Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Westside (Page 2 of 5)

Spear chunking for Krakens

IPC is over and I was looking forward to having a “normal “ workout. So I snatched up a short notice Q at Folsom. This is what went down. A proper warm up of course. Then mosey to the flag stopping at each light pole on the way for 5 v ups. Their was discussion about pole terminology on the way which I’m kinda sensitive about because I work on power lines and can’t stand people calling power poles telephone poles 😡give credit where credit is due people power lines are on top and some poles don’t even have telephone on them so anyway these were light poles because all they had on them were lights. On the way we stopped at the horse stalls for some spear throwing. Yeah you heard right spear throwing we can do that kinda stuff at Folsom cause we’re awesome 😎. Me and a couple guys signed up for a spartan race so I’ve been working on my throwing skills and thought it would be fun to tie in . So everyone got one throw if you stick it we all do one kraken burpee if not we do 3 . I went first and gave a tutorial and mine stuck thank goodness. But after that we did alot of burpees no one seemed to follow my tips 🤷‍♂️I tried. Gear wrench stuck one but grunted like a woman while doing it so not sure if that should count. Bedpan could’ve killed a horse if one had been in the stall I think that guys got some Viking blood in him. Balljoint stuck one he’s good at everything poor guy. Wirenut informed everyone their burpee form was pitiful 😆 someone’s gotta do it. When all had a turn we continued with the v ups and mosey. We got to the flag and pledged then did ring o fire hold 6” for everyone to do 3 flutters then hold plank for everyone to do 3 merkins. Next mosey to upper parking lot for dirty 11’s walking lunges and big boys with a burpee in the middle. We headed back for more spear throwing and krakens made it through about 3 pax gear wrench was last and threw it on the ground on purpose what a douche. Moseyed back to the flag for Cot and I shared a verse from judges 7 and a few words we took prayer requests did announcements an I prayed us out. Good crowd this morning we put some work in and had fun. Thanks for the chance to lead thankful for all my F3 brothers.

Downtown 8/4

Took this Q the night before noticed it was still open sometimes it’s fun shooting from the hip on short notice. We did a proper warm up of course 5 burpees for the train.

The bridge triple nickel pull-ups and squats

parking deck LLB’s did work on two other levels can’t remember what on the way down we did 5 calf raises each stair it smelled awesome with a bunch of sweaty men in the stairwell motivation to move quickly 😆

rotary pavilion black jack merkins and big boys can never go wrong with this we ran out of time before finishing but most were about halfway.

we pledged took prayer requests did announcements and I prayed us out still loving this stuff F3 has been great for my mental and physical health praise the Lord for all you men.

Westside over and out

Crazy 88’S @ Folsom

Gear wrench reached out to me and said he wanted to run old IPC workouts at Folsom every Thursday during August,to get ready for the real deal. I thought that was an awesome idea and was pumped about picking the first one. I searched the archives and came up with crazy 88’s from 2021 I remember this one well I couldn’t attend the scheduled running of it at old school so I decided to run it solo at Folsom and asked if anyone wanted to join thankfully my buddy Wirenut came and ran it with me. It was hard then and no surprise it was hard this morning.  I think I ran it in about the same time around 30 minutes not bad but could be better. The workout consisted of 4 sets of 88 this is how it went

8 burpees run across the field 8 burpees continue this until achieving 88 burpees

then 8 squrls carry block across 8 squrls continue until 88

then 88 overhead presses rifle carry across 88 more rifle carry back

then 88 X factors bear crawl across 88 more then crawl bear back

Done! Praise the Lord I was spent Gearwrench killed it did like 50 OH presses in a row Pony boy did a bear gallop it was awesome every one present grinded hard 💪🏻and that’s the point to reach those limits and poke the hell out of em till you get stronger! IPC season is awesome come get ready at Folsom one Thursday in august if you get a chance. We pledged did announcements I shared a word then prayed us out Q fail I forgot namerama I’m blaming it on the burpees my brain was lacking oxygen 😁 thanks for the opportunity to lead

Westside over and out

Folsom Cindy and Football

Proper warm up

modified Cindy: 3 rounds of 5 pull ups 10 merkins 15 squats run a lap 2 rounds run one round run

then 11’s dips and V ups

then we played football for 30 minutes some shined (Wikileaks, Def Lep surprisingly) others not so much. Gear wrench plays dirty watch out. Fun was had by all and we burned some calories doing it. It was a pleasure as always. We prayed pledged and did announcements of course that is all.

Zachary Tellier and burpee pull ups

One of my goals this year is to Q some different AO’s, I’ve been in F3 for 4 years now and 90%of my Q’s have been at Folsom. Mainly for convenience. But it’s nice to use different parks in your workout and see new faces. So this was my VQ at the Labyrinth and here’s what went down.

we did a proper warm up

then did a burpee Indian run to the playground , some pax felt the need to run a PR pace wich screws up the plan 🙄thanks alot bat flippers.

once we arrived at the playground we did triple nickel burpee pull-ups and box jumps. I couldn’t help but notice at the murph a couple weeks ago pull-ups are a weakness for all of us we need to work on

next we did the Zachary Tellier wod. Wich is a workout honoring fallen army Sargent Zachary Tellier who died in aphganistan from small arms fire. 10 burpees run 400 meters 10 burpees 25 merkins run 400 meters 10 burpees 25 merkins 50 lunges run 400meters 10 burpees 25 merkins 50 lunges 100 big boys run 400 meters 10 burpees 25 merkins 50 lunges 100 big boys 150 squats

this was kicking my butt I believe it challenged everyone wich was the goal hard but doable 👍 we didn’t have time to finish most finished the big boys and started on squats most of the Pax were killing it kinda surprised me 😁don’t underestimate the soccer armed runners they can  handle burpees and merkins back to back 💪🏻. When time got short we lined up for a burpee Indian run back to the Cot but there was mutiny in the ranks and a couple of runners took off once again at a PR pace 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️Q fail I guess we’ll do it different next time 😁. When we got back to the COT there was a little time left so flinstone led us in some big boys then we did some kraken burpees. Times up. Amazon reminded me we hadn’t done the pledge, thanks birthday boy. Then we did announcements I shared a verse and a word and then I prayed us out.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q good workout great group of men this morning I hope to keep making my way around to Q other AO’s. Westside over and out


The hill belongs to no one

I asked Gearwrench who’s got the Q at Folsom tomorrow? Nobody he said you want it? Heck yeah I like to get in at least one Q at Folsom each month and here was my chance to get one early. I knew I wanted to run the hill and tweak a CrossFit wod to fit a boot camp. Also after the Murph I knew I needed to include pull ups (we all need improvement there) so with one day to make up a weinke that was my inspiration. So here’s what we did.

Proper warm up:of course

to the playground:4 rounds

5 pull ups ,10 merkins,15 big boys,20 squats

balljoint and gear wrench assisted one another on pull-ups by holding feet 👍nice way to work up to it.

the hill: there was some talk about who’s hill it was but I don’t believe in naming things after people we come and go but that hill will be whooping people for a while.

Triple nickel:burpees and lunges

everyone pushed hard here and picked up the six awesome work men 💪🏻Hacksaw was motivational like always. Balljoint and Seuss killed it. Nice to have people to chase 👍.

tennis courts: Stogie gave a short ten count 5 burpees run a lap Stogie gave a longer 10 count 😁5 burpees 10 miketysons run a lap Stogie gave another long 10 count I kept asking Stogie to count just to see how tired he was getting 😁 5 burpees 10 miketysons 15 big boys Times up!

we pledged did announcements took prayer requests I prayed us out. It’s always a pleasure pushing the rock with the Folsom crew thanks for the opportunity to lead looking forward to the next one.


Folsom unofficial annihilation

Proper warm up

triple nickel pull-ups and dips

11’s derkins and leg raises

LLB’s across field

dora block work 300 thrusters run a lap

22 for vets



prayer requests

I prayed us out

those thrusters were killer thanks for the chance to lead men solid work

Round the Jailhouse

Proper warm up as always

berp and merk to 7

then 5 burpees for Wirenut guessing the first exercise right 👍

then mosey to the bridge for triple nickel:pull ups and box jumps

then moseyed to the bottom side of the jail for Route 66: bear crawl and miketysons

then my new favorite exercise thanks to whopee manslaughter bunnies up and then down the parking lot

route66 again lunge walk and squats

now mosey around the back side of the jail past the water treatment plant stopping on the way for big boys and diamond merkins

back To the bridge Wirenut said hanging knee raises while we wait…….My Man!!!!!! Took the words right outta my mouth that and step ups 3 sets of 10 then back to cot we pledged did announcements took prayer requests wich were Chubbs dad,mayors surgery, Jackson hall,purple haze dad,people traveling,praise gear wrench M got the job,Huckleberry,virus daughter. I prayed us out and shared a verse and a word. Good times thanks for the chance to lead.

SA got smoked by a girl

Some ran some rucked but all were glad to hear about SA being passed by a girl during the ville to ville relay. Hate to see it……but not really 😂. But seriously the sword is a good AO to go to you push the pace on a shorter run then you get 15 minutes to do a devotional with your brothers. This morning I shared two verses that came to me last week , they were Ephesians 6:13 and 1 Corinthians 16:13 they talked about standing firm in the faith , being on guard, strong, courageous, and being righteous. We as men and leaders in many different areas need all of this daily to fulfill the purpose God has given us. I also shared with the men how thankful I was for the Christian fellowship I’ve found in F3 and how proud I was of the good works we do in Jesus name 👍. We pledged did announcements took prayer requests wich were: wirenuts family,brokes coworker was in a car accident, hunkajunk friend’s wife had a heart and lung transplant praise for successful surgery and request for continued recovery,also his coworker who’s daughter passed,Jackson hall, Beatle Bailey golf cart accident, Huckleberry,Chubbs friend heart issues,praise for my coworker reconciling with wife, Chubbs had a praise as well. Good times men thanks for the chance to lead.💪🏻

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