Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Rudolph (Page 2 of 5)

It was chilly, until we started 3 Point Panic

Day 2 of Week 6.  The last week of my Shieldlock’s challenge.  I can hardly type this, awful mess.  It was cold and we did stupid things:

Warm-up – more stretching here, as it’s sub-30 and this is tear muscle kind of weather.  The challenge:  3 Point Panic.

10 T-Merkins on right arm

10 Brock Shuffles on right arm (I kind of messed up and had people also do a Merkin inbetween.  It’s good for you I guess)

5 1 arm Merkins on knees (awful)

10 3-point burpee (one arm)

Then you do the other side for your left.  This got my wind and shoulders a bit, after yesterday exercise.  But everyone was tough and did 3 rounds.  We could do 5, but I sensed we should do some core.

5-8 minutes of various core exercises from Day 2 of Week 6.  Now onto some fun!

Rudolph Recliners

Ravishing Rudolphs

Rudolph Rib-Ticklers

Rudolph Road Rash (I changed this to 2 spins and then 3 merkins, versus 3 spins and 5.  Better, but still blargh.)

Announcements – donate blood (see Tiger) and Christmas Party this Saturday (wear a mask and take precautions.

Prayers – HIPAA dad health, Double Stuff health


Spidey-Man has the Q next week, he always does a grinder….looking forward to it!


Atomic clock is not to be underestimated

With our small group getting back in with the Bulldog, this would be Day 2 of Week 5 of our 6 week challenge.  We scoffed the night before about how easy this would be.  This was an error.


Warm-up, no FNG’s, I set the music, here’s the deal, for the workout named Atomic Clock:

Set in plank at 12 o’clock, you plyo-pushup to 3 o’clock.  At 3 you do 12 landmine squats.  Then plyo-pushup to 6, where you do 12 rolling squats.  at 9 you hit the other leg, then back at 12 for 12 more rolling squats.  x 5 rounds.  Rolling squats got so bad for me I started to wobble to 1 leg.

We were right about the time however, and had about 10 minutes left for my homemade exercises, which the wife helped with:

Rudolph Recliners x 1 set

Ravishing Rudolphs x 2 set

Rudolph Road Rash….not even a full 1 set.  Too dizzy and exhausted.

There are more in the bag to come.

Announcments were Convergence, Christmas Party and that’s about it.  Prayers were for TUbe on his first day at the new gig, DStuff’s boss’s son had a miscarriage, we prayed for HIPAA’s Dad, and for T-square to get right.

A fun time!  I’m about to write the BB for today’s (12/8) Bulldog, I think today was a bit worse.  Later.


I call it “Athleayoga”

So my Shieldlock has been doing some off-AO site work, so as to keep a tight circle of truly unexposed, high-risk associated individuals, working out and having fun.  Saturday’s are a “challenge” day on this program, and I took the Q to enforce the challenge, but also do some stretching as the 4 weekdays of work are pretty damn brutal.  9 pounds in three weeks for me, plus better cardio.  Muscles are smaller, but let’s stay positive.

Herme, Tube and my son Dobby came for a beatdown, all else at GasHouse.  Good to see GHouse getting the population love.


The Thang:  this is a tougher challenge.  We got in 5 rounds, but I feel we could have gotten the 9 rounds required.  Non-stop

10 Moutain mules

30 sec Mountain Climbers

10 1-legged dive bomber push ups

30 sec. alternating 3 point burpees

10 thumbs up push ups

30 sec Plank walk ups

10 cross knee plank push ups

30 sec side traveling kick throughs (these are tough)

10 1 legged levitation squats

30 sec wall sits

30 sec rest time

Then I lead us in about 15 minutes of yoga, working out the kinks.  I like stretching and such, good for the body, and starting the weekend.

Not much else to tell, tough workout, tough guys, fun times, fun guys.  See you all around the playground.


Tune in, turn on, Tube out

One week ago today, during an exercise where I was having to curl, press and overall use a 53 lb kettlebell at Spidey’s brutal Q, my mate Tube said “I thought you’d been working out at home?”.   I asked for Bulldog Q for today, immediately after he said it.  Operation “Murder Tube” was a go.  I set up a lot of weights upon arrival, which after seeing 16 pull in, I’m glad I did.  Great turnout.  Tube got to the circle at the last second.  Should have turned around.


Warm-up:  20 SSH, 10 Squats, 12 MNC, 10 Merkins, 10 LBC’s, all in cadence.

Strength Training – Tuesdays have been my back/bicep days, so we’ll get some of that first.  Grab your weight, head to a bench, dropsets, 2 rounds each:

1A)  Bent Over Rows

1B) Deadlifts

2A) Curls

2B)  Pull Overs

3A) Derkins – this was an Omaha due to the numbers present.  Glad to have to Omaha…

3B) Dips

Bootcamp Training – I hunted the lexicon for 4 distinct exercises that looked like they would work well together.  They had to start with T-U-B-E.  Some new exercises!

T – Tennessee Rocking Chair – touch your toes, go to below parallel squat, back to toe touch, stand.  We did 10 in cadence

U – Uhaul’s – standing with weight at chest, push forward, retract, push to 45 incline, retract.  10 in cadence.

B – Burpees (10….I increased later on to the dismay of Tube, telling the Pax he was saying 10 were too easy.  I lied.)

E – Elf on the Shelf – these are kettlebell half-moons; stand with weight beside right leg, pick it up, maximum extension overhead, set down on your left.

After 4 rotations of this, with some mixed in abs between rounds, and 10 counts, we moved on to…

Cardio Training – I like to bear crawl.  Not sure how Tube feels about it.  Partner up (due to how many guys we had), partner 1 bear crawls 15 yards while partner 2 does SSH, then vice versa when p1 reaches the end.  Next round was NUR, then back to bear crawls, then back to NUR.  Not many people can out-race me on a bearcrawl, but Goose whipped my ass.  Good to see him.

5 minutes left, some Mary via round robin.  Some select exercises in honor of those in the circle.  Take a guess……6:15 TIME.


Announcements – Convergence on Halloween at Martha Rivers.  Give to Give for Freight, make him run.

Prayers – Pedal’s father in battle with Parkinson’s, HIPAA’s wife’s aunt for health, Tube’s friend Neiamiah, Oompa Loompa’s shoulder.  Forgive any missed.

Tube prayed us out at my request 🙂

MOLESKIN – fitness is important, but it shouldn’t override the fellowship and faith portions, in my opinion.  Yes, I focused on lifting this past month, sometimes life varies, but fellowship and faith should be constant.  If you don’t have a Shieldlock, I’d suggest getting one.  Invite a brother out for a beer or coffee (I’d suggest Primal, but this ol’ boy is still a little COVID gunshy!  Works well for others).  Get to know each other outside of the gloom.  We had 16 guys at Bulldog, I love it.  I know about 75% of them very well, time to work on the other 25%.  Thanks to Tube for being a good sport, as a fellow Painlab Q he gets Rudolph’s respect on many levels.

Always a pleaure



Iron Pax Week 1 – Gashouse & Painlab

People showed up.  Some jogged to the field, others hopped the fence.  We did the Iron Pax Week 1, modify where needed, don’t quit.

EMOM 3 Burpees

50 Hand Release, Hand Release Merkins

100 Leg Raises

150 Jungle Boi 2scoops squats

200 BBSU

250 Lunges (count each leg)

THis was fun, and a great push by all.  I can’t remember the order of finish, but I know Gump was ifrst, and he ended by working with the last few guys.  And, some finished the challenge and did some jogging (Nessman).  Again, great work.


Shoot up on 12th – see Huck or Whoopee

Csaup 2 weeks from now, get with Broke (options for all)

Mount Mitchell on 27th of September

Iron Pax next week at Gashouse/Painlab.  We hear there will be blocks.  You’re in my world now, Grandma.





Purple Haze

Sister Act

New Bulldog (gotta rename)

Double Stuff’s friend Corey

Herme’s brother David

MOLESKIN:  not much of a Q, but I will say my co-Q Broke is a really good guy, and you can tell he takes his role as 1st F Q seriously.   Lotta heart in his words and actions.   For some, this was second time doing the IPAX (I know Freight and Double Stuf).  Dope.  To my Painlab pals, great push.  John Q Public in Gastonia is lucky to have the leaders I see in this circle.


A test, a saylark, kotters and B-side soundtracks

Big Pappy hollered at me a few months ago to Q, I said make it a surprise Q.  Well, it fell on the same day as the PT test, but that kind of works well, as every one knows I love running about as much as a root canal.  They’re equally painful.  Speaking of pain, let’s do a couponless Pain Lab!  Parking lot had a lot of guys, kotters and an FNG.  This is great!

Review what is F3, what it is we’re going to do today, and the disclaimer.

Warm-Up:  SSH, Squats, MNC, IW, Merkins, LBC.  Now up to the tennis courts.

Theme of the day is movie soundtracks, in honor of Big Pappy who is always very awesome with thematic soundtracks.  So let’s get to the 80’s movies, with a few exceptions.  So much whining about the deep cuts 🙂

50 squats OYO, plank for 6.  Rudolph leads exercises for 30 seconds.  We repeated this x 3

Max out merkins OYO, hold 6″ for 6.  Rudolph leads exercises for 30+ seconds.  We repeated this x 3

50 lunges OYO, plank for 6.  Rudolph leads exercises for 30 seconds.  We repeated this x 3

Diamond Merkins Max out OYO, hold 6″ for 6.  Rudolph leads exercises for 30+ seconds.  We repeated this x 3

I’ll try to list below the winners of the soundtrack contest.  Again, whining.  If I remember correctly, we landed right at, or close to 7:05, which meant it was time for the test:

3 groups, I think 2 groups of 6, 1 group of 5.  Unfortunately, my group was facing the sun, whereas one was in the shade and another facing away from the sun.  Brutal.  I put on the soundtrack from “Hoosiers”  and let it roll for 15 minutes.  In 15 minutes we got in 84 Burpees each.  That was great, and I saw a lot of leadership in each group to push their crew, count out, and pickup the 6.  That’s what I love about Hoosiers, TEAM!

*It should be pointed out that Kingpin was eager to get to 100.  The test is the test, but after the workout was done he told me in the parking lot he’d get those 16 so he could hold the belt.  LOVE IT.

I called body destroyers for a bit, then went to stretch, then 5 minutes of yoga to cool down.  Time for the important stuff:

Announcements: uuuhhh….PT test today.  Not much else!

Prayers:  Huck, T square, Allen Tate’s shoulder, Sister Act, Medicine Woman.  Prayers for our friends!

Moleskin:  I left the guys with about 2 minutes of a good reality check.  You are the tip of the spear.  You are the leaders.  We will not give into division, taking sides, politics, hate, accusation or the like.  We will rise above it, and exhibit the true male leadership that is needed: compassion, understanding, help, faithfulness and guiding the world to a positive place.  You must never give into negativity.  Check yourself.  We have it better than all of recorded human history.  Act the part, lead, and if ever in doubt, well, ask what Jesus would do.  After that, compassion and positivity will fill your head and your heart.  That’s the stuff of leaders.

Name-O-Rama extra juice:  FNG is Greg Taylor, great new guy that Oompa brought.  Could not be more polite and busted his tail.  We discovered he’s a bookworm and he likes Star Wars.  HIPAA said “that worm thing from Star Wars!”.  I confused that with the pit monster from Return of the Jedi, which is known as the Sarlaac pit.  During Name-O-Rama he said his name was Saylark.  The legend is born 🙂

Soundtrack trivia!  Mixed bag here 🙂  Forgive me if I get one wrong:

Lunatic Fringe – Vision Quest – Roundup won (wrestling movie!  Linda Fiorentino……hot hot hot hot hot hot hot)

War – Rocky IV – Tater Hole if I remember correctly.

The heat is on – Beverly Hills Cop – Montross got this for sure.  And was a great Burpee partner in the heat!

Mighty Wings – Top Gun – NO ONE.  LOSERS.

Princes of the Universe – Highlander – Stogie got it.  And we agree, movie sucks, TV show good

Star Trek – Pearl Jam….I think.  It’s the new one, so it was close

Theme from Predator – Predator – Kingpin got it after the first bar.  Excellent

Theme from Total Recall – Total Recall – NO ONE.  This one is forgiven, deep cut

Great work men, what a blessing Folsom is.


Man’s Best Workout

Welcome to Bulldog!  It says “Gear” on the site description, but it’s whatever you want to make it.  Here, we just tend to work more on muscles on the bone versus in the chest.  But, why not both?

I asked for the Q Monday night, knowing that I would be in town the next day.  Voodoo said cool.  During COVID, Tuesdays have been leg days, after Monday chest/triceps.  Since I went to the excellent Tsquare Q Monday, why not wrap both in at Bulldog, and give the guys a full-body workout?


Playlist selection trivia – guess the connection

Warm-up in cadence:  15 SSH, 10 Squats, 10 MNC, 10 IW, 10 Merkins, 10 LBC

The Thang:  pretty simple, see below for the rundown.

50 squats OYO, go to plank for 6.  Rudolph then leads some plant work (counting to 20-30 in my head)

50 squats OYO, go to plank for 6.  Rudolph then leads some plant work (counting to 20-30 in my head)

50 squats OYO, go to plank for 6.  Rudolph then leads some plant work (counting to 20-30 in my head)

50 squats OYO, go to plank for 6.  Rudolph then leads some plant work (counting to 20-30 in my head)

25 lunges each leg, go to plank for 6.  Rudolph then leads some plant work (counting to 20-30 in my head)

25 lunges each leg, go to plank for 6.  Rudolph then leads some plant work (counting to 20-30 in my head)

25 lunges each leg, go to plank for 6.  Rudolph then leads some plant work (counting to 20-30 in my head)

Max out Calf Raises, put leg on bench and stretch waiting on 6 (Watts Up tried to hot-dog and grandstand here, I bow to you Master Calves).

Again, Max out Calf Raises, put leg on bench and stretch waiting on 6

Again, Max out Calf Raises, put leg on bench and stretch waiting on 6

Merkins Max Out, go to the People’s Chair waiting for 6.  Rudolph counted to 20-30 in his head

Merkins Max Out, go to the People’s Chair waiting for 6.  Rudolph counted to 20-30 in his head

Merkins Max Out, go to the People’s Chair waiting for 6.  Rudolph counted to 20-30 in his head

Wide Arm Decline Merkins Max Out, hold incline plank waiting for 6.  Rudolph blah blah blah

Wide Arm Decline Merkins Max Out, hold incline plank waiting for 6.  Rudolph blah blah blah

Wide Arm Decline Merkins Max Out, hold incline plank waiting for 6.  Rudolph blah blah blah

Dips Max Out, rest.  Rudolph counted to 15

Dips Max Out, rest.  Rudolph counted to 15

Dips Max Out, rest.  Rudolph counted to 15

Diamond Merkins Max Out, Rudolph counted to 20

Diamond Merkins Max Out, Rudolph counted to 20

Diamond Merkins Max Out, Rudolph counted to 20

5 minutes left, Mary time – each person got one exercise in:  LBC, flutters, freddy mercs, hi-low scissor, crunchy frog, am hammer, and Clavin ended on Dirty Dogs.  SO FITTING!  Theme of the playlist was DOG.  See below.

Announcements – PT test.  Be there, or Folsom or Yank on July 18th.

Prayers – T Square, HIPPA, Huckleberry (and now I see Mayor’s Mom).  Apologies for any missed.

Name-o-rama, Pledge, Voodoo prayed us out, well done Site Q.

MOLESKIN:  always love to catch-up with this group, even if they give me #### for my absenteeism.  Sorry guys, COVID is real, and I also enjoy lifting weights.  I’ll do better.  Hope the full body experience rocked.


Black Dog – LZ

Joy to the World – 3 Dog Night

Pushin Forward Back – Temple of the Dog

Hair of the Dog – Nazareth

Atomic Dog – George Clinton

The Dogs of War – Pink Floyd

Diamond Dogs – David Bowie

I wanna be your dog – The Stooges

Dog Eat Dog – AC/DC

Ruff Ryders Anthem – DMX (TUBE – THIS HAS BAD WORDS!!!  OH MY!!!!)

Always an honor – Rudolph

3 years, why not 103 burpees?

Time flies when you’re having fun.  3 weeks back into F3 since we opened up, I thought that since we missed the 3 year Painlab get-up in April, let’s cook-up a beat down that would be a testament to what Painlab is about.  This workout was focused on muscles, core, and stay-in-place cardio.  Linus and VooDoo were warming up when I arrived, I set up shop, and was allowed to do the warm-up after everyone rolled in.  Good thing to warm-up Painlab is to stretch all parts of the body.  The following does that:

Warm-up (in cadence)

15 SSH

10 Squat

10 MNC

10 IWalkers’

10 Merkins

20 LBC

Only 2 campers today, the other 8 come with me to visit Frank at the circle.  Quick disclaimer about F3, why Painlab started and I encouraged them to challenge themselves today.  Keep in mind, it’s probably 7:10 at this point?  HIPAA came out despite his injury and was the shot-caller (great work!).  Today’s workout:

15 Swings – 10 Burpees
15 WWII sit-ups – 8 Burpees
12 Overhead press – 6 Burpees
20 Flutter Kicks – 4 Burpees
12 Front Raises – 2 Burpees  (10 count)
20 Calf Raises – 9 Burpees
15 Merkins – 7 Burpees
30 LBC – 5 Burpees
10 ea. Lunges – 3 Burpees
12 Wide Grip Merkins – 1 Burpees (10 count)
10 ea. Backwards Lunges – 2 Burpees
10 Diamond Merkins – 4 Burpees
60 sec. People’s Chair – 6 Burpees
15 CDD – 8 Burpees
10 ea. Skull Crushers – 10 Burpees
15 Squats – 8 Burpees (10 count)
15 Dips – 6 Burpees
10 ea. Rows – 4 Burpees
20 American Hammers – 2 Burpees

That put us at 103 Burpees.  But, it was only 7:30.  Well done!!  Doing the Burpees after a 60 second people’s chair was a new experience.  Highly recommend it.  Just then Hushpuppy and Linus show up from their run.  What timing :/

So what to do the rest of the time?  I asked each person to name their favorite exercise, and that we’d do it.

Clavin – Burpees – we did 10 (Screwed up my 103 number)

Sledge o Matic – MNC – we did 50 in cadence (nice)

Les Nessman – LBC – did a lot

VooDoo – CDD’s (I think, having trouble remembering)

Pedal – Freddy Mercury’s (of course)

Herme – Merkins (I think…)

Double-stuff – maybe he was CDD’s, I was pretty tired at this point.  Maybe burpees.  Blargh

Tube – cannot remember…

Hunch-Back – Bobby Hurley’s .  I don’t think I completed all these.  Felt bad but was busy yapping with HIPAA.

HIPAA – Burpees again?  I think he called 5 or so.

Rudolph – due to popular opinion, I called body-destroyers.

Still a great amount of time left, it flies when you’re having fun?  Double-stuff said he wanted to focus on core work, so I obliged. We went around a bit with various core exercises.  When about 8 minutes were left, I omaha’d to some yoga to cool everyone out.  I also enjoyed having White Zombie on the playlist while holding warrior pose 2.  TIME.

ANNOUNCEMENTS – keeping our eyes peeled for Ville to Ville guys today. Also the Farmers Market will have a mask give away tomorrow, 1 mask per car.  Most likely with HIPAA making it back out, and having his injury, the Matrix is on hiatus.

Prayers – Les Nessman family, our community, our nation in light of recent events, HIPAA gut.

MOLESKIN – A fun but tough workout.  I want the guys to have a sense of pride in what they accomplished.  I asked if they could have done 103 burpees and the other exercises in roughly 20-25 minutes a year ago.  The answer is they are getting better every day.  Be a HIM, push yourself when you can.

See you at Painlab 4th anniversary.  Always a pleasure.



We robbed the Q-money from Bandit

Well, sometimes you just got to punt.  Being a true #HIM, Bandit double-booked his Q.  Operation Walk This Way takes precedence, I told him we would figure it out.  We did:

Tesla started us with the pledge, the walkers left, Tesla killed it with the warm-up, and we split up.  Rudolph has the con.  We walk to the circle with Frank, and work commences.

I. 11’s with crawls – bottom of the steps, 1 squat, bear crawl up, 10 merkins.  Come down however you want, 2 squats, 9 Merkins, etc.

II. Pain stations – we made 6 stations, but we did 3 sets of each, with a 10 count in-between sets.  I set the timer to 45 seconds, but key was to max-out.

Squat Thrusters with 50 lb. bar


Pull-overs with Kettlebells

Curls with dumbells

Front shoulder raises with calf-raises


About half-time, so we I asked if they wanted to do more stations, or choose the mystery box.  They chose.  Poorly:

III. The Test – shorter time, as we made 3 groups of 2.  Less rest, so we did half the time.  Great work by all, it really did turn out to just be 7 minutes of continuous Burpees.  I got gassed and called for a 1 minute break at the conclusion.  Quickly pivoted to LBC’s for awhile, then recover.

IV. Follow the Leader:  single file line, follow me, bear crawl up and across, stop for 10 squats, crab walk across to dips, lunge walk to something….grab the gear and head off to await Tesla gang.  He worked us for a good 5 minutes, bells.

Announcements – Tesla gave an account of a friend in need, and trust me, it was a hell of a story.  Tough to go through, but as men that’s what we do, we step up with the hard stuff.

MOLESKIN – we had 3 for Bootcamp, 6 for Painlab, and 5 for Walking Crew.  This has to be a new thing in F3 Nation, 3 different varieties of AO at the same place, and it’s exciting.  Bandit doesn’t owe anyone anything, a true #HIM for he and Linus starting the new AO.  Go get it boys, always a pleasure to serve.  ***Our FNG “Totaled” says the word SIX as SEX.  Let that sink in.


Plyo Lab – Now with more Bear Crawl!

9 brave soldiers showed up in some chilly weather.  Linus wanted someone to Q Bootcamp, he got what he wanted.


WU in cadence

20 SSH, 20 Squats, 20 MCC (with a little mix-up, swing one arm in circles, other arm MCC’s.  Confusing), 20 Imperial Walkers, 20 LBC’s

Split up with 5 for Bootcamp, Top Hat with the Pain Lab Q for 4.  I wanted to use the Grier Field for this Plyo Lab, and after a nice little stroll with Defib we made a bet if it would be too damp.  I thought it would be a bit frozen, and he thought it would be too wet.  We were both right.  We get down to the field, hit the goal line, time for Plyo Lab.  We would do an exercise, I would demo, and then we bear crawl 10-20 yards and stop, do an exercise, and so on and so forth until we reach the other side.  We took a break for a 10 count at one end, then went back to the other.  Toward the end of the other side of the field our hands started to freeze, so I allowed a NUR and Karyoke for the last 30-40 yards.  We repeated the cycle one more time after taking a lap, staying at the G for round 2, and doing some core.  Here is the list of exercises, which we did to various numbers (10 or 20 per leg generally).

Squat Thrusters with jump
Plyo Lateral Lunges
Reverse Lunge with Knee up jumps (right leg touch, up in the jump)
Box Drill
Frog Squat Jump
Long Jump
Burpees with a Tuck Jump
Lateral Triple Jump (make an L – Right jump off right foot, forward hop to left, hop to and together)
Alternating Lunge Jump
Tuck Jumps
Judo Roll with Jump
Kneeling Jump Squat
Full-Body Plyometric Push-Up
Single-Leg Deadlift into Jump
Horizontal Jump to Tuck Jump
Pistol Squat Roll with Jump (lower the body until no more)

I was shocked when I asked JJ the time and he said we had 9 minutes to get back.  Time flies when you’re having fun.  Back to the Schiele, circle up for 5 minutes of Mary.  TIME.


Great work from everyone, plyometrics will take your wind and your legs.  Quickly.  I loved the guys working hard.  Defib killed it with both the cardio and the flowery scent; I could not get JJ to breathe hard, or at least he masked it.  Well done with your frozen, salmon colored gloves Pythagoras, and Linus I’m glad you discovered new stuff in your body.  Stabilizer muscles are real.  If anyone wants the lowdown on how to do these plyometric exercises complete with video demonstrations, shout at me.


new walking AO launching at the 5 year convergence!  This is a soft launch, see Linus and Bandit for details.  We’re going to get the older male population into a walking group that also benefits them with Fellowship and Faith.  More to come, but if you have someone who can benefit from this STRICTLY WALKING AO, holler.

P200 inbound, get with Montross to ensure you’re set if on a team

5 Year Convergence March 21st.  BRING AN FNG OR A KOTTER.  This is your challenge.  At Martha Rivers.  Shootout afterwards (see Whoopee or Allen Tate).


Tube’s Knees

Les Nessman’s Sister-in-Law

Pedal health (not mentioned)

Linus brother has collitis

BOOTCAMP Q FOR NEXT WEEK IS NEEDED!  If I can do it, you can too.

Until the next time, and if you want a Plyo Lab at your AO, give Rudolph a shout.

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