• Post Type:
  • When: 09/22/2018
  • AO:
  • QIC: Linus (Bootcamp) / Huckleberry (Painlab)
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Jesus, Yahtzee, Little Sweet, Montross, Monk, Roscoe

Running on time as usual, the backblast not the post.  Showed up early, not so early!, got some EC in at Grier, moseyed back and found some pax.


Warm Up:

SSH – 20 in cadence

Squats – 10 in cadence

LBC’s – 20 in cadence

Merkins – 10 in cadence



Painlab to station, we moseyed to Grier.  At the baseball field they have a great hill and steps to infuse chaos to a normal workout routine.  Split the Pax (all 5 of us) into three groups.  Station 1 (as we have it) is the mobile unit.  Start here and Pax do 6 burpees and run to station 2.  At station 2, Pax there are to do 20 dips/derkins oyo non-stop until station 1 pax arrive to relieve.  Pax at station 2 then head over to relieve pax at station 3 who are bunny hopping up steps and moseying down, again until relieved.  Six rounds of this all the same except station 1 reduces burpees by one until down to one count.  I said extra moderate on the workout, turns out this was a great heart starter but allowed for mumble chatter and for one to push themselves as hard as they want.  Wish we had a sixth Pax as Jesus gleefully signed up to run a station on his own which I fear left him out of some bonding.  Wish in hindsight now I would have just told him to join our group.  Either way I hope Jesus did not feel left out.  This took a good 25 minute chunk of time so we packed up all of our gear and cleaned up the area real good and left, back towards the Schiele and just kept going?  I had always wanted to use the parking lot in the office industrial park.  Turns out, ironically enough that was the perfect place to discuss Lil’ Sweet’s M’s place of employment and Smokey and the Bandit.  Monk, curiously interested in knowing more and Roscoe sharing stories of erected fences, we settled into the conversation of Sheriff Buford T Justice.  For example, do you recall this?

(Lady’s voice) Woo Hoo, Sheriff (removes toilet paper from Buford’s glasses, Buford…..’nice ass’

Get me a Diablo Sandwich and a Dr. Pepper, make it quick…….

You want anything Junior?  Hushpuppies Daddy

Junior, hold my hat, my hat fell off Daddy, I hope your blank blank head was in it

Look Daddy, it’s a football game, can we stay and watch

Bankrobber, bankrobber?  Bank robbing ain’t got nothin on what this dude is doin

Somehow you sound a little taller on radio

Oh the memories, and as a Q I had a dilemma.  The mumblechatter was so good I think the Pax was willing to forego some additional pain.  Had to, had to I say reel the Pax back in.  Came up with a set of exercises reminiscent of what Spiderman showed me the Friday prior.  I mixed a version of ALARMS with some running and bear crawl.

30 CDD’s/Lunge/LBC, bear crawl part way up hill, run the rest, 20 merkins at top, mosey to bottom, rinse and repeat

30 Shoulder Taps/Squat Jumps/Freddie Mercury

5 Burpees, think we were out of time


Jesus has seen Smokey and the Bandit, thinking that Hushpuppy has not

Burpeethon – 10/6, Sign up or donate

Prayer Requests:

Broke and family friend

Sly in Afghanistan

Montross and family friend separation

Honored to Lead
