Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Spiderman_Gashouse (Page 13 of 14)

Just Warming Up

We warmed up for a long time Wednesday February 22nd, since we all had a big day ahead.


1 minute of Side Straddle Hops
1 minute of Squats
1 minute of LBCs
1 minute of Merkins
1 minute of Flutterkicks

Flutterkicks 15 in cadence
Freddi Mercury 15 in cadence
Box Cutters 15 in cadence
Plan Jacks 15 in cadence
Mountain Climbers 15 in cadence
Carolina Dry Docks 10 in cadence
Bobby Hurleys 10 in cadence
Contra Burpies 5

Mosey to Marthas

1 minute of Side Straddle Hops
1 minute of Squats
1 minute of LBCs
1 minute of Merkins
1 minute of Flutterkicks

Flutterkicks 15 in cadence
Freddi Mercury 15 in cadence
Box Cutters 15 in cadence
Plan Jacks 15 in cadence
Mountain Climbers 15 in cadence
Carolina Dry Docks 10 in cadence
Bobby Hurleys 10 in cadence
Contra Burpies 5

Dips 15 in cadence
Lunges 15 in cadence
Dips 15 in cadence
Lunges 15 in cadence
Dips 15 in cadence
Lunges 15 in cadence

1 minute of Side Straddle Hops
1 minute of Squats
1 minute of LBCs
1 minute of Merkins
1 minute of Flutterkicks

Flutterkicks 15 in cadence
Freddi Mercury 15 in cadence
Box Cutters 15 in cadence
Plan Jacks 15 in cadence
Mountain Climbers 15 in cadence
Carolina Dry Docks 10 in cadence
Bobby Hurleys 10 in cadence
Contra Burpies 5

COT: Tophat and family, Bulldog’s Wife looking for new job

At the Roadhouse

It felt like a Roadhouse workout, so why not have some quotes from the 1989 smash hit Roadhouse, starring Partick Swayze, to start this off.

Doc: Do you enjoy pain?
Dalton: Pain don’t hurt.
Doc: Most of my patients would disagree with you.

Wade Garrett: This place has a sign hangin’ over the urinal that says, “Don’t eat the big white mint”.

Dalton: All you have to do is follow three simple rules. One, never underestimate your opponent. Expect the unexpected. Two, take it outside. Never start anything inside the bar unless it’s absolutely necessary. And three, be nice.

1 minute of Side Straddle Hops
1 minute of Squats
1 minute of LBCs
1 minute of Merkins
1 minute of Flutterkicks


Deep Sea Divers – 5 steps, x5 per step IC

13 people, 2 cinder blocks, 26 bricks, circle formation with cinder block at 12:00 and 6:00 positions

1st exercise, Squart Shoulder Press x 5 IC (with bricks or cinder block)
move counterclockwise, depending on your location, pick up bricks or cinder block
Repeate until everone has a turn with the cinder block

Next exercise, Squart Curls x 5 IC (with bricks or cinder block)
move counterclockwise, depending on your location, pick up bricks or cinder block
Repeate until everone has a turn with the cinder block = 5 rounds

Mosey to the overpass.
Bear Crawl length of planter, the lunge the to the next planter – all the way to the end of the block
5 Burpies for the train

Mosey to the top level of the parking deck.

– Derkins x 15 IC
– Freddi Mercury x 10 IC
– Speedbag work in squat position / Forward (with bricks) x 30 seconds
– Speedbag work squat position / Reverse (with bricks) x 30 seconds
– Don Quixote x 10 IC
– Flutterkicks x 15 IC
– Derkins x 10 IC

Mosey down the steps to level 1, then cross over and back up to the top.
– Carry a cinder block if you haven’t

Mosey to the art circle.
– Arm Squats (Dips) x 15 IC
– Arm Squats (Dips) x 10 IC

Mosey to Pavillion

5 Burpies for the 2nd train
– High Knees 30 seconds
– Flutterkicks x 15 IC


Monk’s former boss in hospice, Top Hat and his family for the loss of his brother.

Wade Garrett: [to Dalton after the fight with Wesley’s men] Same town, new story, huh, pal? Let’s get a beer.

What daring! What Outrageousness! What insolence!

And having no further concern, he and his companions sought adventure in the West. Many wars and feuds did Conan fight. Honor and fear were heaped upon his name and, in time, he became a king by his own hand… And this story shall also be told.

And with that we begin with the Slaughter Starter20 burpees OYO before any other exercises or running is completed.

Sweat Angels: On your six, make a snow angels. With Bricks 10 IC
Little Sun Gods- With Bricks 10 IC
Big Sun Gods- With Bricks 10 IC
Power Strike- Lunge forward wwhile striking down as you would with a sword- With Bricks 10 IC
Jungshin Abs – Hold sword/bricks behind head ready to strike, feet on the ground, simultaneously strike overhead and straighten leags to 45 angle. 10ish

Mongol General: Conan! What is best in life?
Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.

Mosey to the Garage of Doom, bricks in hand.

Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear while partner performs merkins, switch. x 2 Rounds
Black Snake Run to top floor and back.
Worst Merkin Ever: 1 Wide Arm Merkin, 1 Regular Merkin, 1 Diamond Merkin performed x 7 IC

King Osric: What daring! What outrageousness! What insolence! What arrogance!… I salute you.

Zombie Walk x 2 Rounds
Wall of Fire – PAX do People’s Chair, 1 PAX performs 5xmerkins 5xLBCs 5xburpees (except for Lil Sweet who did 10,10,10)
PAX doing People’s Chair performed shoulder press, speed bag, curls again and again and again.

He conquered an empire with his sword. She conquered HIM with her bare hands.

Slave. Barbarian. Warrior. Thief… Conan.

Captain Thor – 1 big boy sit up to 4 American Hammers. With Bricks/10 IC
Punch-up Merkin – 10 IC

Freddie Mercury – 10 IC
Flutterkicks – 10 IC



Taking Turns

If you’ve been to a downtown beatdown hosted by Spiderman, then you may know a typical stroll in the park involves bricks, cinder blocks and miscellaneous items.  Friday was no exception. It was neat seeing all PAX harmonize throughout the beatdown, continuously switching coupons, bricks for cinder clocks, cinder blocks for half cinder blocks.  Never a dull moment or empty handed one.

Warm Up:
Side Straddle Hops – 20 IC
Merkins – 15 IC
Morrocan Night Clubs – 20 IC
Squats – 20 IC
Flutterkicks – 20 IC
Box Cutters – 20 IC
Freddy Mercury’s – 20 IC

Mosey to the trunk of my car, where the back end was resting on the ground from the weight of magnificence.  Each PAX had either a brick, half cinder block or full cinder block in their hands before we moseyed to the wall.

Wall sit: Should Press 20 IC
Switch your coupon
Wall sit: Should Press 20 IC
Switch your coupon
Wall sit: Should Press 20 IC

Hip Slappers 10 IC

To the deck we mosey:
Curls 15 IC
Switch your coupon
Curls 15 IC
Switch your coupon
Curls 15 IC

Squats 15 IC
Switch your coupon
Squats 15 IC
Switch your coupon
Squats 15 IC

Drop the coupons, mosey to the end of the deck, 10 Merkins sprint back – repeat

Grab a coupon, lunge to end of deck SWITCH
Grab a different coupon, lunge back to the other end of deck SWITCH
Grab a different coupon, lunge back to the other end of deck

Mosey down the stairs to the fancy Art tree for some dips.
15 Dips IC

Mosey to the Pavillion
4 different stations per coupon type (4 brick, 4 cinder block, 4 half cinder block – Should press, Squats, Curls, Bent Rows, Dying Cockroach, Rocky Balboa, Lunge, Tricep Extension, Dips, Speed Bag, Moroccan Night Clubs)
30 Seconds per station. Quickly move to the next.
We made it around 12 stations before time was up.

News/Announcements & COT

The Grinch who Stole my Fart Sack

I was a balmy brisk early morning for the now infamous Grinch workout.  Sorry, I meant Unfamous.  That O Christmas Tree song, the one about a tree, that goes on for 4 minutes,  about a tree…… we threw down the burpies every time O Christmas Tree came on. Boom! As a bonus, if you need one after a song like that, we listened to You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch. Every time the song mentioned Mr. Grinch we hit a Contra Burpie . OH THE JOY.  Wait, it gets better. We added one Merkin to each mention of said Grinch as the song progressed. By the end we were a Burpeeing with 12 Merkins. We loved it enough to play it 3 times.  But that’s not all folks, for a limited time we ran around the neighborhood, sat on some walls, looked for parked cars and even bear walked into some deep sea divers. It went a little like this >

WARM Uppiddy:
Side Straddle Hops – 20 IC
Merkins – 15 IC
Squats – 20 IC
Flutterkicks – 20 IC
Box Cutters – 20 IC
Freddy Mercury’s – 20 IC

O Christmas Tree Burpieness (mentioned above)
Bear Walks to four corners where we hit 20 Dying Cockroaches.
Deep Sea Divers. 3 Steps up, 2 Steps down with 5 Slappers per step.

Mosey around the corner.
Wall Sits / Shoulder Press

Mosey to the Garage
You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch (as mentioned above)
Bear Crawls up the ramps run the straight-aways repeat to the top
Lunge to the end, sprint back  x 2
Derkins – 10 IC

Mosey down the stairs.
You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch (as mentioned above)

Back towards the Pavillion where we stopped for wall sits and some marching.

Wind up back at the Pavillion with time for one more song
You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch (as mentioned above)

COT,  then on our Merry way for a Very Merry Christmas!


* I needed to get this out as I’m leading Downtown in just a few short hours. See you in a few!


Mid 20’s and in my prime

An attempt to warmup when the temperature hovered in the mind 20’s went something like this:

Plank, PlankJacks, Mountain Climbers,LBC, Flutterkicks, BoxCutters, Squats, Moroccan Nightclubs


Mosey to Saturn and the trunk full of bricks.

With a brick in each hand we begin >

WallSits, Shoulder Press, SpeedBags

Mosey to the Garage.

Shoulder Taps 20 IC
Count off
Bear Crawl the ramp, mosey to the end of the garage
20 Flutterkicks
Bear Crawl the ramp, mosey to the end of the garage
20 Flutterkicks

We hit the top level to knock out 20 Derkins IC

To get down we all decided lunges and crab walks were the best approach. – Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Lunges to the end, crab walk down the ramp and repeat x 3

Mosey to the big metal tree and hit 20 Dips IC
Recover, count off
Mosey to the big metal tree and hit 20 Dips IC

Mosey back to the Pavillion
9 stations ready for us to conquer. 3 brick, 3 half cinder block, 3 full cinder block.
Brick Exercises – Speedbag, Merkin, Dying Cockroach
Half Cinder – Tricep Extensions, Lunges, Rocky Balboas
Cinder Block – Should Press, Squat, Dips

30 Seconds of the exercise, move to the next 10 second break, begin exercise.

2 Full rounds were aqueezed in right before the timer.

Updates, Prayer Requests, COT

The Big 3 and 1/2

1. MERKINS   2. LBCs   3. SQUATS    1/2.  80lb heavy bag    – Sounds like a glorious holiday party to me.  And so it was.

Flutterkicks 15 IC
Freddi Mercury 15 IC
Box Cutters 15 IC
Plan Jacks 15 IC
Mountain Climbers 15 IC
Carolina Dry Docks 10 IC
Bobby Hurleys 10 IC
Burpies x 5

Count off to assign each PAX a number. From hence forth every minute the QIC yells SWITCH. The next PAX in sequential order taskes to the bag duty.

Mosey to the wall – 1 PAX carries the heavy bag
Wall Sits – Pass the heavy bag down the line and back x2
Hip Slappers x10 IC

Mosey to the parking deck, Next PAX(#2) carries the heavy bag.

Every minute the next PAX in order switches to the heavy bag to perform machine gun punches and hooks while the rest do the following:
Run the ramp, bear crawl to the top
Merkins x 10 IC
LBCs x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC
Crab walk down the ramp, mosey back to the bag

Everyone had 2 rounds with the bag which gave us 8 rounds of:
Run the ramp, bear crawl to the top
Merkins x 10 IC
LBCs x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC
Crab walk down the ramp, mosey back to the bag

Mosey back to the wall for wall sits and heavy bag passes x 2.

Mosey to the pavilion for The Pledge

HIP SLAPPERS. 3 steps up, 2 down.

2 more rounds of
Merkins x 10 IC
LBCs x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC

COT: God has blessed us, let’s not keep that to ourselves(my selfish self).  If you feel your not up to it, no worries, let God take wheel and work through you. Much can happen when you allow yourself to become, more than yourself.

Great work men.  It was good to see many of the faces I had not seen since the CSAUP last Saturday.

I can’t remember much of the announcements or prayer concerns as exhaustion set in 17 minutes prior. Forgive me for leaving off important details.

Prayers: Dr. Feelgood and his family.
Announcements: Toy collection begins soon.

Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Missing Turtles

Leroy Brown, otherwise know as Encyclopedia Brown, had one helluva  stumper on his hands Friday morning as a group of grizzled men slowly paced to and fro as the smell of future sweat churned in the air.  One glance at the lowly box of salted caramel turtles that rested gently in the middle of the arena, Leroy Brown feared his Q would either end in pure savagery or the disappearance of all six packs known to the group… be continued.

Flutterkicks 15 in cadence
LBCs 15 in cadence
Freddi Mercury 15 in cadence
Box Cutters 15 in cadence
Merkins 15 in cadence
Squats 15 in cadence


Run around 2 Blocks
Wall Sits, Shoulder Press 10 in cadence
Hip Slappers 10 in cadence
Run to Pavillion, deep sea divers

12 stations:
4 blocks, 4 bricks, 4 body weight

1 minute per exercise, move clockwise to next pain station.

Cinder Blocks: Squats, Curls, Shoulder Press, Rocky Balboa
Bricks: Speedbags, American Hammer, Bent Rows, something else
Body Weight: Merkin, Dying Cockroach, Lunge, Flutterkicks

Run around 2 blocks & repeat:
Cinder Blocks: Squats, Curls, Shoulder Press, Rocky Balboa
Bricks: Speedbags, American Hammer, Bent Rows, something else
Body Weight: Merkin, Dying Cockroach, Lunge, Flutterkicks

We had 1 minute remaining to hammer out some Peter Parkers and Don Quixotes.

COT: Floppy Disk’s Wife and Family, my 2.0

Great start to Friday!

2 minutes

until 5:30am, the pedal pressed to the floor fully activating all 103 horses under the hood of my trusty 09 Saturn Aura.  Reaching a top speed of 35, I whipped a sharp left turn into the parking space and yelled to 11 awaiting PAX, “COME GET YOUR BRICKS!”   With a hastened pace equal to ravenous wolves descending on wounded prey, all bricks were snatched from the trunk as I finish putting my damn socks on.   What say you, no bricks left for me?  Planned to a T.

speed bag (forward) 20 sec
speed bag (reverse) 20 sec
moroccan night clubs x 10 in cadence
merkins x 10 in cadence
lbc x 10 in cadence
squat  x 10 in cadence



Mosey around the corner to wall sits >
speed bag (forward) 20 sec
speed bag (reverse) 20 sec
shoulder press x 10 in cadence

Mosey to the parking deck >
Run steps to the top, then back down, then back up and partner up.
One partner run to the end of the deck and back while other partner knocks out reps.
100 merkins
200 squats
300 flutterkicks

Mosey down the steps to the bottom of the garage.
Shoulder taps with bricks x 10 in cadence

Mosey to the metal art circle.
Butt kickers around the circle
High knees around the circle
Butt kickers around the circle
High knees around the circle

Mosey to the pavillion >
deep sea divers 5reps step up 6reps step up 7reps step down 6reps step down 5 reps
Freddie Mecuries x 10 in cadence
merkins x 10 in cadence
5 burpies

COT: Todd family and floppy disk and his wife are in our prayers.

Bag of Abs

Dealers choice today was the bag of abs and sounds of pain.  One bag contained a slew of exercises ranging from contra burpies to telling a joke. The other bag contained the number of reps or time intervals to preform chosen exercises.  For example, one Pax pulled crab cakes and the other tag pulled was 1 minute.  That equals 1 minute of crab cakes, accompanied by sounds of pain followed by smells of pain followed by sounds of gagging.  A better way to start a Friday I think not.

Warm Up
merkins x 10 cadence
perter parker  x 10 cadence
werkins  x 10 cadence
lbc  x 10 cadence
the squat x 20 cadence

Teenie tiny run around several city blocks back to the trunk of brick and mortar. Bricks always help. All following exercises were performed with bricks.

Here’s a rundown on the exercises:
Flutterkicks, merkins, burpies, bear crawl inch worm, crab cakes, bobby hurly, mountain climbers, plank jacks, burpie shoulder press, canoes, count off, tell a joke, squats, freddy mercury and a few more.

Time interval range:
30 sec & 1 minute

Reps range:
15 reps, 30 reps, 40 reps

Mary showed up for 2 minutes then ran away in defeat.

Special call out to 40 seconds of Bobby Hurly, Circle of Bear Crawl Inch Worm, and Contra Burpies.

Good group today, really into the workout & great attitudes.  Can’t ask for a better bunch.


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