Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sean Corcoran (Page 10 of 13)

Speed Racer Guest Q at Tequila Sunrise – June 3, 2022

Warm up
Imperial walker
Maracan night club
produce picker

Paula Abdul bear crawl
2 spots forward 2merkins, 1spot backwards 1merkin.

Mosey to next parking lot

Global warming (hold Al Gore while side shuffle) I called random exercises with rep count. Once work was done recover to al gore and keep shuffling.
5 burpees, 20 American hammers, 10 CDD, 20 Freddie mercury, 10 Diamond merkins, 20 flutter kicks.|

Walk like an Egyptian ( Indian run) lunge walk, PAX in rear does 3 burpees then run to front. We completed 1 revolution.

Partner up for Dora around track.
100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC.

Then back to parking lot for some AB lab to finish.
The Elwood, the goofball, dying cockroach, hello dolly, crunchy frog, 6inch hold, dirty dog, Nolan Ryan, mountain climbers.

Back to COT. I talked about being driven rather than motivated.

The Ricky Bobby – June 8, 2022

We had seven this morning at The Ricky Bobby.   Seeing an FNG, I gave the disclaimer and the five core principals of F3.

After a mosey to the back of the school parking lot we circled up the warm up.

SSH x 20 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10IC
MNC x 10 IC
Merkin x 10 IC

After the warm up we took a lap around the school track and headed toward the front of the school.

I explained the workout where the PAX would do a round and after each round we would add an exercise and add 5 additional reps. After each round the PAX would sprint from one side of the parking lot and back.

Round 1: (5 hand release merkins)
Round 2: (5 hand release merkins, 10 squats)
Round 3: (5 hand release merkins, 10 squats, 15 lbc )
Round 4: (5 hand release merkins, 10 squats, 15 lbc, 20 lunges)
Round 5: (5 hand release merkins, 10 squats, 15 lbc, 20 lunges, 25 mountain climbers)
Round 6: ((5 hand release merkins, 10 squats, 15 lbc, 20 lunges, 25 mountain climbers, 30 plank jacks)
Round 7: (5 hand release merkins, 10 squats, 15 lbc, 20 lunges, 25 mountain climbers, 30 plank jacks, 35 SSH)
Round 8: (5 hand release merkins, 10 squats, 15 lbc, 20 lunges, 25 mountain climbers, 30 plank jacks, 35 SSH, 40 American Hammers)
Round 9: (5 hand release merkins, 10 squats, 15 lbc, 20 lunges, 25 mountain climbers, 30 plank jacks, 35 SSH, 40 American Hammers, 45 BBSU)
Round 10: (5 hand release merkins, 10 squats, 15 lbc, 20 lunges, 25 mountain climbers, 30 plank jacks, 35 SSH, 40 American Hammers, 45 BBSU, 50 merkins)

Wolverine, the F3 Lake Wylie Nantan, has the Q at Tequila Sunrise on Friday.  I am trying to get “Guest Q’s” all summer long at Tequila.
2nd F Happy Hour at Old Stone in Belmont on Friday, June 10.
2nd F Lunch at Twisted Goat in Cramerton on Wednesday, June 15.
F3 Dad’s Event at Folsom on Saturday, June 18.
PT Test at Gasthouse on Saturday, June 25.

Tesla’s family.
Nutria has a child who is sick.

Thank you to Tiger for taking us out this morning.


The Goat – March 31, 2022

We had 12 men for a Final Four workout. Seeing no FNG’s we headed up 8th Avenue to find a better parking lot for the warm up.

Goofball x 20 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Hillbilly Walker x 10 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Sun Gods x 10 IC (each direction).
Plank Jacks x 15 IC

10 merkins
10 merkins, 20 cdd
10 merkins, 20 cdd, 30 squats
10 merkins, 20 cdd, 30 squats, 40 mountain climbers (count one side only)

5 burpees for the train.

Took a mosey to the basketball courts in Cramerton.

YHC has two grab bags, one with 6 ping pong balls, upon which are written numbers from 10 to 25, plus the letter “Q” (puller gets to choose the number of reps); The second bag contains 6 ping pong balls with exercises (Bobby Hurleys, Carolina Dry Dock, Merkin, Mountain Climbers and Squats)  on them.

There is also a basketball. Prior to the pax pulling the ping pong balls, the pax has to shoot the basketball through the net (Free Throw Line or 3-Point Line). If the pax misses, we do a total of five burpees for each miss.

Congratulations to Zeus and Cinderella (the only PAX to make a basket today)

Convergence at The Fighting Yank on Saturday, April 2
Community Foundation Run on Saturday, April 9
F3 Night at the Gastonia Honey Hunters. Check Slack for more details.

Cinderella’s aunt.
Pizza Man’s pastor.


Celebrating Six Years at The Storm – March 29, 2022

Six years ago I took the whim and was EHed by Sargento and headed to The Storm where Whoopie was on Q.  After the FREE workout, I enjoyed the fellowship and was given the name of RADAR, which could be worse seeing some of the names before and after.

So seeing that my F3 Anniversary fell on March 29 at the same AO, I started I stole the Q from Dr. Seuss via Slack and decided to do lead the workout.

Seeing a FNG, I gave a disclaimer and then we went on a run behind the school, and then circled up in the round about.

Windmill x 10 IC
Imperial Squat Walker x 10 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Merkin x 10 IC

After the warm up we took a mosey up the hill toward Lakewood Road and then took Lakewood Road back to the school on the stadium entrance side.

CRAZY 8’s (8 Rounds):
8 hand release merkins, 16 parker peter (count one side), and 24 seal jacks. After each round run in an eight pattern in the parking lot.

1 big boy sit up / run / 10 squats

Convergence at The Fighting Yank on Saturday, April 2
Community Foundation Run on Saturday, April 9
F3 Night at the Gastonia Honey Hunters. Check Slack for more details.

Cinderella’s aunt.
Pizza Man’s pastor.

Tequila Sunrise – March 25, 2022

No one knew who was going to Q today at Tequila Sunrise. Orangeman took the first half and I took the second half.

Seeing an FNG, Orangeman gave the proper disclaimer, and then we moseyed over to the basketball courts for the warm up.

SSH x 15 IC
Imperial Walker x 15 IC

After the warm up we went behind to the back parking lot of the school. Along Park Drive there are eleven light poles.  At each light pole we did one merkin for one light pole, two merkins for the second light pole, and so forth. In told 11 light poles.

Following this we said the Pledge of Allegiance at the American Legion Building, followed by another 22 merkins.

Orangeman took us into the tennis courts where we did four courners.

Corner #1 – 10 LBC
Corner #2 – 10 LBC, 20 Flutter Kicks
Corner #3 – 10LBC, 20 Flutter Kicks, 30 Squats
Corner #4 – 10LBC, 20 Flutter Kicks, 30 Squats, and 40 Mike Tyson’s.

Orangeman passed the workout and the Site Q to me for the remainder of the workout.

Staying in the tennis courts we did two rounds of Agassi sprints.

We had about 20 minutes remaining, so I took the PAX to the front of Belmont Central where we did an escalator.

Escalator 1: 10 derkins
Run around the parking lot
Escalator 2: 10 derkins, 20 smurf jacks,
Run around the parking lot
Escalator 3: 10 derkins, 20 smurf jacks, 30 high knees (count one side only),
Run around the parking lot
Escalator 4: 10 derkins, 20 smurf jacks, 30 high knees (count one side only), 40 mountain climbers (count one side only).
Run around the parking lot
Escalator 5: 30 high knees (count one side only), 20 smurf jacks, 10 derkins
Run around the parking lot
Escalator 6: 20 smurf jacks, 10 derkins
Run around the parking lot
Escalator 7: 10 derkins
Run around the parking lot

Convergence Saturday, April 2 at The Fighting Yank.
F3 Gastonia Night at The Gastonia Honey Hunters (Sunday, April 24, 4:15 p.m.) Tickets are $9. Check out the F3 Gastonia Slack channel for more information.
Vote for your favorite F3 AO t-shirt design. Check out the F3 Gastonia slack channel for the Google form.

Prayers for those runners in the P200 and Mortimer 100.
Tesla and his family.
Pink Floyd’s wife is having hip surgery. In addition, his grandmother is in need of prayers.
Two previous coworkers of Nutria’s recently passed away.
Pilgrim Progress’s M recently had surgery.
Orangeman’s wife recently got a job with Bank of America. Hoping for a smooth transition.


The Ricky Bobby – March 23, 2022

I guess the threat of rain scared off some of the PAX this morning, but myself and five other men showed up for some good fellowship.

Seeing no FNG, I gave a brief disclaimer and we headed for a brief mosey behind the school for the warm up.

Don Quixote x 10 IC
Goofball x 20 IC
Imperial Walker x 10 IC
Merkin x 10 IC

10 Carolina Dry Dock / 1 Imperial Squat Walker

Four Corners (3 Rounds)
10 Plank Jacks IC
20 Mountain Climbers – Count one side
30 SSH
40 LBC

We headed back to the school and at each exercised performed the following exercises.

First Light Pole = 5 burpees
Second Light Pole = 5 burpees, 10 merkins
Third Light Pole = 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats
Fourth Light Pole = 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats, and 20 american hammers (count one side).

We had a few minutes left a did some ab exercises.

Convergence at The Fighting Yank on April 2.
Second F Lunch on Thursday, April 21 at Ray Nathans.
F3 Night at The Gastonia Honey Hunters (Sunday, April 24, 4:15 p.m.) Tickets are $9.  Check out the F3 Gastonia Slack channel for more information.

Tesla asked to continue to think of him and his family in your prayers. He did mention that he and his son had a nice weekend together.


Tequilla Sunrise – March 18, 2022

Well I knew I would have an uphill battle with pax showing up this morning at Tequilla Sunrise. I mean I was going against the Chief Executive Officer of F3 (Slaughter) who was on Q at Downtown, but I appreciate the 10 pax for making it out this morning.

Seeing no FNG’s, we took a quick mosey where we circled up for the warm up.

Windmill x 10 IC
Imperial Walker x 10 IC
Gravel Pickers x 10 IC
SSH x 25 IC

We then went on a run to Davis Park where we performed a set of exercises.

10  carolina dry docks run to second light pole.
10 lbc’s run to third light pole.
10 squats run back to first light pole.

Rinse and repeat adding 15 reps and then 20 reps.

10 merkins run to second light pole.
10 big boys run to third light pole.
10 bobby hurley’s run to first light pole

Rinse and repeat adding 15 reps and then 20 reps.

We then returned to the starting light pole and lunged to each parking spot followed by squat. I believe their were 15 parking spots.

From there we ran to the picnic benches at the park and did IC (Dips, Derkins, and Irkins) followed by Step Up (Count one side only).

We took a mosey back to behind Belmont Central Elementary where we partnered up and did a small dora (50, 100, 150 reps). Exercises were plank jacks, mountain climbers, and SSH.

Seeing we had a few minutes left we circled up for MARY.

2nd F event a Primal Brewery and Rusty Rabbit.

Convergence at The Fighting Yank on April 2.

Rebar, Orangeman’s boss, and Tesla.

The Labyrinth – March 2, 2022

Eight men decided to get out of bed and come to The Labyrinth. It was also my first Q at the AO.

After a brief disclaimer, we took a mosey to Martha Rivers Park.

As we entered the park we performed the following exercises at each light pole.

First Light Pole = 5 squats
Second Light Pole = 5 squats  and 5 merkins
Third Light Pole = 5 squats, 5 merkins, and 5 big boy sit ups.
Fourth Light Pole = 5 squats, 5 merkins, 5 big boy sit ups, and 5 SSH.
Fifth Light Pole = 5 squats, 5 merkins, 5 big boy sit ups, 5SSH, and 5 burpees.

We headed to one of the picnic shelters and did 11’s (10 dips and 1 Bobby Hurley)

Staying in the picnic shelter we did 25 derkins and 15 step ups, then 20 derkins and 20 step ups, and finally 15 derkins and 25 step ups.

We took a nice mosey in the parking lot and circled up for a dora.
100 plank jacks
200 lbc
300 SSH

After the dora we did some stretching including the windmill and gravel pickers.

Seeing we had a few minutes left, we started heading back to the start.  At the second to last light pole we lunged walk from one pole to the second pole.

We had about two minutes left so we did mountain climbers and practiced our plank exercises until time was up.

Purple Haze will have the Q next week at Labyrinth.
Bos has the Q at Downtown Friday morning.
Cha Ching (1st F) in Lake Wylie has the Q at The Fighting Yank
T-shirt order for Folsom and Fighting Yank shirts.

Palmer family – (a friend of Whoopee)
Timeframe’s aunt
Dry Rub’s friend
Sargento reported good news on his M’s biopsy.

Mount Hollywood – February 21, 2022

We had 10 on a cool brisk Monday morning at Mount Hollywood.   Seeing no FNG’s, but a couple of new faces I gave a quick disclaimer and reminded the pax to modify as necessary.

We took a short stroll in the parking lot for some karaoke, toy soldiers, butt kickers, and then took a jog to the  back of Rankin Elementary near the railroad tracks where we circled up for the warm up.

Windmill x 10 (IC)
SSH x 20 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x 15 (IC)
Seal Jacks x 20 (IC)

25 Carolina Dry Docks
Lap (up Oakland Street, to West Catawba Ave., to Main St. to West Central Ave.)
50 Merkins
Run up Oakland Street and back.
75 Mountain Climbers (Count one side only)
Run up Oakland Street and back.
100 Squats
Run up Oakland Street and back.
75 SSH (single count)
Run up Oakland Street and back.
50 Plank Jacks
Run up Oakland Street and back.
25 Hand Release Merkins
Return to Mount Holly Middle.

In all most pax, ran approximately a 5k from this morning’s workout.

Dam 2 Dam (February 26)

F3 Rock Hill: The Rooster (March 12)

F3 The Fort: The Yetti (March 19)

F3 Mortimer and P200 (March 26)

Community Foundation Run (April 9 at 9:00 a.m.)

Round-up and his family.
Tesla and his family.
Pillager’s dad.

The STORM – January 25, 2022

The  Workout:
We had nine pax this morning at the STORM where I skipped the warm up and we went for a run up Lakewood Road and took a tour of the school.

We made five stops on our way.

First stop 25 SSH (IC)
Second stop 25 SSH (IC), 20 Squats
Third stop 25 SSH (IC), 20 Squats, 15 Mountain Climbers (IC)
Fourth Stop 25 SSH (IC), 20 Squats, 15 Mountain Climbers (IC), 10 merkins
Fifth Stop 25 SSH (IC), 20 Squats, 15 Mountain Climbers (IC), 10 merkins, and 5 burpees

After our nice warm up run I used the light poles near the entrance of the school to do suicides where we rinse and repeated the exercise five times.

  1. 5 Mike Tyson’s  sprint to the first pole,

  2. Sprint back to the start and to the first pole and perform 10 Bomb Jacks

  3. Sprint back to the start and then to the second pole and do 15 Plank Jacks.

  4. Sprint back to the start and then to the third pole and do 20 Seal Jacks.

We had a few minutes left so to catch our breath we lunged walk from one curb to the other curb and nurred back.

Q School – TBD
Rice and Beans (Continue to check Slack for updates)
Men’s Retreat (February 18-20)
Rooster (March 12)

Round Up and his M
Dark Helmet
Def Leopard
Breaker Breaker

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