Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sean Corcoran (Page 6 of 13)

F3 The Pub

We had six runners and 7 ruckers at The Pub.  Seeing no FNG’s, I gave the runners the route for the Pub followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Boudin with the Q at Tequila Sunrise / Short Sale with the Q at Downtown / Oompa Loompa with the Q at Snooze.
Annihilation Q: Tiger at the Storm on July 15; Slaw at Folsom on August 5; and Defib at Gashouse on August 26.
Tesla updated his July 4 workout at the Fighting Yank. It is now scheduled for 6 a.m. Check Slack for details.

Prayers and Praises:
Nutria’s son (bulldozer) turned 6 today.
Rosco reported that his Uncle is doing much better and may move back into this Senior Living Apartment.
Termite thanked the PAX for continued prayers for his son, Nick.
Termite want’s us to lift up his pastor’s son in law who was badly injured in a motorcycle wreck.
Continue to keep my sister Mackenzie in your prayers.


F3 The Goat – June 22, 2023

We had 11 this morning at the GOAT (9 for the boot camp and two for Rucking).  Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

We took a long mosey around the parking lot in Cramerton and circled up for the warm up.

10 Windmill IC
10 Sun Gods IC
15 SSH
10 Merkins (IC)

We took a run toward the town hall where I had set up for stations. We split into groups  of two or three and performed the exercises written on the pieces of paper. After one station was completed the PAX took a lap around the town of Cramerton.

10 Burpees
15 Jump Squats
20 Merkins
25 Kettle Bell Swings
30 Flutter Kicks (count one side)
35 SSH

10 Hand ReleaseMerkins
15 Bomb Jacks
20 Carolina Dry Dock
25 Curls with Cinderblock)
30 Smurf Jacks
35 LBC

10 Mike Tyson
15 Bonnie Blairs
20 Imperial Waker Squats
25 Overhead Press (with Cinderblock)
30 Seal Jacks
35 Parker Peter (count one side)

10 Diamond Merkins
15 Bobby Hurley
20 Incline Merkins
25 Chest Press with Cinderblock)
30 High Knees
35 Mountain  Climbers (count one side)

The PAX rinsed and repeated at least one time and then we headed back toward COT.

Sister Act with the Q at Old School for Annihilation. Check Slack for the reaming schedule.
Orangeman with the Q at Tequila Sunrise / Flinstone with the Q at Snooze.

Safe travels for Bubba Sparxxx family who is in South America.
Tesla’s sister Mary.
The scan for Jackson Hall came back good. He is dealing with brain cancer.
Continue to check Slack and lift those up on the prayer channel.

F3 The Snooze – June 16, 2023

First Q at the new AO on Friday mornings. We have only had two previous workouts and I wanted to be kind to those who decided to double post with little time in between.

After a brief warmup we headed to the field behind the McAdenville YMCA for a little DORA action.

100 derkins
200 squats
300 flutter kicks (count one side only)

When that was finished we ran back to the park in McAdenville where we played F3 Wordle.

So for each letter that was correct and in the correct spot we would do 10 reps of an exercise.  For each one that was correct and in the wrong spot we would do 20 reps.  For each one that was wrong we would do 30 reps.  The first word was DREDD and they guessed it on the sixth try. I told them that the words I had selected were related to F3. The second word was Faith, but we ran out of time.

F3 Dad’s Workout at the Fighting Yank.
July 4 Reading of the Declaration of Independence at the Fighting Yank. Start time is 7:00 a.m.
F3 Dad’s Nation Event at Camp Thunderbird August 18-20.

Rosco’s uncle fell recently. He is also going through Parkinson.
Sledge’s sister in law who is battling cancer.
My sister (Mackenzie).
As always, continue to check the slack channel and lift up those PAX needing prayers.


F3 Tequila Sunrise – June 16, 2023

I invited Nickelback from Lake Wylie to come be a special “Guest Q”.  He grew up in Belmont and relocated to Lake Wylie recently.

After a quick warm up, which included a circle of burpees performed by each PAX.  Nickelback took us on a mosey around Belmont where he spoke about his childhood life.

First stop – Davis Park Tennis Courts
10 burpees

Second stop – Davis Park Field
10 burpees

Third Stop – Belmont Middle School
10 Monkey Humpers

Fourth Stop – Nichols Grocery
10 burpees

We then proceeded to head back to Belmont Central where we bear crawled and lunge walk between four cones. At each cone we performed an excecise.

We had a few minutes left and circled up for MARY.

F3 Dad’s Workout at the Fighting Yank.
July 4 Reading of the Declaration of Independence at the Fighting Yank. Start time is 7:00 a.m.
F3 Dad’s Nation Event at Camp Thunderbird August 18-20.

Buckshot’s six year old nephew going threw treatment for leukemia.
Rosco’s uncle fell recently. He is also going through Parkinson.
Nickelback’s family dealing with Alzheimer.




F3 The Storm – June 6, 2023

We had a great showing this morning at The Storm.  Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

SSH x 15 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Hillbilly Walker x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC

There is four stations set up around the AO with a list of exercises. All the PAX run to the station, perform the exercise, and then run back to the previous station or COT.

Station 1:
10 Burpees
15 Jump Squats
20 Merkins
25 Flutter Kicks
30 SSH

Station 2:
5 Burpees
15 Bomb Jacks
25 CDD
35 Seal Jacks
45 LBC

Station 3:
4 Kraken Burpees
12 Mike Tyson
24 Lunge
36 Parker Peter
48 Rocky Balboa

Station 4:
6 Burpees
12 Imperial Walker Squats
18 Wide Arm Merkin
24 Alt. Shoulder Taps
36 Mountain Climbers

F3 Tequila Sunrise – May 26, 2023

YHC did not have the Q today, but as site Q took it for Maybeline who decided to post Downtown.  Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer followed by  the Pledge of Allegiance.

We took off on a short run and headed to the parking lot church at Four Square for the warm up.

SSH x 10 IC
Sun Gods x 10 IC
Goofballs x 10 IC
Windmill x 10 IC

After the warm up we headed to the American Legion building and did our only ALARM

20 Carolina Dry Docks
20 Lunges
20 American Hammers
Run to Davis Park
20 Merkins

After the ALARM, we headed to the old Belmont Middle School for a BLIMP.

20 Big Boys
20 LBC’s
20 Imperial Squat Walkers
20 Merkins
20 Plank Jacks

After the BLIMP, we headed to the track behind Belmont Middle School for an Escalator.

Round 1 5 burpees
Round 2 5 burpees, 10 squats
Round 3 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 derkins
Round 4 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 derkins, 20 flutter kicks

After the ESCALATOR, we headed back to COT where we found the benches.
10 Decline Alternating Shoulder Taps
10 Dips
10 Step Ups
10 Incline Merkins
10 Mountain Climbers

The Sandlot – May 22, 2023

We had a great turnout of PAX this morning at The Sandlot.  Got a chance to introduce myself and meet some new PAX.

Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge.

After the Pledge we took a mosey to Martha Rivers Park for the warm up.

Windmill x 10 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Gravel Pickers x 10 IC
Seal Jacks x 20 IC
Merkin x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC

At Martha Rivers Park there are three entrances that lead into the baseball/softball field. At the first entrance we performed 10 merkins, and ran to the ball fields and did 10 squats. From there we ran out and took one complete lap until we saw the second entrance where we performed 20 American Hammers (count one side) and 20 Mountain Climbers (count one side). We took another complete lap around and found the third entrance and did 10 merkins, 20 American Hammers, 10 squats and 20 Moutain Climbers.

We headed toward the soccer field and did 11’s (10 derkins and 1 jump squat). We were unable to finish with time, and ran toward COT where we did about three minutes of MARY.

2nd F Lunch at The Lodge in Belmont on Wednesday, May 24
The Murph at Martha Rivers Park on Monday, May 27
Bike ride, run, and/or ruck in Forest City (Check Slack for details from Purple Haze)
A new AO (Snooze) is opening June 2 in McAdenville for the summer months. It begins at 6:45 a.m.
Tesla is putting together an event at The Fighting Yank on Tuesday, July 4. He will have more details later.

Continue to keep my sister Mackenzie in your prayers.
Graduation is this week for many seniors. Prayers for safety as they head to the beach for grad week.
Continue to look at the Prayer Channel on Slack.


F3 Mount Hollywood – May 15, 2023

Six pack of men this morning at Mount Hollywood. Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer, and then we took off in the park lot for some karaoke, toy soldiers, butt kickers, high knees, etc before circling back up for the warm up.

Windmill x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10IC
Seal Jacks x 10 IC
Sun Gods x 10 IC (Forward and Reverse)
Plank Jacks x 10 IC

ROUND 1 (Rinse and Repeat Four times)
4 burpees
8 merkins
16 mountain climbers (count one side)
32 SSH
Run the entire parking lot.

ROUND 2 (Rinse and Repeat Four times)
4 bomb jacks
8 lunges (count one side)
16rocky balboa’s (count one side)
32 lbc
Run the entire parking lot.

ROUND 3 (Rinse and Repeat Four times)
4 Big Boys Sit Ups
8 freddy mercury (count one side)
16 flutter kicks (count one side)
32 american hammers (count both sides)
Run the entire parking lot.

Time Laps race this weekend at The Whitewater Center.
2nd F Lunch at The Lodge on Wednesday, May 24 at noon.
The Murph at Martha Rivers Park
Bike Ride, Run, Ruck in Forest City on June 3. See preblast by Purple Haze.

Continue to pray for my sister Mackenzie.
High school students graduating.
Termite’s family
Tiger’s family
Continue to check the Prayer Channel on Slack.

The Ricky Bobby – May 17 2023

We had 8 this morning at The Ricky Bobby for a Radar birthday beatdown.  Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer before we took off for a lap around the track.

WARM UP: (10 exercises, 47 seconds on, 13 seconds of rest)
Flutter Kicks
High Knees
Smurf Jacks
Alternating Shoulder Taps
American Hammers
Mountain Climbers

Beatdown #1
Keeping the theme of 47, I allowed the PAX to choose the 7 exercises. We would do four rounds and 7 reps. After each round, we took a lap around the track.

Exercises were: Jump Squats, American Hammers (count one side), LBC’s, Merkins, Big Boy Sit Ups, Mike Tyson, and Derkins.

Beatdown #2
We had some time for 7’s. So 6 hand release merkins , and then run to the end of the parking lot and perform one plank jack. Do this until you perform 1 one hand release merkins and 6 plank jacks.

Exercises included Freddie Mercury, Six Shooters, and Ski Abs, followed by 5 burpees for the train.

Time Laps race this weekend at The Whitewater Center.
2nd F Lunch at The Lodge on Wednesday, May 24 at noon.
The Murph at Martha Rivers Park
Bike Ride, Run, Ruck in Forest City on June 3. See preblast by Purple Haze.
Tesla is on Q for a special July 4 workout at the Fighting Yank.

Continue to pray for my sister Mackenzie.
High school students graduating.
Storm damage in Cherryville.
Continue to check the Prayer Channel on  Slack.


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