F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Humility @ Coconut Horse

Good showing this morning at The Coconut Horse.  Runners and ruckers represented.

It is warming up (we can only hope).

We did not see a Chupacabra on the greenway.

Announcements:  2nd F lunch this week at Logan’s

Several prayer requests

Leadership discussion this week on Humility.  Possibly the most important leadership trait.

Appreciate the opportunity to lead this morning.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Pickup at The Goat

Given its almost a month old, all the details are fuzzy.

There was a little AO pickup, a little basketball (I don’t think we are quite ready for the NBA), some wall work and something in a rarely used church parking lot.

YHC commits to being timely in BB starting today (since I posted today’s already)

No Kids in Sight

Gavel asked for a Q on F3 Dads at The Yank.

YHC volunteered figuring if no non-Dads showed, YHC might be able to join in with the kids.  The fears of this were quickly alleviated with PP already being on-site upon arrival.

0700 hit with Nutria starting with 5 burpees for the current train and The Pledge of Allegiance.   Then we parted ways.

3 joined YHC for a mosey around the block, stopping about halfway around for some stretching. Continuing on around, across the tracks and back to the back parking lot.

Time for YHC version of The Sheldon Cooper:

10 Flying Squirrels, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats, 10 Big Boys.

Run a lap, then repeat with one less rep.

Olsen was well on his way, so to keep all together, YHC called intermission after the 6 rep.

Intermission consisted of 1 min People’s Chair, 1 min Catcher Stance, 1 min low plank.

Then back to finish the Cooper.

Then a repeat of intermission but at 2 mins.  YHC had to call catcher’s early as the old knees where yelling (read that as old, fat and need to practice more)

Then two rounds of 15 count Mary, so AO policing before heading back to the flag.

2 rounds of dips and incline merkins and it was time.

No sign of F3 Dads, so we continued on.

Announcements were announced.

Prayers noted.

YHC took us out.

(Still no sign of the other group)


It was an honor to lead.


Watts Up Powering Down.

F3 Dads at The Yank began with 5 burpees for the train!

We had 32 at The Yank for the first F3 Dads boot camp of 2023.  The atmosphere was perfect even before we started – the bells at the railroad crossing rang out at 0657.  15 seconds later, a long, lumbering freight train rolled by.  At 0700 as the train was still thundering through the intersection, I called out the inevitable:  “Welcome to F3 – 5 burpees for the train!” It was glorious.

After our burpees, all PAX took a quick mosey to The Yank for the pledge, then Watts Up split off with the regular bootcampers.  Dads and 2.0s moseyed up to the field and circled up for warm-up.  Started with 10 SSH, 10 Goofballs, 5 Merkins, and 10 Dying cockroaches (in cadence).  Some of these required explanation/demonstration.

Before getting right into the workout, we reviewed what the 3 F’s stand for in F3.  Since it was mostly a crowd of repeat-attendees, many of the 2.0s knew the answers right away!

Moving on to The Thang – first exercise is “Count to 100.”  Each family does 100 total (combined) reps.  Dads do merkins; 2.0s choose any exercise.  I immediately got accused of rigging things in my favor – with 4 2.0s in attendance, we only needed to 20 reps each.  But hey, there are advantages to being the Q, and I pointed out that I’m often at a disadvantage with these games and need to make up for it somehow.  Everyone finished the 100 reps pretty fast, so we did a round of 200 (everyone could pick any exercise).

Next, we went around the circle for everyone to introduce themselves by their F3 nicknames.  “FNG’s” received their nicknames at this time.

To get moving again, we played a game of “tag.”  First round, 2.0s are “it,” and when dads got tagged they had to do merkins until all the dads were tagged.  There might have been a few groans from the dads with that wrinkle in the rules, but it wasn’t long before all the dads were on the ground doing merkins!  Next round, same thing, but the exercise was squats after dads were tagged.  For the third round, we switched it up – dads were “it,” and 2.0s had to do side-straddle hops once they were tagged.  Oh, and dads could only tag their own 2.0s.  A couple of the 2.0s (RBI, Goofball, 1 or 2 others) were very slippery and took a while to catch.  Eh Y’all had to nearly tackle RBI so that Balljoint could catch up.  RBI accused them of cheating, but there really wasn’t a rule saying dads were restricted from helping each other.  For the last round, we went back to kids being “it” and dads did dying cockroaches once tagged.

Then we did some dads vs kids races.  Since it’s a long way across the field, I had to split the distance and create a “finish line” in the middle.  Hunchback’s 2.0 Wicket happened to bring a stuffed red fox that would be a perfect substitute for the ubiquitous orange cone.  She graciously allowed “Red” to help us out.  (The other “cone” was a white styrofoam cup that stuck out among various pieces of litter scattered across the field after some type of celebration in Belmont last night.) 

OK, on to the races – everybody lined up for dads vs. 2.0’s!  The loser had to do 5 merkins.  Winners were encouraged to do a lot of form-critiquing.  Four rounds total.  They went like this:
– First round – kids run across the field, dads bear crawl
– Second round – kids run across the field, dads nur
– Third round – kids bear crawl across the field, dads lunge walk
– Fourth round – kids nur across the field, dads run (finally we beat them!)

Next up was another classic, “Family Merkins.”  We started out with everybody doing 10 merkins (or as many as you can).  Next, dads did up to 5 merkins with 2.0s on their backs.  The first round was pick your lightest 2.0.  The next round was pick your heaviest 2.0.  The last round was have all of your 2.0s on your back.  The kids enjoyed this even if the dads didn’t have the greatest form!

The next game was a new one, similar to duck-duck-goose, but of course with a few twists.  We tightened up the circle, and everybody got into plank position.  When the Q calls one of the PAX, kids would run around the circle while dad chased them, but dad first had to do 5 merkins.  I forgot to mention that if kids get caught, everybody is supposed to do 5 merkins.  Fortunately, none of the kids got caught unless you count when Balljoint ran the opposite way around the circle to tag Gamer.  Next round, PAX in the circle hold Al Gore.  This time, dads bear-crawled around the circle and kids chased Dad after doing 3 squats.

Next up was Name-o-rama and COT, and then of course SNACKS! 

Great work by all who came out this morning, Dads and 2.0s alike!  Thanks to all who showed up, and be on the lookout for news about the next F3 Dads workouts on July 15th and sometime in August.  I’m honored to lead this fun event for PAX and families.

– Nutria

The Daughter’s Boyfriend is Coming to Gashouse

I had gotten word that the boyfriend of one of Whoopee’s daughters might be attending with him.  I paused with this knowledge…..and reworked my planned wienke.  More pain.  I then remembered that I’m afraid of Whoopee’s M and decided maybe I should dial down the pain.

Good crowd for both painlab and the bootcamp.  The boyfriend did indeed show up so let’s get after it.

Circle up at 0700 for the pledge and warm-up:  SSH X 10 – Imperial Walkers X 10 – Gravel Pickers (not really but I did threaten them for Whoopee)

Bootcampers took off with YHC for a mosey up to the Grier Middle School parking lot.  I typically run basic Q’s and today would be no different.

20 Merkins – 50 LBC’s – 25 squats

Mosey to the next stop down Burtonwood Rd.

20 Merkins – 50 LBC’s – 25 Squats

Mosey to the parking lot in front of Ollie’s.

20 Merkins – 50 LBC’s – 25 Squats

Time for some modified partner Dora work:

Partner 1 does exercise – Partner 2 runs to upper end of parking lot, performs 1 burpee and returns to start the exercise

Cumulative 100 CDD’s – 200 Flutter Kicks – 100 Lunges

Mosey up to New Hope Rd for the next stop in the BOA parking lot.

20 Merkins – 50 LBC’s – 25 Squats (Whoopee performed some solo hip slappers on the BOA wall during this stop)

Mosey across New Hope to Dr. Feelgood’s office for some dips (20) and Derkins (20) and a selfie in front of his office.

Back across New Hope to Myers Memorial Church – great location on their steps for 30 calf raises.

Time to start the trek back toward the Schiele.  Moseyed back down Burtonwood with the next stop at the Pearson Properties building.

20 Merkins – 50 LBC’s – 25 Squats

Moseyed back to the upper entrance to Grier and the steps at Garrison for 30 more calf raises.

And for heaven’s sake, a quick stop for hip slappers (so Whoopee would shut up about them) against the Grier auditorium outside wall followed by some Derkins (15).

Mosey back to the Schiele to finish up with some Flutter Kicks and Goofballs (of course called by Sargento).


Blood drive coming up in a couple of weeks.  2nd F lunch at Logan’s next week.

Several prayer requests across the groups.

Welcome FNG Jackpot and Pacino (from Painlab)

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Zachary Tellier and burpee pull ups

One of my goals this year is to Q some different AO’s, I’ve been in F3 for 4 years now and 90%of my Q’s have been at Folsom. Mainly for convenience. But it’s nice to use different parks in your workout and see new faces. So this was my VQ at the Labyrinth and here’s what went down.

we did a proper warm up

then did a burpee Indian run to the playground , some pax felt the need to run a PR pace wich screws up the plan 🙄thanks alot bat flippers.

once we arrived at the playground we did triple nickel burpee pull-ups and box jumps. I couldn’t help but notice at the murph a couple weeks ago pull-ups are a weakness for all of us we need to work on

next we did the Zachary Tellier wod. Wich is a workout honoring fallen army Sargent Zachary Tellier who died in aphganistan from small arms fire. 10 burpees run 400 meters 10 burpees 25 merkins run 400 meters 10 burpees 25 merkins 50 lunges run 400meters 10 burpees 25 merkins 50 lunges 100 big boys run 400 meters 10 burpees 25 merkins 50 lunges 100 big boys 150 squats

this was kicking my butt I believe it challenged everyone wich was the goal hard but doable 👍 we didn’t have time to finish most finished the big boys and started on squats most of the Pax were killing it kinda surprised me 😁don’t underestimate the soccer armed runners they can  handle burpees and merkins back to back 💪🏻. When time got short we lined up for a burpee Indian run back to the Cot but there was mutiny in the ranks and a couple of runners took off once again at a PR pace 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️Q fail I guess we’ll do it different next time 😁. When we got back to the COT there was a little time left so flinstone led us in some big boys then we did some kraken burpees. Times up. Amazon reminded me we hadn’t done the pledge, thanks birthday boy. Then we did announcements I shared a verse and a word and then I prayed us out.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q good workout great group of men this morning I hope to keep making my way around to Q other AO’s. Westside over and out


Crazy 8

13 total at Midoriyama on Thursday. We celebrated the 8th anniversary of my 1st F3 post by doing what I called Crazy 8’s.


SSH x 15

Don Q’s for the groans

Mosey to get a block and over to the parking lot.

The Thang:

8 exercises, 8 reps each, 8 rounds, run a lap after each round. Simple and effective.


Goblet Squats

Side jump overs-I recommended it be done with the block standing up tall but not many complied. Meow

Alternating block merkins

WWI’s with the block



I had a lot more on my weinke but we didn’t get to it.




Announcements-2nd F lunch this week at Logans in Gtown, F3 Dads at the Yank Saturday

Prayer Request-Gumby and EZ family members, Norwood, HT kids. St Bobby took us out.


I spoke a little about the realization that I stomped down Fat Ricky a little over 8 years ago and if it wasn’t for the support I have found in F3 I do not for a second think he wouldn’t have found his way back. Defib asked about accomplishments since starting F3. Looking back I ran my 1st ever race and 5K right before starting F3. Since then I’ve run 17 relay races. That doesn’t count the ones we’ve done as CSAUP’s. I ran a 5K everyday for 30 days. A Half marathon in which F3 brothers played a major role in me completing and exceeding my goal. Multiple Goruck and Growruck events. The list goes on and will continue too because I’m a gorge runner and y’all support my habit. I love you and thank you all for 8 years of support!

Circle of multiplication at The Ricky Bobby

There was a small crowd of 3 at The Ricky Bobby at 0530 just after I planted the shovel flag.  I was joined by Buckshot and, with his 4th ever post, Snow Bunny.  After a quick disclaimer, we got started with a warmup of SSH and Imperial walkers (10xIC), then went to plank for a quick runner’s stretch.  Staying in plank we moved to merkins, Nolan Ryans, and mountain climbers (10xIC).  I looked up and the circle had doubled in size – what the hell happened?  Tesla, Goose, and J2C had quietly snuck in somehow!  I provided a friendly reminder that start time is 0530.   J2C was thrilled that he wasn’t the last one to show up!

Next it was down to business for The Thang.  We moseyed to the back parking lot and started out with a triple nickel – big boys and heels to Heaven.  Next was a “PAX choice” routine – one PAX ran to the opposite end of the lot and back while the rest did an exercise.  At the end of the first round, I inadvertently called for flutter kicks when it was Snow Bunny’s turn, prompting Tesla to coin a new euphemism for Q-fail, the “busted rubber.”  You can look forward to snickering or groaning or both at that one during your next bootcamp with dirty old Uncle Ted.

After the second round, we traversed the parking lot to the other end via lunge-walking and bear-crawling, only to repeat another round of PAX-choice exercises.  This time, the “timer” nurred to one end and moseyed back.  After this round, we only had 4 minutes to go.  I wanted to do more lunge-walking and bear-crawling, but that would take too much time and end up as another “busted rubber,” so we moseyed back to the flag for 1 minute of Mary, pledge, and COT.

F3 Dads 6/17 at The Yank, 0700 start.  Bring 2.0s of all ages – preferred (but not required) that they’re able to walk and/or run.
July 4th at The Yank:  0700 boot camp followed by patriotic festivities, guest speakers, and other fun things.

Finley, 5-yr old with cancer
Those struggling with anxiety or hardship

Privileged to lead this morning!
– Nutria


PT Test @ Ricky Bobby

7 PAX assembled and completed the Classic PT Test at Ricky Bobby.  The track was a bit short, with each lap being 0.2 instead of 0.25, but it got the job done.  Solid work put in by everyone.

No warm up, just a quick disclaimer and the instructions:

  • 1 lap
  • 100 reps (as close to proper form as you’re able) of each exercise before moving to the next
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • LBCs
  • SSHs
  • 1 lap
  • 75 reps of same 4 exercises
  • 1 lap
  • 50 reps of same 4 exercises
  • 1 lap
  • 25 reps of same 4 exercises
  • 4 laps


  • Flintstone – 27:41
  • Orangeman – 30:00
  • Tesla – 30:03
  • Rockadile Red – 31:40
  • Stroganoff – 32:35
  • Kool Aid – 32:45
  • J2C – 34:37

With a little time left, we did some partner core work.  One PAX ran to the end of the awning in the front of the school, the other did alternating rounds of 5 or 10 reps of:

  • Round 1 – Six Shooters & Pretzel Crunches
  • Round 2 – Freddie Mercuries & Flutter Kicks

Quick minute of Mary:

  • Orangeman – 10 x Six Shooters (IC)
  • Kool Aid – 10 x Penguins (IC)

Solid work by everyone.  Glad to get out to the premier track in F3 Gastonia for the PT Test.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

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