• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 03/04/2024
  • AO: Mt. Hollywood
  • QIC: Blueprint
  • FNG's: Blow Grits
  • PAX: Red Ribbon, Flintstone, Choo Choo, CPAP, Freon

I was so proud to give the Mt Hollywood PAX a make-up workout since I had missed my weekend leg day…they maybe not so pleased:

After a general heart rate increasing warm up, we hit it off with Route 66 Mike Tysons.  Once complete, we began to mosey out from the lot, but recognized we were light a couple of members we started with.  A FNG was already feeling the pressure and had to break, so we all elected to mosey back to the AO parking lot in effort of not leaving a man behind.  We conducted a ‘turning 50’ workout to include:

  1. 50 squats, lap around the lot
  2. 50 split leg squats, lap around the lot
  3. 50 sumo squats, lap around the lot
  4. 50 jump squats, lap around the lot
  5. 50 calf raises, lap around the lot
  6. 50 count Al Gores, lap around the lot
  7. 50 pigeon toe calf raises, lap around the lot
  8. 50 (4 count) Triple Bears

Announcements, Praises and Prayers included:

  • Bulldog Wednesday to Thursday
  • Welcome to FNG Blow Grits
  • Prayers for Blow Grits family
  • Prayers for Jackson Hall family
  • Prayers for the unfortunate child who died on the Holbrook school bus
  • Prayers for friend Mandy who lost her 22 year old daughter to illness