F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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12 PAX(some points whores) posted to Downtown on Friday. Broke was down in his back and I just happened to be off work for Good Friday so I took the sub Q. I scrolled through the Google map looking for something new and came across the cemetery on Franklin which had a cross made of asphalt in it. I figured that hadn’t been done before so that’s where we went.


You know some stuff. Well Pallbearer doesn’t know because he wasn’t there. More on that later. We hit the road stopping for some exercises every block and made our way to the cemetery via the mid-town motor inn. We discussed what all you could get there and the number of people there getting it.

Tha Thang:

At the center of the cemetery we started 11’s with flying squirrels and hand release merkins. Run in a different direction each time you get back to the center. It made a pretty cool cross on Strava. It was also a bit longer than I anticipated and took a little more time. Somewhere in here SA explained to me that Pallbearer was attempting to get the FRC to Downtown double points but drove like a Grandpa and was probably still in route. #HTSI. About midway through we were running in the direction of someone walking and SA was about to trash talk them when we noticed it wasn’t one of us and he was attempting to light a cigarette. I assumed it was a homeless guy and realized we must have woken him sleeping in the cemetery! Wow! Slaw said he asked him his name and he replied Legion and said he was many. It’s the Mid-Town Motor Inn. You never know what you might get.

After that we hit the road again making our way to the old central school. You old guys know what I’m talking about. We partnered up for some Dora. P1 runs to the top of the stairs and back P2 starts the reps. 100-Starburst, 200 Dips, 300 feet on the wall toe touches. We had to cut this short and made our way back to Main St. All along the way Sargento kept asking how many PAX we had. I informed him the Q had counted and was counting. Apparently for him to understand it has to be out loud and slow. #HTSI. Side note if you or your IRA has been impacted by Sargento there is a support group. Contact me or SA for details.

On Main St. we stopped at each light pole for a burpee. I think it’s about a dozen.

Back at the flag we ran into our old friend PB who said he’d run 3 miles in search of us. This has been verified via Strava. He seemed to believe he was due credit for the post even though he wasn’t there on time, didn’t work out with the group, or do anything but run at a bootcamp workout. I have mulled this over for a few days and have decided to give it to him even though he has not met any of my reasonable request for the makeup work. Now as I understand it he will not qualify for his bonus points because he didn’t post this morning but that isn’t on me now.




Announcements-SFN and convergence 4/13, Ruck CSAUP 5/4, Extinction Run 5/18

Prayer Request-Lost souls

My Hollywood – 3/25/24



Mosey to side street down pass elementary school. 

50 Squats

50 Merkins

5 Burpees

Run a lap

40 Squats

40 Merkins

5 Burpees

Run a lap

30 Squats

30 Merkins

5 Burpees

Run a lap

20 Squats

20 Merkins

5 Burpees

Run a lap

10 Squats

10 Merkins

5 Burpees

Run a lap


Mosey up side street and at stop sign, some A/H’s, crunches, and flutter kicks. Continue mosey back to shovel flag for COT

The Pledge



prayer request

YHC closed in prayer

The Loops and Rain

Based on the weather forecast, assumed run/ruck was going to a very, very wet morning. For the first half we had a light rain and then during the second half of run, the rain came.

we had two Ruckers and four runners.

COT and YHC closed us in prayer.

“Let’s go that way!” “OK!”

When we took off for the ruck, there was mumble chatter about how our normal route has gotten a bit blah. Going the opposite direction is a big NO! So we went through our EC route (the Eh Y’all route). We’ll probably stick to that route and tweak it as we go.
The runners ran and got back a little late, but that’s ok, we forgave them and waited a bit, for most of them.
Announcements: Extinction Run May 18 (get with BOS & Anchorman for details)
Convergence April 13 with a community run after with Speed-for-Need participation
FCA golf tournament April 15 (Hot Corner has details)
Young Life golf classic May 13 (Buckshot has details)
Prayer Requests: Anchorman
Turtle Man
Breaker-Breaker’s Aunt
BOS’ 2.0 for continued healing
Praises: HE IS RISEN!!

Q Source: Shorties
Although DREDD didn’t give much guidance on this one, there was a lot of discussion about the topic and I’m glad for that. What I got out of it is as follows:
Raising kids is hard and there’s no easy button to help.
Kids spell love, T I M E
Don’t regret what you didn’t do for them or what you didn’t attend, embrace the times you’re there and know when you’re not there, you’re still making an impact.
Don’t hit the ‘Nuke Button’ over spilled milk.
Thanks for joining us for QS Flintstone!

It’s a New PainLab Record, Year 2

Though we failed to break any world records, six PainLab records were broken will live in infamy – or until next year. Perhaps, the eight PAX this year were younger, stronger, smarter, or couldn’t count. Regardless, no real drama ensued

The most side straddle hops in one minute

World Record: 136 by Binod Thapa (Nepal), in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 28 July 2023.

New PainLab Record: 94  by Bob the Builder in Gastonia, NC on 30 March 2024.

Old PainLab Record: 92  by Mayor in Gastonia, NC on 25 March 2023.

The most squats in three minutes

World Record: 239 by Muhammad Abubakar Mehsood (Pakistan), in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan, on 22 February 2023.

New PainLab Record: 171  by Hermie in Gastonia, NC on 30 March 2024.

Old PainLab Record: 155 by Tube in Gastonia, NC on 25 March 2023.

The most consecutive diamond merkins

World Record:  101  by Mohamed Hesham Abdul Hamid Ali in Fayoum, Egypt on 27 July 2022.

New PainLab Record: 38  by Hunchback in Gastonia, NC on 30 March 2024.

Old PainLab Record: 32 by Pilgrim’s Progress in Gastonia, NC on 25 March 2023.

The most lunges in one minute

World Record:  82 by Ali Mounir in Menofia, Egypt, on 14 March 2022.

New PainLab Record: 56  by Bob the Builder in Gastonia, NC on 30 March 2024.

Old PainLab Record: 50 by Pilgrim’s Progress in Gastonia, NC on 25 March 2023.

The most flying squirrel burpees in one minute

World Record: 33 by Leong Man Teng  in Macau, China, on 1 August 2022.

New PainLab Record: 28  by X-Wing in Gastonia, NC on 30 March 2024.

Old PainLab Record: 25 by Tube & Mayor (tie) in Gastonia, NC on 25 March 2023.

The most tricep dips performed in one minute

World Record:  119 by Stephen Buttler, in Shropshire, UK, in celebration of Guinness World Records Day on 17 November 2011.

New PainLab Record: 68  by Bob the Builder  in Gastonia, NC on 30 March 2024. *Clavin broke the 18+ age group record with 65.

Old PainLab Record: 61 by Pilgrim’s Progress in Gastonia, NC on 25 March 2023. (though Nutria had the best form with 60 dips).


With 20 minutes to spare, the group split in two for a few rounds of team dodgeball & then royal rumble dodgeball.  Hermie almost beat Bob the Builder. YHC’s rule that headshots were okay backfired.

Announcements and Prayer Requests: see Gashouse backblast 3.30.24



YHC showed up feeling under the weather and knowing I’d struggle to lead, I decided to go with plan B.   The fate of the pax was decided by themselves and the deck of pain!!!   The deck was spread out and each pax drew 1 card pax performed that exercise.  The card holder could basically call it as they saw it, most stuck to reps and exercises but there a few called that we’re not exactly sure existed in this deck.  None the less, everyone plowed through the deck, we got work done and wrapped it up.   YHC is still trying to shake this crap………being sick just sucks.

Start out with the pledge

Followed by all in cadence:

13 SSH

13 Moroccan nightclubs

13 Mountain climbers

13 Imperial Walkers

13 Don Quixotes

Round 1, Deck was spread out and cards were drawn, exercises were done as called by the card holder.

Round 2, YHC passed out 1 card to each Pax and randomly chose a Pax to call and lead exercise.


4-13 Convergence

Extinction run will be rescheduled

3-29 Montana VQ


Prayer reqeusts:

-Boss’s 2.0 underwent surgery and doing well

-Kool Aid

-Blue Print

-Tesla and state of West Virginia…….they will never be the same!

Why Not Us?

I am not a “life-long” NC State fan. My dad is an alumn of the University of North Carolina so I grew up pulling for the Tarheels. That lasted until I became a freshman at NC State in 1989 and then I became part of the Pack. Ever since the primary sports athletic teams have not done all that hot. Got rid of Valvano, then Sheridan left in football. We’ve had some glimpses of success, but nothing sustained. Meanwhile our brothers up the road have several basketball National Championship trophies added to their shelves. This year’s basketball team was good, just not good enough. Plenty of discussion among fans and on the message boards about Keatts status as the head coach. The Big Cheese himself has been saying “Keatts gotta go…” for weeks now. The challenge with today’s college basketball is free agency without a salary cap. We’re in a different world these days and I don’t envy a coach that has to recruit new high school seniors, tranfer portal and re-recruit their own team. NC State was more or less a pick up team last summer and it takes time for coaches and players to learn the system, each other, and all the aspects of playing the game at a high level. Entering the ACC basketball tournament, State had little shot to win nothing more than a few games. No team had won 5 games in 5 days before. Keatts challenged his team “Why Not Us?” The guys bought in and have been on an amazing run with 8 wins in a row. I’m not sure State has won 8 basketball games in a row in years. After the historic ACC Championship win, when I’d expect their energy to dissipate, the team continues to prove me wrong. As I have told my daughter who is in the final month of her NC State experience, being a Wolfpack fan teaches perseverance. Maybe, just maybe, the curse has skipped my generation and will open a new chapter for Pack fans. For now, we’ll enjoy the ride as long as it lasts.

Oh – Monday I led a workout at The Sandlot – want to know what we did?

Warm-up – same stuff, different day. We had an FNG, Will Windley brought by Amazon, so I had to cover the 5 core principles and the disclaimer. Bob the Builder posted again – keep it up BTB.

Said the pledge and moseyed to the KFC parking lot – grab a rock – size matters. Use the curb with your plant foot for step-back lunges holding the rock. This is a great variation b/c the slight elevation makes your muscles work harder than usual. I felt this extra sore area the next day – I’m sure the PAX did as well.

  • Elevated step-back lunge w/ the rock 10 per leg
  • Squat and Press w/ the rock x 20
  • Reverse Crunch with the rock overhead x 20
  • Repeat circuit 2x for total of 3

I asked the PAX did they want to keep their rock? Only Winehouse did, majority overruled, dump the rock and follow me to the Food Lion parking lot. Partner 11’s – yes, your reigning Q of the Year has some tricks in the bag and this one is a crowd pleaser. It’s not as difficult as it sounds. I didn’t even need signs, props, or scantily clad women to assist.

Partner 1 on the north end of the parking section, opposite Partner 2. Each begins with 10 Plank Jacks and moves toward their partner, meeting in the middle for 5 boo-yah merkins, then continuing to the opposite side for 1 shoulder tap (count 1 side). Reverse course to run back to your start but again meet your partner in the middle for 5 boo-yah merkins, you get the drill. The 5 merkins ends up being 50 total, plus the shoulder work on the planks – so the PAX were feeling it. Why not add some more? But we’re running low on time, so 7’s instead of 11’s. Individual this time…6 Mike Tysons on one end, 1 jump squat on the other, nothing dirty in the middle. We made it back to the parking lot with a minute to spare.

COT – prayers for Turtleman, Huck, the Hall family. Announcements – Community Foundation run 4/13. FNG Will Windley, grew up in Gastonia, graduate of Gaston Christian. His best friend was the guitarist for Luke Combs (yeah – the guy that left, from Gastonia). Will works at BofA and Merrill Lynch, so we went easy on him naming him “Bull” welcome to the brotherhood.

The NC State Basketball tournament theme, “Why Not Us,” is simple but prescriptive. Could be applied to any group or any person. If someone is going to win, Why Not Us? Obviously there has to be talent, strategy, and execution as part of the equation, but having the freedom to perform is a big part of that and belief. When the next opportunity for you to lead comes before you, maybe its your time to shine: “Why Not You?”

Go Pack!

Short Sale

Second F

Today I had to impromptu Q and it turned out pretty good. I had an even group of 10 and couldn’t let that opportunity pass so almost everything had a partner component.

Warm up

Mosey to upper lot 5-10-15-10-5 at the light poles of CDD and Big Boys. Pledged at senior center.

Dora: 100 squats, 200 merkins, 300 LBC, 400 dips

The dips got a ton of grumbling but I could care less.

Went to horse track and did 11’s of Squat x Inv row.

Pallbearer called me a douche but I think he was just missing his friend and was thinking about him.

Ended with a plank hold while partner did a run down the gravel road and back, switch roles.

Moseyed back to COT just in time.

Everyone got a thorough beat down and it was a great push from all PAX.

Apr. 13 Convergence where the honey hunters used to play. 7am, stay for Community Foundation run or ya mom’s a hoe.


Toothbrush with a pick on the end

5 HIM showed for a Good Friday FRC opportunity. We did a new variation of an old route now called the “toothbrush with a pick on the end route”. It was great. See strava for the map if you care.

Announcements – see other backblasts

Prayer requests – Huck, Turtleman

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