Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Short Sale (Page 5 of 20)

Q vs. Q – Landslide victory

The final matchup of Flintstone’s inaugural creation occurred at the GasHouse with a healthy crowd of eager attendees. Much like our political world in recent years, it seemed some men showed to vote against one candidate possibly more than for the other. We are fortunate as Americans to live in a democracy where our right to vote can be cast on whatever criteria we choose. As F3 men, we are truly Freed to Lead as our guide manual is titled. Coupled with one of the principles that each workout is Peer led, that element paints unique pictures for us not only to observe but participate as well.

First, it is an honor to have been selected among this elite group. I really have not Q’ed much in the past year, so my reputation of past performance likely carried some weight among the preliminary round. Once the matchups were set and due to some scheduling conflicts, I ended up against Sister Act. Truth be told, SA was one of my 5 nominees. Despite his general douchyness, his workouts are always a challenge in the simplistic choice of exercises. We love to give him a hard time for his limited Weinke but if you push through it, you will be smoked, no doubt about it. Strategically, I deferred my Q to the 2nd half. Partly because SA pre-accused me of a douche move to not identify the changeover location. Easy problem to solve – I graciously invited SA to go first. To my surprise, he actually led a warm-up with 10 reps of SSH, 5 burpees, 10 x Hillbillies, 5 burpees, and 10 x Gravel pickers. He gruffed “let’s go.” As Site Q at the GasHouse, we typically say the pledge at that point. As we moseyed over to the library, whether by reminder or intent, we paused for the pledge. I guess SA does love our country.

SA began with a circuit that included Big Boys, merkins, Imperial Walker Squats, and Burpees (you knew there’d be burpees) then run around the book drop-off circle. When you returned, perform Seal Jacks or pick up the 6 until the six was in. The first round was 5, followed by 10, and then to 20. SA took notes as to who got the six as that is a medal award at the yearend Christmas party. Freight has apparently set his sights to add that award to his collection. During about round 2, Slaw straddled SA during the merkins to give some Navy love to our Q. It was one of those memories you can’t unsee. If you were absent, be glad for this reason. We then moved to what SA called Iron Plank or something he claims to have created. A ratio of 1:4 Mike Tyson (you knew these would be included) to Mtn Climber. The Q said “on my count” which ended up being a fleeting glimpse of his leadership. Somewhere after round 4, there was no more “iron” in this as SA took breaks between each exercise, resting on his knees and adding Moroccan Night Clubs. This even became too much iron for our leader as he was so winded his cadence became inaudible. Thankfully Pockets picked up for the Q because we were going to 10 MT’s and 40 MC’s or else. Many opted out at this point which is probably why SA got so few votes. With a few minutes left, SA “created” another new combination to perform Route 66 Merkin/Bear Crawl something-or-other. We began at the bottom of the parking lot and slowly worked our way up to maybe 7-10-ish reps? SA had lost complete control at that point with steady mumble chatter affecting any ability to lead. Buzzer sounded!!

Time for me to take the reins of this sled. We moseyed to the front parking lot of First Presbyterian Church where a circle formed and I acknowledged the work completed, but if they could give me whatever effort they had in the tank, we’d push through my brand of Q. Admittedly, my Q’s are not the most difficult. In the attempt to be creative, I realize I tend to overcomplicate at times (the hell you say??, not really, I do…) but I always have a purpose.  Either to target a particular body group or purpose of the Weinke. To ease into this thing, let’s do some core-cardio. On the timer was 25 seconds for each exercise with NO rest between:

  • Burpees (because SA says it’s not a true w/o unless you have burpees – box checked)
  • 4×4 (4 merkins+4 Mtn. Climbers, stand up, repeat) I counted these out loud for all to hear without getting winded, maybe that got me a vote?
  • Squat Jack Twist – yes, like a dance move but good cardio; feel free to get jiggy with it at your next Q
  • Crunchy Frogs – groans from the PAX – that’s a good thing
  • Jump Squats – PAX hate these too (I’m doing something right)
  • Turtle Crunch – I’m likely the only one to include this so had to demo, you should try it
  • Goof Ball – in honor of former Nantan – Sargento (secured another vote there)
  • American Hammer – because America > Russia
  • Alternating Lunge Jumps – yes – in F3, these are called Bonnie Blairs – thanks for paying attention
  • Ski Abs – insanity move that Freight and I are the few to employ this cardio-core burner

Next up was something I had done previously but with a much smaller and quiet audience. It was a Q fail on my part. But you know how politicians will sometimes step in “it” causing their teams to perform damage control? That was this routine. This is one of those occasions that it looked good on paper. I asked the PAX to find their own parking spot (this was a challenge in and of itself). At the bottom of the space, do 5 HR Merkins. Bear Crawl forward to the curb, 5 Mtn Climbers, Plank Walk right for Plank Jacks, Joe Hendrix back to the other side of the space for 5 Mike Tysons. Poorly executed by the Q and I realized the train was getting off the tracks…let’s move the Main Event.

Rounding the corner was my elaborate set up with a party tent acting as Short Sale’s Tavern of Torture. I had coupons in the form of 6 empty kegs and 8 cases of beer. For this special occasion, I contracted some bartenders to assist me. Our prayers have been for Turtleman in an enduring battle. If his attitude and fight can’t inspire you, nothing else will. This was an opportunity for him to be engaged with an F3 event and while Turtleman is a nice looking fellow, I needed some eye candy.  Hooters isn’t making millions of dollars just for their chicken wings and beer pitchers. So Turtleman’s M Christine and another friend Nancy were my bartenders to handout menus for the PAX. What’s on the menu you are now wondering? Well first, let me further explain, in the parking lot, spaced at the end of two islands and in the middle of the islands were 7 stations, aka “bars” named after the other QvQ participants:

  • Freight’s Mad Dog Saloon
  • Ball Joint’s Bud Light Garage
  • Whoopee’s Honky Tonk
  • Broke’s Sour Grapes Wine & Cheese Bistro
  • Roscoe’s ‘Coon and Cocktail
  • WireNut’s Gates of Hell Biker Bar and Fightery
  • Sister Act’s Lonely Hearts Lounge

This effort required partners to team up, go to my bar and request a menu which my lovely assistants would give them a menu – no trading out unless you were willing to drink a beer penalty. The menu stated if a coupon was needed. It directed them to a designated “bar” for a set of exercises that were all familiar and needed no further explanation. Most menu’s required multiple stops along the circular route. Once the menu (i.e. circuit) was completed, return your card and get another one. Goal was to complete 3 rounds. In total, there were 18 different workouts on the cards. Despite SA trying to stir the chatter, for this part of the workout, my instructions were clear. There were 4 levels of workouts:

  • Lightweight
  • Buzzed
  • Piss Ass Drunk
  • and Blackout (“Call an Uber”)

I intentionally paired with SA and Doodles as we had an odd number of PAX. SA complained the first round wasn’t as hard as his. True, but there were a mix of workouts, so for Round 2 we stepped up with this 3 bar circuit that had 5 burpees, 10 werkins, and 20 squats at each station. SA complained of his knee hurting and having to back it down. The other circuit worth mentioning was the Beer Mile, except it was only 0.15/mile and each PAX had to drink 2 beers. The overall winners were Slaw and Pockets who selected one of the cases/coupon’s as their prize. With only a few minutes remaining, we bid our bartender’s farewell. I offered Roadies of beer and/or water which some of the PAX accepted my bribe to enjoy along their return to base.

Once back at the Schiele, the PAX voted via notecards. Would they prefer the double black diamond or the creative effort? On SLACK, SA had forecasted the event would be similar to my Wolfpack’s ACC game against Clemson – a competitive first half followed by the Pack’s fizzle in the second to lose big. Fortunately I escaped the curse known as #StateShit and the PAX enjoyed my Q significantly more than SA to the tune of 16 to 6 (one PAX voted for Freight). Winner, winner, chicken dinner. And fortunately for you, the backblast was written in a little over 24 hours; another vote for me.

Prayer requests: Flintstone’s dad beginning radiation treatment. Announcements: Speed 4 Need at the Community Foundation Run – tell Broke if you are pushing. Relay running event at the Whitewater Center – see Flinstone. I took us out in prayer.

Moleskin: Thanks to Flintstone for creating this event. It has definitely increased the attention in what may have been a “normal” workout. I’ve participated in 3 of the 4 matches and all have been well attended. Each Q has brought their best effort. Being on the home turf at the GasHouse made it comfortable for me. Sister Act tends to draw the negative mumble chatter and I had a few votes in my pocket before the workout began. At least for this round, my effort was noticed by the majority of the PAX. The coupons and elaborate grandeur bought me a few votes, as did the free beer. I spent a good chunk of my week, including a half day off to plan everything. But a win over SA are bragging rights that will last a lifetime, someone remember to put that on my tombstone.

Now it’s on to the semi-finals where I’ll match efforts against Ball Joint. A man after my own heart who provides beer bribes as well. Looks like I’ll have to dig into my toy box of creativity. I hope you’ll join us Friday morning at Downtown where you can first hand experience the workout for yourself. I will give my best effort not to disappoint. Until the next one, thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Short Sale 16

Sister Act 6



Coconut Horse – Plan

Following the Extinction Run, a good group of guys gathered at 0630 in the Harris Teeter Parking lot. Most had their ruck sacks  intending for a recovery exercise. All except one. Stroganoff fresh off completing 13 (I think?) miles at the Extinction Run put two fingers on the “f-ck it” button and pressed hard cashing in another 5 miles. JJ joined him. The rest of us took what has become a staple route into Heatherloch so Scratch (Hunchback’s pup) can burn some energy before drop off at his house on the return. BOS and Flintstone lead the way. The rest of us grouped together.

We returned inside the HT for QSource, Chapter 9 of Extreme Ownership’s Plan written by Leif Babin. They used a rescue mission of a hostage as the premise for the lesson. Proper planning begins with mission analysis and directives for the team. The plan must be understood on all levels. Leadership must be briefed clearly and concisely but the boots on the group teammates must be empowered and know the roles well enough to execute which may include covering for someone else if necessary. Once the mission/project is complete, a debrief can identify relative strengths and weaknesses to improve for the future.

Until the next one:

Short Sale

Boudin has Superhuman Strength

Saturday at the GasHouse was intended to be a ruck/run tour of nearby neighborhoods to market our Saturday workout to the locals. Upon recognizance, I learned 90% of the mailboxes are by the front door. In this day and age of video cameras, ring doorbells, and respect for privacy, Hunchback and I reconsidered the plan. Instead we’ll go with standard signage to hopefully recruit some new FNGs. So, Plan B, let’s go with a lowerbody focused bootcamp. Knowing Boudin and Stroganoff were nursing back injuries, I thought that might be helpful. One man accepted the challenge and one was not quite ready. At 0700 the circle formed with some good old 2nd F chatter. Observing a veteran crew I went right into it without hesitation.

SSH IC x 30, Imperial Walkers IC x 10, Toy Soldier IC x 10, Side to Side Butt Kicks IC x 10, THE patented left over right IC followed by THE patented right over left IC, MNC’s IC x 10. I think I was done after that. The groups split with 7 men following me out of the parking lot to the First Presbyterian Youth Building (aka The PAD).

The Q fairy had been there already to tape signage to the walls and drop coupons. Under the sheltered porch and around the building were 10 stations:

  • Monster Walks – use a band, lateral step 15 right and return 15 left
  • Dead Lifts – straight leg, 15 reps (grab a weight)
  • Goblet Squats x 15
  • Kettlebell Swings x 15
  • Staggered Squat – 8 right, 8 left (grab a weight or ruck sack)
  • Bulgarian Squat R x 15, (grab sandbags, single or multiple dumbbells)
  • Bulgarian Squat L x 15 (grab sandbags, single or multiple dumbbells)
  • Alternating Step Back Lunch – 8 right, 8 left (use weights)
  • Glute Bridges x 15
  • Hamstring Curls – sit on flat bench and use power band

After each exercise, PAX runs to the bottom of the stairs and returns to do a new exercise. Amid criticism and insults, I executed a run-through. Reps are at 15 so a premium could be placed on proper form. As the PAX spread out to get started “BOOM!” Boudin sits on the bench for hamstring curls and snaps the power band on the 2nd rep. I severely underestimated his raw power. His soccer legs are jacked up like the HULK, except their not green. All this rucking and walking, Boudin’s quads are bigger than Saquan Barkley. Despite Boudin F-ing up the stations, an experience Q improvised to announce, “we’ll now have 9 stations – thanks Boudin!”

I had intended for 3 total circuits but had not timed this, so we only completed 2-ish circuits. This kept the PAX together so there was plenty of conversation, accusations, insults and the like. Anytime legs are worked, it expedites the calorie burn. The Monster Walks are a challenge – if you have an individual band, try it at home (maybe not Boudin…he may need a fireman’s hose as a band for his tree trunk legs).

We had about 20 minutes remaining, and I had promised some core work. Sargento was very excited at this news as he had been improvising much of this workout thus far. We relocated to the back parking lot for a 4-corner stack.

  1. 10 Crunches (not LBCs, real big-boy crunches)
  2. 10 Crunches + 20 Flutter Kicks
  3. 10 Crunches + 20 Flutter Kicks + 30 Freddie Mercs
  4. 10 Crunches + 20 Flutters + 30 FM + 40 American Hammer

Now for round deuce – this is like a Big Mac, we’re double stacking. Keep the same 4 exercises and the reps (i.e. Set 1) at each corner, now add:

  1. Circuit 1 + 10 Leg Raises
  2. Circuit 1 + 10 Leg Raises + 20 Heels to Heaven

We ran out of time and headed back to base. If that wet your appetite (or other body part), I’ll work it into my next Q. Someone reminded me we had yet to recite the Pledge, so took care of that. Announcements: Extinction Run 3/4, Convergence at Folsom at 6:30 on 2/4, 2nd F Lunch at Hillbillies. Prayer Requests: Huck, Turtleman, Clavin’s M and I’m forgetting some. Sargento took us out.

Next time you see Boudin check out his massive legs. You won’t be disappointed.

Coconut Horse 1.15.23

2 Ran

8 Rucked

We exchanged Hunchback for Defib at QSource where we discussed Extreme Ownership Chapter 2: No Bad Teams, Only Bad Leaders?

Do you agree or disagree?

Join us this Sunday for Chapter 3 titled Believe. Not only do you get an extra point for the challenge, you get some good 2nd F time with your brothers.

There’s a New Sheriff in Town

With little fanfare, today marked a new beginning for the GasHouse. In addition to being the OG, since our region began in 2015, there have only been three Site Q’s over that span, making GasHouse the Pittsburgh Steelers of our region. Like the book of Genesis, Stroganoff begat Linus, who begat Whoopee, who begat Short Sale and there you have the current genealogy. As the circle formed, TimeFrame claimed Jimmy Phillips was related by marriage, but it sounded a bit sketchy. Something about marrying his sister’s sister or own sister. It quickly became confusing, and the more TimeFrame explained, the deeper into a West Virginia cave we traveled. For the first Saturday Q of 2023 it was an opportune time to go over the 5 core principles of F3 for our Friendly New Guy. Yes Flintstone – you’re allowed to modify as needed. So, with a disclaimer, principles, and mission stated, sort of, we moved to the fitness portion of the workout.


All in cadence and should have been x 10 reps except when the PAX stopped counting or became confused. Seal Jacks, Toy Soldier, Side to Side Lunge, Imperial Walker, Arrows, Mtn Climbers, Plank Jacks, Seated Knee Tuck Drags (WTH? check out AthleanX for a demo – or try the AB program), and lastly Pike Up Toe Tap.


9 Bootcampers followed me out of the lot and up the hill to Grier MS track. The Army Reserves were gathering in the parking lot ready for their PT. They had stuff scattered on the field which some PAX thought I had set up. True, we were about to do a PT test, but sans equipment. A few years ago, Broke developed a PT test and we do it every so often under timed conditions. Few participants focus on form and worry more about lowering a time in competition with the group. As the new Site Q, I plan to do this every 6-8 weeks when I Q. I am keeping individual note cards for each participant, and they will not be shared publicly. The reps are reasonable, so the focus is on form. True, I am keeping a running clock, but that is for the individual to measure against themselves. We used the concrete pad outside the track and above Steven Long Field. Here’s the deal:

  • Shoulder Tap Merkins – 25 reps or to failure, whichever comes first; run to the bottom of the hill, touch fence, return
  • Big Boy Sit Ups – 25 reps or failure; hill sprint
  • SSH – 25 sgl ct reps or failure; hill sprint
  • Squat – form counts – not bendees or humpees or bouncees – real squats like Slaw performs; 25 reps or failure; hill sprint
  • Burpees – 10 total – why only 10? because most everyone’s form breaks after 10. Hill sprints

Reps and times were recorded. The next time, a new element will be added – stay tuned. This only takes about 5-8 minutes to perform, so it will be at the beginning of a workout. I’ll announce ahead of the next occasion I plan this.

Mosey to First Presbyterian Church at the rear parking lot near the playground and hill. We had a half hour of time and I knew the full Weinke couldn’t be used – what does the Q do? Modify as needed the First FQ advised. “PAX – option A is individual work and option B is partner work – what do you declare?” I correctly predicted Option B and that required half the PAX to run around the Boy Scout Hut for heavy stones. I gave the former Site Q the heaviest stone. As we reconvened with the others, another PAX recognized Whoopee for having the largest tool. Whoopee’s smile bulged across his face. If his M could only be so fortunate to know her man’s rock was really that big. His partner was Stroganoff who bemoaned having to support Whoopees large tool because while one PAX lifted the rock, the other PAX ran to the top of the hill. I think Whoopee ran intentionally slower so Stroganoff could hold his rock that much longer.

  • Set 1: curls
  • Set 2: overhead press
  • Set 3: tricep extensions
  • Set 4: bench press

We returned the stones and with only 10 minutes left, a time filler was necessary.

  • 10 Hand-release merkins – run 50 yards and return
  • 20 eccentric tricep dips using the fence – the PAX hated these – I’ll use them again; run
  • 30 squats; run
  • I called 40 burpees or until I said “time” knowing we only had a minute. Most of the PAX went slow to run out the clock.

Moseyed back to the AO for a few minutes of Mary and called it a day.

Annoucements – Push the Rock Challenge has gone well for the first week, keep it up. Sargento is looking for a Ville2Ville runner, Q-Source at Coconut Horse is covering Extreme Ownership – pick up a point by attending that or another Q-Source. Prayers: Flintstone’s mom’s improving, Clavin’s plantar fasciitis and M’s diagnosis, Maybeline’s father, EZ Rider’s family. And Praise for the news that Turtleman received he is CANCER FREE this week. The dude has been battling and overcoming obstacles. Keep him in your prayers as he seeks to gain weight and strength for his body to hold off the attack. COT: Jimmy Phillips from Belmont, Red Raider for life was our FNG. He is a fit 57 year old guy and had no problem with this workout. His early days of working in a mill earned his F3 name “Millbilly.” Welcome him.

In all my years of F3, I’ve done a number of jobs but never been a Site Leader. The requirements are not demanding but the burnout rate can be high. I’m excited about this opportunity. Thanks to the aforementioned guys already on the plaque for their leadership as I hope to follow in their footsteps and make GasHouse the OG AO that it is. If you’ve never Q’ed a workout here, your opportunity is on the horizon, find me before I find you.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Short Sale

Accountability at the Coconut Horse

It was Sunday morning and the temperature hovered in the high 40’s. Perfect for a run. As the Q, I showed up on time – that’s right, 6:29:50. Stroganoff, Roscoe and Maybeline were gathered. Stroganoff yelled at me to hurry up. I yelled back for the runners to take off because the Q was gonna ruck. It was going to be just like that. Those three men took off and I went the opposite direction. About 45 minutes later we reconvened at the starting spot.

Roscoe asks if there are any announcements…”step off Nantan, this is my Q,” I say. Only one week into his Natanship and apparently the Old Nantan ways were shared in the onboarding. While I fumbled through my phone looking for an American flag so we could say the pledge, Stroganoff suggests a Q should be better prepared. As the Q, I quickly suggest a good Site Q would have already planted the flag. Guess who the Site Q of Coconut Horse is? Candor is being spread thick like a peanut butter sandwich.

We moved on and got through announcements, prayer requests for Turtleman, Stroganoff’s co-worker that lost their son unexpectedly, and Whoopee who is suffering from the ‘Vid. I took us out. We moved indoors. Roscoe bought me a coffee because I forgot my wallet – thank you brother. We then covered QSource Q4.8 on Team Accountability. Oh – fresh off his VQ (5 years in mind you) Hunch Back joined us for the Q-Source. He needs to come back. One of the points was a Q should not only lead by example, but the Q must exceed his Team’s Standards. I recounted a story when former Appalachian State Football coach, the legendary Jerry Moore told a story about running on a treadmill for hours as his team arrived to the weight room and having his team see his light gray shirt soaking wet because he wanted his team to see him working as hard as he could to set the example. I think I saw a tear in the corner of Roscoe’s eye. Those were the glory days. We all went on to share some stories about team accountability and the various challenges we have faced in our work places.  Some men are Kimonos and some are Toxic. It is imperative to uncover those personalities so not to disrupt the Dynamism of the team. The chapter concludes with advice on the Q not giving up on the willing. There is a difference between the man who can’t as opposed to the man who won’t meet the Standard.

If you’ve never been to a Q-Source, come check out one of the three on Sunday morning. If that doesn’t work for your schedule – start one during the week. In the first quarter, you can get an extra point for attending. See 1st F Q Flintstone’s pre-blast about the 2023 Challenge.

Redwood Series at The Sandlot

Thanks for Flintstone for pushing his creative mind and organizing the Redwood series for Monday mornings. His goal simply is to find Q’s that are came from the original year GasHouse was planted (3/21/15). My start date was later that year on a Saturday in early November, so I have officially clipped 7 years and I guess that counts for something. Little known fact my first ever Q was at The Sandlot – known as Martha’s House in those days. Like all VQ’s, it was a struggle but I had music and a lot of cardio in true Tabata style. That type of workout has been one of my staples over the time. Work has been a crusher lately and TBH as the kid’s say, my body battery is well under 100% in bad need of a re-charge. But life keeps moving on, so we all press on.

For the workout, I felt appropriate to review my folder of weinkes with smeared marker, dirt, mud and other germs from my Q history. I knew I was going to begin with a throwback to my first workout which was based on an Insanity workout. The rest would be a mash-up of other stuff. Without further ado, let’s get this trainwreck mov’in.

A veteran line-up required little disclaimer. I had music to accompany us and the speaker was not charged, promptly going out after a song or two (QFail). Warm-up: SSH, Toy Soldier, Chest Openers, Bent-over twists (mumble chatter suggested a better name), side to side lunge, and Imperial Walkers, all in cadence at 10 reps. Stopped for the pledge.


Like my VQ, which we never left the parking lot, we remained in the circle. Four exercises, 30 seconds each with a 30 second rest between the three total circuits:

  • Single Line Suicide
  • 4×4 (4 merkins, 4 mtn climbers (count 1 side), stand-up, repeat until time)
  • Squat Jack Twists
  • Ski Abs

The great thing about this set is the cardio hits quick and even attempts to chatter at the Q are spoiled by the rising heartrate. Once that was complete, we moseyed out of Snoballs toward Martha Rivers park near the turd-shack and covered picnic shelter. I offered the PAX options A, B, C or D. Defib chose C which would be the Cora. This is essentially a core focused Dora. Grab a partner. P1 runs the parking lot width while P2 performs the exercise. As you’re aware, the partners flip flop to complete the aggregate exercise total of:

  • Crunch Frogs x 100
  • Freddie Mercury x 200 (count 1 side)
  • American Hammer x 300 (count 1 side)

Which option is next? PAX chose B. We moved to the Turd Shack as the walls were needed. Individual work here:

  • Mike Tysons x 10
  • Donkey Kicks x 10
  • Dirty Hook-ups x 10
  • slight break between and did 3 total rounds

Option A or D? PAX went for D – move to the picnic shelter as the benches were needed. Modified 11’s where instead of running to a destination, the PAX would perform 5 SSH’s after each set of 11.

  • 10-1 Derkins
  • 1-10 Dips
  • After each set of 11, 5 SSH’s

We ran out of time for Option A (Partner Triple Nickel with a boo-yah merkin between; yeah, it would have been a mind scramble to complete. Linus was already struggling with the adding and subtracting, so good thing we avoided it this morning). We moseyed back to base and had time for some Mary.

Annoucements: Christmas Party and Christmas Town 5k – inform Broke if you’re able to participate. Prayer requests: EZ Rider’s family, Turtleman, Huck, and others. I took us out.

Moleskin: Flintstone asked for some words of wisdom. Not so sure if I have wisdom to share. I can say of the impact F3 has had on me. I will often think if I didn’t have this brotherhood of men with all the guidance and opportunity, what would life look like? As I mentioned, work has been a grind the last 2 months with a government exam requiring significant time and focus. As a really good procrastinator, I easily convince myself that sleeping will help me be alert for the day ahead and to squeeze the workout in later. Looking at my calendar where I log my efforts, there is a lot of blank spaces. It’s easily been the worst performance from a fitness perspective in the last 10 years. But here is where F3 kicks in and maybe this is true for you. Before F3, it was just me to keep accountable and not doing a workout didn’t result in missing anything. But I know you guys are there working, and I miss it, as much for the 2nd F as the 1st. How else would I have ever been running down an isolated road under the stars in NC, SC, and KY, excited to spend time in van with 6 other men commiserating over running various routes and being deprived of sleep? Where else would I have got the gumption to run a half marathon? Where else do you get up on a cold morning to push yourself when a warm bed would have been the easier answer? So the simple point is I know I’m in a much better place having joined this group of men. I’m sure you feel the same. Thanks to Flintstone for the opportunity to lead.

I could hear him sweat

My turn to host the Coconut Horse on Sunday, October 30th which means the workout and QSource. I checked Strava and realized I haven’t run 5 miles since May. Due to some nagging injuries, doing shorter distances and slower paces. All I know is I can feel the Respect category more than when I was on the underside of that number. How do you get out of that funk? Set a goal – so I let Sargento talk me into running a half marathon – a “thon” as he calls them. So may as well get to training only thing is Mamon is kicking my ass lately. Anyone else in a line of work that gets the government to audit you? This isn’t a political thing as it happens about every 3 years. But leaving the office at 1:30 am one morning trying to reconcile reporting for a presentation has my First F taking a backseat. Tired of hearing me whine? Everyone else around me is too. LFG.

Having the Q forced me to get out of the fartsack instead of hitting snooze and I got to the AO at 0626 to see Maybeline suiting up for a ruck. A modest rain was falling so I had on a rain jacket. Defib rolls in followed by Flintstone. Flintstone is rucking since he already put in his long training run the day before. Defib is wearing shortsleeves figuring he’s alone for a run but I tell him I’m in. We take off. I share with my partner a memory of Tool Time trotting along with me one Sunday morning and upon leaving the parking lot, I realize TT is staying with me. I finally say, “I’m going to be a lot slower than the A Runners, I’m good if you want to catch them.” Bolt as the Nantan Emeritus calls him, swivels that shaved head toward me and says – “you’re with me today, brother!” Unsurprisingly, he didn’t shut up for 45 minutes giving me tips and pointers with each stride. It was obviously a coaching session I’ve not forgotten, and I did run a PB despite hating the effort. Defib shares he’s not going to coach me but in his quiet way did pull me through the course when if left alone I surely would have walked and certainly would have slowed down. Any amount of precipitation the exterior of my rain jacket shielded was significantly offset by the sweat my body produced under the layer of the jacket. Finally arriving at the base, happy Defib didn’t have to practice any life saving techniques on me, the jacket caught the attention of Flintstone and Maybeline, wondering why I wore it. It prompted Defib’s quote of “I could hear him sweating…” and garnering deserved laughter.

QSource covered Schooling with is the head knowledge needed in order to become a leader. I liked DREDD’s example of studying in school to become a lawyer but having to practice his schooling in order to become proficient. Such as it is in anything we do. A certain amount of study/education is required. But a mentor can help as well. That is where I appreciate Defib running alongside, albeit a slower pace than what he is accustom, but willing to provide the pace needed to help me to get on track and push when I otherwise wouldn’t. And thanks to Tool Time too…it takes a village.

Annoucements: Christmastown 5k – need runners, give Broke your HC; Christmas Party. Prayers for our brotherhood. I took us out.

Thanks for the chance to lead.

Exhorting the Run

Labor Day Weekend three F3’ers rolled into the Harris Teeter parking lot at 0630. The Coconut Horse isn’t known for robust crowds so this holiday Sunday weekend was anticipated to be light. Whoopee even forgot he had the Q. No worries, brothers help brothers out. Stroganoff was stretched and ready to roll. Flintstone had run 15 miles the previous day so he was going to ruck in order to work out his legs. I headed out with Stroganoff who is slowly getting his legs back – which is good for me since I’ve been on the same journey. We went on a slow mosey to Martha Rivers Park which was more about the conversation and improving stamina than a particular pace.

We met Flintstone at 0715 in the parking lot, shared announcements and prayer requests. I closed us out in the COT.

The three of us moved indoors to the Starbucks for QSource discussing Exhortation. It’s an interesting topic to study. The spurs begin with asking what the difference between exhortation and encouragement. DREDD explains Exhortation is a higher level of encouragement. With college football officially opening on the weekend, I have to believe every head coach had their best “rah-rah” speech ready to incite their players to bust on the field and play with fire and passion to achieve victory. 50% of those teams won and the other half lost. The speech may not have necessarily contributed to the win or lose. In our leadership journey, as parents, as managers, as workers, as whatever capacity we serve, we appreciate an encouraging word. It can give us the confidence to take the next step whether we believe the ground is secure under our foot or not. As expected, QSource gives us some advice. A leader can empathize with a person to demonstrate a shared pain. The leader must incentivize the person to overcome obstacles.

We can all think to those among our brotherhood that have done this for us at various times. For me I give credit to a man that has moved on to Winston-Salem. I’m speaking of Rudolph. He had a way to find the right word and the right tone and more importantly at the right time.

So when it comes time that you are trying to push your team or fellow man up the hill – find your Rudolph and give it a go.

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