track posting again. thanks Maybelline for the opportunity to lead this am. Seems like I have not been posting like I should. I’ve been less strict on myself than I should. I say this with the hope that if you notice this in the future, feel free to point this out to me. Also, how about reaching out to some of the Kotters you know to get them back out? Sometime it just takes a call to let someone know you noticed they are not around. You never now if this is the push they need to break out of the fartsack. Give them the grace they need to maybe not hold exactly to YOUR standards, but the candor to know they can be doing BETTER than what they are doing and you realize they are not around.

Maybe that’s the sweet spot somewhere between strictness and candor……



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