6 pax showed to partake of a new move promised by YHC making it’s first appearance in The Nation. Snake and Mongoose came from an innovation YHC saw down at The Fort and inspiration from my grandfather’s old tales of growing up at the turn of the last century in India as the son of an English nurse and American Missionary in the time of Victorian England and British dominance of the world. He often described to me “battles” that would draw crowds to bet on a cobra and a mongoose that would square off, the snake striking and jumping at his blood enemy and predator, the mongoose dancing and making himself small until the right moment came to strike and take his prey.
Here’s what we did:
SSH X 1 minute
IW X 1 minute
Merkins X 1 minute
Mountain Climbers X 1 minute
Mosey under the bridge for people’s chair as a train rumbled over us and we did 5 burpees in it’s honor.
Muhammad Alis X 20
Air presses X 20
Inverted Mtn. Climbers X 20
Mosey down to the courts, aka The Death Chamber.
Do the called exercise X times on the end line, move to midcourt and repeat, move to the endline and repeat.
Round 1
Snake and Mongoose X 5
Bear crawl to midcourt
Snake and Mongoose X 5
Bear Crawl to the other endline
Snake and Mongoose X 5
Nur back to the other endline
Round 2
Big boy sit ups with a twist X 10 (5 each side)
Crab walk to the midcourt
Big boys as above X 10
Crab walk to the endline
Big boys as above 10X
Another train, another 5 burpees!
Nur back
Round 3
Jump Squats x 5
Burpee Broad jump to mid court
Jump squats X 5
Burpee Broad jumps to the endline
Jump Squats X 5
Nur back to opposite endline
Mosey all the way to the Gazebo for some fun stuff!
Gazebo: 5 leg lifts from pull up position, 5 snake and mongoose run to the top of the hill and do 5 plank jacks (This is all an expanded triple nickel).
Rinse and repeat X 5
Mosey over to the bridge (The Remagen Bridge, named for the bridge elements of the 1st US Army crossed in March , 1945 to get across the Rhine and effectively end the war in Europe)
We honored those men with a Tesla special, and extended bear Crawl Slalom over the bridge. Since we had a light crew and a long way to go it took about four rounds. YHC did a fifth just to make sure we were across.
SSH X 10 on the other side. Mosey back across the bridge.
Finish up with stretching for @ 3 minutes.
Pledge, COT.
So what is a snake and mongoose? A wide arm merkin with a “jump’ at the end (emblematic of the Snake and his strike) and then a diamond merkin (representing the mongoose and his small target but powerful, quick attack) all in one package. 5 is the optimum number. Especially if they are to be repeated.
Good but small group today. Everybody worked hard. First time I have worked out with Get a Grip. Great to have Spiderman out with his also. Feel free to take snake and mongoose with you to the rest of Gaston F3!
Prayers for all our pax and families and those guys who are on IR or just have not shown up lately. The Fartsack is closed just so you know.