Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Short Sale (Page 10 of 20)

Memorial Day Murph

The Sandlot moved back from it’s normal starting time to 0700 in hopes that many will gather together as a “mini-convergence” to complete “The Murph” which is a hero workout in honor and memory of Lt. Michael Murphy. The following is sourced from wikipedia:

After joining the Navy, Murphy began working out by running, doing calisthenics, and climbing ropes in his backyard. He later discovered CrossFit[33] Murphy created his own workout that involved running, pushing, pulling, and lifting which he called “Body Armor”, because he did while wearing his body armor, a 16.4 lb (7.4 kg) vest that he wore when deployed.[33]

“Michael’s standard time [to complete the Body Armor workout] was 32 to 35 minutes,” says his father, Dan.[33]

After Murphy’s death, the Body Armor workout began to become popular among SEAL teams everywhere as it could be done almost anywhere and required very little equipment.[33] A SEAL contacted Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit, asked if would honor the death of his commanding officer with a WOD (Workout of the Day) named after him.[33] The workout consists of a 1 mile (1.6 km) run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 air squats, and a final one mile run.[34] The pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats can be partitioned and scaled as needed. Participants are encouraged to wear a 20 lb (9.1 kg) body vest.[35][36]

On August 17, 2005, Glassman posted the workout to CrossFit website as the Workout of the Day (WOD) with the note:

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor.” From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is. . . . If you’ve got a 20-pound vest or body armor, wear it.

To my recollection, Pizza Man wore a vest for the entire workout. There were a group that rucked/ran the mile with ruck sack on. Others did the best they could to modify the reps. But all the participants pushed themselves which I think is ultimately the point. I’ve never served in the military. I’d like to think I could make it through but until you are challenged with that task you never know. Other than Oompa and FNG Trojan who were among us as well as others among our brotherhood that have served, it’s hard to imagine. Similar can be said for our local law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, etc. Today is about the fallen men and women that sacrificed for our country. We’re fortunate to have a space in the world that provides freedom for us to lead the lives we choose to lead. Freedom of speech, worship, life, liberty, and our pursuit of happiness – all guaranteed in the First Amendment of our Constitution. So count ourselves blessed in many ways. Blessed to have men and women having laid their lives on the line and for that we honor them in thoughts, action and prayer.

Announcements: Blood Drive June 16th; NUOS (extra credit) on Saturday mornings at 0600 – a 45 minute ruck workout (minus the miles) to prepare for Grow Ruck in August. Prayer Requests: Turtleman, Big Pappy, Sister Act, Uranus, the military men and women that have passed fighting for our country.


Salute the Site Q

My maiden voyage to The Ricky Bobby occurred this morning, as the Q no less. I’m not normally a plunge guy as we think of swimming pools now that summer is almost here. I’ve always been the dip your toe and think about it kind of guy, maybe some of you are with me? I took the plunge method today and entered the fray that I’ve heard great things about. Don’t worry, I know the area and had scouted having committed to this Q slot weeks ago. Some things I’ve had in mind a while but the last remaining item was decided late last night. Coming off a tough solo workout on Monday that burned out my quads, I wasn’t sure if I’d hold up but it’s time to show.

Warm-up was the same routine from GasHouse Q a couple Saturday’s ago. Breaker was the only repeat customer – I’m sure he was happy. I’m sure he’ll avoid my next Q. Exercises were 30 seconds each of:

  • SSH
  • 4×4
  • Squat Jack Twist
  • 4 High Knee/4 Jab
  • Shoulder Tap AND Plank Jacks (yes Sargento, at the same time)
  • 8 Count Body Builder
  • Jump Rope
  • Ski Abs
  • 180 Jump Squats
  • Crab Cakes

After the first set, we rested all of 30 seconds to take it back to the top. As we began, I shared, don’t worry, only 40 more minutes of this…a few grumbles, not much mumble chatter. This time 5 burpees OYO came at the end. Defib later shared w/ me he was leaving if I announced round 3. Understandable considering he’s a few days back from a half Iron Man (way to push the rock Defib!). That’s 10 minutes of straight cardio kids…don’t try this at home – I am a professional. After that the great music had to be put away to Sargento’s dismay. Let’s mosey…out of the school and down Winder into Cramer Woods. Stop at 4333 Winder to corral the six…this house looks familiar – oh it’s the Site Q’s – lets do 20 Monkey Humpers – facing the proper direction and salute this landmark. All abided my suggestion. Continue to the top and hang a right and arrive at Spooler Ct a short cul-de-sac that sharply declines downhill. A perfect spot not for 11’s because this is a veteran PAX. No, today it’s 22’s. We’ll begin with 2 Hand Release Merkins, run down the hill, 20 Squats, run back to the top and next round is 4 and 18 and so on. Adding and subtracting by 2 isn’t too bad but damn if trying to bust out those final sets of HR merkins is easy: 110 total reps for each. So not much time left but I did have one more thing. Mosey left on Weaver’s Row to yet another downhill cul-de-sac for Dora 1 and 1 – what’s that? Partner up – P1 runs down the hill to the end and returns. P2 does AMRAP of 100 Flutter Kicks. After that, with time elapsing, 100 LBCs. Each team got two rounds for each PAX. Okay – right on Winder, wait, stop at Sargento’s house for 20 Monkey Humpers OYO; no dogs barking, no M yelling at idiots to get off her lawn…oh well – good attempt anyway. Mosey to base – oh yeah Winder is now uphill on the return. I’ve got a spare smart watch on that doesn’t tell me elevation…I’m sure we came close to a halfpipe workout – my quads feel like I climbed Mt. Everest. I’m taking tomorrow off – that’s called a Smart Sack.

Announcements – Monday, 5/31 Memorial Day Murph at Sandlot (Martha Rivers) at 0700. Ruck option if you’re interested; Blood Drive 6/16; Clampett shared proposed trail between Belmont and Cramerton will need some strong backs and workers – all volunteer work – sounds like an F3 job, especially if BOS comes up with any more ruck ideas.

Prayers – Turtleman (in week 3 of treatments, he’s fighting hard), Big Pappy, Sister Act and 2.0. Tesla’s friends’ M that is near the end of her life – pray for comfort; Sargento HS classmate passed unexpectedly; and I forgot in the COT but Nutria is getting his Covid shot today – hope it takes the desired effect. He didn’t say which brand. If you greet him and he responds NiHao – you’ll know it was Moderna.

Moleskin – I’ve really got nothing other than to say it’s never to late to post to a new AO. My first time at The Ricky Bobby didn’t disappoint. Good bunch of dudes that got after it. Clampett was fast out of the gate on 22’s followed by Radar. Then Flintstone and Bubba Sparxx caught fire. Lot’s of heavy breathing. The humidity didn’t wait long to grab hold of our region so plenty of sweat this morning. Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Go ahead and put me down to Q the Ricky in 2022 – I’ll be there.

Short Sale

Gastonia Region SLT

First F Q


The final installment for my weekend of Q’s occurred at the Coconut Horse on Sunday. The way this system works is the Q of the QSource “officially” has the Q for the Fitness portion of the event. Coming off celebrating my birthday the day before, I may have had a cold beverage or six, so it was a planned “smart sack” for the athletic portion of the session, so I posted at 0720 just as Flintstone wrapped up the COT and namarama. Congrats to the guys that ran and rucked the route. I pulled “a Sargento” in forgetting my wallet; Whoopee was kind enough to buy me a coffee which means I think I’m down 2-0 in that category. Now some, probably the Mayor and some that think similarly, are scratching their chin wondering about the no post Q and you’re right to question that, I don’t blame you, but since the Site Q doesn’t even organize Q’s for Coconut Horse, this is the accepted modus operandi.

So most of the PAX other than me put in some work that morning on the route. What I’m here to share with you is the QSource part as we’re studying Freed to Lead. I also had the Q last week (actually ran 5 miles that occasion) but I mis-read Stroganoff’s text as to where to pick up. So I covered D2X. I should have covered Concentrica – Q-Fail. So I recovered and did that topic this week.

For those of you that have read Freed to Lead or participated in Q-Source discussions, you should be familiar with the Concentrica which is a mechanism to help a man form “who” they will impact. From an F3 prioritization standpoint, this concept is at the top of the list if not at the top. The visual OBT and DREDD created is that of a bullseye where your family is in the center. Within that small circle prioritizes your M and then 2.0’s. Because of proximity, at least while your kids are through school (most of the time), this is a man’s greatest opportunity to influence and impact. Our kids are constant observers of our actions and they see our raw emotions. When we wake up in the morning and cranky. When we’re tired at night and just want the house quiet. How we treat our M’s and others. As a student of Freight’s constructive sarcasm, my kids have picked up on that trait. Nothing worse than when they use it against me (dammit!). For some it’s too late to shave the sharp edges of the rocks our kids have become. But hopefully the good has outweighed the bad or at least not so good.

The next circle are our brother’s in arms which represent a man’s closest confidants. Everyone’s circles will be different sizes and shapes. The point is we hopefully have group of close people outside your family that you spend time with (as some point of your life) and have strong trust. OBT & DREDD put a number on the next circle of 12-18 people that are friends, co-workers or others with proximity. The next circle of about 80 people are some the man had some level of impact. The outer circle is the rest of the world that wouldn’t know or really care if we passed away.

OBT and DREDD use a funeral as a way to gauge the man’s impact on the Concentrica. The closer to the center, the more those people will mourn and grieve the loss of the man. Other than Whoopee being the Sexiest Cardiologist Alive, I’m not ware of any of our F3 men being “famous” in a sense of impact. We had a good discussion inside Harris Teeter (maskless for the first time in a year) about this. I used Michael Jackson’s passing as an example. I happened to be in Los Angeles area at that time and it was all over the news with people openly weeping. I then shared Billy Graham as another with global impact. There have been other leaders, inventors, and entertainers that have a similar impact. Bringing the discussion back to our individual worlds and our concentricas, I think the lesson is to help us visualize the opportunities we have to impact others. We’re going to impact the first couple of rings in our normal interactions. I think the challenge is to grow those outer rings. When our physical time on earth is no longer, hopefully the impact we had on those that we encounter will be carried forward, representing our Legacy. Luckily for us, F3 offers many opportunities to impact others with the leadership roles and interactions. Don’t shy away from your next opportunity to lead and impact your brothers.

Short Sale

I’m Not Dead…Yet!

May 15, 1971 yours truly entered the world. I have enough memory left to think back through some of the moments of my life, some of which was shared in my prior BB from Friday’s Downtown Q. Birthdays are the mile markers which we pass annually, some are more memorable than others. As we progress, they tend to get grouped in deciles so if you’ve done quick math or just paying attention, I crossed the respect threshold. Many of you grab the Q to celebrate your birthday and I followed that trend. You recall in elementary school when it was your birthday and maybe your mom sent or brought in a special treat like cupcakes or cookies to share with you classmates. Similarly for my Q at the GasHouse, I swung by Krispy Kreme to get some treats for my PAX. I hid them in a box just to stir some curiosity for the gathering of the circle. At 0700 I called for attention and provided a brief disclaimer, mostly an apology for what was about to happen. I cracked open the box of freshly glazed, warm Krispy Kreme donuts. The PAX eyes lit up and mumble chatter ensued. Whoopee was #2 in line and quickly circled to another spot ahead (that is unofficial confirmation from a cardiologist these delicacies are not that bad for you…even eating 2 at a time). Some PAX declined – good for them, though this isn’t a test of willpower. So, with the donuts distributed, time to start:

5 BURPEES OYO!!! – I checked the circle to see if anyone puked – seeing none – continue with my Seconds Timer and heavy metal/hair metal tunes blaring in the background, well sort of – speaker issues but finally got it working.

  • SSH – Guns & Roses – Nighttrain
  • 4×4 – Iron Maiden – Wasted Years
  • Squat Jack Twist – Junkyard – Blooze
  • 4 High Knee/4 Jab – Godsmack – Speak
  • Shoulder Tap/Plank Jack – ACDC – Back in Black
  • 8 Ct Body Builder – Black Sabbath – Neon Nights
  • Jump Ropes – George Strait – Amarillo Morning (for Whoopee)
  • Ski Abs – Ratt – Lay It Down
  • 180 Squat Jumps – Van Halen – Unchained
  • Crab Cakes – Steel Panther – Glory Hole
  • All exercises at 30 seconds; rest came after set 1, then we went through it again

So – 10 minutes of straight cardio to begin the event. Still no one splashed merlot, I thought for sure but everyone held on. Regardless our cardio was up. We did the pledge and then split the bootcamp and Pain Lab. I had 6 guys take the pill of courage and follow me out of the parking lot. We moseyed and moseyed a bit further than usual. Across the street, up Churchill Dr, passed the library. We hung a right on Wilkins and then another right on Scotch. To my knowledge, GasHouse has never worked here before. Well it’s a hidden gem of a cul-de-sac that has a hill – not like the Mortimer, but enough for us to have fun with the Triple Nickel. 5 Burpees at the bottom and 5 Mike Tysons at the top. Watts Up reminded me that we did that routine on Friday – yes, yes we did. Sorry I’m a bit senile in my new old age. We tackled the hill, Whoopee was in the lead. After that appetizer, we fellowship moseyed SW along Scotch Dr. Roscoe was with me and since this was his old stomping grounds and we happened to be passing Pam Price’s house, I asked him to recount a story of his 9th grade prom date…(sorry show to know that one). At  the bottom of Queensgate and Scotch Dr is a yield sign with a green piece of paper taped. It listed the following:

  • Burpees x 20
  • Curl & Press x 25 (full block)
  • Squats x 40 (half block)
  • Cross Pulls x 25 (stretch band)
  • Farmers Carry up/back (sand bags)
  • SSH x 50

A lot of good F3 workouts are riffed from someone else. I’m no different so gave credit to the source I got my version which is one Tiger did at the Yank in Eagle Park. I hated that workout. I hated so much I’ve wanted to replicate it at the GasHouse so others could hate it too. Without further adieu, we now have the Over the Hill routine. You see, I’ve wanted to name a workout like Stroganoff has with the Forest Gump or the Wolfpack Grinder. We have the Vern and others that PAX groan when they hear that is what will be suggested.  If I can figure out how to make this worse than it already is, I’ll have Over the Hill 2.0 for your enjoyment soon. For now, the 7 of us took turns with the coupons so the order could be however you wanted or whatever coupons were available. Between each exercise, the PAX would traverse the hill a steady incline up Queensgate until you reach the stop sign at the intersection of Nottingham Dr. Up and back it’s 0.33/miles. At the Bourbon Chase, Freight shared the definition of an uphill climb as a “Soul Crusher” in one that you never feel you’re ever going to reach the top. Though short, I think this terrain qualifies. We spent about 25 minutes pushing our bodies and legs up and back – 5 times was the watermark for this occasion. I’ll be sure to adjust the schedule for the next one. With about 5 minutes to spare, we hustled back to the circle for the COT.

Announcements: Amoeba Ruck 5/22 at 0900; Blood Drive in June – see Tiger’s BB; Site Q change at GasHouse 5/22 – come celebrate Linus’ final moments as Site Q – he’s been a good one – steady for almost 3 years. Prayers: Turtleman, Big Pappy, Sister Act & 2.0, jobs for Dirt and CPAP. I took us out.

Moleskin – 50 years of life. I couldn’t have made it without family and friends. I joined F3 in November 2015. My M calls it a cult which it can be, but I prefer brotherhood as a better term. This gift we have is powerful. Think of that for a second – life is a free gift from the Lord with the only cost is for you to believe and trust in him. John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” And for F3, there is no charge, just your commitment and participation.  I mentioned Tiger’s workout that happened a few years ago. I had this one in my excel file, tweaking along the way and waiting for a good occasion – no time better than this milestone. More so to prove to me I’m not dead yet – though I was pretty sore after the workout. I guess that’s what I have to look forward to now that I’m over the hill.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. You guys are a great group to be a part of. Thanks to the PAX who allowed me to lead.

Short Sale

Stroll Down Memory Lane and Life Lessons

As one approaches a milestone, it naturally triggers some form of reflection. As you may have heard, I’m extremely close to hearing the word “respect” echo after sharing my name at the COT. So with that in mind and accepting the open Q slot for downtown, I settled on an workout that I did a few months ago at the Labyrinth, obviously this time using a different route, though the PAX did begin to wonder if I may lead them to the SC state line via 321. The disclaimer was something like “we’re going to do some more running this morning, if you’re not up for it, stay here until we get back; modify as you wish.”


  • SSH IC x 10
  • Toy Soldier IC x 10
  • Don Quixote IC x 10
  • Imperial Walker IC x 10
  • Pledge


Out of base, right on Main St, had to wait to cross York/321 N – lot of cars moving through for 0535 – maybe trying to find gas? Continue down to almost the end of the next block. Time to exercise:

  • 10 Hand Release Merkins
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Mtn Climbers
  • 10 Plank Jacks

This would be the routine for a total of 9 stops along the chosen route. Should have been 10 but I mis-counted along the way. Clavin wondered why only 40 reps and not 50, or 49? Good question – that’s a Q-fail. Probably a lot more of those ahead of me in my increasing age. Oh, well, onto the story. We stopped in front a glass door that led up stairs to a 2nd level office. This was the former office of Adams-Kenley Appraisals, where my career began. A lot of hours spent in that building, well at least a little more than 2 years worth – but it was the foundation of my profession. That will be a theme for this morning.

Left on Chester St/321 S and right on Franklin Blvd. Mumble chatter was picking up, talking about Broke’s new 80/20 method, picking on Slaw with any Navy joke they could imagine, if we were going to the new FUSE stadium or some sketchy parts of town? Stopped just before FUSE, Q crossed Franklin w/o much notice and PAX had to stay on sidewalk to avoid speeding car. Safely across and into the parking lot behind Chamber of Commerce which was beside the little gym at the old YMCA. That was where my athletic career began – youth basketball in the gym and soccer on the outdoor field. Dreams were dreamt but this white boy topped out at 5’9″ and my prowess ended about 9th grade. Do the routine and move down the street to the corner of Clay and 2nd Street. Here is where my grandfather (driving me to a b-ball game in 7th grade) failed to look at the stop sign and smashed into a cop car and causing my knee to pop into my chin breaking my jaw – life lesson – wear a seatbelt. Despite Slaw’s suggestion to continue up 2nd Street, we went south on Clay, hanging  a left on Harvie, going another block to corner of Hanna/Harvie – did the drill. Speculation about which house might be the story – it would be the NW corner – white aluminum sided ranch where my grandparents lived and dad grew up when times were much simpler. Many holidays and Sunday dinners at that house. Baseball games in the back and cut that grass too many times to count – good memories. Up Harvie, right on Chester, down to the parking lot across from Holy Trinity – my childhood church where my foundation of faith was established – shout out to Pastor Setzer. Life lesson – as Def Leppard often says – get to a church. Next stop was quick, the 2-story house on York (#721). EZ Rider knew the family  as he put HVAC in this old historic home – my childhood friends (Keysers) lived there and I was like their 4th child. Life lesson – embrace your childhood friends and memories.

Continue north to the dentist office (Woody, Cooper, Wellons). Lot of fillings – life lesson – brush and floss your teeth. Right on Third, left on South. Arrive in parking lot that I forgot the story spot. It was 0600 and my trip down memory lane went faster than planned. Sister Act was present and why pass up an opportunity to make his day? Use the hilly driveway for an Triple Nickle: Burpees and Mike Tysons…I felt like a man for a second. SA of course led the way. That took up just enough time. I recalled the story – across the street was the law office of Morris Keeter. In high school I drove my friends orange Datson B210 hatchback home from a party. We went through a DUI check, conveniently one of the guys in the back had puked down the passenger side door – nice. It didn’t take the police anytime to flag our vehicle. Swear on a stack of Bibles I hadn’t had a drop of alcohol all night, but as my first time under duress I failed the sobriety test. Mr. Keeter got me out of a possession ticket. Life Lesson – practice taking sobriety tests, or maybe get the puke cleaned up before driving through a DUI check or maybe stay home and watch a movie with your parents?

As we migrated up South Street, we didn’t catch the light – so may as well do the drill a final time (makes #9). We cross and I burn the final two minutes with 49 reps of LBCs followed by 49 reps of Flutter Kicks.

Announcements: Amoeba Ruck 5/22; Clavin Q Downtown 5/21, new AO at TFY; get your backblasts done (check); Prayers: SA and 2.0, Big Pappy, Turtleman, Praise for CPAP and Dirt getting jobs

No need for a detailed moleskin other than take time to stop and reflect on your life and learn some lessons from past mistakes. Build on your successes. Find new ways of doing things (see Broke’s 80/20 method). Don’t pick on Slaw all the time. and lastly carry more toilet paper (see Round-Up’s BB). Wade Coffey – 49 – Short Sale (one last time).

Kicking the Can

I was a little nervous about posting to Midoriyama but I took the Q so at least I would be in control of what we would be doing. You see it was exactly a year ago that I tore my meniscus. I’m sure most of you are tired of me bringing this up, but it’s fun to remind Freight that it was his Q of a Def Leppard WOD that I like to blame as the cause. Hopefully on May 6, 2021, there would be no serious injuries sustained. I offered a brief disclaimer as the circled gathered but not sure how many heard it as several continued socializing. Time to take control:


  • Goofballs 22.5 in cadence – why 22.5? multiple the cadence count and you get 45. Why 45? It’s the Big Cheese’s 45th Birthday – but since he couldn’t Q, he didn’t post and was finishing off leftover cheese dip from Cinco De Mayo and eating Cheesecake with 45 candles (or so I’d like to believe).
  • Toy Soldier IC x 10
  • Imperial Walker IC x 10 (I asked Def Leppard to demo, he declined and said he’d get me back in MC later)
  • Don Quixote IC x 10
  • Squats IC x 10
  • 5 Burpees OYO (because SA says it’s not a real workout without burpees)
  • Pledge

For me, normally the pledge is the break between Warm-up and Thang. But I kept the PAX in the circle for Mary to begin:

  • Flutter Kicks IC x 20
  • Elbow Plank – fold opposite arm on ear forming acute triangle, touch elbow to ground for oblique crunch; 15 IC left side then flapjack to 15 IC right – lots of complaining
  • Remain in elbow plank – more oblique work – right elbow plank, touch right hip to ground and back IC x 15; flapjack – more groans
  • Both elbows on ground – R/L hip rollovers – this is a crowd pleaser, especially following the oblique work
  • Last one – V-hold – how long well that depended on the PAX, once all got into a V-hold, I began a silent count…then asked Broke for a 10 count…PAX thought it was over then, oh but it wasn’t: keep your form – Def Leppard, another 10 count, now relax.

Having assured some core work was completed we could mosey to Field 2, or I think it was #2 – the set of two large soccer fields on the right side as you approach the end of the parking lot. Find the bleachers for some strength and cardio:

  • Dips/Derkins/Shoulder Taps (SC) all x 10; run width of the soccer field and return
  • Dips/Derkins/Shoulder Taps (SC) all x 20; run width of the soccer field and return
  • Dips/Derkins/Shoulder Taps (SC) all x 30; run width of the soccer field and return

Next circuit:

  • Turtle Crunches (legs 90 degrees on bleachers) x 10; run width of field squats x 10
  • Turtle Crunches (legs 90 degrees on bleachers) x 20; run width of field squats x 20

Move to Field #4 (to the one of the left side of the parking lot). I brought my recycling bin that had various empty aluminum cans or plastic bottles. Some may have contained alcohol at one point. PAX began various guesses as to if the bin was a week or month worth. I asked the PAX to grab an empty bottle or can and line up at the end line of the soccer field. Time to pick on Leppard again – “Have you ever played ‘Kick the Can?'” He responded ‘no’ but didn’t sound confident. I’ve heard of the game which is a form of hide and seek and capture the flag. This idea came to me during the afternoon planning the Weinke – here is the F3 version. Put your can on the end line, kick it as far as you like. Run to the can, do 1 Hand-Release Merkin & 1 Monkey Humper, run back to the end line then toward the can and kick it again and chase to then do 2 HR Merkin and 2 MH’s, back to the end line and continue up the field. This created an individual suicide with increasing strength work. Congrats to Slaw, Freight, Seuss, and Wojo for crossing the opposite end line. Maybe some others did that I didn’t catch – I apparently wasn’t as good at kicking my can, but I got to 14 reps – which was the point to increase the reps and maintain the cardio.

Put the cans back in my bin and mosey to start where we had 3 minutes remaining. Didn’t want the PAX to get short-changed on their free workout. We finished with more Mary – Freddie Mercury IC x 30, Butterfly Big Boys SC x 20, Crunch Frog SC x 20 – TIME!

Announcements: Amoeba Ruck May 22 – build your team, sign up; May 22 new Pain Lab at TFY; Blart claims his dentist is providing toothbrushes and toothpaste for Freight’s service project – stay tuned. Congrats to Slaw as the new Midoriyama Site Q – this shows if you beat someone over the head enough, they’ll eventually succumb. No word if PAX will be required to post shirtless with tassels – check your pre-blast before posting for proper attire.

Prayers: Sister Act & 2.0, Big Pappy, Slim Shady’s Dad, Turtleman. I took us out.

Moleskin: Though Kick the Can is a game, it’s also a shortened expression of “Kick the can down the road” that originated over 80 years ago when law makers would postpone decisions. I am certainly guilty of this practice in work, honey-do list and other areas of my life. For the first time (stemming from Q-Source discussions) I chose a word for this year which is “NOW” as a reminder to take care of things as the arise and not delay or at least better prioritize. Moving into the 5th month of the year, I find myself needing a reminder of my word so somehow the game or exercise of “Kick the Can” will give me a kick in the ass so I don’t get complacent. But that is a large part of what our brotherhood does for one another – accountability. SYITG.

2021 PT Test #1

Former 1st F Q Broke created the PT Test during his time leading the Fitness portion of our organization. It’s a great idea to measure your performance over time, consistent with the common You vs. You theme, though there was chatter about breaking Pizza Man’s 29:14 mark from the first iteration last July. Not much fanfare for this one. A light crowd with other AO’s open and plenty of things going on. Here’s what went on:


Toy solider IC x 15, Imperial Walker IC x 15, Side to Side Lunge IC x 15, Moroccan Night Clubs IC x 15. And since the patent holder of the newly created fabulous warm-up exercise was among us, I had permission to request Right over Left followed by Left over right toe touches. Apparently my version of counting was incorrect. Oh well – sue me.

Time to mosey to the track. Only a few guys stayed behind for Pain Lab that Sargento was scheduled to lead but as a true HIM, he said damn whomever can’t run – I’m making the Pain Lab perform the PT test. So another HIM, Rudolph stepped in to lead the Pain Lab for Top Hat and El Torro. The SLT is taking this situation under advisement and will render a decision if Sargento gets credit for his 80th Q of the month.

Arrived at the track – the routine bared repeating once again and several times through. Amazing how the mind fails to focus but it does wander a bit when chaos looms.

  • Run a lap
  • Perform in sequential order: 100 merkins, squats, LBCs, and SSH’s
  • Run a lap
  • Perform the same set at 75 reps each
  • Run a lap
  • Perform the same set at 50 reps each
  • Run a lap
  • Perform the same set at 25 reps each
  • Run 4 laps
  • Total is 250 reps of each exercise for 1000 reps and total of 2 miles

This is a challenge for all skill levels as there is no break. All agree merkins are the most challenging, especially the first 2 sets. Despite having April as a “challenge month” replicating the 3 primary exercises, if you’re like me, you’re breaking up into sets. In my opinion, it takes an elite athlete to power through 100 push-ups consecutively. So, once past the merkins come the squats and this is what gets me all the time, PT Test or the Murph. Note to self – do more squats on a consistent basis to prepare otherwise my Adductors feel like root canals for a few days.

Here is the good news, Les Nessman and Hermie improved from 3 laps remaining the first time to finishing with several minutes before time was called. Then Linus has shown steady improvement all three occasions: 1 lap remaining in July to 85 seconds ahead of time in November and this time finishing with 9 minutes to spare. Big shout out to those guys. Now for the rest of the group that had previously done the test at least once, all those times were slower by a minute. I’m not sure if there is an excuse but as Coach John Fox once said “it is what it is” or maybe he also said “we picked a bad day to have a bad day?” Maybe both of those apply. Or maybe he wasn’t a good coach and had a lot of lousy excuses. In either event, we’ll get ’em next time. And there will be another PT Test for you slackers that didn’t post. Start doing some squats and merkins.

Announcements: Thursday – 2nd F Lunch at Wild Wings in Gastonia. See Allen Tate for details…check that – ask someone on Slack for details. Prayer requests: Turtleman, Big Pappy, Sister Act 2.0, and others.

I tried to video the event to gain some evidence in case the form is called into question. Rookie mistake and clicked the camera off instead of on when I moved it so limited footage. Qfail. Everyone pushed hard despite slower times but we all finished which was a great accomplishment.


PT Test – Pre-Blast

I’m getting some questions about the PT Test and what that may entail for tomorrow. I should have shared this before, so my apologies.

  • Location: GasHouse (Schiele Museum meet for warm-up)
  • Time: 0700

From there, boot camp and pain lab will fellowship mosey to Grier Track for the event which will be times and consist of:

  • 1 lap (400 meters)
  • 100 reps (as close to proper form as you’re able) of each exercise before moving to the next
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • LBCs
  • SSHs
  • 1 lap
  • 75 reps of same 4 exercises
  • 1 lap
  • 50 reps of same 4 exercises
  • 1 lap
  • 25 reps of same 4 exercises
  • 4 laps

In total it will be 2 miles and 1000 reps completed for time.

Pain Lab – due to various injuries or physical limitations you can modify as needed. This is a You vs. You, so the only “requirement” if there is any is the next time we do a PT test, you remain consistent to measure progress (unless rehabilitated and then you up the challenge to the above).

Suggestions for mosey can be: walk, jog, run, skip, bear crawl

For the exercises do the primary unless physically unable then modify as needed using the suggestions or your own:

  • Set #1 – Arms
    • Merkins
    • Dips
    • Overhead Claps
    • Shoulder Taps
  • Set #2 – Legs
    • Squats
    • Lunges
    • Fire Hydrants
    • Toe Touches
  • Set #3 – Core
    • LBCs
    • Bridges
    • Superman
    • Mtn Climbers
  • Set #4 – Cardio
    • SSH’s
    • Mtn. Climbers
    • Overhead Claps
    • Imperial Walkers
  • Mosey a quarter of the track and return (i.e. – half lap)
  • Circuit 1 – 100 reps
  • Mosey
  • Circuit 2 – 75 reps
  • Mosey
  • Circuit 3 – 50 reps
  • Mosey
  • Circuit 4 – 25 reps
  • Mosey 2 laps

Event will last 45 minutes at which point time will be called. Upon completing the full test, record your time. If time is called, record where you are at the time.

Goal is to perform the best you can and then we’ll revisit another time or two this year to measure your progress.

Let me know if any questions.

Short Sale

Double Dose for Haze

Thursday night, my phone is exhausted at 4%. I thought I plugged in the cord to recharge (note keyword: “thought”). I set my alarm for 0500 and hit the rack. Friday morning, 0451, I awake – my subconsciousness says get up but I fight back and win that battle thinking my alarm will save me in a mere 9 minutes. Jump ahead 20 minutes where my subconscious kicks me in the knee as a wake-up call. I grab my phone – dead as a doornail. Luckily I recalled the forecast for the unusual mid-30’s in later April and throw on my winter attire. I arrive at the AO with a minute to spare, lucky to have sailed through mostly green lights on the way – fortuitous. The circle was small but all veterans so hardly a disclaimer was required. The suggestion to find a coffee shop was stated several times but I wasn’t falling for that trick.


Toy Soldier, Imperial Walker, Side to Side Lunge were in cadence at 10 counts. This is my standard but it was cold and needed a little more so added on the fly: Don Quixote and Seal Jacks IC x 10. And because this is the new trend a soon to be patented Sargento’s famous right over left followed quickly by left over right (R*). Still not loose but at this point, that’s all I had. We faced the flag for the Pledge.

Moseyed south down South Street to McQuitter’s Wall. With a total of 7 men I had a four rounds of a few exercises. Break into 2 man teams and YHC remained solo. Each 2 man team took a turn running down South Street to 2nd St and returning to the group – this would be the “timer” for each circuit. Two exercises in each circuit; perform the first until you break form, get tired, or want to change (UvU).

  • Set 1: Jump Ups & Derkins
  • Set 2: Dips & Plank Jacks
  • Set 3: Turtle Crunches (feet 90 degrees on the wall, hands touch) & Mtn Climbers
  • Set 4: Dirty Hook Up & Shoulder taps

Just so everyone got at least one round of each, we rotated the order one slot only on round 2, the timers went halfway down the block and returned.

On to the next thing which required a short mosey to the parking deck. As we arrive I inform the PAX this idea had been something on my list for a while. I did a trial run Saturday when a snafu of communication prevented my attendance to the excellent beat-down at the hands of Rudolph, Voodoo, and HIPAA. So I did a version of the HERO WOD – Zach Tellier. I wanted to share asking “has anyone did the Zach Tellier before?” Purple Haze quickly answered “Last night at Midoriyama.” My mind was a bit numb – ‘the hell you say?’ was my internal thought. So I inquire “what’d you do?” Haze begins to list off the routine. I’m a Seinfeld fan and always chuckle at Jerry’s exclamation of “Newman!” whenever Jerry is foiled by his nemesis. So upon hearing the same workout had been recently completed I thought to myself “Montross!” But that stuff can happen to us as there is no “master plan” of workouts as each post is a box of chocolates and you may even get one you don’t like (those nasty cream filled ones for instance). Typical of Purple Haze positive attitude – he was game for another round. Like Montross, I added some running between the sets, otherwise your arms could fall off going straight through burpees and merkins. In the deck, we ran to the top floor and took the stairs down.

Zach Tellier

  • 10 Burpees + run to the top of deck and back
  • 10 Burpees + 25 Push-Ups + run
  • 10 Burpees + 25 Push-Ups + 50 Lunges + run
  • 10 Burpees + 25 Push-Ups + 50 Lunges + 100 LBCs + run
  • Had we not run out of time, the final set is:
  • 10 Burpees + 25 Push-Ups + 50 Lunges + 100 Sit-Ups + 150 Air Squats

U.S. Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, 31, of Charlotte, NC (USA) a combat infantryman with the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Bragg. He died Sept. 29, 2007, of wounds sustained while on a ground patrol in Afghanistan.  You can read more about his bravery at the link above.

Announcements: in case you’re not aware – PT test tomorrow at GasHouse 0700. Prayer request: Turtleman, Big Pappy, SA’s and 2.0, GSM, Shook, Lewis, Lesslie, and Phillips families; YHC took us out.

NMM: The group was small but mighty with only light complaining. Stinky Bird led the pack with the WOD and Clavin was hot on his heels. At the COT, Wirenut made a good point in talking about the tragedy affecting GSM as he had a similar incident with his workplace. Events like these will soften over time but the anniversaries will come and deserve some reflection. Life is a precious gift. There are times we have to fight to stay alive. Stinky Bird mentioned the temptation of the fartsack but he resisted this morning, along with the others, including YHC. Thanks for the chance to lead.

See Dick Run…

My second Q of the week, though I’m not chasing Sargento’s epic adventure to Q all sites this April. Nah, this week my 2.0 is at the beach and I had my mornings free. I saw the opening and grabbed it from Pillager, primarily because I hadn’t been to The Goat in maybe 18 months. Some of that was IR related, some because I needed miles at The Pub and others because I fartsacked. Never-the=less, I forced myself to get out of bed at the alarm and suit up. Why is that so hard you wonder, recall my daughter is out of town, so had a friend come over after dinner last night. This friend is fond of the “brown water” so I felt obliged to join him. My preferred libation is beer so it didn’t take much for me to feel the effects this morning. On the way to the Goat, I did slow breathing exercises. I had visions of splashing merlot creating an epic event that deserved a DREDD like name. Luckily I pushed that aside and the Q-power took over as I introduced myself to the regulars, finally putting faces to the names I’ve read so much about. 0530 hit I’m not a profession, actually an idiot; I’ll make some recommendations, feel free to join me – time to rock:


10 IC – Toy Soldier/Imperial Walker/Side to Side Lunge/Plank Jacks/Fire Hydrants (R/L)


Take a warm-up lap around the circle and stop at the brick ledges on the corner. No name for this routine just something thrown together: 10 Box Jumps (or Step Ups), 10 Derkins, 10 Dips then run a lap around the circle. Repeat 3x. I quickly learned there are some bat-flippers among this group so I had them start the exercise portion a 4th time while the rest of us caught up. A 10 count from Watts Up and then down the neighborhood portion of Center Street until we arrived at the church parking lot. This portion would be 11’s beginning with 10 Crunchy Frogs and 1 Mtn Climber on the other end – run the long way between. Oblivious took off in the lead with Flintstone pushing him. A lot of good work was put in here, even good form on the CF’s. Another 10 count and we returned via 8th Avenue where it seems a weekly challenge for the AO is to see how fast Oblivious can reach on the Speed Checker sign (16 mph) this morning. We halted at the bottom of the hill on 9th Street. The PAX knew Triple Nickel was coming but they groaned when I said it was 5 Mike Tyson’s and 5 Burpees (5 trips). Watts Up spilled some mumble chatter he was not a fan. Me either but I felt some of those guys needed some challenge so best I could do on short notice. With a few minutes left we finished off the morning with Corkscrew + Merkins for about 45 seconds and then V-Ups for about 30 seconds. Dirt had to high-tail it out.

Announcements: Convergence 4/17 at Bulldog, PT Test 4/24 at GasHouse, AO Clean up Saturday for F3 Dads at 1030; Buckshot heads Young Life at SPHS and has a golf tournament May 10th at Cramer Mtn. If your good at golf or good at drinking beer, sign up to play. See Buckshot for details.

Prayer Request: Job searches, Flintstone’s sister, Turtleman recovering from surgery. At the time, we didn’t know many of the details that have since come out regarding the tragic event in Rock Hill involving GSM James Lewis and Robert Shook and the Lesslie family. There are few words to say other than we pray for those people and ask God to provide healing power to Robert Shook as he fights for his life. This hits us as we know Stroganoff, EZ Rider, and Purple Haze along with the GSM family. This stuff makes your scratch your head.

Moleskin: It was nice to be back at The Goat – a good AO that I’ve been following their stories via BB. A lot of momentum with guys pushing hard. I had several ideas for the workout and procrastinated until 11 pm last night when I just made the Weinke, going with a few ideas that seemed to work. What was unexpected was the pattern of the mosey’s we completed. So like the old t-shirt said, See Dick Run, See Dick do something (drink/drive, whatever). The moral of the old 1st Grade reader series is: “don’t be a Dick.” Except if you’re at the Goat – then you’re pushing the rock.

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