Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Hot Corner (Page 1 of 2)

Lifeline with an FNG 2/26/24

Always be EH’ing. Moving back to the area last summer I reconnected with a good HIM that I played ball with Joe Asis aka Hei Hei who brought out another HIM I went to college with Daniel Acevedo now known as Enchilada.


SSH, LSQ, Willie Mays de Hays, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers

The Thang:

Murder Hornet

Just like the Iron Pax of 2019 but this time add a coupon.

3 rounds in 10-yard increments

Manmakers, Irkins, BBSups X 10 for exercise

In between Murder Bunny 10 yards, Lunge 10 yards, Murder Bunny 10 yards. After completion of first go round, plank for the 6. When all PAX are accounted for, Bear Crawl the 30 yards back to starting position and then all you got back to your block.  R&R for 3 rounds.

Rifle Carry blocks to the back of the Church and stack up.

Next – 3 Rounds

Count off by 3’s.

Group 1 – Tire Flip

Group 2 – Atlas Ball over shoulder throw

Group 3 – “Timer” – Sandbags up and down the hill

Rotate stations when timer is done.

Cleaned up all the toys and then All you got back to the Flag for a round of Bring Sally Up Bring Sally  Down with Merkins, Squats, Burpees, and Hand Release Merkins.


Name O Rama


Coffee and Devotion

Lifeline 2/5/24

8 PAX came out to move with weight this fine morning!

No FNG’s, quick disclaimer, and mosey to the back of church


SSH, LSQ, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers, Brief Broga, Merkins.

Each PAX grabbed a block and we assembled at the field.

The Thang – All About the Benjamins

The main focus with everything was 100 (hence Benjamin)

PAX complete exercise called out by Q then lunge walk 25 yards.  R&R for 4 times = 100 yards

Completed 3 Rounds

Exercises included – Curls, LSQ, Overhead Press, Big Boy Sit Ups, WW3’s, Chest Press, Drag Throughs, Bent Over Rows, LBC’s, Mountain Climbers, Irkins,

Overall 300 reps of exercises and 300 yards of Lunges

Mosey to round about for Bear Crawl. In single file around the round about for 3 laps totaling 100 Yards

Moved on to “Need for Speed”

PAX split into groups of 4 and ran 25 yard sprints R&R for 3 Rounds totaling 300 yards

Quick 6 around the church with blocks to replace them at their original home

All you got back to the flag for MARY

Finished with WW’2s to the tune of Bring Sally Up Bring Sally Down


Need help for Rice and Beans (Check Slack)

Prayers for Cherie Berry’s Dad as he is in the Hospital with heart condition

Continued prayers for Montana and his recovery

Any and all unspoken requests

Pleasure to lead Gentlemen



Lifeline 1/22/24

5 PAX Braved the cold temps and icy terrain at Life Church.  Mosey the long way around the parking lot to back of Church


SSH, LSSQ, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Willie Mays De Hays, Mountain Climbers, Calf Stretches and a brief Broga Session

The Thang:

Half mile Catch Me If You Can around parking lot with timer completing 5 Hand Release Merkins. Rifle carry block.

Line up at the end of parking lot side by side for Gassers.  The timer ran down/back X2 and called out the exercise for the other PAX to complete before he started running. Completed 3 Rounds

Half mile Quick 6 around the parking lot to the back of Church while Rifle Carrying block.

Completed Pinocchio to the tune of Black Betty. All PAX on their backs shoulder to shoulder and passed around 50lb sandbag clockwise and counterclockwise staying active with Flutters and Freddie Mercury while bag is being handed from PAX to PAX

Hustled back to the blocks for a round of Irkins and Squats to the tune of Bring Sally Up/Down

Stack blocks back up and all you got to the Flag for a round of Cheddar Shredder


Announcements included new date for Rice and Beans and Cherie Berry has a VQ coming up next Monday!  CSAUP in Mint Hill Feb 17th to honor a fallen F3 brother Gremlin.  Contact me for details.

Prayed out and as always, it’s a pleasure to lead Gentlemen!

LifeLine 1/8/24

13 PAX showed up for the BD at Life Church!


SSH, LSSQ, Mountain Climbers, Zombie Walkers, Imperial Walkers, , Willie Mays De Hays,

The Thang:

3 Rounds of 3

Station 1 – Atlas stones over shoulder toss

Station 2 – Sandbags up the hill or bear crawl

Station 3 – Tire flips

Station 3 was the timer flipping tires across parking spaces and back.  Upon completion rotate to next station.  Completed 3 rounds.

Grab blocks and line up for 1 mile Quick Six. Pax line up single file and rotate Rifle Carry, Left Shoulder, and Right Shoulder for 1 mile around campus with the 6 running to the front

Circled up for Bring Sally Up on the blocks to include Irkins and Squats.

Placed blocks back and all you got to the Flag for 1 minute of Mary


Announcements, Prayers, Praises, and Pledge.

Pleasure to lead Gentlemen!

New AO Official Launch Life Church

Sincerely apologize Gentleman! Thought this back blast posted and just seen it in my drafts.

15 PAX showed up for the BD to kick off Official Launch of the new AO at Life Church!


SSH, LSSQ, Mountain Climbers, Zombie Walkers, Imperial Walkers, The Flying Nun, Willie Mays De Hays,

The Thang:

Walls of Jericho with Quick 6

Pax in a single file line rifle carrying block.  Completed 7 laps around the church with 7 reps of 7 exercises at the start of each lap. The 6 runs to the front until we are back at starting point.

Exercises included:

Curls, Squats, Thrusters, Bent Over Rows, Deadlifts, Overhead Press, Upright Rows

Circle up at Bball Hoop. Q calls out exercise and timer goes up the hill and back with sandbag

Place the blocks back and line up for Cheddar Shredder

Mosey to the flag for 1 minute of Mary



Pleasure to lead and looking forward to what 2024 has to offer at this new AO!




New AO Soft Launch Life Church 12/11/23

5 PAX showed up for the BD to embrace the wet, cold, and sloppy conditions!


SSH, LSSQ, Mountain Climbers, Zombie Walkers, Imperial Walkers, The Flying Nun, Willie Mays De Hays,

The Thang:

Global Warming

Pax circle up with blocks. The timer has an exercise for 40 yards and back. Timer exercises included farmers carry with two blocks, rifle carry with one, and all you got to the arrows and back. Q calls out exercise for everyone else in a rotating fashion from lift to an Al Gore side Shuffle.  Al Gore side shuffle means instead of hugging a tree you are hugging your block side shuffling counterclockwise and clockwise while the timer is out.  Exercises in between shuffles included swings, overhead press, deadlift, squats, upright rows, single arm rows, big boys with blocks, WW3’s.

Completed 3 rounds.

Next Up: Quick 6 while rifle carrying block. Single file and Pax in the 6 goes to the front of the line with his block as quick as possible.  Everyone in line follows suit. Completed .68 of a mile.

Next: Global Warming R&R for another 3 rounds

Loaded blocks up at the back of church and mosey to the flag. Finished to the tune of Bring Sally Up Bring Sally Down for squats halfway through the song and Burpees to finish out!



An Honor to lead Gentleman!


New AO Soft Launch Life Church 12/4/23

20 PAX showed up for the BD and I had to adjust a little bit with a larger group. I hope your shoulders thanked you for it!


SSH, LSSQ, Mountain Climbers, Zombie Walkers, Imperial Walkers, Willie Mays De Hays,

The Thang

Block Gauntlet with PAX in single file plank perpendicular to blocks.  First PAX drags block underneath and moves forward until all blocks are at the end.  R&R coming back.

Cheddar Shredder – All PAX shoulder to shoulder in single file.  Drop to plank. PAX on the end bear crawls around in front of the next PAX then drops for a Merkin.  Side crawl to next PAX and R&R. Continue until all PAX are in original position.

Rifle carry blocks to bball hoop and circle up.  Q calls out exercise while the timer rifle carries a 35, 45, or 55 lb plate of their choice to the top of the hill and back. Exercises include.

Swings, Overhead Press, Squats, Sumo Squats, Deadlift, Rows, Curls, Skull Crushers, Chest Press, WW 3’s, Big Boys with blocks, for 1 round

Finished with Irkins on the block to Bring Sally Up Bring Sally Down


New AO Soft Launch Life Church 11/27/23

Round 4 of soft launch at Life Church gear workout


SSH, LSSQ, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers, Willi Mays De Hays, Ring of Fire to 100

5 Burpees for the late comer that was 5 minutes late.

The Thang

With the Carolina Panthers at a delicious 1-10 I took it out on the PAX this morning

1st and 10 with the blocks.

25 reps of an exercise and 25 lunges in between.  Complete for 100 yards.  Exercises included Curls, Squats, Irkins, Overhead press.

Bataan Death Crawl with 20 lb chain.  Single file bear crawl with the Pax in front wearing chain around neck. Pax in the 6 drops for 5 Hand release Merkins and all you got to the front to take chain.  R&R until we completed 100 yards.

Rifle carry blocks to bball hoop and circle up.  Q calls out exercise while the timer carries two 50 lb sandbags to top of hill and back. Exercises include.

Swings, Overhead Press, Squats, Sumo Squats, Curls, Chest Press, Block Burpees, WW3’s for 1 round

Finished with Big boy sit ups to Bring Sally Up Bring Sally Down


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