F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Spear chunking for Krakens

IPC is over and I was looking forward to having a “normal “ workout. So I snatched up a short notice Q at Folsom. This is what went down. A proper warm up of course. Then mosey to the flag stopping at each light pole on the way for 5 v ups. Their was discussion about pole terminology on the way which I’m kinda sensitive about because I work on power lines and can’t stand people calling power poles telephone poles 😡give credit where credit is due people power lines are on top and some poles don’t even have telephone on them so anyway these were light poles because all they had on them were lights. On the way we stopped at the horse stalls for some spear throwing. Yeah you heard right spear throwing we can do that kinda stuff at Folsom cause we’re awesome 😎. Me and a couple guys signed up for a spartan race so I’ve been working on my throwing skills and thought it would be fun to tie in . So everyone got one throw if you stick it we all do one kraken burpee if not we do 3 . I went first and gave a tutorial and mine stuck thank goodness. But after that we did alot of burpees no one seemed to follow my tips 🤷‍♂️I tried. Gear wrench stuck one but grunted like a woman while doing it so not sure if that should count. Bedpan could’ve killed a horse if one had been in the stall I think that guys got some Viking blood in him. Balljoint stuck one he’s good at everything poor guy. Wirenut informed everyone their burpee form was pitiful 😆 someone’s gotta do it. When all had a turn we continued with the v ups and mosey. We got to the flag and pledged then did ring o fire hold 6” for everyone to do 3 flutters then hold plank for everyone to do 3 merkins. Next mosey to upper parking lot for dirty 11’s walking lunges and big boys with a burpee in the middle. We headed back for more spear throwing and krakens made it through about 3 pax gear wrench was last and threw it on the ground on purpose what a douche. Moseyed back to the flag for Cot and I shared a verse from judges 7 and a few words we took prayer requests did announcements an I prayed us out. Good crowd this morning we put some work in and had fun. Thanks for the chance to lead thankful for all my F3 brothers.

Deep Sea Divers are Back

Into the deep end of the pool we waded, sinking to the bottom on purpose, in search of merkins. We found them, along with other goodies that made us sweat, made us stronger. Follow this, non-professional morning diary of greatness, if you dare.

Warms ups
Moroccan night clubs, speed bag, air press, imperial walkers, squats, monkey humpers, merkins, Peter parkers, lbcs, dying cockroaches.

Mosey to steps, gazebo. 21 squat curl each person does a deep sea diver.

10 each until all PAX take a dive
Big Boy sit upsDe
Bobby Hurleys
Shoulder Taps
Freddy Mercurys
Sumo squats
Nolan Ryans

5 burpies to end it

Mosey 2 laps around building up stairs.

20 Side straddle hops
Sun dial – 9 merkins
Heels to heaven, dying cockroaches, american hammers, flutterkicks

Good morning ShortSale

Whoopee rode his bike.  JJ, Winehouse, and YHC ran. Amazon, Hunchback, and Flintstone rucked.

Stroganoff showed up for QSource only and got called a name.  (See title of BB)

The virtual flag for the pledge was blowing in the virtual wind.

Announcements are many…stay tuned to the pending newsletter

Prayer requests:  Turtleman and family, Senior Citizens losing friends


The Q-Source topic was the Chapter, “Expect what you inspect”.  Setting high standards and meeting them won’t happen if you don’t inspect.  A leader should (on a schedule) show up to inspection to reinforce the standard.

Yours very truly,


Run and werk

We had the pleasure this morning of meeting the Nantan of Charleston, Micheal Bolton.

Great Guy he was Up(downrange) doing some work in the area.

11s and some foxholes along with some other stuff that got us moving.

The Bedpan is full

The Windy 500

In honor of the IPC this month I took the Cindy 500 and removed all the stuff I didnt like put in  some new stuff and we used the tennis court vs a track.

It was good and bad all at the same time.


The BedPan is full.

Running in Circles & QSource Weekly Email Link

Warm ups at Pelicans: SSH,  Merkin, etc. the usual…

Mosey past Marthas to the maintenance shop parking lot.

Circle up… R over L and L over R; Squats, Flutters, LBCs 3x

Mosey into Marthas through ball fields.

Stop in the parking lot for merkins… first of many. Mosey around the perimeter of baseball fields, at each dividing space between fields more merkins 20, 30, 40, 30. oh yeah, they burned. Once we made 1 lap (4 sets for merkins) rinse and repeat, reverse direction, with burpees 5x at each dividing space between fields instead of merkin. Each lap is .45 miles.

Slow mosey to the picnic shelter. Step-ups for Whoopee, decline merkins, dips, more step-ups.

Slow mosey to the parking lot for ab work. Flutters, leg lifts, dying cockroaches.

Strong mosey from back to Pelicans with a few stops for SSH and mumble chatter.

With 2 mins to spare we finished up with round robin.


Here is the link for weekly QSource emails which are sent out on Sundays. Contains the topic of the week (last week Courage), Dredd & Dark Helmet podcast, quotes, book recommendations, etc. it’s awesome! Highly recommend.

QSOURCE EMAIL SIGN UP (sibforms.com)


Announcement Half marathon rock – October 21st

1- house remodel gone bad – let him go
2- Jackson hall
3- turtle man – not walking
4- sarlacc daughter- depression
5- voodoo daughter- broke leg
6- wirenut –  CT scan for mom

– told the story of the hummingbird and the elephant and share proverbs as a reference book of what you can do  while facing the challenges of this world



Once upon a time on a beautiful summer day, Elephant was walking down the road, humming to himself. Suddenly he stopped short, because there, laying on her back in the middle of the road in front of him with her feet in the air, was his friend Hummingbird. He could see her tiny breast moving up and down, so he knew she was breathing, but for the life of him he couldn’t figure out what she was doing, laying there in the middle of the road.

As he approached to get a closer look, Hummingbird opened her eyes and looked up at her friend. “Hello, Elephant,” she said.

“Hello, Hummingbird,” Elephant replied. “What’cha doing?”

“Oh,” said Hummingbird. “I heard that the sky was going to fall, so I’m here to hold it up when it falls.”

Elephant thought this over for a minute. Then he began to smile. The smile turned into a giggle, and the giggle turned into a laugh. A big, bellowing laugh as only Elephant can laugh. “Oh, Hummingbird,” he said when he was done laughing, “You have to be the tiniest bird I know. And the sky is so big! It stretches from horizon to horizon in every direction. How in the world are you going to hold up the sky?”

Hummingbird looked up at her friend. “I didn’t say I was going to do it all by myself,” she said. “But I’m ready to do my part.”


You’re the meaning in my life. You’re the inspiration

As PAX, we are here for each other. We are the reason we get out of bed super early because, if we don’t, we’ll possibly be letting out brothers in arms down. This cannot happen. Shorty reached out a few days before 0 day asking for some help with the Q. I’m in! 6 HIM showed for the bootcamp at Gashouse. This is what happened.

Tube led the workout to kick things off. We split up and the bootcampers headed out toward the road, taking a left to the parking lot in front of Grier.

11’s – CDDs and LBCs

Mosey around the corner to the yet to be used bus drop off loop beside the school for

BOMBS (this sucked) – partner up and one guy does exercises while the other runs the loop. The exercises were:

50 Burpees, 100 Overhead Claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Bigboys, 250 Squats

Mosey up to the church parking lot for some time killing Mary then over to the other church parking lot for a round of 61-49.

Once that was done, we headed back to the start and did some more Mary until time was called. Great workout men!

Announcements: October ruck half marathon, Tuna runner needed

Prayer Requests: Turtleman, Norwood, Jackson Hall, Voodoo’s daughter

On this harvest moon

The moon was big and bright this gloom to welcome the 4 intrepid souls who weren’t afraid of the beating to come. This is what happened…


Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup including the patented Right Over Left which is often imitated, never duplicated.

Mosey toward the bridge over the ditch for a lunge walk across. Keep moseying until we get to the back of the tall building across from the courthouse.

Four Corner Escalator:

10 Big Boys first corner

Same as 1st plus 20 CDDs

Same as 2nd corner plus 30 lunges each leg

Same as 3rd corner plus 40 plank jacks.

Mosey down the way, stopping for some wall sits, then to the new portico area at FUMC for the 9-29-23. Yep, we did 9 merkins (I think), 29 american hammers and 23 squats.

Mosey from there to the top of the parking deck taking the long way up. Head back down and to the start. Circle up for Mary until time was called.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements: October ruck half marathon, 2nd F lunch coming up, Tuna needs another runner

Prayer requests: Easy Rider’s family, Turtleman, Norwood, Jackson Hall, Amazon coworker aneurism

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