F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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First Q in a While


SSH, Hillbillies, Gravel Pickers


Wirenut was kind enough to bring some blocks to play with so go grab a block. Most of the PAX were pretty excited about this first part. Even Seuss grabbed a full sized block! Let’s get started.  I used this workout at Midoriyama a while back and I think most everyone enjoyed it.  Starting with OH Press, to curls to squats then tricep curls we do 20 reps of each exercise then run a lap around the parking lot.  With each lap you drop 5 reps but add a lap when you drop the reps.  Next up we mosey toward the parking lot beside the jail but at each intersection we cross we do 5 burpees, 5 hammers, and 5 squats. Once we arrive at the bottom of the parking lot we start our 11’s with perfect form merkins at the bottom and starjumps at the top. This took a little longer than I expected but we finished and headed down over to Kotter Korner stopping at each intersection to do the 5 burpees, 5 hammers, and 5 squats. Here at the now infamous corner we do some suicides up the hill and finish at the top. We headed back to start and with a minute or so to go did LBC’s till time.


Hike on  August 27 peak to peak. Breakfast before at Waffle House 2223 Union Rd.  06:40

Coconut Derby 9-3?

Convergence @ FUSE 9-4  07:00 all other AO’s will be closed.

Prayer Request:

Turtle man


Each other


Jackson Hall



Medicine Woman


Swimmers brother

Praise Reports:

Medicine Woman’s dad’s heart report came back good

Dr. Seuss’s parents with their 60 year anniversary.

Great work by all! We got in nearly 4 miles and lots of reps. Chili not about to cut his run short on the first part df the workout. Way to push brother.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead,


Just deleted this on accident and I don’t wanna type it all again. The workout was hard.

We did 1 Mike Tyson, 1 big boy, 1 burpee, and 1 jungle boy squat. One movement per corner of the tennis courts. Repeat but do 2 reps, then 3 up to 11. 4 corners meets a ladder of 11 so 4:11.

We then went to the line and jogged to half court, sprinted to other side, and recovery jog back x3.

Then did the same thing but bear crawl, jog, return, repeat x3

Had a little time to kill after so did a ladder at the playground: 5-10-15-20-25 and back down: pull ups and push ups.

Ended with pledge and COT. Positive stuff was emphasized. We also discussed some difficult things for prayer requests.

At the end, I locked my keys in my gas door but shout-out to Westside, Stogie, and Sarlacc for helping me out.


This morning, a brave group of 7scoffed the annihilation workout at the GasHouse &  took on the Thunder PT Test at PainLab amidst the stifling 92% humidity. Among these 7 HIM, Tube, VooDoo, and YHC had already conquered and submitted our results earlier this Summer. Partnering up was a game-changer, sparing us the need to count or deliberate—our focus purely on pushing ourselves. The music playlist echoed with the thunderous lyrics throughout the songs (my apologies to Sledge, as it wasn’t an all-Rock selection). Remarkably, everyone managed to better their previous times, a testament to their dedication even in the face of the relentless heat and humidity. I couldn’t be prouder of this determined group.

The workout itself was an unbroken 25 minutes of relentless effort, involving 12 reps of thrusters, curls, American hammers, swings, bent over rows, big boy situps, heels to heaven, and of course, the ever-dreaded burpees. Following the exertion, we shared announcements, prayer requests,  name-o-rama. The session wrapped up with Gashouse Q Defib taking the reins and promising a report on the proceedings. Until next time, keep pushing and conquering, HIM.

Official End of Summer Snooze

You can’t end the Summer of Snooze 2023 on an Omaha, at least that is what the Site Q, Short Sale, said. So YHC stepped up for an encore to officially end Snooze for the summer.

The words of the day… Modify as needed, not Omaha!

After a brief warm up where Roscoe blamed a red light for being tardy, four HIMs moseyed to the original parking lot by the river, playing a game of Frogger. Hearing no squealing and seeing no blood, the Pax started off with some 11s with Mike Tysons and squats. Modify #1, mosey one way, NUR the other.

Modify #2, inverted rows on the low pull-up bar to counter-act all the merkins (thanks Bubba Sparxxx for the physio lessons at Bulldog).

Long mosey on the sidewalk by the river, YHC looking for the big hill he knows is there somewhere. We find the hill, or so we thought, and started Jacob’s ladder: run up the hill, do a burpee, run down the hill, run back up, do two burpees, and so on until seven burpees. Modify #3, NUR up the hill. At the top of the hill on the first attempt, YHC sees the real hill, so modify #4, run down the big hill, NUR up the big hill and start the burpee count. Burpees after NURs uphill were tough. Short Sale thanked YHC for knocking out leg day for him.

On the run back to the start, the Pax enjoyed the 5th and final modify, bear crawl across the bridge (no, not the big one at the highway, there is one on the river sidewalk).

Enough time for a final Mary and time was called on the final, 1st annual Summer Snooze.

Announcements: Annihilation at Gas House, Thunder PT at Pain Lab, regular PT at the Yank all this Saturday, and Crowder’s hike on Sunday.

Prayer requests: Norwood, Huckleberry, Turtleman, Anchorman’s father in law, Tiger’s mom and dad, travel for Breaker Breaker.

Roscoe took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Midoriyama Thunder

5 posted for the Thunder PT test on a mid 90’s day at Midoriyama. Not really a good place to measure fitness unless you are measuring for future global warming. We did all of the reps then we ran a little to kill the rest of the time.


Feeling Grateful at The Goat

I’ve never been to the Goat before, so I thought a Birthday Q would be an appropriate introduction. We started warm-ups to the smell of mouth watering freshly cooked bacon. That was torture!

Let’s mosey across the bridge over chocolate milk to the playground. We circle up around the diamond with a dozen or more Hims. You won’t get a bunch of running from me, so we’re just gonna do what I like and that’s more core 😁. 

Set1: 50 seconds of work/ 10 seconds to transition.

LBC’s, Rev-LBC’s, starcrunch, flutters, baby makers, superman pullups. Recover. Mosey around the playground. Rinse & Repeat.

Set 2: 50 seconds of work/ 10 seconds to transition.

squat shadow boxing, CDD’s. mountain climbers, merkins, lunges, side lunges. Mosey to the picnic tables, step ups. Rinse & Repeat.

Mosey back to the sweet smell of bacon to do some Mary.

Announcements: Ruck Sunday, Pockets need two Tuna people?, Convergence on Labor Day, PT Thunder @ PL, Annihilation on Sunday.

Prayers: Turtleman is starting PT 🙏, Brian Chub, Jackson Hall, Norwood, Huckleberry, Charlie heart transplant 🙏

Thank you Hims for the Happy Birthday song! I felt like the Chippendales were singing to me 😍. Much appreciated 🥳. Thank you dear Lord for allowing me to Q on my 51st Birthday. Amen!

Lost – Again

6 HIM posted at the Pub for a 5 mile run.  Unfortunately despite my recon and studying the map I still managed to run off course (again – made the same error a few months back)  It seems I just cannot remember the route through Bethesda Oaks.  This time however Stroganoff (a true leader from the back) redirected me to stay on course.



Annihilation this Saturday YHC at gashouse

Peak to Peak ruck – meet at Linwood at 8am

Coconut Derby Sunday Sept3 at Coconut Horse – come compete for the belt

Convergence Labor Day at he Fuse 7 am



Jackson Hall



No more snoozin’

It’s Friday. It’s late in the morning. This is what happened…

Warmup – Merkins & Goofballs

Upon scouting out the AO, YHC figured it’s best to stay away from the traffic for our safety. There’s a lot of benefit having a 5:30 start time, particularly staying out of the way of traffic. With that in mind, we moseyed down to the newly paved Thread Trail path for the beginning of the Thang.

Kraken Burpee Mile: Do 5 Kraken Burpees and then lunge 20 paces, repeato for 5 sets. This got us a little way down the way but we had to mosey the rest of the way to the next locale.

Triple Touchdown: On the big dewy field where Broke once scored a touchdown, we did a variation of the good old Triple Nickle but with a football theme using the number 7. On one side of the field do 7 Merkins and on the other side do 7 American Hammers. Do 5 rounds of this.

Mosey up the hill around and around to the front porch of the YMCA for some 11’s. On one end do Step Ups, bear crawl to the other side and do Derkins. OMAHA!!! Apparently, the progress YHC has made recently with the People’s Elbow wasn’t enough and with the current knee problem keeping still happening were too much to take on this particular.

Quick thinking put us on the move again so we moseyed to the backstreet and ended up at one of the alleys for some new 11’s. On one end do Donkey Kicks, lunge walk to the other side and do Little Baby Dips.

Time was winding down so we headed back to start. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and time was called.

Announcements: Peak to Peak hike, Coconut chase, convergence, Iron Pax

Prayer Requests: Turtleman, Norwood, Hacksaw, Mayor, Huck

Surgical Strike

Whoopee had a HC FNG for Monday at the Sandlot and the guy was a no show due to being on call.  Fast forward two days at the Ricky Bobby and sure enough, there he was!  He works with Defib and Whoopee and the RB is closer to his house so instead of the Labryinth, we got him at the RB.

YHC wrote an FNG (sort of) friendly workout where we went over core tenants to F3 to enhance the PAX knowledge of F3 Nation.  Here is how it went down.

Warm up and Disclaimer

SSH, Merkins, Squats, and LBC’s.  We then moseyed to the track for a half lap and ended up behind the school for a review of the 5 core principles.  The PAX would call out one of the five, and we would do an exercise that starts with the first letter of the principle.

Free=Freddie Mercury’s

Outside=Oblique Crunches

Open to all Men= Outlaws

Peer led in rotating fashion=Peter Parkers

Ends in COT=Circle Burp

We moseyed to the other end of the parking lot for DORA, but before that we discussed the Credo: Leave No Man Behind but leave no man where you found him.

Partner up  Dora 1,2,3  100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 Flutters

Several pairs converted Squats to LBC’s but then switched to squats.  #QFail

We then moseyed to the walkway to the back of the school and bear crawled to the top.
We hit the stairs for 50 calf raises with toes straight, 50 duck footed, and 50 pigeon toed.

Next we moseyed around the school and lunge walked and did two burpees at each light pole. We then walked backwards up the hill to the front of the school and stopped at each light pole for an exercise to include Mike Tysons, bird feeders, big boys, and 8 count bodybuilders.

Our FNG modified the big boys and contemplated merlot splashing for a few minutes.

We ended the workout a little early to dial in the COT and still went long!


Peak to peak this Sunday

Annihilation Saturday at the Gashouse

Labor Day workout at Fuse stadium (Convergence)

Coconut Derby the day before

We prayed for Turtleman, Huckleberry, Charlie with cancer, David, Norwood, a coworker of Blueprint.


We forgot the pledge (Qfail) but did a solid naming of our FNG.  A surgeon who worked odd jobs growing up to get money including shoveling snow in Ohio and working at a Dairy Queen we named him Blizzard.  As usual, it could have been worse.

Good job for Whoopee on the solid EH and for Defib for coming so he knew at least two PAX.
I put a post on onehimsjunk well over a year ago and am happy to report that I finally gave Buckshot the poster for his kids that I was supposed to give him many, many months ago.

There are many men in our region who aren’t posting with F3 and I am not sure why they don’t.  Be intentional in talking about F3 and being welcoming to new guys.  Although YHC didn’t modify much of a standard Q, it is always a good idea not to crush new guys as our goal is to get them back out!

Always a pleasure to lead,





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