Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Voodoo (Page 2 of 6)

Bunker Bomb

This was my first Q at the Bunker, we’ll my first Q in a while for that matter, I think I gave the pax their money’s worth.    The Bunker is a great new addition to the AO roster as it offers a change up  for some and adds in the all important resistance training we men need.    It was a fairly humid morning and I decided to go on a “little speed ruck” with Tiger as part of the NUOSU…bad idea…that guy about killed me and I still had to Q…anyway with what I had left I gave it all I had for the guys at the Bunker.  Here’s how it went…


2-3 min of stretching…I think more pax grunted and groaned during this than during the beat down…moral of the story everyone needs to stretch WAY more.
SSHx 20

Grass pickers x 10

Hillbillies x 10

Set 1:

KB swings x 25

Dying Cockroaches x 25

Merkins x 25

Mountain Climbers x 25

Bear crawl KB pull throughs to other end of parking lot…rinse and repeat.

Set 2 (begin where we were)

25 over head press

25 crunchy frogs

25 Curls

25 upright rows

Bear crawl KB pull throughs to the other end…rinse and repeat. 

Driving Mrs Daisy

Super fun activity where we wall sat with the kettle bell on you lap then we lifted to horizontal (like a steering wheel) and called left and right turns…not very fun… (did this for 2-3 min)


SSH x 50

Squats x 50

Calf raises x 50

plank jacks x 50

At this point we had had enough of the bear crawl pull throughs so we switched to lateral walking Merkins…made it half way and we were spent…then we rinsed and repeated the intermission..

Set 3

25 lateral swings (10-12 each side)

25 squat curl press

25 Big Boy Sit-ups

25 pull overs

Then we finished up with one more trip to the store for Mrs. Daisy and walked back up to meet the other pax. Fantastic work by all.  Thanks for allowing me to Q y’all!

Rucking > Running

It’s been quite a while since my last post at Diablo due to change in my work schedule, but it was great to be back this morning.  Rucking is greater than running simply because you can get a great workout in while still having some great 2nd F. It was great to see all the guys this morning.  We started by heading to planet fitness where we did 20 monkey humpers facing the door. We then headed to The coconut horse but on the way stopped and did 25 squat thrusters, 25 flutters pack over check, and 25 squats. At the coconut horse we did descending Merkins 10 to 1 pack on.  We then stated back and finished just in time.  Great work by all. Honor to lead. Good to meet some new guys I hadn’t previously had a lot of conversations with.  Thanks for the push Sledge!

Voodoo Special

It has been an honor to be Site Q for Bulldog for the past year +.  Watching it grow from the beginning with regulars like…HIPAA, WattsUp, DryRub, Pedal, Rudolph…until is has grown to have a steady 10-15 every Tuesday has been awesome.   F3 has been, as most of us feel, an anchor.  It’s starts my day off right, clears my mind, fills it with positive energy, and lifts me up when I need that little push to get out of my own way.  It reminds me, in the COT, to let God go before me and shape me into a better man everyday. Anyway, enough of that .  I am really happy to hand over the reigns to Timeframe.  He is going to do a fantastic job.  Here’s the fun we put down.



MNC x 20

Low slow squats to stretch it out x 10 OYO

Merkins x 10 IC

Imperial walkers x 10 IC



100 Curls

200 Swings (personal bell)

300 Step ups / calf raises

While P1 goes P2 will (1 lunge walk down/ bear crawl back until curls are done…rd 2 lateral lunge down/ high knees back…rd 3 duck walk down 5 burpees then high knee back

Voodoo Special:

Mary: American Hammers, LBC, Freddie Mercury’s, Crunchy Frogs, plank jacks all x 25

Repeat x 2

Miscellaneous pain: repeat 2x times

Arnold presses x 10 each arm

Upright rows x 20

Over head pulls x 20

Super man presses x 20

Chest presses x 25


Announcements:  CSAUP Saturday, Mt Mitchell

Prayer requests:  Tubes Friends battling addiction and liver disease, Buckeyes Friend and family,

YHC took us out.



Warmup :

Imperial walkers x 15

MNC x 10

SSH x 15

Bobby Hurleys x 10


AMRAP : 1 min

Squat curl press


Flutter kicks

Tricep extensions

Plank jacks


Lap in between

Dirty Dogs

KB swings


Big boys

Chest Press

Baby makers



Step ups



Front raises


American hammers

Calf raises

Rinse and repeated and till soaked!

Announcements:   IPC coming up, JJ 5 k

Prayer requests:  SA 2.0,  Short sale surgery, AT surgery,  Our Country

YHC took us out


It was a steamy, sticky day at the Bulldog and we had a great group of HIMs ready to get after it.



Stretch 1 min

SSH x  15

Imperial walkers x 15

MNC x 10


10 Burpees

20 KB Swings

30 Merkins

40 Squats

50 SSH

Duck walk down and jog back

30 second rest

10 Burpees

20 KB Pull overs

30 Mike Tysons

40 Curls

50 Big Boy sit-ups

1 lap/ Mixed Mary for approx 5 min then back to it..

10 Burpees

20 Over Head press (each arm)

30 Shoulder Taps

40 Squats

50 Mountain Climbers (Count R)

1lap and finished with Mary

Grest work by all!

Announcements:  Annihilation Saturday

Prayer Requests: Sister acts 2.0, upcoming surgeries for some pax



11s again??

It was a beautiful, hot, steamy morning at the Bulldog.  7 HIMs showed for some work.


Warm-up: MNC, SSH, LBCs


11s merkins and squat curl press (mosey 25 yards and back in between)

11s big boys and dips (mosey in between)

11s curls and over head pulls (mosey in between)

11s swings and rows (mosey between)

Just in time.
Announcements:  PT test Saturday

YHC was took us out

The Kitchen Sink

I wanted to try and hit just about everything with a workout…mission accomplished. Here it goes


Warm up:

Imperial walkers x 15

Arm circles x10 F/B

Merkins x 15

Windshield wipers x 10

Ab hollowing hold

The Kitchen Sink: 2 rounds

Swings: 25

Curls : 25

Squats : 25

Renegade rows: 15 each side

Step ups: 25 (count R only)

Shoulder Taps x 25

Upright rows: 25

Mountain climbers 25.  ( R only)

Chest press: 25

Squat curl press x 20

Suckage: I had the pax each pick a number between 1-10  and used these and little tasty nuggets at the end!

1 Bobby Hurleys x 20

2 CDD x 20

3 Corkscrews x 20

4 Mountain climbers x 25

5 30 second Rest

6 Hand release Merkins x 20

7 SSH x 40

8 Derkins x 15

9 Burpees x 10

10 calf raises x 25


The last few minutes we did some Mary

Prayer Requests: HIPAA, COVID, and The world



Fun Times

So This week I decided to finished what TacoBell prevented last week lol. There was a nice crowd this morning it was good to see some new faces that we haven’t seen since the quarantine. Here’s how it went.



Don Q x 15 IC

Imperial walkers x 15 IC

Merkins x 20 IC

LBC x 15 IC


SSH x 100

Squats x 50

American Hammers x 30

Dips x 20

High Knees x 60

Mountain Climbers x 20

Lunges x 25

SSH x 90

Side lunges 15 each leg

Merkins x 20

Bobby Hurleys x 25

Flutter kicks x 25 count right leg

LBC x 30

Obliques x 20

Dirty birds x 20 each side

Baby makers x 30

Burpees x 10

Squats x 60

Plié squats x 40

Wide arm Merkins x 20

Butterfly WW1 x 20

SSH x 100

Mountain climbers x 25

Mary ( pax choice for last 5 min)

Prayer Rrquest: HIPAA, Clavin’s M, Timeframe’s Dad, the nation.

Good work everyone.  It was great to have so many out this morning.

YHC took us out


Yo no quiero Taco mas

Man I had a great weinkie planned today….but


SSH x 15 IC

Merkins x 20 IC

Thang started like this:

100 SSH, 40 Squats,  30 American Hammers, 20 dips, 60 high knees, 25 mountain climbers,  20 lunges, 90 SSH, 20 merkins….and then it hit me.  TacoBell no bueno…donde esta el bano.  Sorry Spider-Man but I had to bail.   We will finish it!


Easiest BB ever!

So I’m not even gonna lie. I had nothing planned for the workout today because I had some home emergencies ( nothing major) , but nonetheless didn’t get it done. So I piggy backed on the matrix…not a good idea…see Matrix back blast.  All I know is he started with 4 minutes…yes 4 minutes of burpees and it kept getting worse. Great Q HIPAA and thank for letting us hang out.

Announcements and Many prayer requests were mentioned.

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