Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tiger (Page 15 of 21)

3rd F – Humility

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” — John 13:14

During the day of Jesus, it was common for a servant to wash people’s feet as they entered a home. And as we might imagine, this was an important practice of hospitality. Most people wore sandals as they walked roads covered in dust and  dirt. Can you imagine how unpleasant it would be if the Q asked all Pax to remove his shoes at the COT and proceeded to wash everyone’s feet?

But here Jesus gives us a beautiful picture of His gospel—the good news of the kingdom of God. Washing his disciples’ feet shows God’s love for sinners in a way that mere words cannot express. This act of service gave the disciples a preview of the cross, when Jesus laid down his very life to wash our sins away.

But Jesus didn’t stop there. He also told his disciples to go and do the same for others.

We are called to communicate the gospel through a servant lifestyle, giving of ourselves so that others may experience life.  When satan was tempting Jesus he said for Jesus to bow before him on the mountain top.  Jesus said that “a house divided cannot stand.”  We are called to be humble, to “wash the feet others” daily.  We can’t become all God has created us to become if our “house” is divided.

We are entering the holiday season, let us focus this season on giving of self.  Be all we can be for the circle most near us, and go out of our way for others.

Following up on Sargento’s challenge, this week let’s pray for T Square, Vanilla Ice, Emoji, Wichita, Sarlacc, Huckleberry, Panama, Top Hat


3rd F – Listen and Be Humble

The following written by Mo Michalski:

God’s Word profiles two kinds of people: someone who allows the chatter of many voices to pull in many directions versus someone “wise in heart,” who listens to once voice and accepts His commands.

The difference between the two pivots on these basic actions:

  • Being disciplined enough to listen to only one true voice – blocking out the chatter of the world around us
  • Being humble

Those who excel at both listening and humble obedience face clear reward: the promise of no lifetime ruin and getting tagged as “wise in heart.”

Let’s take a closer look at the actions that make the man or woman.

LISTENING – See with our ears. Hear with our eyes. A held tongue is better. Shut up to listen up. When we do, God calls us wise.

The one who chatters never gets that label. That person can’t shut up and has to have “the last word.“

HUMILITY – Humility creates enough space for others to weigh in well, especially God’s Spirit and His Word. Only the humble consistently accept commands. Only the humble get tagged as teachable.

They’re the ones who become world class when it comes to trust and obedience. When humility sets in, critical turnovers are avoided, sin downsizes and ruin is escaped. In contrast, the one who chatters is filled with only self-directed thoughts, never leaving room for humility to grow.

Reflect: Which one are you more like – the “chattering fool” or the one “wise in heart”? How are you doing in your listening skills and commitment to humble obedience? Are you doing it like Jesus?


This week let’s pray for Sister Act, Slaw, Mayor, Flintstone, Big Pappy, Huckleberry, Dolph, Quiche


Visiting Q – Vacation

Apologies first, I think there may be one other Pax that was present that is not mentioned.

Orangeman arranged with Bos to have  a visit from Metro pax to the Yank.  Thanks to Vacation for leading!  There was no warm up, he came out swinging from the start. I may also not list all we did, going from memory.

Mosey to parking lot behind the jail, wall sit and touch toes alternating 20 times each side.  Mosey to other side and Nur back.  Three times and then 20 burpees.  Repeat.  20 squats and 10 wall jumps, three rounds.  Did a couple other rounds similar to those mentioned.

Mosey back to park and across to pavilion.   Under the pavilion did several different combinations of exercises, doing one exercise for reps and then changing to another exercise for reps.  Each combination lasted two minutes.  Dips, merkins, LBC, step ups, squats, low to high plank, plank with alternating punches, alternating kicks with punches among others.  Did a couple of rounds and then ran the hill from the upper pavilion to the lower pavilion 10 times.  More exercises and then ran the hill five times.  Vacation had to leave for another obligation about 40 minutes in.

Boudin stepped in and finished the workout.  He led us to the track behind the middle school where we ran mid way around track and stopped for exercises.  LBC merkins, squats, and others.

Five burpees for train.  Made our way to the Yank, pledge.

Announcements – Convergence 10/31 at Martha Rivers, other AO’s closed, PT test 11/14 at Gashouse.

Prayer requests were made and Boudin took us out.

Snookie EH’d a friend that joined us.  Welcome to Otis!!


3rd F – Die to Live

“He said to them, The mystery of the kingdom of God has been given to you [who have teachable hearts], but those who are outside [the unbelievers, the spiritually blind] get everything in parables, so that they will continually look but not see, and they will continually hear but not understand, otherwise, they might turn [from their rejection of the truth] and be forgiven
Mark 4:11, 12 (AMP)

The following written by Brian Lassister of Heritage Church:


I’m astonished at God’s love despite my weaknesses.  My journey to know Christ was slow and tangled, I walked away numerous times out of fear of losing control.  However, after accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior I realized that dying to myself in order to gain a personal relationship with Christ enabled a freedom that I’d never experienced apart from Christ. I was like most unbelievers that thought Christianity was about religion and rules.  However, once I committed my life to Christ, I realized that Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus.

God wants His children (you and I) to see the Kingdom of Light with a level of clarity that enables us to grow in our spiritual maturity.  It’s imperative that we understand it’s not about who we are or what we’ve done, but who God is and what Jesus did for us on the cross that enables us to have a relationship with Him.  Mathew 6:33 states “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”  When God sent His son Jesus to die for our sins on the cross, He created the environment for us to seek Him on a personal level.

Our belief and trust in Christ lay the foundation for transformation, from there our ability to learn and grow as a disciple comes from our commitment to seek God on a personal level.  We must remember that our relationship with God comes before anything else.  People often equate spiritual maturity to other areas of development.  However, at the highest level of spiritual maturity (living a God Centered life), is where the individual has learned to die to themselves daily, in order to allow Christ to flow through them.  This enables them to give, serve and expand the Kingdom of Light via their God given gifts, skills and abilities.  Victory to the believer is often characterized in different terms than the world uses to define success.

To the believer, our ability to display Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control always (regardless of scenario) is a mark of victory.  Until you’re able to gain a closeness with Christ its hard to believe you can walk through the various battlefields of life with this type perspective.  However, once you’ve gained this type of relationship with God, you realize it becomes the guiding point for everything in your life.

This week let’s pray for Anchorman, Waterboy, Virus, Fife, Dry Rub, Hermie, Gumby, Scribbles


3rd F – Listen

This is the commentary I shared at the Yank this past Saturday.  Topic follows up on the four points shared at CSAUP a couple of Saturday’s ago Build Pray Keep Wait.  Topic is listen and give God the time to speak.

Most of us picture prayer sort of like a monologue: We talk to God, sharing our heartfelt thanks and offering up our petitions and requests. But prayer is really more like a dialogue, where we speak with God and the Lord speaks to us.

Listening prayer centers around a clear request for God’s guidance. In making our request, we give God’s guidance authority over the other voices we hear throughout our daily lives. Then we hit the pause button. We wait on God in a time of silence, giving the Lord opportunity to speak to us. We focus our time of prayer on intentional, purposeful listening and let God do the talking.

This is really important because as followers of Jesus, we all desire to do the right thing and make the wisest choices. Yet we are constantly being bombarded with the noise of the world all around us. There are lots of voices telling us very different messages, and too often we find ourselves challenged and confused about what we should do in a given situation or what is really the best way ahead. These are times when we can seek God’s guidance through listening prayer.

This is from the Listening Prayer guide from

This week let’s pray for Pilgrim Progress, Stone Cold, Flintstone, Stinky Bird, Waterboy, Gold Digger, Loveboat, Spiderman, Less Nessman


Fighting Yank 9/26

YHC first Q in a while at the Yank, good to be back.  Brought along a couple of FNG’s.  Welcome to Adam Lee and Will Kiefer, forever to now be known as Snookie and Geezer.

7:00, let’s go.  SSH, Toy Soldiers, Grass pickers, all 10X and IC.  Wait, here comes Sargento on his own time.  Let’s get 10 burpees for him.  He didn’t even do them.  Oh well, you against you.

Mosey behind Sammy’s and turn the corner, come back to corner of the park.  Stop.  Suicides up the hill.  Begin with 10 hand release merkins at start.  Run to first utility pole and 10 LBC.  Back to start for 10 hand release, next utility pole for 11 LBC, adding one at each pole.  Continue from each pole to the start until make way to the end of the road at Central Ave.  11 poles total.  Plank for six.  Recover

Cross road to First Baptist.  Everyone get some wall.  10 step up each leg, 10 dips, 10 Derkins, 5 burpees for the train.  Three rounds.  Stay at wall for suspension planks.  Three rounds, first is 30 count, 40 count, 45 count.  Mosey behind middle school.

Partner up.  100 big boys partner style.  Partner one starts, other runs down drive and back.  Mosey to fountain for few minutes of mary.  Mosey to Yank.  Time.

Good work by all, and welcome to FNGs.

Had a quick word on taking some quiet time and listening for God to speak to us.  We often think that God’s direction is hard to discern, but it may be that we don’t allow God the chance to speak.  Give HIM the chance.

Announcements: JJ5k that would be starting soon, Mt Mitchell hike

Prayer requests: Stephanie McMahan, Double Stuf friend who passed family, Banks family from Gastonia

YHC took us out in prayer

Always an honor


3rd F – Build Pray Keep Wait

This is the devotional I shared at the CSAUP on Saturday.  Found at devotional published by New Lisbon Church.  Goods words to reflect on.  Have out Pax at the end to pray for this week.  If you were at CSAUP, remember to pray for the number ahead of yours.

Jude 17But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. 18 They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” 19 These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. 20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. 22 Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.

Many often overlook the little note that Jude wrote. That’s really all it is, a note. Believers tend to focus on the bigger books in the New Testament Library. We got to the Gospels and Acts for the rich history and powerful stories which contain our Christian roots. We look toward Paul’s letters for church doctrine, or John’s writing for Christian love. Yet, here we have a powerful little note from the brother of James to a church or churches. Jude, in his counseling to those who are enduring difficult periods shares four things they ought to do on their journey if they are to persevere the times.

First, build. We are to build ourselves and others up. I don’t often think of faith as a muscle. But that’s really what it is. We say people have strong or weak faith so in a way we already refer to it as a muscle. Jude tells us to work our muscle of faith, much like a body builder. We can do this through good deeds, through Bible study, evangelism, or Christian community. Building ourselves in disciplines lead to a strong faith which brings us to Jude’s second point.

Second, Pray. Prayer is a discipline and tool given to us by God. As disciples we ought to pray like we ought to work a job, or we ought to love our families, or we ought to eat. Without eating, we starve ourselves. Our bodies give us warning signs that we respond to and we say, I’d better get something to eat. Well, we can starve our lives of God by not praying. We ought to desire to speak to our creator and perfecter like we ought to desire to eat food. And we pray in the Holy Spirit meaning, he is the one who connects us with the Father. He is our phone line or wireless signal. Without him, we are simply roaming.

Third, Keep. I find this odd. Keep yourselves in God’s love. This phrase does not mean keep your love for God, but keep in his love for you. I ask, “how do I remain in his love?” especially when Paul in Romans 8 says nothing can separate us from God’s love? I’m vexed by the idea that our work determines the measure of God’s love yet that seems to be what Jude is saying. The only explanation I can offer is that you remain in God’s love by choosing to remain. This is the struggle, the daily choice to die to self and let Jesus be Lord. This is “working out your salvation with fear and trembling.” This is running the race or fighting the good fight or being the salt of the earth. Our work and effort matters and weighs heavily on abiding in his love. But keeping is not measured by the number of works done, but by the motivation to Love God and Love Others. So we keep on keeping by loving to love.

Fourth, Wait. I don’t like the word wait very much. I like the antonyms: accomplished, fast, achieved, finished, now, immediately, satisfaction, trending, and instant. To wait is to have patience. It is to put aside my natural inclination for immediate satisfaction. Yet, Jude implies in the waiting a sense of hope. For there is one who is carrying us as we build, as we pray, and as we keep. In our lives it is so easy to get caught up in the building, the praying, and the keeping. We lose sight of the end. We feel like the Christian life is a one sided struggle toward perfection yet really it’s a team sport. It is us and God working toward the same end. For we build, pray, and keep but it is only the Lord Jesus Christ who can bring us across the finished line and into eternal glory. And in that wait, I have great hope.

As men of God and Disciples of Jesus, we should build, pray, and keep. But if we forget to wait, and let our desire for achievement, accomplishment, quickness, or completeness then our building, praying, and keeping is in vain. So as we go about the work of our lives remembering what Christ has called us to. Let us build strong Christian Families, let us pray for wisdom and guidance to lead as men, and let us keep the mission to Love God and to Love others by making disciples of all nations. But most of all, let us wait on God’s timing, and he will carry us to heights and places we never imagined. Won’t you wait with me?

For your word says,

Jude 24To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— 25 to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore!

This week let’s pray for King Pin, Stogie, Gavel, Breaker Breaker, Sargento, Bed Pan, Boudin, Roadie.  Lift these men and their families.


Last Day of Summer

Last full day of Summer started with a balmy 48 degrees at Mt Hollywood, felt good.  5:30, let’s go.

SSH, Toy Soldiers, and Grass Pickers to start all 15X IC.  Mosey to the wall in front of the elementary school.

YHC calls 20 derkins, 10 step ups each leg, 20 suspension merkins (always a crowd pleaser), 10 step ups each leg, 20 reverse grip incline merkins.  Rinse and repeat.  One more round but replace step ups with dips.

Mosey to BBT parking lot.  YHC calls for Dora but without a partner.  100 lunges, take a lap around bank, 200 squats take a lap, 300 LBC take a lap.  Looks pretty easy reading it.  It wasn’t. Lots of reps to do OYO.  Mosey to flag.

Circle up for some iron hulk.  Each pax took a turn on the call, all the way to 10 and 40.  Couple mins remain, enough time for flutter kicks and heels to heaven.


Announcements: JJ5k on Saturday, Mt Mitchell hike on Sunday.  Should have substitute date for blood drive this week.

Prayer requests: Allen Tate surgery this week, Banks family in Gastonia.  Numerous requests from CSAUP.

Broke took us out in prayer.

Always an honor


3rd F – Live Soft

I don’t know who is author of the following, but I thought it was worth a reminder for us all:

There is a distinct difference between those who live for God, and those who simply go to church, and call themselves “Christians.” Living for God is a life of self sacrifice. He begins to live, move, and breathe in and through us. It’s a life of doing His will above our own. Its a life of love, kindness, compassion, gentleness, integrity, and boldness. It’s a life that bears FRUIT! It’s not a self-seeking life that follows only its own selfish desires, even at the expense of others. It’s a life that can be seen in our home, work, and relationships… both publicly and privately. It can be evidenced by the way we talk to people, the way we forgive people, the way we treat people, the way we handle their feelings and deal with their actions toward us. It’s a life of humility, not pride. It’s a life of forgiving others and ourselves. It is not a life of perfection, but it IS a life of accountability; to God, and to others. It’s a 7 day a week life. Not a 1 day a week, when certain people are looking, kind of life. If we live for God, people will know it. They will see it, as they come to know us. If not, we need to ask ourselves if we might just be going to church, and going through the motions. Are we trying to change the Word, or are we allowing the Word to penetrate and change US? Because the closer we draw near to a loving and powerful God, the more He changes us. We don’t remain stagnant. We don’t remain hard. We soften, and we grow.

This week let’s pray of Double Stuf, Sledgeomatic, Volt, Red Ribbon, Voodoo, Tesla, Buckshot, Sparky, Dr Seuss.


Where’s the Q?

It was a balmy 93 degrees at the region’s premier JV workout.  5:30 hits, let’s go!  Wait, where’s the Q?  Comin’ in hot, nothing like a grand entrance.  SSH, Toy Soldiers, Grass Pickers all 10X.

Mosey to the turd shack near the soccer fields.  Q calls triple nickel, hip slappers on the wall take a lap round the island, halfway point hand release merkins.  Good work.  Stay at the wall for suspension merkins.  Feet one foot up the wall and get in plank position.  Hold for 10 count and then 10 merkins.  Three rounds OYO.  At the end everyone on the wall for 30 second plank.  These are tough core exercise.

Mosey to path around big soccer field.  Stop mid path for 10 burpees.  Continue to dog hill.  At bottom of hill, five bonnie blairs each leg and up the hill for five jump squats.  Five rounds.

Stay at bottom of hill for iron hulk, one merkin and four shoulder press.  Proceed to 10 and 40.

Head to the soccer goal, sprint length of field to opposite goal.  Short rest and sprint back.

Nice work men!  The heat was taking its toll by this point.  Fellowship mosey for couple mins toward the flag.  Pick up the pace the rest of the way.

Get back for pledge and quick word.  Q tried to have several different actions in today’s workout.  Keeping things off balance and changing.  Related this to be willing to embrace interruption of life.  Used the illustration of Jesus first calling his disciples, Peter and Andrew, casting their nets.  Jesus follow me.  They immediately stopped what they were doing and followed Jesus.  Point being to evaluate life and being willing to do something different if the need is there.

Announcements: JJ5k coming up, Iron Pax Challenge, CSAUP, Mt Mitchell hike.  Also have a date for blood drive – Sept 24 at First Presbyterian Church Belmont.

Prayer requests:  Double Stuf dad, Sister Act daughter, T Square son, Stephanie McMahan, PAX on IR, Pax on prayer list for the week.

YHC took us out with prayer.

Always an honor


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