Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Linus (Page 9 of 10)

One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

I had a new from Ronco Whoopee butt-wipe defecation proof plastic Weinke protector that Clavin had given to me that I was eager to use. Patent pending, it held up well but short of a full laminated Weinke the conditions proved tough this day. At first I had an intense appetence to protect said Weinke that took me multiple minutes to develop, but as the morning progressed and my protective instincts waned I slowly removed my guard and next thing I know my Weinke was busy wiping Whoopee’s ass one again. This as well as a used diaper sighting and Sweetleaf saving my weinke from quick-suck-asphalt said weinke felt the intense pressure of Saturday morning.

Saturday morning, what a beautiful day it was, Great turnout, 18 guys and best I can tell I got all of Bootcamp out and back in one run but somewhere along the way I lost track of how many we had. Count was 8, I still think we had 9?

Here is how we started:



Squats-20 IC

Merkins-10 IC

LBC- 20 IC

Huckleberry handled the Painlab, Bootcamp off to FPC.

Theme, Bar Hopping, One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer (One Exercise, One Constant, One Ascending/Descending). Start at front of FPC, #12 on clock

50 Homer/Marge – Bourbon

20 Dying Cockroaches – Scotch

1 Burpee – Beer

Run to 2nd bar (#9 on clock, running counter-clockwise?)

50 Squats/20 Dying Cockroaches (constant) / 2 Burpees

3rd bar, (#6 on clock)

50 Merkins / 20 Dying Cockroaches / 3 Burpees

You get the story, on around to complete:

50 CDD’s/20 DC’s/4 Burpees

50 Boxcutters/20 DC’s/5 Burpees

50 Jump Lunges/20 DC’s/4 Burpees (start descending)

Public intoxication?, asked to walk straight line, line squat while pax karaoke’s to other side of parking lot. Audible during work out, curious how many parking lines were in parking lot. One SSH at each line until all counted, still don’t know total but good CSAUP.

Off to Sherwood, AMRAP, American Hammers while partner runs to top of hill, rinse and repeat.

Head back to Schiele, finished a round of something else, did a nice round of Rocky Balboa’s and Mike Tysons. Headed back to Schiele, time.


Congratulations to Gold Digger, married this weekend.

Murph Monday morning at Martha Rivers.




Cold November Rain

YHC showed up at the Gashouse with just enough time to run a lap around the parking lot and set up the flag.  Clavin, who was doing merkins in the back of his truck patiently waiting for me was ready to go.  First thing I noticed was the early Pax who showed up at the break of 6 am to converge to Shelby.  Great show, glad we were well represented.

Well, it was mid forties and raining, at the tick (and I mean dead on 7:00) we skipped the warm up and headed straight to Grier Middle.  At the front of the school down the hallway wing is a set of awnings that literally winds down and behind the school all the way to the back last wing,   Total sq.footage ‘under cover’ has got to be 20,000 (well +/- 20,000) but who cares.   Small Pax, big under cover awnings, no rain?  You bet.  Here is how it went.

Warm Up:

SSH – 20 IC

Squats – 10 IC

LBC – 10 IC

Merkins – 10 IC

The Thang:

Theme, One Bourbon, One Shot, One Beer……ie’……….One Excercise, One Constant, One Ascending.

Top wing of Grier, 50 Moroccan Night Club, 10 Squats, 1 Burpee, mosey down to next wing.

50 Lunge (Exercise), 10 Squat (Constant), 2 Burpees (Ascending), mosey…..You get the point….

50 LBC/10 squat/3  burpee

50 SSH/10 squat/4 burpee, now have to mosey back to start

50 Merkin/10 squat/5 burpee

50 Calf Raise/10 squat/4 burpee (now to descending)

Yada, Yada, Yada……..50 WWI, 50 Goofballs, 50 CDD’s, 50 Rocky Balboa’s, 50 Flutters, 50 Mtn. Climbers, 50 Squats, there may have been more, who knows.

Rain stopped briefly for us to enjoy the outdoors a bit so we moseyed to FPC to finish some of the above.  Somewhere along the way we did a round of steps up to the Pad with some exercises up top.  Moseyed back to Schiele.

Announcements/Concerns:  Thoughts for all traveling and wishes for safe arrivals and safe returns.

Q fail, I did not bring my phone with me.  Upon return I noticed that Madoff had been running late (not due to his fault) and was trying to contact me.  Had I had my phone I may have picked him up.  Not to mention one Pax should always have a way of communication.  When we have 10-20 Pax I’ll bet nearly 100% of the time at least one has a phone.  But when it is only two or three Pax that percentage could drop to zero.  From now on YHC will always have a phone with me.  Refer back to the top and you notice that at the drop of 7 we bolted.  Almost no chance anybody would have found us moseying the halls of Grier in the dark.  My fault Madoff, I feel horrible.  But a chance for me to learn and grow and move forward to improve for the next round.   Here’s hoping Madoff got in a few miles searching for us however.

Until next time……Linus

Mosey with Moses


Warm Up:

SSH – 20 in cadence

Merkins – 20 IC

LBC – 20 IC plus a squirrel sighting

Squats – 10 IC with no squirrel sighting, sigh…..

Painlab, to your thing.  As for us, we have a turkey to catch.  As promised, there would be multiple wildlife sightings on our journey, and of course each one would mean additional work.  From the Schiele, to Grier, to FPC (wait for the traffic light), to the Stop Sign at top of Burtonwood, we encountered hundreds upon thousands of turkeys.  Uh, wait, no.  It was more like 16 or 24 (I forget how many I made).   Each bird had a surprise whether it be 25 Merkins or 50 (?)(Pax calls it out).  Finished our first round of Turkey Shoot and headed to FPC parking lot.

About mid point between the Burtonwood Stop Sign and the steps at the Pad we played a game of Dora 1,2, 3’s with partner.  Partner one runs to top of steps while Partner 2 does one round sequence of 10 merkins, 20 squats, and 30 flutter kicks.  Seems I’m having issues explaining this here, funny, maybe it was the blood flowing but I seemed to have explained it so well that morning.  Or maybe I’ve not had my coffee yet and it was a disastrous Q fail and I’ve got it correct here.  Let’s go back to finding birds.

Poor bird we’ve aptly named ‘Quick Bird’ is already practically roasted and we send him out for more games of tag.  Pax, gather round, here is what we are going to do.

One Pax takes the bird and places him within whatever vicinity he feels compelled to do.  While pax one places bird, the balance of us will do SSH until he returns.  Pax returned, let’s go get the bird.

Round One:  SSH / Lunge to bird

Round Two:  WWI Sit Ups / Bunny Hop to bird (bird about 300 yards out, Madoff and Roscoe made it in three jumps)

Round Three:  Mountain Climbers (maybe?) / Bear Crawl to bird

Round Four:  Squats / Crab Walk to bird

Large Perimeter:  Change bird hunt to larger perimeter of church.  Ready….

Round One:  SSH / Run to bird

Round Two:  WWI / Mosey to bird, that is ‘Mosey with Moses’ to bird, Moses placed bird in parking spot and there were 173 to choose from, took a minute.

Round Three:  Merkins / Partner Nur to bird

Round Four:  Merkins / Karaoke to bird

Bird in hand, not a good hider but a good sport.  We’ve bagged the bird, time to eat though his goose is already cooked.  Mosey with Moses back to the Schiele.  Great mumble chatter group.  I had a blast this morning.

Time, yes……

Pledge:  whoops….missed this earlier, Madoff great reminder.


See Hippa for T-shirts, out on F3 Mudgear site now.  Need minimum of 12 for each print, push is to get Bulldog shirts but also any other bulk orders to combine for shipping costs.  11/23 is deadline.  Shirts styles offered in a quite impressive array of a ‘seasonal’ (Hippa) style

12/15 Christmas party at Kiiish (spelled how I like) and M’s place, look for details online

Christmastown 5K, show or support


Nikki Bailey and for safe holiday travels.

I need Q’s for Gashouse please if you have made it this far.

That’s all for now, until next time……


Dawghouse Beatdown




LBC’s-20 IC

5 Burpee’s on your own (For why I have no idea)

Merkins- 10 IC

Squats- 10 IC


Turn over to Rerun, Linus’ little brother from across the river from F3 Meca/Dawghouse.  The Pain was Intense, Dawghouse style.

Mosey to Schiele Courtyard:

The Thang:

Ladder up the Amphitheater wall steps.  1/5 ratio, Burpee at the bottom (ouch), up blocks and 5 squats.  Increase both at each.

Mosey to Grier field for Power Merkins.

60 yards of partner plank walk.  3 partner plank merkins every 5 yards, flip flop every 10.  Not only should you not try this at home, you should not even try this at all.  Arm burner

Mid-field, sprint to end zone, 30 LBC’s, sprint to end zone, 30 merkins

Grier Canopies:

5-10 Triangle ladder.  5 pulls ups, bear crawl out, 10 WWII’s, bear crawl back, 6 pull ups…… get the picture.

Mosey to FPC:

Parking lot lines, 5 merkins at 5th line (increase by 2 every 5th line)

FPC Canopy:

Partner 1 does Mary Katherines, partner 2 quads (nur) around circle, flap jack

Partner 1 does 180 jump squats, partner 2 karaoke around circle, flap jack

Partner 1 does sumo squats, partner 2 side shuffle, flap jack

Pad Stairs:

Modify to Linus suggestion based on Rerun’s suggestion, based on Pax disapproving, based on Rerun re-approving, based on Linus’ suggestion wins.  what?

20 Merkins bottom of stairs, bunny hop up (Somebody’s suggestion), 20 Homer/Marge top of steps.  Rinse and repeat, arms/legs/abs, how can it be any better?

Mosey to Schiele

Few minutes of Plank Mary’s



Look for Pre-blast for F3 Dad’s from Roscoe

Sledge-O-Matic is collecting Steel Toe Shoes for depressed area in West Va. so would be workers there can get employment in the mines.  Leaving Friday to deliver, needs by Wednesday.


Nikki Bailey


Prayers for Rudolph if he is found safe after fartsacking through Painlab Q.

Honored to be Q’ed from across the river.   Thank you Rerun for the beatdown, great Q.



Full Body Weinke Massage


Warm Up:

SSH – 20 in cadence, finish up just in time as Dr. Feelgood arrives on scene

Merkins – 15 in cadence

LBC’s – 20 (maybe?) in cadence

Squats – 10 in cadence


Off to mosey……

Grier, stop at bottom of sidewalk.  Back to the Basics, Dora 1-2-3’s….5 Pax with us, split into two groups.  100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 scissors.

Single Dora’s – Focus is on AB work

Homer/Marge – 200 (stopped around 120-150, did not want to wear out lower back’s)

Freddie Mercury – 200 (single counts)

Headed to Grier field –

Uh oh,……….let’s do this.

One partner (same partner) does Burpee’s while’st the other runs down beside the gymnasium, down the steps, back up and back to start.  Probably allows for 10-15 if you are Whoopee or Roscoe, and 2 or 3 for me but we got the job done.  2nd round was to be Homer/Marge but I was concerned for lower back’s so we modified and did another round of Burpee’s.

Curious at that point what ReRun (who has the Q this coming weekend) needed with a 1/2 wall and Whoopee knew so we moseyed to the side of the building for some partner wall merkins.  Partner 1 holds feet up in the air and squats or presses with partner 2 who is doing merkins with hands on the wall.  Unsafe for all involved, so we did a few more rounds.

Time moving fast but we must press on.  Came up with this idea while driving, wish I had not.  Partner 1 (same partners) planks while’st partner 2 runs around the track one time.  Again, a good 1.5 – 2 minute plank for Whoopee and Roscoe, 5-6 minute plank if you are waiting on me.  DDC and Dr. Feelgood both kept me to a respectable plank time hoofing it around the track.  Round’s two and three were going to be 25 each of merkin and squats and CDD and LBC but we did not get to that.  I was done with running, modified now exasperated weinke (due to the full body massaging technique it gave to Whoopee).

Mosey to table’s, got two round’s of Lindsey’s/Forties in, 5 burpees for the train (that was DDC’s idea, I was perfectly willing to let it go) . Time to go home, just like I love, finished the run while the sweet bells start chiming, boom…..8:00  Ended in a SCOT (semi circle of trust) due to the sun, which I was facing.


Bourbon relay in progress

Sign up for the Christmastown 5K, 200-300 spots +/- left

Upcoming Gashouse Schedule:

10/20 – ReRun (Linus’ brother coming across the river to Q bootcamp)

10/27 – ShortSale

11/3 – Goose returning from the Merchant Marines

11/10 – Veteran’s Day observance convergence, overwhelming thought is this will be at the Yank (Roscoe and Short Sale as Co-Q’s)


Anchorman – Torn calf muscle

F3 Brother’s who we have not heard from in awhile.  Bandit returning soon (he better if he wants to keep up with Goose), JK2, hoping they all return

Timeframe – Healing well from job injury

Beautiful morning, great time, honored to lead.



Four Corners


Warm Up:

SSH – 20 in cadence

LBC – 20 in cadence

Squats – 10 in cadence

Merkins – 10 in cadence

Leg Raises – A bunch, not in cadence


Mosey to Sherwood:

4 Corners – Twice

5 Fly Squirrels, 20 Leg Raises, 30 Merkins, 40 Flutter Kicks (each leg)

10 SSH, 20 Leg Raises, 30 Squats, 40 LBC’s

1/2 Murph, and maybe 1/2 of a 1/2 Murph on the run

Some Running, 50 Pull Ups, 100 Push Ups, 150 Squats

On the way back, modified:  10 Flying Squirrels, bear crawl up hill (behind FPC), 20 merkins up top (?, I honestly forget), time!!!!  Mosey back to FPC.

Summary:  Mumblechatter great, bonding superb, We worked hard……


10/6 Burpeethon:  Sargento can take your payment if you will not be present but signed up, Boudin happy to help with that as well

P200 – Spots open (may be filled by now) for Team 2, March 2019


Maddox Ritch – Lovely boy who the community has lost this week

Forestview Coach – John Hunsucker

Sly in Afghanistan

Catamount’s 25 day old Nephew with liver/health concerns will be at Levine this week (Greyson Miller)

Close out in Prayer:

It looks like Yahtzee had a power beat down as well, welcome Yahtzee to his first VQ!

Honored to Lead, Aye……Linus



Smokey and the Bandit

Running on time as usual, the backblast not the post.  Showed up early, not so early!, got some EC in at Grier, moseyed back and found some pax.


Warm Up:

SSH – 20 in cadence

Squats – 10 in cadence

LBC’s – 20 in cadence

Merkins – 10 in cadence



Painlab to station, we moseyed to Grier.  At the baseball field they have a great hill and steps to infuse chaos to a normal workout routine.  Split the Pax (all 5 of us) into three groups.  Station 1 (as we have it) is the mobile unit.  Start here and Pax do 6 burpees and run to station 2.  At station 2, Pax there are to do 20 dips/derkins oyo non-stop until station 1 pax arrive to relieve.  Pax at station 2 then head over to relieve pax at station 3 who are bunny hopping up steps and moseying down, again until relieved.  Six rounds of this all the same except station 1 reduces burpees by one until down to one count.  I said extra moderate on the workout, turns out this was a great heart starter but allowed for mumble chatter and for one to push themselves as hard as they want.  Wish we had a sixth Pax as Jesus gleefully signed up to run a station on his own which I fear left him out of some bonding.  Wish in hindsight now I would have just told him to join our group.  Either way I hope Jesus did not feel left out.  This took a good 25 minute chunk of time so we packed up all of our gear and cleaned up the area real good and left, back towards the Schiele and just kept going?  I had always wanted to use the parking lot in the office industrial park.  Turns out, ironically enough that was the perfect place to discuss Lil’ Sweet’s M’s place of employment and Smokey and the Bandit.  Monk, curiously interested in knowing more and Roscoe sharing stories of erected fences, we settled into the conversation of Sheriff Buford T Justice.  For example, do you recall this?

(Lady’s voice) Woo Hoo, Sheriff (removes toilet paper from Buford’s glasses, Buford…..’nice ass’

Get me a Diablo Sandwich and a Dr. Pepper, make it quick…….

You want anything Junior?  Hushpuppies Daddy

Junior, hold my hat, my hat fell off Daddy, I hope your blank blank head was in it

Look Daddy, it’s a football game, can we stay and watch

Bankrobber, bankrobber?  Bank robbing ain’t got nothin on what this dude is doin

Somehow you sound a little taller on radio

Oh the memories, and as a Q I had a dilemma.  The mumblechatter was so good I think the Pax was willing to forego some additional pain.  Had to, had to I say reel the Pax back in.  Came up with a set of exercises reminiscent of what Spiderman showed me the Friday prior.  I mixed a version of ALARMS with some running and bear crawl.

30 CDD’s/Lunge/LBC, bear crawl part way up hill, run the rest, 20 merkins at top, mosey to bottom, rinse and repeat

30 Shoulder Taps/Squat Jumps/Freddie Mercury

5 Burpees, think we were out of time


Jesus has seen Smokey and the Bandit, thinking that Hushpuppy has not

Burpeethon – 10/6, Sign up or donate

Prayer Requests:

Broke and family friend

Sly in Afghanistan

Montross and family friend separation

Honored to Lead


Gashouse Q vs Q!

Concerned about Hurricane Florence YHC was unsure of how the weather was going to cooperate.  Most luckily for all of us the only storm for us was a Q battle.  The idea was brought to YHC via Roscoe due to his diligent adherence to F3 Podcasting.  We discussed, incorporated Hippa for his technical prowess and hand selected our two dueling Q’s, Whoopee and Short Sale.  Weeks prior to launching the idea on Twitter the roast explosion was roiling between the two.  YHC arrived around 6:15 feeling good about owning my AO only to find the Folsom guys on hand gearing up for some EC.  They were gone before I could find a place to park and that left me in the dark with final preparations.  Shovel flag (without flag for now) planted, speaker set, pre-weinke on hand, time for some EC myself.  Stop on the track to help Whoopee move some coupons, I knock out a few merkins, get back to the Schiele.  Nice PAX count, 7:00, let’s go.

Pray In:  I felt compelled to pray for F3 and areas affected by Hurricane Florence.

Warm Up:

SSH – 20 in cadence

Squats – 20 in cadence

Merkins – 10 in cadence

LBC’s – 20 in cadence


Ummmm, guess this should have come first.

Count off, counter clockwise, would have made Oompa proud.  39 Pax, 39!!!!!

From somewhere came a little known theme song to Rocky to get the guys pumped.  Time for the main event, Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!!!!!

In this circle, with no weigh in, he’s easy going, enjoy’s long walks on the beach,  never trusts people who smile, his four most adored words are “I told you so”, his friends say he loses count during cadence, a virtual Land Leviathan, Pax put your hands together for Whoopee!!!!!!!

Enter Whoopee in a Ric Flair flashback and soon to be shirtless

In this circle, also with no weigh in, he works hard and naps hard, enjoys walks in the park and going to the Pub on Sundays for a roast dinner, never misses a good chance to shut up,  often curious about another word for Thesaurus, he claims he is not shy but is holding back his awesomeness so he does not intimidate, a virtual calisthenics virtuoso, Pax put your hands together for Short Sale!!!!!!

Let it be known that I did not explain this below, sort of forgot.  However, this is the construct on which the QVQ model is designed.

Q’s will be competing in two intermittent ten minute increments.  1-2 minutes for both will be allowed for introduction and explanation.  I will finish out the Q if time allows near the end.  Voting will be online and the Q challenge criteria is as follows:

Best Beatdown

Best Creativity

Best Pax Engagement

Referee brings the two to the center of the Ring:

Boys, I’ve explained the rules to you in the locker room, I want a clean fight, protect yourselves at all times, no hitting below the belt, I want a clean fight, When I say break let’s knock hands and go back to your circle.


Q vs Q When I was asked to participate in this, I immediately thought “Holy Nuts, me against ShortSale???” I knew it would be a challenge and I am always looking for the next challenge to push myself so I don’t think I really hesitated. Plus, when Linus and/or Roscoe have an idea and ask for you to help, there is no answer other than yes. I started planning and over the next few weeks, modified my plans several times. These alterations were prompted by Twitter comments or “sympathy votes” on the Twittersphere….ultimately, iron was being sharpened without me realizing it and in retrospect this was a very good thing for all of us, especially me.
Linus presented us to the PAX-this was expected and was something I needed to try to get in front of ShortSale if possible. I pulled together an old wig, cut up a shirt to make biceps straps reminiscent of the 1980’s wrestlers (Randy Savage, RIP-step into a slim jim- comes to mind for me), and had Broke put on the finishing touches on my shirt with his pocket knife. At the right time, I slipped on the wig and stepped aggressively towards ShortSale with a stone face. Once I had his attention (I could tell by the big smile on his face), I attempted to rip off my shirt. It came partway off, but I just couldn’t close the deal. Eventually I just pulled it off and threw it on the ground in his direction I think. The wig stayed in place and I achieved the desired effect. The introduction continued by Linus and then we started our beatdown.
We moseyed to the football field for the instructions. I quickly explained my part: I put together a workout related to the movie Smokey and the Bandit. It involved Bandit and Snowman, Sheriff Justice and Junior, a funeral procession, and Smack your momma right in the mouth.
We started with partnering up and a run to the other side of the field to pick up a coupon. This was to simulate the main part of the movie where the Bandit and Snowman race from Georgia to Texas to pick up a truck full of Coors beer in less than 28 hours. The pax were warned that whatever coupon they picked up, that was their coupon and that the appearance as far as weight might be deceiving. The 2 partners would then run to start with the coupon and then back for a total of 4 trips with the coupon. If all the coupons were taken, they would have to carry their partner. I knew I had enough coupons but this did prompt a quick move to the starting line as the pax jockeyed for good positions.
The next part was called Sheriff Justice and Junior. Partway through the movie, the police car loses the top after running under an 18 wheeler truck. Junior has to hold his father’s hat on his father’s head while they are in hot pursuit of the Bandit. We then made 2 trips across the field with one pax holding his hand on his partner’s head while running.
We moved on to the funeral procession (another part of the movie). All pax got in plank position in a line on the field. First pax (thanks Blart) jumped up, did 5 monkey humpers, then ran to the front of the line and got back into plank position. Each pax in turn repeated this. Pizza Man wanted a tunnel of love, but I would have none of it…well maybe a little. I crawled under him during my mosey to the front and he (thankfully) returned the favor on his mosey. Once we had sufficient time, we proceeded with the final part of the beatdown. The pax were warned about the last part called “Smack your momma right in the mouth.” We moseyed to the wall and instructions were given. Bandit and Snowman had 28 hours to get the beer back to Georgia so we focused on the number 28-get on the wall and let’s do 28 HIP SMACKERS. The only person I saw smiling was Slaw…..maybe this was not such a good idea. We got going and honestly, by 15 I was smoked. I had Toto next to me and he was yelling out the cadence like a champ. I could hear the other pax in the background and this is when the “Q Power” kicked in for me. We got to 28 and I was finished. Round 1 completed.
Round 2: first movie choice: Raising Arizona. I have to say I was disappointed in the pax on this-blank stares went I mentioned this movie. Billy Madison, why did you leave me????? No problem, I can do this. I gave a brief summary of HI McDonough and Edwina slipping up in yon window to steal a baby from the Arizonas. The child was likely Nathan jr, not Harry, Barry, Larry, or Garry (these were the names of the Arizona Quintuplets in the movie). I used the 5 kids as my model for the next exercise-Triple Nickel: 5 trips up the stairs with 5 flutter kicks per child (total 25 flutters) at the bottom, 5 cliff hanger derkins at the top. Hands on the wall, partner lifts legs above his head, and first partner does 5 derkins. Both partners do 5 derkins each trip up. The one catch on this was no running up the stairs-you could only hop up the stairs. This sounded worse than it ended up being (in my opinion) and we got through with a few minutes to spare…..
Next movie, 300. There is a part in this movie where the Spartans build a wall near the hot gates of Thermopylae and use bodies of the attacking Persians to help form the wall. Our next exercise would be the Hip Slapper Wall of Thermopylae. The pax form a somewhat tight circle. Roughly every other pax drops to the ground and the rest of the pax grab ankles while the first pax does hip slappers. We did 2 rounds each-thanks Defib and Tiger for calling cadence on your rounds. This ended the beatdown and we moseyed to start for some final words and COT.
Great job everyone. A big thank you to Linus and Roscoe for orchestrating this and for ShortSale for pushing me. I mentioned at the end that I really didn’t get this until about 1 week ago. I was focusing on trying to beat ShortSale. We were talking at church 1 week ago and it finally clicked with me-this is about all of us getting better-focus on that and all will work out better. Iron Sharpening Iron at work

Short Sale:

Rivalries have existed since the beginning of time. We’ve read about them in recorded history. We’ve experienced them with the schools we attend or support. Is there such a thing as a “friendly rivalry?” Maybe, but for that to exist, there must be an undertone of mutual respect among the teams and the fans. Such is the case for this epic event, Gastonia’s first ever Q verses Q; Short Sale verses Whoopee. It’s a unique spot for me because Whoopee was one of the key people that EH’ed me into this brotherhood, so there is a bit of trepidation to face off against him. Thankfully it was not a classic WWE Loser Leave Town match.  Different than a true physical challenge among gladiators (Captain Oveur: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?), I treated this more like a golf match. Whoopee and I are playing the same course in the same conditions. So really it was about bringing your A game. Linus and Roscoe laid the ground rules to deliver a beatdown based on creativity, physical challenge, and teamwork. I emptied the tank on my two segments. They went like this:

Share the Burden

At the bottom of the Grier track, the PAX are divided into teams of 4 men with each team having an 8′ landscape post as their coupon. P1 lunge walks with the post over their shoulder. P2, P3, and P4 perform 5 burpees then run to catch P1. Everyone rotates through, lunge walking with the post two times and a total of 30 burpees (or close to it). Plank when finished to wait for all groups to complete. Round II had the teams on their six with the post across their chests with the Q calling 50 Big Boy Sit Ups. The first 15 or 20 seemed to go okay, then the groans and chatter ratcheted up. Plank when finished and remain in plank for Round III. P1 and P2 planked with the post across their backs. P3 and P4 were “suggested” to perform 20 derkins with their feet on the post. During the design of this Weinke, I was unable to test this part fully, so it seems modifications were required for three PAX to plank with only one doing derkins. Keep that in mind if you try this one. With about a minute left, Round IV asked P1 and P2 to get in a low squat holding the post a few inches off the ground to have P3 and P4 hop over 10 times total.

At the COT I read from the Gospel of Mark 8:27-29 and verse 34 with the key verse of  Jesus asking the crowd “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Then later in Mark, Chapter 15:16-21 is the story where Jesus has been sentenced and the soldiers beat and mock him. As Jesus struggles to carry the estimated 80 lb beam, the one his hands would soon be nailed, the soldiers call Simon of Cyrene from the gathered crowd, witnessing this history. Simon stepped in to help Jesus with his burden. Symbolically, we carried a post this morning. It wasn’t much of a struggle as it only weighed a few pounds. But if we take up the cross to follow Jesus, the opportunities are plentiful. In another gesture, the PAX worked, then chased their fellow man to take their turn carrying the load for the team. Striving to be HIMs for our families and communities, we work to share the burden, supporting and leading. Nice job by the PAX on this one. So be aware of when you need to step from the crowd, to pick up the cross.

Splash Merlot

Our next segment had us travel to First Presbyterian Church, under the lower portico where instructions attempted to be provided. The PAX were full of mumble chatter at this point. There was a cooler and storage bin which the PAX thought maybe, just maybe I may have re-cycled the 99 Bottles of Beer workout from this summer. Sorry – not this time. The containers were full of plain old water. The challenge was provided for the PAX to partner again and individually perform 10 LBC’s, 10 Mountain Climbers, & 10 SSH’s. Then the PAX would grab a cup to dip into the water, not to drink but to hold in their mouth as they moseyed up the hill to the next portico. There the PAX were instructed to perform 6 partner merkins, then spit the water into a bucket; return to start and repeat for the 10 minutes.

There are multiple reasons for this silly, CSAUP-ish routine. Holding in water in your mouth while running and doing a short physical exercise is an anaerobic activity that reduces oxygen flow to your muscles, increasing the stress on your body. With your mouth full of water, you had to breathe through your nose which is likely something you don’t practice very often. Life can be uncomfortable at times that requires you to adjust to the situation. Secondly, I really hoped to see a few spew as they ran up the hill but we only ended up with a few unnamed PAX trying to spit water on each other like it was an grammar school field trip. But that did lead to the mumble chatter I’d hoped to invoke culminating with Whoopee dumping the container of water on Tooltime. So most of my goals were accomplished.

As Whoopee shared in the COT, today wasn’t about winning QvsQ, but more about pushing the PAX through the challenges we created. The showing by the PAX was impressive given the circumstances and conditions our community is facing. To have the other AO’s close and converge resulting in 40 men gathered was a good thing for our region. Hopefully all that participated got their money’s worth. I know that I did. Until the next time, it was an honor to Q.


Tuesday-Charlotte-Selwyn Elementary – Horse, F3’s oldest member will be honorary Q celebrating his 80th birthday

Both Speed for Need and JJ 5K will be held next weekend, 9/15.  More PAX need to sign up

10/6 – Burpeethon – Only 14 signed up so far, please go online and sign up

The Yank will plan to start at 6:30 next weekend in prep’s for Speed for Need or JJ5K road closures

Monk – Whetstone program, please see him for any questions or to sign up.  He will post additional links online for sign ups.


Sly in Afghanistan

Tooltime family friend (LeeAnn) at CMC, kidney failure

Jackie (Mayor’s M) – No updates at time

Dennis family for loss

Hacksaw’s Father – in – Law

For a Brother’s health concerns

For all those affected by Hurricane Florence

Many thanks to Roscoe, Hippa, Short Sale and Whoopee for bringing this event to life.

Brother’s it was an honor to lead and close today.  Many thanks to all who supported our event.  Honored to have Folsom and The Yank join The Gashouse.  Whoopee and ShortSale really brought their A-game today, hat’s off to both.

Until next time……Linus, aye.

Gashouse Late


Warm – Up:

Goof-Balls – 20 in cadence

LBC’s – 20 in cadence

Merkins – 15 in cadence

Squats – 10 in cadence


Painlab and Bootcamp split:

Mosey, up Garrison, wait at Grier, collect all Pax, cross street to FPC safely, mosey to back corner of church parking lot.  Stop short, think the road bumps suffice for a ‘jump over box’.  30 minutes, AMRAP, stopped at 20 minutes.

The Thang:

Iron Pax Challenge – Week 3 – The boy’s really loved this one.

15 Burpee block jump overs

50 Hand release merkins (this was awful)

Broad Jump 10 yards out and back in (round 1 complete)

14 Burpee block jump overs

50 Squats

Broad Jump 10 yards out and back in (round 2 complete)

13 Burpee block jump overs

50 Leg raises

Broad Jump 10 yards out and back in (round 3 complete)

12 Burpee block jump overs

50 Hand release merkins……………..

Mosey to Sherwood, missed my turn somehow, had to go back and reroute with short cut.

Repetitions of Absolutions, Alabama Butt Kickers (Tooltime fav) and eventually some Mary (LBC’s, Flutters, Box Cutters, Leg Lifts, WWII’s, etc.)

Back to FPC, Tooltime hung up on low balls for some reason.  Mosey back to catch Dodgeball game with aging Rudolph and Pax.

Hunka Junk quite the player catching his balls between his knees.


BRR 9/8 – Time Passed

Habitat for Humanity Builds going on month of September, see Roscoe or Linus for details

10/6 Burpeethon, sign up by 9/18 to guarantee t-shirt.  2 man teams, 100% of proceeds go to Special Olympics of NC

9/1 – Murph at Martha’s – 7:00 a.m., Roadie Q – Time Passed

Rudolph – respect?, Aged 40

Welcome FNG Mike Moss (Teddy Bear)


Sly in Afghanistan

Stroganoff’s father passing

Nickki Bailey battling cancer

Hushpuppy will find out additional information on how to proceed with his back

Sorry so late……

Aye.  Linus





Q vs Q!!! Whoopee and Short Sale 9/15/18

What:  Q vs Q!

When:  Saturday September 15, 2018

Where:  Gashouse (Schiele)

Time:  7:00 am – 8:00 am, normal time

Q’s:  Whoopee and ShortSale

Open and Close Q:  Roscoe

Who Should Attend:  You

What is at Stake:  Bragging rights and your overall health

Why Attend:  Great time, body sculpting, Pax engagement, lifetime memories

Summary:  Pain and fun are encouraged, merlot expected, attendance counts 50% of your overall cumulative grade, Fartsacking will absolutely be denied for this event.

Brought to you courtesy of Roscoe Productions, an LLC partner of Gashouse and Hippa Enterprises, Introducing our First ever Q vs Q!!!

Whoopee is a beatdown monster, a land Leviathan.  Short Sale is a creative master, a calisthenics Virtuoso.  But wait, Whoopee has been known to have a suggestion or three, and Short Sale has whooped the best of the F3 Pax.  Who would win a Q contest between the two?  Who will win the right to say they are the Q Champ?

This is your chance to find out.  All that is required of you is to post.  Well, and to follow their suggestions, and then vote!  Your voice counts, where else can you say that?  In your home?….Come on, get real boys’……..

Criteria as follows:

  1. Best Beatdown
  2. Overall best Pax Engagement
  3. Overall best Creativity

Each Q will get two intermittent ten minute increments.  Roscoe will lead us off and finish.  Voting will be online, will post link later.


Admission is free of charge, there will be absolutely no refunds or exchanges

Must participate to vote

Q’s are not professionals, nor will they be staying in Holiday Inn’s the night before

Verbal beatdown between the Q’s by Twitter and Slack and in person is heavily encouraged and should or should not play a final factor in your voting decision, I don’t care

There is no trademark or patent pending here

Hippa is a genius

Everything Short Sale, Whoopee, and Roscoe suggest, will just be a suggestion.  I suggest you use acute judgement in deciding how to follow their suggestions

I also suggest you Post!!!

There were no Short Sale’s or Whoopee’s harmed in the promotion of this production

We want you to attend, but if not here, post at Folsom or The Fighting Yank, be a part!!!

Whoopee Defecating on my Weinke should not play a role in your overall voting decision


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