Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Oompa Loompa (Page 4 of 11)

Rainy Days & Mondays always gets me down – Redux

Not really, how bad can a dreary Monday morning be when as I was driving out of my neighborhood, the “Handsomest Cardiologist on Union Road at 0500 in the morning” (wins only by default-Defib is out of town) and Maybelline are running down Union towards Hudson for extra credit. Brief horn honk and wave.

Dagger downrange from the Mutha-Ship with Ghost Flag 2.0. Great testimony, great ministry Charlotte Rescue Mission-Check it out. Program for addiction recovery.

Some ran, some rucked, all had a good time.

We had a sighting of the Gordon Fisherman model. Looks a wee bit chubby in person. Lots of photo shopping in the advertisements.

Mini-sermonette: “Has no one condemned you…..Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go and sin no more.” John 8:7-11.

Guys, there are two types of people: bridge builders or bridge burners. Believers need to be the bridge to get people to Jesus. We shouldn’t be the burners. We can’t say “I can’t believe so and so has the unmitigated all to walk into my church with what they have done.” When we say that, it demonstrates that we have forgotten who we used to be when where the sinner who didn’t know Jesus either.

Announcements: Winter Nationals at Convergence, Defib at Gashouse this Saturday, Extinction Run

Prayers: Pappy, Seuss, Trace Barnette, Huck, Wirenut, Dagger’s ministry, those with addiction, recovery struggles, each other. Forgiveness for judgment and not remembering that Jesus died for all. YHC took us out.

No weinke needed

Five counting the Q.
We deviated from the written words.
None were in red.

Stogie aunt
Mayor daughter’s friend
Montross mom
Others not mentioned

Need a replacement runner P200
Extinction Run

Folsom Ass Rash

Nice warm, foggy morning in D-town’s premier boot camp location for a Thursday in December.
Decent crowd with double digits for an Oompa Q.
Brief disclaimer.

Warmup – YHC patent applied for:
10 SSH ic
20 Abe Vigoda ic
30 Flutters ic
40 MNC ic
50 LBC ic

Actually pledged after the warmup. No near Q fail today.

The thang – sucked like a Dyson vacuum cleaner.

Mosey to lower side of parking lot. Line up on parking lot lines.

One set of exercises at top, then run across parking lot. Start with 10 toy soldiers, then 50 Mountain Climbers, run back to starting point. Plank for six. Rinse and repeat.

10 Toy Soldiers 50 Mountain Climbers
20 HR Merkins 40 LBC
30 Squats 30 Shoulder Taps
40 Hammers 20 Flutters
50 Monkey Humpers 10 Makhtar N’diaye
10 Hip Slappers 50 Freddie Mercurys
20 Hillbillies 40 Mike Tysons
30 CDD 30 Imperial Walkers
40 Lunges 20 Cockroaches
50 Rosalitas 10 Burpees

Omaha-ed the Mike Tysons to 20. Added 20 to the Hillbillies.

Cool Down –
50 LBC ic
40 MNC ic
30 Flutters ic
20 Abe Vigoda ic
10 SSH ic

Suicides 10 back and forth to eat up remaining time.

Slaw graced us with 20 Big boys to cause F-A-R
Bedpan 20 Marge & Homers

Prayer requests
The usual Huck, Turtleman, Sister Act, Gumby mom, etc
Whoopie with the Covid
Service members coming home for the holidays after deployments. They frequently have a hard time fitting in with the civilian world, and integrating back into friends and family.

Turtleman Christmas light hanging party tonight at 1700
Possible New Year’s Day something or other

YHC took us out.

Remember Pearl Harbor!

Which has nothing to do with the backblast.

It was warmish, it was misty, it was foggy in places.
We had runners, walkers and ruckers.
No tall people though, we had a sign that stated you must be under this tall to enter.

Thanks for the push Rum Runner!

Prayer requests: Turtleman, Huck, Sister Act’s 2.0, the usual ones, those not mentioned.
Announcements: Hanging decorations at Turtleman’s tomorrow at 5pm-ish. Whoopie to spread details.
Possible something on New Year’s Day.

What is a W.O.C.?

Pleasantly warm late November morning.

Batflippers left about 15 after to get a couple extra miles in.
Hacksaw was out early for his run too.
Thanks to Chubbs for running with the old fat guy for a few miles this morning.

We had a FNG. After much deliberation, by refusing to name a favorite Disney princess, we learned that he would be going to Ft. Rucker to become a Warrant Officer Candidate (W.O.C. pronounced wock) to learn to fly helicopters for the army.


To all whom shall see these presents, greeting: Know ye that reposing special trust and confidence in the ability of: LOGAN SCHRONCE, I do hereby bestow the F3 name, OTTO-Pilot. (From Airplane).

In case you’re wondering, what is a WOC? Something thrown at a wabbit.

Read Nehemiah 10:28-39 about the vow of the people to obey the Law of God as laid down by Moses.

Don’t let your children intermarry with the pagans. Keep the Sabbath holy. Give your tithes and offerings to not neglect the Temple of our God.

Prayer requests:
Wichita’s new baby
Pillager’s baby on the way
Sister Act’s 2.0
Others not mentioned

F3 Christmas Party

YHC took us out.
Thanks for allowing me to lead.

An A-hole & a B-hole smell the same

No disclaimer.
Warmup. 20 SSH in cadence.
30 Rocky Balboas in cadence.

The thing. Most in cadence.
20 pretzel crunch right over left
20 toy soldiers
20 hand release merkin (Not in cadence)
20 squats
20 American hammers
20 Monkey humpers (pointed all Freight)
20 Hipslappers
20 Hillbillies
20 Lunges
20 Homer and Marge
20 Abe Vigodas
20 Flutters
20 LBC
20 Calf Raisers
Run a lap
20 Pretzel Crunch left over right
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Shoulder taps
20 Box Cutters
20 Seal Jacks
20 Freddie Mercuries
20 Imperial Walkers
20 Cockroaches
20 Grasspickers
20 Rosalitas
20 Peter Parkers
20 Flutters
20 Dips
Take a lap
20 LBC
20 Pretzel crunch right over left
20 Pretzel crunch left over right
10 Mike Tyson
Wall sit

Didn’t get to CCDs or Moroccan Night Clubs

Family who lost daughter today
Haze’s mom
Gumby’s mom
Others not spoken

Speed for Need at Christmastown 5K
Christmas Party

YHC took us out

Nickel and dimed to death

All home folks so no disclaimer.
Whether Aaron Rodgers or Alex Rodriguez i think that act like total douche bags. Narcistic, check. Bad teammates, check. All about getting the glory. Check.
Decided to do A-R-O-D
with a Texas twist cause everything is bigger in Texas.
All solo style-no partner.
100 Alabama ass kickers
Run to Mayor’s truck and back
200 Rosalitas
300 Overhead claps
400 Dips
Run anytime you a need break on the exercise.

This sucked. Q FAIL. Doesn’t work. 400 of anything is dumb, dumb, dumb. Definite partner work. Stupid Ass Q.
Omaha to bleachers off curbs for dips. Took up 35 minutes though.

YHC form sucked ass halfway mark. Will makeup on own with good form once my arms decide to work again in the morning.

Next part is nickle and dimed.
5 burpees, 10 freddie merc, 5 hillbillies, 10 imperial walkers, 5 pretzel crunch right, 10 lbc, 5 pretzel crunch left, 10 flutters, 5 abe vigodas 10 SSH, 5 pretzel crunch right, 10 lbc, 5 pretzel crunch left.
Mercifully our time ran out.

Convergence Saturday at Bulldog 0700
Christmastown 5k Speed for Need
Christmas party

Termite’s brother
Gumby’s mom
Def Leppard 2.0 wedding
Those unspoken

YHC took us out


This Thursday pub’s crew ran to Martha’s and back. The Diablo guys did dirty deeds in the alley behind the pub. (Their BB by others).

Dredd at Gashouse this Saturday. Be there or be square.
Convergence at Bulldog next Saturday with the across the southern border guys.
Amoeba ruck later that same Saturday.
Christmastown 5k. Need track commanders to ride in chairs.
Christmas party at Lewis Farms.

Sargento’s friend with pancreatic cancer
Termite’s friend
Bedpan’s uncle
Those unspoken

Thanks for letting me Q.

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