F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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9/11 memorial@The Sandlot


All activities signifying aspects of 9/11 and 343 firefighters lost at the incident


11 squats

Mosey to the castle

3 pull-ups

4 merkins with a mosey lap around playground

Repeated 3 x

Mosey to lot

Run to each island performing 10 merkins

Completed at 11 islands to signify 110 stories of Trade tower 1

Repeated for return completing 10 Mountain climbers at each island to signify 110 stories of Trade tower 2

4 square consisting of:


9 LBC, 11 flutters

9 LBC, 11 flutters, 9 superman pull-ups

9 LBC, 11 Flutters, 9 superman pull-ups, 11 Nolan Ryan’s

Repeat cycle

Mosey back to pelicans with exercise at each lamppost pole of alternating 3 burpees then 4 squats.


2F lunch the 20th Pita Wheel Gastonia

Iron pax week 2 at the ricky boby


family members

Quinn family



Watts ups nieces son

All those directly and indirectly effected by 9/11


The Celebration of a Douche 😁

In Honor of SA’s Birthday

  • Pledge
  • Warm- ups

        •Ragging of the Bday Boy

        • Cherry Pickers and Arrows ( SA’s favorites 😂)

        • Stretching Quickly

        • 5 Burpees

  • Mosey to lower lot for Sheldon Cooper

        • start at 9, 8, 7 etc … Burpees , Squats,

                                               Merkins, Big Boys

                                               45 Total Reps

  • Mosey to Blocks … Partner up

        One man does blockies , other runs …

        45 total blockies !!!

  • Head to THE HILL…

        Triple Nickel … 5 Burpees @ top, run, 5

                                  Burpees @ bottom, 5

                                  Rounds of time permits!!!

  • Bear crawled to the flag, and Iron Hulked it out with Mike Tyson’s and Cherry pickers ☺️… We modified for time …


JJ5K- September 30

Prayer Requests :

Jackson Hall


Lil boy hit by car Belmont

Breast cancer healed – Stogie’s co-worker

Brillo – Bootcamp


Sister Act’s praise

21 years marriage on Thursday

45 years today

Sister Act took us out in prayer !

IPC – Week 1 at Old School

The dew was thick as always at Old School, just waiting for an inexperienced PAX to wander into it’s hydrating embrace to make shoes soggy and clothes clingy. Luckily, YHC and his counterparts were wise to this trick and stayed on the nice, dry parking lot for this beatdown. Lord know, it was hard enough with decent conditions, no need to compound the problems. This is what happened…

The Rhino was waiting when YHC arrived 10 minutes early to the AO. After a few minutes of us deliberation about how to tackle the pending doom and wondering who else would show up, the Site Q rolled up. He hopped out of his ride and announced he’d only be walking today per doctor’s orders. Looks like it’d be just the two of us. Doesn’t matter, the suck was going to happen even if we had 150 HIM there. This is you vs you stuff!

Warmup – Don Quixotes

The Thang – 45 minutes, count as many reps as you can while a 5-minute timer runs. At each horn, do the designated mode of transportation. For the exercises, do 10 reps of one, then switch to the other until you get to 80 total reps.

Round 1 – Flying Squirrels & WW3 Sit Ups – Mode of Transportation was the Lunge Walk with coupon.

Round 2 – Bock Over Burpees & Perfect Form Merkins – Mode of transport was Murder Bunnies. This round was a killer!

Round 3 – Thrusters & Jillian Michaels – Mode of Transport was the Rifle Carry.

We finished the 45 minute part up and wrapped up with a couple laps around the track to work out the kinks.

This workout was awful but Watts Up and I pushed each other to do our best and in the end, we did! Thanks for posting brother, couldn’t have done it without you!!! Wirenut walked up and we hashed out the announcements and prayer requests. Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements – 2nd F lunch at Gastonia Pita Wheel in 2 weeks, JJ 5K coming  late September

Prayer requests – Jackson Hall, Turtleman, Wirenut’s recovery, Watts Up’s niece’s son having heart transplant, 4 year old boy in Belmont hit by car, Purple Haze’s dad



Crossroads 9-10-23

9 made it to log some miles this morning.

Following our run we discussed how in 5 different stories in the Bible people had  to do hard stuff.

Ruth stayed loyal to her mother-in-law

Noah spent a lifetime building an ark

Peter chose not to let his failure hold him back

Mary chose to listen

Paul admitted he was wrong

Sometimes we are put in situations that aren’t easy , what will we do?

Pray for one another

JJ5k coming up





The Goat

Started warmup with about 5 PAX

About 10 more PAX rolled in late, after the morning train held them up on Eagle Road.

YHC, who has been partially out on IR since May, saw some new faces within these late arrivals.

no FNGs, though.  One 8-year Kotter – “Ocho”

Mosey to Goat Island, and “circle” up around the Triangle for:

AMRAP on the Island.

10 Burpees, 15 Merkin’s, 20 Squats, 25 Fred Mercs, 30 SideStraddle Hops.   Run to Bridge and back. Repeato

we logged about 3 rounds.

Mosey back to town, & to the top of the hill next to Floyd & Blackie’s for:

Jacob’s Ladder

1 burpee, Run down the hill, Hard-Run up the hill.
2 burpees, Run down the hill, Hard-Run up the hill.
Repeato until 7 burpees.

Question from some PAX: “What is a Hard-Run?”

Answer:  “More than a jog, more than a run, not quite a sprint.  But, sprint if you want to.”

Mosey back for:






25k trail race
Roundup 50 miler
Half-marathon ruck – oct
Charity golf – least of these


From ocho: happy to join back in after 8 years.  (He said he was old, but we learned that he’s only 40)
Mama’s boy’s grandma
Turtle man
Franz’s grandfather
Norwood healing


-Bubba Sparxxx


We rucked (some extra), others ran, and we all did COT.

Today’s Q source topic (Persuasion) was pushed my way by Bubba Sparx.  I gladly accepted today’s subject because it’s when we go from thoughts and talk to putting that into action. Any leader can tell others what to do but, great leaders use the art of persuasion to get others to see and understand the goal at hand. Persuasion is becoming a dying art and it’s a tool we should not only hone for ourselves but pass along to others.


2nd F lunch at Pita Wheel in Gastonia (G2) 9/20 @noon

Local CSAUP ruck event October 20 starting at The Fighting Yank.

Come support Rocky Branch trail run event Next weekend

Prayer Requests


Turtle Man

Anchor Man’s father-in-law

It’s Still Humid

It’s still humid.  3 runners and 2 ruckers for the Coconut Horse.

The Q decided to get crazy today…….we reversed the Coconut Horse route.  There was much debate after about which direction is more difficult.  For today, I say it is the reverse route.

As usual, fun was had by all.

Announcements included upcoming ruck csaup on Oct 21 and 2nd F lunch coming up.

Prayers to Flintstone’s sister-in-law, Turtleman and others.

Q Source:  We continued studying The Wisdom of the Bullfrog by Admiral William McRaven.  Today was Chapter 11 – It Pays to be Winner.   In my words, I would say the importance of having high standards.  This seems to be getting more difficult in today’s world but having high standards and trying to maintain them in everything we do is important.  Hold the Line.

I appreciate the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Rolling the dice

I arrived early to set up gear (which included Flintstone’s 44-lb and 53-lb kettlebells) in a circle in the parking lot. After Stroganoff’s brief warmup, Pain Lab-rats gathered coupons and I explained the format. The rules were simple, at first. Six stations had exercises written on note cards. Two of the cards had a defined number of reps – one of those stations would be the “timer,” after the Pax would roll the big red die to determine how many spaces to move, clockwise. Put on some music and let’s get going.  Oh, by the way, one other rule – rolling “6” is a “wild card” roll, so PAX can choose space to go next.  (I added this twist since with only 6 exercise spaces, rolling 6 would mean repeating the same exercise – not a terrible thing, but this would make things more interesting.)

First set:
* Squat-Curl-Press (20)
* Kettlebell pullovers (20)
* Reverse lunges with kettlebell
* Star crunches
* Babymakers
* Heels to Heaven

After 16-18 minutes, flip the note cards over to reveal a different set of exercises for Set 2:
* Kettlebell swings (20)
* Goblet squats (20)
* Lawnmower rows
* Hello Dolly
* American Hammers
* PAX choice

After another 16 minutes or so, choose an exercise from either side of the card.  At 0758 we returned for COT as bootcampers arrived back at the flag.

It was great to see Top Hat back out in the gloom.  Mumblechatter topics included cars, training for new and old drivers, and Hot Dog educating us that Slipknot’s angry shouting into the microphone is more difficult than most people realize. 

Announcements:  2nd F lunch 9/20 at Gastonia Pita Wheel; Iron Pax Challenge continues through September

Prayers:  Turtleman, Huckleberry, Norwood, others

I’m privileged for the opportunity to lead this morning – thanks to all who joined to make ourselves better!

– Nutria

Stupid is as Stupid Does

The humidity is still hanging on and it might impact what I had in mind for the bootcamp.

Quality crowd for both the bootcamp and painlab this morning.

The best part for me were two Kotters.  My nephew Prius came out for the beatdown along with Happy Feet (F3 Dads name – that will change today).

Disclaimer.  Pledge.

Short Warm-Up with 12 IC side-straddle hops and 12 IC Imperial Walkers.

The Thang

Mosey to the entrance to the museum parking lot (what will we do?):

2 burpees – let’s rehash The Forrest Gump (which we have not done in several years).

Start the mosey west on Garrison Blvd – quick stop at the first street for 2 burpees.

Mosey to the parking lot at East Garrison Baptist Church for some OYO work:

15 Merkins – 20 Squats – 25 LBC’s – 2 burpees

Mosey to the Taxco Mexican parking lot

Repeat OYO reps:  15 Merkins – 20 Squats – 25 LBC’s – 2 burpees

Mosey to the memorial in the center of Lineberger Park for some Dora 1-2-3:

Partner up  for cumulative 100 CDD’s – 200 Squats – 300 Flutter Kicks

While partner 1 performs the exercise reps, partner 2 runs up toward the pool to the top of the steps and back.   Everyone enjoyed this one.

10 count followed by a mosey to the top of the steps again for 2 more burpees before moseying further up to the picnic shelter inside the train track for more in-cadence reps:

12 Dips – 12 Step Ups – 12 Dips – 12 Step Ups – 10 Dips – 10 Step Ups

10 count before moseying back to the memorial in the center of the park.

15 OYO derkins – 10 OYO derkins – 2 burpees

Start the mosey back toward the Schiele:

1st stop at the corner convenience store – 2 burpees

2nd stop at Taxco Mexican Restaurant – 15 Merkins – 20 Squats – 25 LBC’s

3rd stop back at East Garrison Baptist Church – 15 Merkins – 25 LBC’s and finished with the Forrest Gump tradition of 20 Monkey Humpers along the edge of Garrison Blvd….always a traffic pleaser.

Mosey back to the Schiele.  Time for one set of 20 reps of dying cockroaches.



Belmont ruck on 10/21

2nd F lunch coming up at Pita Wheel Gastonia

Prayer Requests:

Turtleman – Jackson Hall – Norwood

Good work men.  We covered just over 3 miles during the bootcamp.

Good to see some Kotters out at the Gashouse this morning.   A big welcome to Enos (Roscoe’s son and previously known as Happy Feet from his F3 Dads days).

Honored to lead.  Until the next one.  Aye!


Windy City

We found the breeze that Defib’s Q on Tuesday was missing.
Made for some hearty belly laughs during the frisbee game.
The adage about Leppard came true yet again!

Need runner for Tuna.
Ruck event same weekend.
Lunch at the Pita Wheel coming up.

Jackson Hall, Turtleman, Huck, Haze’s dad, Norwood, Hacksaw, Wirenut, Montross’ family, those unspoken.
Chili’s hamstring

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