Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Roscoe

Becoming Daisy Duke

I misplaced my Weinke before leaving work yesterday and had to recreate one late last night.  Fortunately, I was inspired because our infamous Twitter Q’s preblast picture of Daisy Duke and a threat that YHC would sport some short demin shorts in the cold gloom was an inspiration and a new Weinke was generated in short order.  The threat was not to be after I unsuccessfully scoured my closet for some old faded 501’s that I could take the scissor’s to prior to the 0530 start time.

We started right on time with a series of SSH, Imperial Walker, Prayer Squat (or put your hands in your sweatshirt pockets squat), and the Pledge of Allegiance.

We moseyed quickly to the parking lot above the BB&T.  The second Weinke tried to disappear but was recovered on the cold ground by Dolph who graciously returned it.  He was given a reduction of one rep in one of the below exercises.

You can’t tie your shirt above your navel like Daisy if you don’t have ripped abs, so the ABORAMA began:

  • Good morning darlings 50
  • LBC 20
  • V Hold  25 seconds
  • Flutter kick 45
  • Mountain Climbers  20
  • Superman hold 25 seconds
  • 6 inches and overhead hold on your six 25 seconds
  • Side plank dips both sides  10 IC
  • Side oblique crunches 10 OYO each side
  • Backstroke  10 IC
  • WW1 sit-ups 15 IC
  • Mountain Climbers  20 IC
  • Homer/Marge
  • Superman hold 25 sec
  • Plank for one minute

Now that we were ripped with no love handles and ready for the half shirts, we moseyed to the Goat Pavilion.  Partner up.  P1 does 2 pull ups and runs to P2 who is doing ten merkins and holding a plank at the parking lot.  Switch.
Then 4 pull ups, then 6 pull ups, then 8 pull ups then 6 pull ups, then 4 pull ups, then 2 pull ups.  The roof of the Pavilion serves as a really good pull up station with one flaw….it is freezing cold and takes the warmth from your fingers on the first rep.  Wahh.

After the upper body work, we needed to work on the glutes.  You don’t look good in jean shorts without nice glutes.  Mosey to the top of the driveway near City hall.  Lunge walk two light poles and back one light pole. We began squats in cadence while waiting for the alarm to go off, signaling two minutes to go.  We did fifty squats which seemed like forever before we heard the alarm and returned to the parking lot for a final round of Flutter kicks until YHC called time at 0615.

A few prayer requests and announcements before the COT and closing prayer.

A pleasure to lead again this morning after not much sleep.  Thanks for tolerating it.  Now that you have the Daisy Bod, you need to remind people that “your eyes are up here”.


Gashouse Downtown

Our first downtown workout of 2016 since we went to the awesome 5th Year convergence on New Year’s Day.

Our Twitter Q sent a pre-blast that may have been threatening to some, which may be why the PAX were slow to arrive in the Gloom or not show at all.  To paraphrase Neil Peart (my apologies Neil) “If you choose not to decide to post, you still have made a choice…to fartsack  #Freewill.

It felt balmy compared to the last several days with temps this morning around 39 degrees.  We had an F3 guest (Scandal) from the Raleigh/Durham area and after some welcomes Defib informed us it was time to begin.

We started with SSH as three sets of headlights entered the lot.  By the time we hit 30 IC, two more had joined with an additional walking in making ten PAX for the morning glory.  Slow squats x10, Merkins x10, LBC’s x10, CDD’s x10, and Imperial Walkers x10 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

A quick mosey west around the parking lot and back east past the Pavilion to the Wall of Pain.

Wall sits to recover briefly and then

Wallwalkers:  The PAX lie flat with heels on the wall and push up to walk up the wall to vertical and back down 5 OYO

Wall sits with overhead presses IC

Balls to the Wall/Verkins:  Walk up the wall as before but at the top do presses OYO to failure.  A disclaimer was made prior to the exercise warning of the possibility of busting your skull on the concrete.  When the PAX reached failure, it was a quick collapse to the ground in a crumpled mess, or maybe that was just me.

Wall sits with front raises IC

Derkins on the wall:  The PAX walked up the wall to 30 degrees and completed 10 IC

This is where we were supposed to do some BB&T’s (formerly Donkey Kicks thanks to Whoopee) but I didn’t consult the Weinke.  Q fail!

We moseyed around again to the “art” sculpture and circled up.  There we completed:

Ten single leg lunges each leg with the rear leg on a bench.  We learned that Defib can’t count in sequence and Dr. Feelgood has a premature calculation problem.  Mumblechatter about the squats being a ski exercise so that spawned an idea to plan a ski trip for a 2nd F when the snow runs deep.  Sugar Mountain in the next couple months for sure.

Next was a wave of merkins for maybe 10-15 until some fell out.

Transition to the six and did some ab work.  I can’t remember but I know we did 20 WW1 sit-ups followed by a V Up and hold, followed by the backstroke 10 IC.  We then walked out a plank very far and at some point something starting hurting in my hip so we moseyed again, running to the parking deck and up the floors to the top.

A set of 10 CDD’s and 30 Flutter kicks and then ran back down the deck to the bridge.

We partnered up.  P1 would bear crawl to the fourth light pole while P2 would do minimum 25 squats.  Switch.  This was supposed to be an aggregate to 100, meaning each Pax would complete two sets of each but first the P 2’s went all EC to the 5th light pole and then made another Bear Crawl so it ended up being 3 rounds with 150 Squats.  Good work!

Mosey back to the Pavilion for some curb walkers, 360 pushups on the curb, and a 7 count burp and merk in honor of Whoopee.

YHC totally screwed up the Nameorama by forgetting to do it, (2nd Q fail) but we hit some announcements and prayer requests which are:


  1. 1st Anniversary CSAUP April 9th.  Will need RSVP ASAP for t-shirt orders.  Will be Mudgear and good quality which is what you would expect from the Gashouse but the timeline will be tight!  Let me know if you are a hard commit and want a shirt!
  2. Scandal (Patrick Walker) from Raleigh/Durham invited us to a CSAUP in Durham called the Bull. January 23rd 0600 hours.
  3. Dolph is looking to take a clown car to seize the Ghost Flag in Denver I believe. This will be Saturday morning.  DM Dolph for instructions:

Prayers for Outhouse’s mom on a pending scan and for Stroganoff’s cousin and family.
A pleasure to lead again and enjoy the benefits of this great group of men!

Don’t show up at GOAT

A little Twitter warning to stay home wasn’t heeded by ten brave PAX who showed up to get better.  Before the warm up, YHC checked the bridge and discovered the gate was locked so the park was off limits and we couldn’t get to the other side of the river.  It was going to be a parking lot workout. 

Dolph was designated as the official Goat time keeper and on his signal we started with a brief disclaimer then straight to the warm up.
SSH IC 33?
Merkin IC 10
Prayer squat IC 20
Moroccan night club IC 36?

Pledge of Allegiance

Linus was seen driving to the park so we quickly continued the warmup with Monkey Humpers so Linus could enjoy the visual.  He wisely didn’t get out of the car until we were getting tired so we called it at about 16.

Warm up Linus
Seal jacks IC 20 or so

Mosey to end of parking lot
Lunge walk across the lot and mosey back 40 yds?
Plank up
Plank stretching…nice mumble chatter while getting loose

Circle up for the Burp and Merk
One burpee with one merkin
Second burpee two merkins
Third burpee three merkins, ladder up to ten and then nine and back down to one.  And then one more. You can always do one more.

Next, count off and go to the end of the parking lot for the thang.
This was supposed to be a Merkin ladder but since the gate was closed and the pecs were a little spent from the burp and merk we changed it to Bobby Hurley’s.  A little improv that was probably just as bad and possibly worse.

Begin on one end of the lot with 20 Bobby Hurley’s (Squat with hands on the ground then jump up for a jumpshot with hands and arms up).  Run to the other side of the lot and do 19, back for 18, and so on until you hit zero.  This appeared to be a really popular exercise, with one commenting that it “may be the worst thing he has ever done”. 

We planked up for the six and then circled up again for the next exercise.  Plank on elbows.  On count of one move right arm up to normal plank, count two your left hand hits the ground in full plank, three back down on your left, and then return to both elbows on the ground for one.  Repeado for ten.  Hold the plank and then a set of Peter, Peter Parkers for ten.

Next we did a set of CDD IC 10

Dolph announced there were three minutes to go.  I think everyone was surprised that time moved so quickly.  We hit our six for a heels to the sky series followed by a bunch of WW sit-ups to finish out.

I forgot to do the Name-O-Rama but we did a COT and closing prayer.

Prayers for San Bernadino and for all of us to protect the weak and less fortunate.

It was my pleasure to lead today.  You always get more out of it than you put in and I appreciate when the PAX show up to work.  There was no quit this morning.  I hope Brown Streak feels better as he heeded the warning not to show up.  Let me know if you need anything brother!

YHC with the Q tomorrow again.  A late positive thought for E4 who reported his knee is acting up and he is on IR for a few weeks.  Get better soon!


Run to the Hills

Seven faithful PAX showed up in the Gloom at the museum and we got right to it.

Warm Up:

SSH x 25

Merkin x 20

Moroccan Night Club x 25

Grass Pickers x 10 (don’t explain these to Whoopee)

Mosey to Flag for the Pledge

Yesterday Outhouse took the Downtown group for a tour of Main Street and Franklin. Today we decided to explore East Garrison. We ran to Grier Jr. High for a set of Derkins x 10, then crossed the road to church.

A quick idea came to mind to get wet so we hit our six for a quick set of LBC’s IC x 20. Then to the parking lot and stairs for Dora 1,2,3. We partnered up for 150 Merkins, 200 LBC’s, and 100 Prayer Squats while running the steps. The Prayer Squats were only 100 to save our legs for later.

Knowing there was a Mid-High lock-in, Dr. Feelgood suggested going into the fellowship hall to wake the sleeping kids and perform some exercise. Instead of testing the GasHouse 911 emergency response system, YHC decided a set of 10 Monkey Humpers outside the windows of the fellowship hall. This proved to be sufficiently risqué while also showcasing the importance of exercise. We quickly ran away through the woods (and heard a big deer snorting, warning us not to go too deep in the woods) to the Sherwood Elementary School track. One lap around the track and we stopped at the bottom of the Hill. All this and it was only 0730 hours.

The Thang: Descending sets of Merkins followed by hill sprints to the top. We started with 10 Merkins IC. What would normally be “1,2,3, HALT” was changed to “1,2,3,Take the Hill!!! Charge!!!, and other inspiring messages. A quick sprint to the top and mosey back down, 9 Merkins, Hill sprint, 8 Merkins, Hill Sprint, 7 Merkins, Hill sprint and then a “rest” lap around the track. We got back in position for 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. I heard some positive comments from the other side of the PAX that perhaps Squeaker was using this exercise time for quiet personal reflection, perhaps about what he ate the night before.

We then partnered up again for the track. One person would lunge walk and his partner would long jump behind until the first partner would call for a switch. After some grumbling it became apparent the lunges were perhaps easier than the long jumps. A little more than half a lap and then back to the hill for a set of 5 burpees and then a final hill charge.

Next it was run to the opposite end of the track to jump the fence and escape elementary school. YHC’s foot fell into a rusted and eroded drain pipe but luckily no damage. Instead of jumping the fence, Dr. Feelgood opened the gate and we walked through and began a neighborhood tour with Stroganoff taking the group on a tour of his old homestead on the way to the Library. We got the library for a round of ring around the tree. The PAX assumed the Merkin position on a curb and began to shuffle counterclockwise and then clockwise, followed by yet another set of Merkins.

Time was running low so we went back to the museum. (Brown Streak totaled us at 2.75 miles of running)

We circled up for something called the Piston. The PAX counted off and the odd members were going to squat on one and the evens would be up. When we started it was completely out of control and we had to stop and start over. I was called “Odd” by Stroganoff. Sticks and stones….

We had some members of the public at the Museum by now looking at this spectacle that someone claimed looked like the Oompa Loompas. In any event, the church bells didn’t seem to be ringing so we squatted, squat hold, and catcher’s pose for about three minutes until YHC called time.

We finished with Name-o-rama and prayed for our Mud Runner’s, finishing with the COT. Thanks for the PAX that came out today and thanks for the effort! It is always a pleasure to lead and be a part of F3 Nation.

Brown Streak totaled us at 2.75 miles of running

Rain and Pain at the Pavilion

YHC had to call out potential fartsackers due to the weather forecast, and it seemed to work since we had twelve faithful and dedicated men show up to get better.  We started right on time under the weather protection of the Rotary Pavilion, but it didn’t last long.

The Warm Up:
We started with SSH, Prayer Squats (YHC was called for a false start because it was too early to count correctly) LBC’s, Don Quixote’s, Merkins
We then began a slow jog to the parking lot when we spotted Anthrax sneaking in to the lot. We circled back and completed five SSH (credit to Whoopie for introducing brief warmups for all late arrivals) and then moseyed to the Methodist Church for one minute of step ups.

Another brief run to the steps of the bank where we got the backs of our shirts wet and completed an ab routine that consisted of flutter kicks, backstrokes, Marge to Homer, and a crowd favorite, the Capital alphabet. There were lots of low groans and mumbling on this one but at least the rain kept us cool. The sound of a lonesome train whistle made me want to lead them to the tracks but a quick lane change turned into the group splitting up across the street. It was too dark and wet for Frogger, so we waited on our six until the rest could cross the street and regrouped at the base of the parking deck where we started…

The Thang:
At the bottom of one side of the deck, 5 burpees OYO. Lunge walk to the other side. Bearcrawl up the incline. Stairs down and go up the incline backwards while Bearcrawling (Joe Hendrix). Repeado x5 stopping twice to do some one minute rounds of LBC’s and jump squats. When we got towards the top we did some monkey humpers and then lunged up the incline and partered off for burpee long jumps across the top. One partner does burpee long jumps for ten yards and the partner lunges ten yards. Once we finally got to the top and enjoyed the drizzling rain, we did some merkins and then Bandit led us back to the flagpole for the Pledge, COT, and prayer.

Very happy to have a good showing today and especially to welcome FNG’s Yak and Boss Hogg to F3Nation. Roscoe loves having another Dukes of Hazzard character in F3 but unlike the television show, will never refer to him as my “little chubby buddy”.

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