Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sargento (Page 9 of 30)

Give em what they want

YHC showed up about 10 minutes before start time with the early guys already in the shade by the turd shack. We shot the breeze for a few minutes until it was time to go. We had a cotter out today, Billy Ray who is Quiche’s son. I knew he was coming so I put together a music focused beatdown. This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance

Circle up for a warmup of 5 burpees because there was already some complaining going on and asking for this and that. It was at this point that the decision was made. Give em what they want. Ultimate!

Wojo was asked to retrieve the frisbee and we moseyed toward the soccer fields. Catch the 6 before we got into some music number trivia. There was a claim that all of my facts were wrong and all I could do is blame it on the correctness of the Google search.

Triple Nickel – On one side of the field we did 5 burpees, run to the other side and do 5 big boy situps. We did this 5 times.

When we finished this, it was back to the music number facts and questions, mainly directed at Billy Ray. He didn’t know any of the numbers so we did some more exercises to make sure we were properly warmed up before we got to The Thang.

Ultimate Frisbee!!!

We counted off and split up the teams. Basically, team Sargento dominated the momentum and scoring but there was some great hustle put forth by everyone. The fresh out of college whippersnapper Billy Ray really surprised the guys by showing off some prolific Ultimate skills despite his assumed out of shapedness. Goes to show, don’t judge a book by it’s cover. In the end the scoreboard showed this result.

Team Sargento – at least 10

Team Other Guys – not as many as Team Sargento

We moseyed back to start, did the namorama and hung out chatting some more because that’s what we do.

Announcements – PT Test Saturday, 50 mile relay 9/10, skating with Mayor 9/17, JJ5k 9/24, Convergence 10/8

Prayer Requests – BOS, Huck, Oompa’s injury & healing, Billy Ray’s visa approval

Thanks for playing guys. Aye!

There’s a first time for everything

A lucky number 7 PAX rolled into the gloom for a Thursday beatdown. This is what happened…

Semi disclaimer for the first time AO attendee, Easy Rider. Welcome to Goat Island!

Warmup – Don Quixote’s

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey around the corner and up the stairs to the secret parking lot and partner up for some Dora 1,2,3. Partner 1 does the exercise while partner 2 runs around the building. The exercises were 100 Shoulder Taps (count right shoulder only), 200 High Knees (count right knee only), 300 Freddie Mercury’s (count right leg only).

Fellowship mosey, stopping in the railroad tunnel for some Australian mountain climbers. Keep moseying down to the cage. Oh no, it’s locked! Hang around the parking lot for a little Bear Crawl Ring of Fire! Circle up and bearcrawl in a circle until YHC called for the stop. Hold plank and one PAX at at time we do 10 merkins, then the next, then the next until everyone does their 10 merkins. Back to bearcrawling in a circle for a bit longer and then we’re done.

Head back toward downtown, stopping for more action under the railroad bridge, then regroup at the bridge by the river for The Thang.

Suicide 11’s – inaugural run!

It’s like 11’s except on one end of the bridge, do Big Boy situps as usual, but instead of running to the other end, the PAX would go halfway across, head back to the start and then go the full distance. At the other end we did Jump Squats. We got about 2/3’s of the way through this routine before time was up. This packed tons of cardio for the fellas which was great, just wish we could’ve finished up.

Mosey back to the start for a little ab work to go the full time and then we’re done. Thanks for the opportunity to lead men, let’s do it again soon!

Announcements- PT Test 8/27, 50 mile relay 9/10, skating with Mayor 9/17, JJ5k 9/24

Prayer requests- BOS’s family on the passing of his dad, Huck, Tesla’s family, Turtleman, Medicine Woman’s family, Big Pappy’s family, kids and teachers going back to school

Who’s gonna drive you home?

4 strong posted on a most glorious morning to the “oldest” AO in the region. This is what happened…

The PAX were experienced so no disclaimer. Pledge of Allegiance. Warmup including Don Quixotes, plank jacks and Nolan Ryan’s, all in cadence. Mosey.

We headed toward the designated downtown workout area at the old courthouse. On the way we did a variety of Deep Sea Divers at the rec building and then Monkey Humpers on the corner of the town square. YHC gave a pump fake and headed us from the square toward the Ingles, stopping for some goofballs and later gravel pickers for the passersby.

We kept moseying until we ended up at Carr Elementary where the Thang would be done.

The Carr – due to the excitement of football season being upon us, we had some cool numbers to use too.

Derek Carr – current quarterback of the Las Vegas Raiders. He’s been sacked 237 times in his career. Therefore, we naturally do something using that number. Partner up and do CDDs, LBCs and Side Straddle Hops. Partner one ran around the circle while partner 2 did the work. Lot’s of cardio here!

Fellowship mosey for a bit to catch our breath before the next Thang.

David Carr – older brother of Derek and past quarterback of the Texans, Panthers and others. He really got destroyed in his career. 267 sacks all time before he retired. Ouch! Switch partners and this time, do Alternating Shoulder Taps, Dying Cockroaches and Goofballs. Even more cardio!

Because we were at Carr Elementary got us to talking about other cars. The great 80’s band The Cars came to mind and we had some riveting discussion about their music and what were their best songs. YHC believes it’s Let the Good Times Roll but others said it is Drive. The debate continues…

Mosey toward the start with some karaoke on the way.

The last Thang.

The other Carr we would learn about is the great ML Carr. He’s frome Wallace, NC, played ball at Guilford College and then the NBA for 13 seasons with the Celtics, winning 2 titles in the process.

13s – instead of 11s. Do Bobby Hurley’s at one end and Squats on the other. All while the Cars played on the ‘ole iPhone. Good times.

Time was up and we wrapped up pretty quickly. Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements – 2nd F lunch Wednesday at Viva Tequis, F3 Dads 8/20 at The Yank, PT Test 8/27 at Gashouse, 9/10 50+ mile relay

Prayer Requests – Medicine Woman’s family, Big Pappy’s family, Huck, BOS’s dad, Wirenut’s family


6 HIM showed for another opportunity to improve today. 3 rucked, 3 ran. It was humid. Change is a coming!

4 stayed for a Q Source conversation on Trust. The world was made better by the conversation and ideas brought forth.

Announcements: Blood Drive 8/10, Freight is moving next Saturday at 9ish, SLT meeting next Saturday at 8:30, F3 Dads 8/20, F3 Dads Camp 8/20, CSAUP in September

Prayers: Huckleberry, Tesla

Then there were 5

The gloom was a little muggier than the day before but that didn’t change the fact that there were rocks to be pushed this day. This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance

No disclaimer, all veteran pushers here.

Warm Up, stuff

Mosey into the street, being careful not to get run over by cars. We ended up at the track in front of the bleachers for The Thang

The Wolfpack Grinder – rarely seen outside of its usual Saturday location!

20 Prayer Squats IC & 20 Merkins OYO – 1/2 lap

20 Prayer Sqauts IC & 20 Mountain Climbers OYO – 1/2 lap

20 Prayer Squats IC & 20 Merkins OYO – 1/2 lap

20 Prayer Squats IC & 20 Mountain Climbers OYO – 1/2 lap


20 Monkey Humpers IC & 40 LBCs OYO – 1/2 lap

20 Monkey Humpers IC & 20 Plank Jacks OYO – 1/2 lap

20 Monkey Humpers IC & 40 LBCs OYO – 1/2 lap

20 Monkey Humpers IC & 20 Mountain Climbers OYO, scratch that, I messed up, supposed to be Plank Jacks – 1/2 lap

Countoff and talking

20 SSH IC & 20 Dips OYO – 1/2 lap

20 SSH IC & 10 Lunges each leg – 1/2 lap

20 SSH IC & 20 Dips OYO – 1/2 lap

20 SSH IC & 10 Lunges each leg -1/2 lap

In rolls Flintstone from a training run. He kept his distance.

Mosey from here to the front of the school for some Maryorama. We did Dying Cockroaches, Heels to Heaven, American Hammers, Freddy Mercurys, Nolan Ryans and a plank. Time!

Thanks for the push this morning men, we’re all better for having posted!

Annoucements – CSAUP at Freight’s 8/13, F3 Dads 8/20, Skating lessons with Mayor 9/20?, 50 mile in September

Prayer requests – Huck, Tesla

Feel the E-N-T-H-U-S-I-A-S-M

It was a great morning to post at the Fighting Yank today. The humidity was as and so were the hopes for a good sweat. Good thing, you’re in the right place! This is what happened…

Disclaimer, no FNGs.

Warmup – Don Quixotes IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey down toward the Pit to drop off the Bunker guys. What remained were 10 of the most brave HIM in the region.

The Thang

E – E2K x25 each side then 25 Goofballs IC

Countoff then mosey up the road to the new construction past Buckeye’s office.

N – Nolan Ryans x25 each side then 25 Goofballs IC. It was at this point some passersby remarked that we looked really enthusiastic. So awesome because we are!!!

Mosey some more, taking a left down the quant street of Poplar until we ended up at 1st Presbyterian Church.

T – The Chinook x50 each direction (clockwise the counter-clockwise) then 25 Goofballs IC

Mosey around the corner past the new houses and down to Davis Park.

H – Hairy Rockets x25 IC. There was some consternation and dispute about what this exercise actually is but YHC confirmed, after multiple readings of the thing in the Nation’s exicon, that it was what it was. Another 25 Goffballs IC to wrap up.

Mosey over to the abandoned middle school for the next leg.

U – Up Downs – Some peeps might think these were just burpees but you actually have to put your chest to the ground and burpees do not, so there’s that. We did 10 with varying leghts of chopping feet in between like in football practice.

Mosey down the street…wait! 25 Goofballs IC

Mosey down the street to the parking lot across from Orangeman’s abode.

M – Monkey Humpers x 25 IC. Point the business end of these things at his house and feel the burn! 25 Goofballs IC

Mosey past Orangeman’s toward Holy Angels where we ended at the covered picnic area.

S – Squats x10 IC because time is running short.

Mosey toward downtown stopping in front of one of the stores in the shade.

I – Imperial Squat Walkers (Sargento style) x10 or so

Mosey again, this time to the old town hall.

A – Alabama Ass Kickers – we did something but I’m not sure what. A few Goofballs for good measure.

Mosey down to the statue for the last round.

S- San Antonio Shuffle’s x5 OYO.

That’s time! We got in almost 3 miles on our journey and Freight said he lost 2 pounds of sweat. Success!!!

We went a little out of order spelling ENTHUSIASM but we couldn’t pass up the chance to do some Monkey Humpers for Orangeman. Keep pushing the rock and remember, “To be enthusiastic, you have to act enthusiastic!”

Announcements: Skating with Mayor 8/17, 9/11 Stair Climb, CSAUP TBD, Living Hope Church starting meeting 9/11

Prayer Requests: Huckleberry’s fam, Bug Pappy’s family, Brutus’ mission trip to Uganda

Thank’s for the opportunity to lead men! AYE!!!

Hug it Out

Fill in Q. That’s what we do, especially after YHC missed one last week. There were 7 PAX who counted off at the beginning of our workout. There were others out there somewhere but we had to get after it on the property. This is what happened…

Disclaimer then Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup of Don Quixotes x14. Right from the start a couple PAX wanted to dispute the number that I know I called. That guy was sent on a sprint for arguing. Back to the warmup. Done with that.

Mosey over to the big raised speed hump between the school building and the football stadium for The Thang

Four Corners Escalator

Round 1

  • Corner 1 – 10 Dying Cockroaches
  • Corner 2 – 10 DC & 20 LBCs
  • Corner 3 – 10 DC, 20 LBC & 30 Hillbillies
  • Corner 4 – 10 DC, 20 LBC, 30 Hillbillies & 40 Freddy Mercurys

From there we moseyed the long way around the practice soccer field to the original start.

Round 2

  • Corner 1 – 10 Lunges each leg
  • Corner 2 – 10 Lunges & 20 Squats
  • Corner 3 – 10 lunges, 20 squats & 30 Calf Raises (an ode to Dirt)
  • Corner 4 – 10 lunges, 20 squats, 30 calf raises & 40 Step Ups each leg on the knobs

We did another long mosey around the practice field and back to the original start.

Round 3

  • Corner 1 – 10 Merkins
  • Corner 2 – 10 merkins & 20 CDDs
  • Corner 3 – 10 merkins, 20 CDDs & 30 Shoulder Taps each arm (that sucked)
  • it was between these corners that one of the PAX fell behind and was feeling neglected. We leave no man behind so YHC gave him a hug of consolation.
  • Corner 4 – 10 merkins, 20 CDDs, 30 Shoulder taps and 40 Dips on the knobs

No mosey this time.

Round 4

  • Corner 1 – 10 Butt Kickers each leg
  • Corner 2 – 10 BK and 20 SSH
  • Corner 3 – 10 BK, 20 SSH and 30 Goofballs
  • again that certain PAX fell behind and it was mentioned so YHC gave another heartfelt hug to console this weary HIM.
  • Corner 4 – 10 BK, 20 SSH, 30 goofballs and 40 Seal Jacks

We moseyed back to the start just in time to do 14 or so Imperial Walkers IC. Time, thanks for reaching of for the assist Tiger. Aye!

Announcements: 2nd F lunch Wednesday, F3 Dads Saturday at Gashouse, family tubing 7/30

Prayer requests: Turtleman, Huckleberry, Go Green Go from Shelby’s M having pregnancy difficulty, all the PAX with pregnant Ms.

New Route?

YHC got to the AO for some EC stretching. Hope it helps. We should all stretch more I guess. This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance

New route to the Pelican’s Snoballs and back. Actually it wasn’t new, we just haven’t run it in quite a while, at least when I’ve posted at this fine establishment. Everyone agreed the run sucked. The company was great. Thanks for the push men!

Drink are on me!!!

Get back after it…

The forecast called for rain. It didn’t while we were out there but it was close. 4 ran and one showed for Q Source on Targeting. The question is, should this have been the name or maybe Relational Rhythm. Questions, questions, questions…

Announcements: Convergence this Saturday at Folsom, 2nd F lunch 7/20 at Bubba’s Franklin Square, F3 Dads 7/23, Tubing on the Green River 7/30

Prayer Requests: Tesla’s family, Tiger’s sister in law, Purple Haze’s sister in law, Turtleman, Brownstreak, Huckleberry


How do you spell Labyrinth?

Site Q Dirt asked for a sub for the day and YHC was happy to oblige. Upon arrival, the Site Q was there! Ha!!!

This is what happened…

Disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance

The warmup was Don Quixote’s. That’s it. Mosey down toward the center of Martha’s House. Along the way YHC asked if anyone liked to run. Only a couple said they did but that’s ok, the call was to sprint the remaining 1/4 mile or so the the predetermined location for the Thang.

The Deck of Death – YHC hadn’t pulled this routine out at Labyrinth in quite a while so why not? It was determined that we’d do the one exercise per suit thing and the PAX was asked what each one should be.

Diamonds – LBCs

Hearts – Goofballs (Of course)

Clubs – Merkins

Spade – Lunges (counting right side only)

As always, the Deck provided a great opportunity for mumblechatter and banter! It never disappoints. AYE!!

Announcements: Convergence 7/16, 2nd F lunch 7/20, Tubing 7/30

Prayer Requests: EZ Rider’s family, Turtleman, YHC’s friend Della battling cancer, Murtaugh’s friend Charlie Blake with pancreatic cancer, Mabeline’s coworker with cancer

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