Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Pockets (Page 14 of 17)

Rainy day at the Storm.

13 HIMs woke up not afraid of the rain and thinking that the site Q  had promised a workout under the shelter. Hoping that there wasn’t any hard rain, I knew i wasn’t going near that area. As the PAX rolled in and time counted down, we began.

Warm up.

Hill Billy’s x 20

Grass pokers x 20

Don Quixote’s x 10

Toy Soldiers z 20

Squats x 20

Moroccan night clubs x 20

Air push ups x 20

8 count body builders x 10


Indian run around the school with the last man dropping and doing 10 SSH before running to the front of the line. Continue around the school and back to the start.

Now we start Bill Murray.

10 Merkins

10 Squats


10 Burpees

Then run a lap around the parking lot. Continue until the QIC says stop. After a few laps and getting bored, I decided to move on  Mosey to the other parking lot for some Route 66.

One leg deadlift and Squats.

Mosey back to the start and do one minute of SSH and we’re done.  Lots of chatter (mostly about the rain) as we worked out this morning. Great time as always. Thank you men for the opportunity!!!


Christmas Town 5K. Come support if you can.


Me and my Rowdy friends.

8 of us showed up on a nice afternoon to workout and cut up together. Not the prettiest group but that’s all I had to work with.  5:30 comes and we start.

Warm up.

Each rep X 20

Grass pickers

Hill Billies.

Moroccan night clubs

Imperial walkers.

Mosey to the upper restrooms for some figure 8 in the parking lot.

Three rounds. 20 reps of each.

Round 1

Flutter kicks

Walking lunge 10 each leg.


One leg deadlift. 10 each leg

Calf raises.

Tiger squat.

Round 2


Shoulder tap.


Over head clap

Wide arm merkin

Nolan Ryan. 10 each arm.

Round 3

Crunchy frog



Pretzel crunch 10 each side

Oblique crunch 10 each side


Mosey down to the playground Perform each 20 times OYO


Incline merkins

Decline merkins

Step ups

5 Burpees.

Rinse and Repeat 3 times.

Finish up with a round of Mary. Everyone got a chance to call out an exercise.

Mosey back to the start.


christmastown 5k. Come and run even if you didn’t sign up. We need help.

convergence. Saturday the 19th at The Yank.

Prayer request, many request all around us. Please keep each other in your prayers. Please pray! Your prayers matter!!!!

Thank you all for your friendship!! Keep the Lord our God first in your life!!


Getting in some running!

17 showed at the Yank this fine morning.  Mosey over to the parking lot at 2 Chicks Sandwiches and Scoops. Here we warm up.

SSHx 20 IC

22 merkins for the vets.


Flutter Kicks x 20  IC

mosey to the intersection in front of Stowe Manor.

Monkey Humpers x 20 IC

mosey down the hill to the next intersection.

In the grass we did

WW1 x 10 OYO

Squat x 20 IC

Continue down the hill and stop at the next intersection. I had some of the PAX call out some exercises.

Boudin called 10 Burpees OYO

Termite called shoulder Taps x 20 IC

mosey over to Hawthorn hill for some 11’s

We did Peter Parker’s at the bottom and crunchy frogs at the top. We only ran to the first road on the hill. It’s about halfway up the hill. Time running out, we moseyed on up myrtle street  stopping at the red light.  At the red light with started up the hill and completed 1 squat at each light pole, adding a squat at each pole. I believe we had 11 or 12 poles. It was basically a Route 66. When everyone was caught up we moseyed over to the intersection of Central and Woodrow.

SSH x 20 IC

mosey down to the intersection of Woodrow and Main streets.

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC

mosey to the Yank. Stopping at the intersection of Main and Catawba for some goofballs to the camera. Finish up at the Yank with some overhead claps and Moroccan night clubs till time was up.


Plenty of 5k events and speed for need events coming up. Jj5k, Christmas Town 5k, Stop Soldier Suicide 5k.

I need Q’s for The Fighting Yank. Help the sight Q’s out by stepping up and leading. Co leading is  a great way to be introduced to leading a workout!!


I shared red a little about Doubt in your walk with Christ. It is hard to always have a positive outlook on every situation. But Mathew 6:20 says  “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal”

Build on the rock of Christ! Pray earnestly and believe in those prayers.

Thank you again for your time!


Q-Fail. God’s Plan.

14 today at Midoriyama. 80 out, it was a nice afternoon for some sweat.

Wanting to put together an awesome workout, for two weeks I’ve thought about today’s workout. But for some reason nothing would come to mind. I guess I had “writers block”  as they say.   The only thing that would come to mind is laying down some  exercises and getting through the work out.   So I got my chalk out and lay down 32 exercises in the parking lot. With a plan in mind I wasn’t sure if it was going to work.

Time to begin. So we start with some side saddle hops,  then mosey over to the parking lot.   Five minutes in, I can already tell this wasn’t going to be pretty. Trying to give some instruction of my plan that I had concocted, it didn’t look like anyone was buying in to what I was selling. With that we lined up in the parking spaces and started. We changed the routine several times,  next thing you know time was coming toward an end. With the work out feeling like a disaster, we rounded up and headed back to the start for some mary.


Speed for need at the Belmont 5K.  Sign up or come help anyway.

Memorial day  Murph.


Prayer request.

Weezy and his daughter.

Gastone and family.

I’m sorry guys, there are others that I’ve forgotten.


Today’s workout was very disheartening at first, but ended my thoughts toward the father and his son Jesus. My church has gotten a new pastor whom has taught me many things about seeing God‘s will in our lives.  As I thought about the work out, all I could do is think about what was God‘s will for me and the rest of the PAX.  For me, today showed me that we are all not leaders all the time. That sometimes we are merely a vessel in which Christ uses.  Today I was merely used by Jesus to gather the men in one area to fellowship together.  I also learned that Christ was teaching me patients.  He was teaching me how to put self aside, and put my savior first.

James 5:7-12

be patient and persevering.  Always seeking the will of the Lord.

Today told me that even if things don’t turn out the way you have planned them, it always turns out the way God has planned. God always has a plan for us even when it is not obvious!  We must learn to look toward the father for our answers! 

I want to close by thanking  all the man who came out today to sweat with me. Most importantly I want to thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for  showing compassion on a sorry sinner like me.

4 corners.

15 showed on a warm winter afternoon.

Warm up


Don Quixote’s  And a few more that I forgot. mosey to the small soccer field.

Dora. With 4 corners. 10 rounds. OYO. 

SSH 100 

Squat 200 

 LBC 300

Pretzel Crunch first, then switch to Overhead clap 400. 

On laps 3 and 9 give 5 Burpees at the start.

Several fast guys getting done we all stopped and got 5 Burpees in together. Head to the parking lot.

Route 66 called out by several of the PAX.

We had Squats, Merkins, Calf Raises and maybe a couple others. Mosey back to the start to finish up.

Announcements And prayer request.


I told the men, that I wanted to brag on them for a minute. It is always fun at every workout. You men are always there, making someone smile, listening to each other before you speak.  Thank you all for caring, for listening, and most of all for your prayers.   Keep up the good work. Keep pushing each other. Keep holding each other accountable.

Thank you for another great workout!!!

Midoriyama Math?

13 in the  Beautiful afternoon at Midoriyama.  Being that I have a short memory, I am so thankful to have been reminded that I had the Q.  I have a work out that I had done at another AO.  I thought that it would work well for this evening. With a few adjustments, adding in some Burpee‘s for my man Slaw,  I knew that this would suck, so I decided this was the wenkie for us! Time nearing as I pull up. I see plenty of Pax getting their EC on.  With that we began.



1 mile mosey.  5 Burpees at every 1/4 mile mark also we had a train close by, so an extra 5 were added. 


SSH x 10

Toy Soldiers x 10

Goof balls x 10

Hill Billies x 10 

Imperial walkers x 10 

Squats x 10 



Merkins  x 10

Nolan Ryan x 10 each arm. 

Mnt Climbers x 10 

CDD x 10 

Hand release Merkins x 10 

Peter Parker x 10 

Parker Peter x 10 



Crunchy Frog x 10 

WW1 x 10 

V up- Roll up x 10 

Pretzel Crunch x 10 

American Hammers x 10 

LBC x 10 

Dying Cockroaches x 10 

Flutter Kicks x 10 


Mosey to the ball field hill

Triple nickel up hill. 

SSH & Squats – legs

Merkins & CDD – arms 

WW1 &  Crunchy Frog – core.


5 minutes left. Mosey back to the start for some Mary.



Nomades saturday. Meet at dunkin doughnuts on new hope or Roses in Belmont. Let Freight  know.

Community foundation run sign up.


Prayer request.

Each other.  Many request, spoken and unspoken. Remember we are each other’s brother in Christ. Reach out if you need help or just want to vent.


I shared  with the men  about traveling through life. There are HOV lanes in our cities today to encourage each other to travel together to stay out of the clutter of the highway.  To get to your destinations quicker and safer. The Lord wants The same thing for us. He wants us to travel together in life, encouraging one another, praying with one another, helping one another, and most of all loving one another.  Remember to keep Christ centered in your life, and if you need help; we your brothers are here for you.


Thank you you guys for another afternoon delight. It’s always fun listening to the mumblechatter.

Gashouse at the Rooster.

Finally the event is here. I reallly had a lot of fun at this event last year. I’m very happy that you guys decided to go again.

With doubts about having full teams, 5:30 came and everyone was at Roses and we headed out.

Arriving at York Prepatory Acedemy,  we drug out all of Hippa’s gadgets and canopy. He is always prepared!! Thanks Hippa for the music all day. I’m pretty sure he should be renamed to the gashouse DJ.

Since we had the first tent from the road, every  lap when you round that last corner headed back to the exchange zone the music pumped you back up!!

Last minute pickup we acquired DDC for one team and Bill Nye for the other. Thank goodness for those men.

Disclaimer was given by the race director and we began.

A very quick pace was set early and looked as though there was no letting up. 3 teams spent most of the day watching team Pizzadiggers demolish the competition. When they learn that they where a minute behind, oh the pace got “turnt” up! Beast mode was  in full effect.

Radar’s Runners ran a very strong race, finishing in the middle of the pack.

G-Vegas Rollers has a good run with a missed turn but a good recover.

Cheesy Private Hair Band Roadies had fun as well,  thank you for dragging me around that last lap.

It was a good morning while raising money and awareness for the 809 foundation. Hopefully more of you can run next year. Congratulations to the Pizzadiggers and the first place win! They smashed the competition Thank you to all the participants!! I’m looking forward to the p200.

Is anyone going to show?

6:45. The QIC waiting in the truck watching it rain and hoping no one shows. 6:54 one car pulls up, then 2, and next thang ya know, we got a small crowd. I guess I can’t go back home now! With the CSAUP already in action,  I wanted to do some running as well.  With the addition of a FNG I decided to take out the 3 mile warmup. I’m not sure if I gave a great disclaimer on this either.


SSH in cadence


Mosey up to the track. 

Dora. With 4 corners. 10 rounds.

SSH 100 at corner 1 

Squat 200 corner 2 

 LBC 300 corner 3

Overhead clap 400  Corner 4

mosey to the picnic shelter

60 reps of incline merkins, step ups, and dips. Starting with 10 of each then 20 and the last round was 30. Great call by Anchorman!

By this time we noticed the guys out running the CSAUP stopping in. Mosey to the street corner and do a zombie walk back to the start. Pledge  with the runners and named our FNG. Mosey over to the Yank for COT.



Rooster this Saturday 3-2-19 still need a few.


Prayer request

There are many request every day by our PAX,  pray for each other. Stop and talk to a PAX that you haven’t spent time with.  Your prayers work! God is Great!!!

Welcome Jake our newest member named War wagon.

The days are getting longer men!!

  1. 9 men showed at the coconut 🥥 🐎 This morning to put in a  run or ruck before Q source. With a glorious morning and nature all around (some lying in the road). It was an awesome morning.  We did the normal route with a few adding some EC in. Do not forget about the CSAUP sign up.  Prayer request for each other, especially the group traveling to New Orleans.


No matter what they say, or what you think you are, the day you called his name, he made you flawless!


Thanks men for letting  me serve. 👊

Triple Nickle


1 mile mosey.  Then mosey down the side street for exercises. Most IC. 

SSH x 10

Toy Soldiers x 10

Goof balls x 10

Hill Billies x 10 

Imperial walkers x 10 

Squats x 10 

Merkins  x 10

Nolan Ryan x 10 each arm. 

Mnt Climbers x 10 

CDD x 10 

Hand release Merkins x 10 

Peter Parker x 10 

Parker Peter x 10 

Crunchy Frog x 10 

WW1 x 10 

Pretzel Crunch x 10 

American Hammers x 10 

LBC x 10 

Dying Cockroaches x 10 

Flutter Kicks x 10 


Mosey to Hawthorne Hill 

Triple nickel up hill. 

SSH & Squats

Merkins & CDD 

WW1 &  Crunchy Frog

Slow mosey to  the other side of hawthorn st. Sprint up the hill to Airline Ave. mosey to The Yank.

Pledge. Nameramma.

Good work by all the men today.  At the end we talked about keeping God in focus. Sometimes I let other things move my eyes away from our savior. I am thankful for you guys and keeping me accountable for my bad actions. Thank you!


Dont forget the CSAUP. Rooster, p-200, and keep all these events and PAX in your prayers. If you want to join, sign up!!!



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