Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Red Ribbon

Mt Hollywood – Monday 2/26 – “Famous People”

The theme of the queue at Mt Hollywood on 2/26 was “Famous People”

Began at Mt Holly Middle School parking lot at 5:30am with OYO stretching, as well as Don Quixotes, Nolan Ryans, and Mike Tysons

Mosey to Oblinger Dentistry, then James Bonds (5 sets) & LL Cool J’s (5 sets)
Mosey next door to Mt Holly library, 3 sets of 30-second Al Gores, and 3 sets of 20 Freddy Mercurys (count each leg)

Mosey to Truist in downtown Mt Holly, then Bruce Lee’s (5 sets), 3 sets of 5 reps of Tigers (aka suspension merkins) and 12 reps of Dwight Howards (3 sets).

Mosey across street to behind Presbyterian Church parking lot. 5 sets of Mickey Mouse merkins, 5 sets of Blueprints (aka triple bears).

Mosey back to the Mt Holly library, then 5 David Lee Roth burpees, 5 Makhtar Ndiayes.

Mosey to auditorium steps right across street from Mt Holly Middle School, 3 sets of 5 reps of Paula Abdul merkins, 1 set of 5 reps of Rocky Balboa’s. This brought up right up to 6:15am, END.

In honor of the year 2023

Began at 5:30am with a quick prayer and then stretching @ Mt Holly Middle School

Mosey to downtown Mt Holly, 2 sets of 1 lap + 20 reps (10 parking stall crab walks + 10 parking stall bear crawls) &  then 23 more reps (dollys)

Across the street to Mt Holly United Methodist Church, 2 sets of 1 lap + 20 reps (wall step-ups) + 23 more reps (dips)

Mosey to behind Truist, 2 sets of 1 lap + 20 reps (heels to heaven) + 23 more reps (CDDs)

Mosey to SouthState, 2 sets of 1 lap + 20 reps (World War I sit-ups) + 23 more reps (hand release merkens), and then a 3rd set of 1 lap + 7 reps (2+0+2+3 WWI sit-ups) + 7 more reps (2+0+2+3 hand release merkens)

Mosey back to Mt Holly MS, with a sprint up Glendale Ave hill.

Close with pledge, announcements, prayer requests and prayer.

Back to School @ Mt Hollywood

Warmed up with side straddle hops (10), cotton pickers (10), and some stretching. Then went BACK TU SCHOOL for 23-24.

Start in Mt Holly Middle School parking lot.

B – bear crawls (11 parking space lengths +12 of the same, TOTAL 23) then A – Al Gores (24 sec + 24 sec)

C – cockroaches (23 + 23) then K – Kraken Burpees (12 + 12, TOTAL 24)


Jog across the street to Ida Rankin Elem parking lot

T – twinkle toes (23 + 23) then U – Up-downs (12 + 12, TOTAL 24)

S – step-ups on the wall (23 + 23) then C – Cherkins (24+24)


Jog back across the street to Mt Holly Middle School parking lot

H – Heels to heaven (23 + 23) + O – Obamas (12 + 12, TOTAL 24)

O – outlaws (11 + 12, TOTAL 23) + L – lunges (24 + 24)


Had time to do one more round of B & A

B – Bobby Hurleys (23 + 23) then A – American hammers (24+24)

Mount Hollywood 11-2-20

Warmup: Side straddle hops, 1 set of 15

Toy soliders, 1 set of 15

Body weight squats, 1 set of 15

Mike Tysons, 1 set of 15


Run .5 mile, Merkens + run .1 mile loop & do 5 Bobby Hurleys, 3 sets

Run .1 mile, Wall squats + run .1 mile loop, 3 sets

Heels to heaven + run .1 mile loop, 3 sets

Bear crawls for 30 yards + lunges for 30 yards, 3 sets

Plank janks + run .1 mile loop, 3 sets


Run .5 mile, 10 burpees one time


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