F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Page 22 of 917

Downtown 5/3/24

The site Q for Downtown asked YHC if he’d step up and take the Q on 5/3. He’s been working the late shift at work and has realized that the testosterone levels fall off dramatically at age 45. YHC takes the Q and makes a mental Weinke that morning. As YHC arrives, the guys are rolling in. Sister Act looks like a broken old man with broken knees after he attempted to cover Wikileaks during frisbee football last night. Looks like YHC will attempt to put the final nail in his coffin today! We circle up and the the show started at 0530.

Warmup: 1 Seal Jack IC, then LET’S GO, MFR’S!


Expedited mosey across 321 north, down the hill across 321 south, then stop at the first light pole on the corner. Once the 6 is in, we perform 5 H/R Merkins and 10 Mountain Climbers at each pole (there’s a LOT of them) until we get to Leather and Lace. YHC asked the PAX if they brought any singles, to which Wirenut replied “We’re in Gaston county. All you need is a roll of quarters!” We run up to the wall at L&L double-fisting our rolls of quarters. We performed 2 rounds of Dirty Hookups (of course) and Monkey Humpers. Figuring we got our money’s worth, we ran the rest of the way to FUSE ballpark. A train goes by, so 5 Burpees. We cross the road to set up for escalator 4 corners.

  • Corner 1 – 10 Mike Tysons
  • Corner 2 – 10 Mike Tysons, 20 Squats
  • Corner 3 – 10 Mike Tysons, 20 Squats, 30 CDD’s
  • Corner 4 – 10 Mike Tysons, 20 Squats, 30 CDD’s, 40 SSH (Single Count)

If Wirenut ever gets renamed, it has to be Pole Dancer. The mix of pre-workout and the stop at L&L got his “creative juices” flowing, or he’s practicing for his side hustle. You see, there are these baseball bat decorations that stand up on their end out in front of the ballpark. They stand roughly 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall. To our horror, Wirenut is doing his best pole dancing routine on one of the bats. YHC supposes it wasn’t that bad, since he got a couple of horn honks and cat calls from folks driving down Franklin. It seems as if power poles aren’t the only poles he climbs! He tries to throw shade YHC’s way, but no one was buying it (except for SA, and he doesn’t count). After a 10 count to get the image of Wirenut pole dancing out of heads, we de-escalated the 4 corners. We stopped for the pledge at the backside of the ball field, and headed back to base.

Once back to the pavillion, we spend the last 5 minutes performing the BEARMUDA TRIANGLE. Start with 1 burpee, bear crawl to the next corner, 2 burpees, etc. We made it to 7 burpees when time was up.



  • Goonie 5/4 at 0300 starting at the Schiele Museum
  • Extinction Run 5/18
  • 2nd F lunch 5/22 at Ray’s Smokehouse in Gastonia
  • Speed for Need event Runway 5K in September

Prayer Requests:

  • Anchorman
  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • CMPD
  • U.S. Marshalls
  • Westside’s Father-in-Law

YHC took us out in prayer


We had a lot of fun today. Everyone pushed hard even though YHC was keeping us moving the whole time. Bring some singles next Friday. Wirenut might pick up where he left off! Great work, men!



Knock the Rust Off

First Q since being back from a stress fracture, had to knock the rust off.

Normal warm-up… a few SSHs, Gravel Pickers, and Merkins.

Moseyed to Park maintenance parking lot.

  • Circled up and did 20 flutters, 20 dyeing cockroaches.

Moseyed onto the park Playground:

  • Mini MFR in honor of the 4 fallen police officers in CLT.
  • Rinse and repeat 4x:
    • 20 Merkins
    • 10 Pull-ups
    • 1 lap around the playground

Mosey to the picnic shelter:

  • Rinse and repeat 3x:
    • 20 step ups
    • 20 dips
    • 10 Durkins
  • 1 Minute Wall sits 3x

Mosey to the top of the park: Lunges across the parking lot.

Moseyed back to the Pelicans and finished off with round robin.


This week at FRC

5 HIM showed in the very early gloom. This is what happened.

As Dr. Seuss, Sargento, Keesh, Golddigger, and Buckeye trotted along the winding path of their training route, their conversation meandered through topics as diverse as the colors of a rainbow. Today, their dialogue took a turn towards career paths, entrepreneurial spirits, and the dynamics of power within organizations.

“I’ve always had a soft spot for retiring as a school teacher,” Dr. Seuss remarked, his voice carrying the whimsy of his namesake. “Think of the joy in shaping young minds, like molding clay into vibrant sculptures! Oh, the places they’ll go!”

Sargento, the pragmatic one of the group, shook his head. “But what about the money, Doc? Teachers don’t exactly swim in gold coins like Scrooge McDuck. I’d rather roll the dice and chase the entrepreneurial dream, where the sky’s the limit!”

“Ah, but there’s more to life than just dollars and cents,” countered Keesh, his eyes sparkling with wisdom. “As an entrepreneur, you’re like a lone wolf, navigating through the wilderness of uncertainty. But as a teacher, you’re part of a community, nurturing not just minds but hearts.”

Golddigger, the dreamer among them, nodded enthusiastically. “And what’s life without a bit of adventure? Entrepreneurs are like pirates, sailing the seas of opportunity in search of hidden treasures. It’s not just about making money, it’s about carving out your own destiny!”

Buckeye, the steady anchor of the group, spoke up next. “But let’s not forget the power dynamics at play within organizations. CEOs may hold the reins, but with great power comes great responsibility. It’s a delicate dance between authority and empathy, between strength and compassion.”

As they rounded the final bend of their run, their hearts pounding with exhilaration, the five friends reflected on the rich tapestry of their conversation. From the allure of retiring as a school teacher to the adventurous spirit of entrepreneurs to the nuanced dynamics of power within organizations, they had traversed a landscape as colorful and vibrant as a Seussian illustration. And as they headed off to refuel with a hearty brunch, they knew that their next journey together would bring with it another opportunity for spirited discussion and boundless exploration.

Their footsteps echoed along the path as they continued their run, each lost in thought, pondering the complexities of their respective career paths and the choices that lay ahead.

Dr. Seuss, with his whimsical nature, couldn’t help but mull over the idea of retirement as a school teacher. To him, there was a certain magic in the classroom, a joy that transcended the mundane. The thought of igniting young minds with the spark of imagination filled him with a sense of purpose unlike any other.

Sargento, on the other hand, remained resolute in his pursuit of the entrepreneurial dream. To him, the allure of building something from nothing, of charting his own course through uncharted waters, was irresistible. Sure, the risks were high, but so were the potential rewards.

Keesh, ever the philosopher, saw merit in both paths. He understood the appeal of the entrepreneurial journey, with its trials and triumphs, its highs and lows. But he also recognized the value of community, of belonging to something greater than oneself. In his eyes, being a teacher was not just a job, but a calling—a chance to make a difference in the lives of others.

Golddigger, with his head in the clouds and dreams of grandeur, saw entrepreneurship as the ultimate adventure. To him, the world was a vast treasure trove waiting to be plundered, and he was determined to claim his share of the spoils. Failure was not an option; success was the only option.

And Buckeye, ever the voice of reason, reminded them of the realities of power within organizations. As CEO, one held immense sway over the fate of others, with the ability to lift them up or bring them crashing down. It was a weighty responsibility, one that required careful consideration and unwavering integrity.

As they reached the end of their run, their bodies weary but their spirits buoyed by their conversation, the five friends paused to catch their breath. In the quiet stillness of the morning, they shared a knowing smile, grateful for the bonds of friendship that united them and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. And as they turned to head home, their minds abuzz with thoughts of the future, they knew that whatever path they chose, they would face it together, each step of the way.

Pledge of Allegiance

YHC and Golddigger got some extra miles in afterward.

Sparks were flying!

Sister Act pissed off Sparky so bad, that instead of commencing a total ass whipping on the ole douche canoe himself, Sparky decided to run his anger out away from the rest of the pax.
Jeez, thanks canoe.
It only went down hill from there.
Suster Act bitched about warmup exercises.
Bitched about exercises at the light poles on the way to frisbee. Tried to kill the leppard after leppard scored more times than he did at the prom.
Caused us to be summarily dismissed off the soccer field.
After the imminent defeat of his team, he ran off his teamate Gare bear.
To top it off he called 6 count kraken burpees during mary to the mutinious disgust of all.

CMPD, US Marshall, and all dealing with aftermath of the tragic shooting this week.
Our usual recurring pax and families needing God’s grace and mercy.

Extinction Run

Near record crowds at the PUB

So a series of unfortunate events kept several hundred PAX at home in what would have been the largest crowd ever to gather at the PUB. Instead, 8 strong runners showed up. YHC is happy to report that Alma Mater arrived right at 0526, just like he said he would, and drove his car into the PAX of the AO almost like Charlottesville except without casualties.
JJ ran/rucked a ruck to give to Sargento.
We pledged, we ran the DEFIB route which happens to be uphill the whole way.  Defib was so disoriented from the hills and elevation that he almost tried to cross the street one block early.  Fortunately, JJ and YHC were there to act as guardrails to keep him on his path  #cognitivedecline


In the end, the route ended up about .20 miles short so a lap around the lot made it an even 5 miles and the world was saved   We talked about the brave men of UNC fraternities who raised the American flag and have an epic fundraiser going on to throw a rager.    As of this writing, patriotic Americans have contributed nearly $400,000 to throw a party for the boat shoe wearing brohemians.  When details are finalized, be prepared to clown car to Chapel Thrill to throw down with these Patriots


Goonies 3am Schiele museum Saturday morning  bring a ruck (gloves?) and a change of clothes.  

FRC 0430 ten mile option tomorrow 

May 13 YL golf tourney. Pine island

Extinction run 0900 primal may 18

Memorial Day Murph at Martha’s

Prayer requests




Pax struggling

Jack Murphy app state OLineman suicide 

F3 Nation


End of school year

Law enforcement



always a pleasure to lead




Q: Who will commit the first Q-Fail of the month? A: It’s gonna be May

Okay, okay. So I failed as a Q and messed up during within the first 10 seconds of our Bulldog warmup, but I have a great excuse: it’s my first Q at a non-Ruck workout! My apologies, HIM; no more excuses.

Warmup: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Stretch

DJ Push Play (thanks Hunchback) kicked off the morning and the entire month of May with N’Sync’s “It’s Gonna Be May” and we were off to the races.

I borrowed/stole/shamelessly ripped off one of my favorite El Toro sets from a recent PainLab Q, but modified to fit in even more exercises.

Begin with 1 burpee, mosey to the cones and back. Do 2 Gravel Pickers, then 1 burpee, then mosey. Repeat down the list.

# Reps Exercise
1 Burpee
2 Gravel pickers
3 Kettlebell swings
4 Upright rows
5 Tricep extensions
6 Low & Slow Squats
7 Merkins
8 Mountain climbers
9 Heels to heaven
10 Freddy Mercury’s
11 Moroccan Night Clubs
12 Overhead presses
13 Curls
14 Calf raises
15 Side straddle hops
16 Monkey humpers
17 Lunges
18 Flutter kicks
19 American hammers
20 LBCs

Defib Backwards? Forwards? 4/18

Are you looking for a transformative experience? Then let me tell you about The Pub.

But first, let me introduce you to my old self:

They say the early bird catches the worm, but I was more of a ‘fashionably late bird’—always swooping in just as the worms were packing up for the day. Needless to say, my reputation preceded me wherever I went, like a cloud of tardiness trailing behind.

I used to joke that my tardiness was a carefully orchestrated performance, complete with a dramatic entrance and a round of applause from my fellow HIMs. Little did I know, they were secretly placing bets on just how late I would be each day.

I was the guy who could set his watch to my arrival time—assuming my watch was always set to ‘fashionably late.’ But hey, better late than never, right? Or so I thought until I discovered the joys of being fashionably early.

You too can be changed. After my VQ at the Pub, I have been early to 10 workouts in a row. I’ve enjoyed saying the Pledge, taking my time to make sure I’m within the parking spaces, and enjoying the second F (Fellowship) of other HIMs. F3 is more than just Fitness. There’s so much more and I have had the opportunity to experience the other dimensions of F3 thanks to The Pub.

Contact Defib for your transformational experience but hurry spots fill up fast.


We Pledged

Announcements were made

Prayers were lifted


“Maybe it’s Maybelline”

9 men for a Downtown beatdown.  Maybelline slept/forgot his assigned Q, no worries, it happens to the best of us. Site Q fail, should have reached out to confirm night before. Found out I was gonna have to Q as I was walking up at 5:30. No problem, I’m always prepared to use the same workout using the core exercises of F3.  Not too many complaints, but nice work men, appreciate the suppprt!


A Foggy Ricky Bobby

Six PAX emerged from the gloom and fog at The Ricky Bobby.

Warmup: SSH (IC), Imperial Walkers (IC), Abe Vigodas (IC), stretches

Thing 1: Mosey to the back parking lot for 4 Corners, stacking in each corner, and using the diagonal of the parking lot to keep the sides even!

10 Jump Squats

20 Merkins

30 Mountain Climbers

40 American Hammers

Unstack them in reverse order at the starting corner


Intermission: AMRAP pullups for 1 minute at the playground


Thing 2: Perform the called exercise OYO (Freddie Mercuries, Nolan Ryans, Plank Jacks, etc) until the Q calls “sprint” (or the local rooster crows) and then sprint the length of the side road to the crosswalk. Return to the starting point doing the called exercise: lunge walk, bear crawl, karaokes, high knees, butt kicks.


Thing 3: Partner up for Dora 123

100 tricep dips

200 squats (the “easy” version with your feet flat on the ground instead of heels on the curb!)

300 LBCs


Thing 4: A round of Mary in the Donut Circle in the back parking lot


Mosey to the front for COT


Goonie this Saturday


Tesla house closing today

Jackson Curti and bone marrow transplant




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