Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: swimmer (Page 1 of 2)

Keep moving


Warm up with 10 ic side straddle hops. 10 don Qs, and five burpees.  Then mosey to the soccer field on the left

Lineup with one min of exercise. Run to end of field for the Same exercise for one min.

Repeat until you completed all called exercises.   Squats, LBC, mercans ,  flutter kicks, high knee jumps, offset mercan,

Then for a round of Dora.

100 squats

200 ww1

300 lunges counting each leg

Mosey back towards the flag for a round of hip slappers 15 ic

22 mercans for the vets

Prayers for side cars aunt, and new job search

Oompa’s mother

Thanks for letting me lead the great group of guys.   Always a honor

Not climbing the mountain today

Warm up with 20 ssh 

10 don Qs

5 burpees 

I had told the pax earlier in the week that I was going to run to the top of Mountian for the Thursday workout.   But I didn’t do it for fear of muddy condition and getting hurt.   When the weather gets better though.

Mosey to the picnic shelter for 80 D’s. 20 Derkins, 20 (Hello) Dolly’s, 20 Dips, 20 Diamond Merkins. 

40 flutters ic at top of hill and 40 merkins at the bottom. Run back to top for20 American hammers.     

Mosey to walking circle across the road.  

5 burpees and head to bench for 40 LBC IC   Then I called on Deff Leppard.  He called 20 FM.   Back to the top for 5 more burpees. 

Mosey across the road to entry of park.   Sprint to first light pole and walk to next.   Sprint to next and walk. Going to steps on the first field to left.   Hit the steps for 10 calf raises per step.  Plank waiting on the six.   

Ring of fire with 5 jump squats and walk sits.   

mosey back to flag for some iron hulks, and 40 more flutters.   Time 

Prayers for Gumby’s mother(pace maker replacement tomorrow) pax member out with back surgery.   Young lady(13) that freight’s wife knows, troubled with seizures. 

One more lap around the parking lot

Warm up with side straddle hops 20 ic

Don Qs x10

5 burpees 

Run to lower parking lot with 5 burpees at every light pole.

Partner up for a bear chase.   Partner one runs the parameter of parking lot, while partner two bear crawls.   When one catches two they switch.   

Go to shed

10 burpees 

20 monkey humpers

30 merkins

40 flutter kicks

50 Mountian climbers

40 step ups

30 side straddle hops

20 dips

10 American hammers 

Once finished volt suggests we should run another lap around the parking lot.  So we did!  

Triple nickel ..with hip slappers and jump squats    Then back to the flag.  

Block work back at the flag

20 overhead press and 20 curls.   Cont down to one.   

Bring sally up squats for 3:45 duration. 

Finished up with 22 blockies for the vets.   

Cold rain

Warm up with side straddle hops 20 ic

Don Qs x10

5 burpees 

Blart came in a little late and we did maraca night clubs till he joined 

Run to lower shed with 5 burpees at every other light pole.

Go to shed

10 burpees 

20 monkey humpers

30 mercans 

40 flutter kicks

50 Mountian climbers

40 squats 

30 side straddle hops

20 dips

10 American hammers

Mosey back to baseball field with 5 more burpees on the way


Squat jumps, calf raise x 10 on the steps, and  squats at the top till the pax was complete.  

Mosey to upper poop house

Hip slappers 10ic   

Ring of fire 5 jump squats while pax wall sets.   Then 10 more hip slappers to give termite a chance to see them again.  

Repeat ring of fire with 10 side straddle hops

Mosey back to flag for a min of rocky balboas.  Then I called on pax for a exercise and Blart called mike Tyson x15.   Chum called Lbc x 25 then just enough time to finish with Iron hulks.  

Prayer for pizza man’s wife, each other, and the country.   

Bear Hunt

11 pax showed tonight for the workout.

                              Warm up

Don Qs 

Side straddle 

Toy soldiers

Morockin nightclubs while Freight, Defib, and Blart came in a min late 

Mosey to the upper parking lot, and team up.  

Bear hunt- teammate 1 runs around parking lot While #2 bear crawls in the same direction.   When 1 catches 2 you switch and continue until you make two rounds with the bear crawl.  Plank until all pax finish.  

20 seal jacks and run to top of parking lot

20 old man and run back to lower

20 flutter kicks ic back to top

20 American hammers 

Teamed back up 

1 does 10 burpees while 2 lunges away from teammate.   When 1 is complete he runs to catch 2and carry him back to start and change places.  Rinse and repeat x5

Took a short mosey to hill in upper parking lot for 11s with Mike Tyson’s at the bottom, NUR up hill and LBC at top.  I called off the nur after 5 times up.   Some chose to continue.  Way to push guys

Mosey back  to flag for some mountain climbers, hillbillies, and monkey humpers 

Prayers for family of one of my coworkers who passed this week suddenly. Pocket”s cousin, Freight”s  grandfather, and a local preacher who passed in house fire this morning.    

Thanks for the opportunity to lead the pax,

and thanks for being there to push me.  

Too muggy to breath

Warm up with side straddle hops 20 ic

Don Qs x20

Toy soldier x 20

25 flutter kicks to get 2 stroke up to temp for rolling in late

Run to lower shed 

25 jump ups

25 lbcs

25 derkins single count

25 star jumps

Run to dam 

10 burpees 

20 monkey jumpers

30 lbc

40 reverse lunges

50 Mountian climbers

40 squats 

30 side straddle hops

20 plank jacks

10 cdds

Run back to gate through the trail.  Once the six was back we run back to the flag for some wall work

Ring of fire with wall sets, squats, and run around poop house 

Finished up with round of Marry, pax called out several exercises till the end.  

Time was up and we did pledge and had a word of prayer.   Oompa Loompa’s farther-in law, Deff leopards son, and several unspoken I’m sure.    

Honor to lead a great group of guys.   Thanks to all for the push. 

Just standing around

The evening started off looking like we needed to have a shed workout with all the rain.   Then about 10 min before time we had a clearing , so I decided to use my second weinkie.   5:30 and I called time.   15 total showed for the wet evening.   Tooltime and freight decided to run so 13 of us got to stand around in the parking lot.  (This is what Freight was saying anyway).   We started the warmup with

Side straddle hops-20 IC

Don Qs-10

Toy shoulders- not sure.  I didn’t count correct

.  Things started off a little slow.  while still standing in the parking lot.  I called 50 seal jacks and 10 merkins timed for 1 min with 25 sec of rest x5 times.   That got the heart beating a little and now we have a good warmup.   Next was10 burpees and 10 merkins in 1 min with 25 sec of rest x 5.   That was a little tough.

Now time for the next stage.  I called for us to do 20 hip Slappers (single count)on the poop house wall then run to the playground for 10 pull ups, then run backfor a rinse and repeat 3 times.   Once this was done we took a short mosey to the first soccer field on the right and each collected us a block.


Partner up.   While one does exercise called the other runs with block almost the length of field and back.( kept it on the cement ,due to so much water on the field)  Then switch.

100 overhead presses

150 arm curls

200 squats

Q had to call the squats early(I think we was close to finish) for we was almost out of time.   Put the blocks back in the woods and mosey back to the flag.   Roadie took the lead with slaw pushing him all the way to flag.   Good run Roadie!!   We all gathered at the flag for the pledge.

I shared a personal life experience with the group that has been heavy on my heart for many years ( loosing my farther to cancer when I was 6 years old).  My word was to be right with the lord, know where your going after this life, and enjoy your time and family while your here on this earth.  Time is short and you never know when it’s your time.

I always say thanks for this great group of guys. I truly enjoy the fellowship and friendships F3 has given to me.    Thanks for letting me lead you.

Burpee mosey

Ssh x 25
Don Qs x 10
That was enough for the warm up. Time for some mosey to the first light pole in the parking lot. 5 burpees , mosey to the next pole 5 burpees. You get the picture what we are doing now. Started to hear some mumble chatter from the pax!! We finished those poles (5x 5) and some mosey to the first soccer field on the right.

Time for some Dora. Billy Madison showed up with his 2.0s and did the exercises iron man. The pax jumped in and helped him finish up his flutter kicks at the end. Way to push Billy!!
100 merkins
200 squats
300 flutter kicks.

Time for a mosey around the large soccer field and back to the next parking lot for some more light poles. While waiting on the six Blart called out for 10 Mike Tyson’s.

Now , back to the poles and burpees. I hear some more mumble chatter again. Once we finished up I was feeling the pain at this point. Had to take a small breather and do some wall sets with ring of fire and hip slappers.

Mosey back to the flag (which totaled 2 miles)and hit the bleachers for 25 step ups each leg, 25 dips, 25 Derkins, 25 American hammers, 25 crunchy frogs, 10 more burpees which made for a total of 65, 25 each side Jane Fonda v something roll ups that Tool Time called out. Back to the flag to circle up with 22 merkins for the vets and the pledge. We named the new FNG. Welcome Birthright.

Prayers for all the guys on the injured list.
Everyone pushed hard. Thanks for the opportunity to lead you guys again. As always it’s a honor.

Mystery suv

Come into the park a few min early to see Slaw and Sister Act doing some EC running. Roadie setting in his truck absorbing the last few min of heat. A black SUV that I didn’t recognize . (Thought Sister Act got a new ride.). Once the EC guys showed back up they let me know it didn’t belong to any of us f3 guys. Now I’m thinking FNG. Maybe? So volt and Gumby show up and it’s time to start. No one comes out of the SUV?

Warmup with
15 don Qs

We start running towards the park entrance for the pledge. I hear Sparky say the truck just started and turned his lights on!!
Guess he didn’t want to workout. Maybe next time. We just call it the mystery truck

Mosey to Walmart hill

Mike Tyson’s and ww2 /11s

Mosey back to lower parking lot on the left and we run into Montross who couldn’t find us. Good to see him show up!

We split into two groups.
Each group goes to separate corners. perform Merkins x 20 IC. Plank Jacks x 20 IC. 20 LBC’s IC, 20 SSH IC. After each corner run back to the center with your group for 5 burpees then run to the next corner until everyone completed each corner.

Mosey to the picnic shelter for 80 D’s. 20 Derkins, 20 (Hello) Dolly’s, 20 Dips, 20 Diamond Merkins. Repeated x2 and then 20ic step ups on the bench

Mosey to the tennis courts for suicides and merkins. Each time back to the line while adding one merkin. We did 5

At this point we had 3 min to go so I ask the pax for a exercise. Roadie called out ring of fire with LBCs. We each did 20 single count while the group held theirs till everyone was complete .

It was again a honor to lead this great group of guys . I just want to say thanks for keeping me accountable.

I apologize for not hearing all the messages and prayer request . I was in my truck getting ready to go to work.
Sparky ask to keep his son in our prayers. He has a suspicious knot on his neck.

Little more shoulder work

Warm up
20 Don Qs
20 hillbillies
20 ssh
10 burpees
Run to the the soccer field.

Pick a partner. We did 11s. Do 1 Derkins together( partner 1 planks while partner 2 does Derkins from the back of partner 1) and then partners run to opposite hill tops and do 10 lunges in place,( both legs equals 1) and old man set ups on the other hill. Partners switch hills each time.
Once this was complete we mossy back to the flag for some block work.

10 blockees
20 curls
30 overhead presses
20 tricep presses
10 squats
Rinse and repeat in reverse.

Time for some wall work. 40 single count hip slappers. I was hearing some mumble chatter from the new Nantan and a few others.

I had Slaw lead us in 30 LBCs IC.

Ascending curb crawl. Start with 1 derkin at curb and bear crawl to other curb for two derkins. Did this until we reached 5.

We rounded up and had Oompa Loompa counting off 22 merkins for the vets.

Thanks for the strength you guys give me and allowing me to lead you.

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