Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Spiderman_Gashouse (Page 7 of 14)

40 50 10

Forty exercises, 50 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, that’s how we opened up Tuesday. Hooked yet, of course you are, so let me give some details.

SSH 20
LBC 15
Squats 10 IC
Merkins 10 IC


50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest then move on!

kettle bell swing
curl w/ kettle bell
freddy mercury

3 burpies

mountain climber
high knee
squat press
bent row w/ kettle bell
peter parker

shoulder tap
monkey humpers

shoulder press w/ kettle bell
tricep extension w/ kettle bell
crab crunch
calf raises
side plank leg raises

bobby hurleys
sumo squats
curl hammers w/ kettle bell
dying cockroaches
broad jumps

zombie walk
cruchy frog
american hammers

squat curl press w/ kettle bell
merkin kettle bell pull
side straddle hops
bear crawl

Stretching & core for 3 minutes.

Bulldog Beatdown for the Books

It’s taken several days to jot this backblast down as my arms are just now regaining feeling.  The Derkin, Dips, Mike Tyson combo supplied me with noodle arms for 2 days. Not to mention 2 few minutes of recovery.  Great work by the PAX, tough workout, brought their A-game. Here we go!


SSH 20
Imperial Walker 15

20 – Derkins
20 – Dips
20 – Mike Tyson

15 – Derkins
15 – Dips
15 – Mike Tyson

5 Burpies

10 – Derkins
10 – Dips
10 – Mike Tyson

5 Burpies

20 – Squats
20 – Monkey Humpers
30 – Calf Raises
3 Rounds

5 Burpies

20 – Squat, Curl, Press (w/ Kettlebell)
20 – Bend Rows (w/ Kettlebell)
20 – Tricep Extensions (w/ Kettlebell)
3 Rounds

20 – Mountain Climbers
20 – LBCs
20 – Michael Phelps
3 Rounds

45 Seconds on, 10 second rest
3 Rounds

20 – Dying Cockroach IC
VUps for 1 minute, or American Hammers

Announcements: May 15 at Yank: Family Games, Amoeba Ruck, May 22
COT: GSM, PAX on IR, Breaker Breaker, Sledge, Turtleman

The raft held together

If it weren’t for the brave men who showed up on the dreary & damp early Tuesday morn, the raft would’ve capsized. When the weather sucks, it’s best to combat it with numbers. Here’s what we did to stay afloat.

SSH 20
Imperial Walker 15
Monkey Humpers 15
LBC 15
Merkins 10

Round 1
5 – Squat to one arm press w/ Kettlebell
5 – Squat to one arm press w/ Kettlebell (other arm)
10 – Kettlebell swings
10 – Kettlebell curls
10 – Kettlebell tricep extensions
5 – single arm bent rows w/ Kettlebell
5 – single arm bent rows w/ Kettlebell (other arm)
10 – dying cockroach
10 – American Hammer
10 – Back Bends holding kettlebell
10 – Merkins

Arm Circles
Moroccan Nightclubs
Arm stretchs

Round 2,3,4 & 5
6/7/8/9 – Squat to one arm press w/ Kettlebell
6/7/8/9 – Squat to one arm press w/ Kettlebell (other arm)
15 – Kettlebell swings
15 – Kettlebell curls
15 – Kettlebell tricep extensions
6/7/8/9 – single arm bent rows w/ Kettlebell
6/7/8/9 – single arm bent rows w/ Kettlebell (other arm)
15 – dying cockroach
15 – American Hammer
15 – Back Bends holding kettlebell
15 – Merkins

Stretches 2 minutes.

Announcements: Convergence April 17 @ Bulldog
COT: The world

Voracious Unbreakable Devoted Outdoor Outlaws

For motivation, here’s the storyline to the award-winning 1976 movie, Rocky.

Rocky Balboa is a struggling boxer trying to make the big time, working as a debt collector for a pittance. When heavyweight champion Apollo Creed visits Philadelphia, his managers want to set up an exhibition match between Creed and a struggling boxer, touting the fight as a chance for a “nobody” to become a “somebody”. The match is supposed to be easily won by Creed, but someone forgot to tell Rocky, who sees this as his only shot at the big time.

30 seconds on, 10 second rest
Lunges front to back both legs
Scorpion Merkin
Side Lunges
Burpies to Kettlebell Press

3 Rounds


20 seconds on, 5 second rest
LBC’s or Flutterkicks
Mountain Climbers
American Hammers

3 Rounds

20 seconds on, 5 second rest
Shoulder Press w/ Kettlebell
Bent Rows

3 Rounds

30 seconds on, 10 second rest
Sumo Squats
Calf Raises
Zombie Walk
KB Swings
Squat Curl Press

2 Rounds before the bell



Announcements: Extinction run this weekend.

COT:  JK2, HIPPA’s friend whose son has COVID, Timeframe’s mom, Tube’s boss (COVID)

Pledge OYO (my bad)

Teamwork makes the dream work

4 Pax, no Q, a moonlit sky and a thirst for muscle disruption were the ingredients for the special on the menu Tuesday morning. No wasted time, thought or worry, we went right to it. All agreed, 25 reps per exercise callout. Depending on your stance, we circled clockwise to begin the procession for the next 44 minutes.


25 reps per callout, in no particular order.

Moroccan Nightclubs
Shoulder Taps
Calf Raises
Box Cutters
Burpies (5)
Bent Rows
Farmer Pulls
American Hammers
Big Boy Sit Ups
3 Laps parking lot
Dying Cockroaches
Plank Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Shoulder Press
Tricep Extensions
Incline Merkins
Overhead Pulls

25s and 4s in 45

Warm Up
Squats 10 IC
Merkins 10 IC


25 Reps Each
Shoulder Taps
Crab Crunch
* 10 Burpies
Dying Cockroach
American HAmmer
Kettbell Swing


25 Reps Each
Shoulder Tap w/ Merkin
Dutch Skate
Kettlebell Tricep Extension
Merkins w/ Kettlebell pull through
Bent Row w/ Kettlebell – each arm
Michael Phelp
Sumo Squat
Calk Raises


25 Reps Each
Kettlebell Curls
Kettlebell Squat Curl Press
Kettlebell Low Squat hold – Curls
Box Cutter
Plank Jack
High Knees
Mountain Climber
Plank hold to Low Squat

2 Minutes of Mary

Shelves Bare, No Care

Target couldn’t do it, Amazon was price gouging, Wal-Mart didn’t care, Sports Authority was no authority. It makes no difference to us if there are weights or kettlebells to be purchased and put to good use, we’ll make do and make it proper badass. With a modified beatdown, a thirst for improvement and a need for a killer start to Tuesday, away we went.

Warm Up
Side Straddle Hops IC
Merkins IC
Squats IC

20 seconds on, 5 second rest
squat, shoulder press
Plank with arm & leg extensions

30 seconds on, 5 second rest
Mountain Climbers
Calf Raises 20 & 20

Little bit-o-stretch

30 sec, 5 sec rest, 4 rounds
mnt climbers
Freddi Mercuries
plank hip dip w/ KB pull
flutter kicks
American Hammers


Lunge 40 yrds & back
Monkey Humpers 20
Lunge 40 yrds & back
Monkey Humpers 20

Incline Merkins
Calf Raises
2 Rounds



One of the fastest and tallest wooden runs on Earth

Or is it home lawn equipment, a restaurant or a bull? Don’t know. But what I do know is that we have a freshly minted FNG named El Toro. He speaks 4 languages, runs a company, has 3 daughters and has yet to hit the age of 30(give or take 5-10 years). This was his introduction, at the BULLDOG!


5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks
5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks, 15 merkins,
5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks, 15 merkins, 20 monkey humpers
5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks, 15 merkins, 20 monkey humpers, 20 freddy mercuries
5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks, 15 merkins, 20 monkey humpers, 2 0freddy mercuries, 10 feet to heaven

20 Curls
10 Bent Rows per arm
Plank pull kettlebell to side REPEAT x 10
Repeat 3X

Low step back lunge holding kettlebell – X5 per leg
Monkey Humpers 20
5 kettlebell extended arm raises
Repeat 3X

Squat Curl Press w/ hand walk-out to a merkin – 10 OYO
Flutterkicks 20
Beast position – Opposite arm/leg extensions
KB swings x 20
Repeat 3X

15 Dips, 40 Calf Raises, 15 Derkins, 10 Hip Dips
Repeat 2X

Stretches for 2 minutes

Globetrotter Sighting at the Bulldog

It wasn’t the furious Washington Generals playing their part as the arch nemesis to the world famous Globetrotters that made for such a competitive competition. It was, as in many cases, the world wide pandemic! On this balmy and heavy morning, the Globetrotters looked considerably shorter, not quite so athletic and extremely rusty as the air balls dropped short of their target and the burpie count continued to rise. There was no bubble, cameras, or distractions. Simply a test of strength, grit and endurance, like so many have crushed before. Game on!

Warm up:
– SSH 20 IC
– Grass pickers 10 IC
– Plank jacks 10 IC
– Merkins 10 IC
– Squats 10 IC
– LBCs 10 IC

Grab the Kettle bell and let’s roll. 1/4 mile run to Spiderman’s hideout.
Light up the court and start the burn.

1st Quarter
Each Pax takes a turn shooting a free throw shot.
You make = 1 Burpie
You miss = 3 Burpies

Meanwhile the rest are doing:
– bear crawl up the driveway
– 15 LBCs
– Lunge back down
– 10 Kettle bell swings
Repeat until all PAX complete the shot & burpies

2nd Quarter
Each Pax takes a turn shooting a free throw shot.
You make = 1 Burpie
You miss = 3 Burpies

Meanwhile the rest are doing:
– bear crawl up the driveway
– 10 crunchy frogs
– Crab walk back down
– Squat, Curl, Press w/ Kettle bell
Repeat until all PAX complete the shot & burpies

3rd Quarter
Huddle – Each Pax takes a turn shooting a free throw shot.
You make = Everyone 1 Burpie
You miss = Everyone 5 Burpies

Not a shot was made which meant many rounds of 5 burpies! To be sure, they are rusty.

Charge back onto the court at the Bulldog. (1/4 run)

  • Low Squat position, knee backs with kettlebell – 10 IC
  • Right into Monkey Humpers 10 IC = Quad BURN
  • Plank position: left hand & right leg up, hold for 2 seconds, switch. 5 rounds.


  • Low Squat position, knee backs with kettle bell – 10 IC
  • Right into Monkey Humpers 10 IC = Quad BURN
  • Plank position: left hand & right leg up, hold for 2 seconds, switch. 5 rounds.

  • Squat Curl Press w/ hand walk out to a merkin – 10 OYO

  • Kettle bell shoulder extensions: From raised, extended position down (5x), then half way hold for 2 seconds, UP (5x)
  • Lawnmowers (pull kettle bell off ground from one side up into the air on the opposite side) 5 each side
  • Squat Curl Press w/ hand walk out to a merkin – 10 OYO

– Side plank w/ arm raised 30 sec. SWITCH
– Side plank w/ arm raised 30 sec.
– on the six, hold feet 6 inches off ground 30 sec.

  • 30 seconds of flutter kicks, BUZZER!

Globetrotters WIN! Globetrotters WIN!


*  As the Q, I didn’t do so well at accommodating the workout for everyone.  I do better next time.

Announcements: CSAUP, Mt. Mitchell, Practice your free throws.

Prayers: Short Sale, Allen Tate, Less Nessman’s wife, Hunka

Chili with cheese and broccoli

We should’ve brought swimming trunks and flotation devices as the humidity made the morning feel like we we’re stuck in a bowl of week old chili with cheese and broccoli.  With that in mind, and the fact that I can depend on Vodou to not show on my Q,  we crushed a 1000 challenge routine(we made it to 850ish).  I used similar routines to help reduce my exposure to unwanted pounds during the month of April.  I worked fairly well, so I thought I’d share.  A special shout out to FNG, Water Boy!

Warm up:

SSH: 20 IC
Merkins: 20 IC
Dying cockroach: 20 IC
Squat: 20 IC

The Thang
25 – Kettle Swings
25 – Curls
25 – Squats
25 – Mountain Climbers
25 – LBCs
25 – Merkin
25 – Squat/Curl/Press
25 – Tricep Extension
25 – Crunchy Frog


25 – Kettle Swings
25 – Curls
25 – Squats
25 – Mountain Climbers
25 – LBCs
25 – Merkin
25 – Squat/Curl/Press
25 – Tricep Extension
25 – Crunchy Frog

2 Laps around the parking lot

25 – Kettle Swings
25 – Curls
25 – Squats
25 – Mountain Climbers
25 – LBCs
25 – Merkin
25 – Squat/Curl/Press
25 – Tricep Extension
25 – Crunchy Frog

Last Round cut due to time constraints

25 – Kettle Swings
25 – Curls
25 – Squats
25 – Mountain Climbers
25 – LBCs
25 – Merkin

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