Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Purple Haze (Page 4 of 8)


Eight HIMs showed for a fine morning of running, rucking, or walking.  It was a little on the humid side but some work got done and some men got better.  After the COT and Double Stack momentarily forgetting his F3 name, we moved inside for a Q-Source topic on “Beating the Devil”. 

Announcements:  SMR & Honey Hunters game

Prayer Requests:  Turtleman, Big Pappy, Purple Haze’s Mom, Broke, Oompa Loompa, Def Leppard & Huckleberry

Who Pushes Who?

It was a clear chilly morning for the long awaited return of the Community Foundation Run and YHC’s debut Speed for Need event.  I arrived early to lock down a few parking spots to give us plenty of room to set up.  I unlocked the trailer and lowered the tailgate like on one of those NASCAR promo videos in slow motion with the sunrise and a little ACDC in the background!!!  Out came the tent and chairs, and a few connections later, BOOM we were ready to roll.  By this time a few HIMs showed to help out, some went to the field, some stayed around the tent, and some I never got to see, but I heard they were there!

As we neared “go time” we were short two track commanders… a few phone calls later and it was discovered that one family was having trouble getting past Gastonia’s finest and into the parking lot and the other was going to be a no-show.  No problem, one crew headed to the S/F line with one commander and the other grabbed a chair and raced to the top of the parking lot.  A few quick clicks and track commander number two was ready to go.  Uh oh, in comes TC 3 that was totally unexpected an not one of the original.  I’ve never been more proud of the HIMs that jumped into action to secure a third chair (we’d already closed it up in the trailer by now).  Here click, there click, everywhere click click.  A few pic clicks and we scurried to the line.  Although the runners were off, it didn’t take us long to start racking up the kill shots as we worked our way through the crowd of walkers and finally to the back of the running pack.  We were having a blast but nowhere near as much fun as our TC.  The crowds were awesome and cheered him on at every turn.  We swapped around to share in the load and the fun!  Before we knew it we were back at the ballpark, crossing the finish line, and joining with the other crews!  Some final shots… all smiles of course and we were done.  What a day!  Count your blessings gents cause we’ve sure got’em.  I think all would agree on who pushed who!!!

Move over Rover… and let Jimi take over!  PH

Speed for Need Info (The Community Foundation Run 2022)


Not sure who all has agreed to help w/ the SFN event Saturday but the last word was we have two Track Commanders.  I am picking up the SFN trailer later today & am planning to arrive at the FUSE parking lot around 7am.  I plan to set up in the lower corner of the main parking lot (see photo) and have the caretakers park beside me for ease of access.  We will make our way to the S/F line before 9am in hopes that they will let us start a few minutes early.  Please reply to this post if you still plan to help push so I’ll have a headcount.  Give me a shout if you have any questions (980-448-8140).  Thanks & we’ll see you Saturday!

SFN Assembly Area (Community Foundation Run 2022)

A Taper, a Limp, and a Q go into this bar…

Ok, not really a bar but we did show up to make ourselves better at Midoriyama!  Bedpan was tapering for the P200 and wanted to “do something” rather than just rest before the race.   Broke showed for some EC but thinks he may have made his shin injury worse.  And I showed with the Q.  Not wanting to add insult to injury we took it a little easy and had some great fellowship to boot.

The Thang:

Warmup – IC 20 SSH / 1 Burpee / 20 Moroccan Night Clubs / 1 Burpee / 20 Imperial Walkers / 1 Burpee / 20 Monkey Humpers / 1 Burpee

Mosey to Big Soccer Field (mid-field) for Dirty 11s: Derkins / 1 Burpee / Jump-Squats
Mosey to K-9 Hill for Triple Nickel: LBCs / Calf Raises
Mosey back to flag-turd shack parking lot for Dora 321: Dying Cockroaches / Flutter Kicks / Shoulder Taps
Finish at the flag.

COT: P200-P70-Mortimer this weekend / Convergence 4-2-22 @ The Yank @ 07:00 / SMR meeting to follow @ 08:00 / Community Foundation Run & Speed for Need 4-9-22 @ 09:00 @ FUSE / Adopt-a-Street Cleanup 4-16-22 following Gashouse / Honey Hunters Game 4-24-22 (see BOS’s post) / SMR 4-29,30-22

Prayers:  PAX traveling for races plus Breaker Breaker’s list

Broke prayed us out…

Excuze Me While I Kiss the Sky!  PH

Crossroads 3/20/22

Perfect morning for a run and 7 PAX agreed and showed to swallow the DRP.  We scattered then returned for COT and Q-Source.

Announcements:  Convergence @ Yank @ 7am on 4-2-22 / SMR Team meeting following the Convergence / Community Foundation Run & Speed for Need on 4-9-22 / Honey Hunters Game 4-24-22 @ 4:15 $9 a ticket – see BOS post for signup link / Roadside cleanup 4-16-22 after Gashouse

Prayers:  Huck / Breaker Breaker’s list / Wirenut’s friend’s sister that was in wreck / Gumby’s mom

Surely it was the Time Change…

It was the first morning after “springing” our clocks forward an hour so surely it was the time change that led to only 4 PAX showing to better themselves!  Afterwards we moved inside for some coffee and fellowship.

Announcements:  See Dr. Seuss if you’re interested in taking a couple of Kotter names to contact & if you’d like to be a Blade-Stone / Speed for Need & the Community Foundation Run 4-9-22 launching from the FUZE Ballpark

Prayers:  Mayor’s grand-dad coming out of rehab / Breaker Breaker’s prayer list / PAX that just won’t come out and post

It Was Definitely a SYITG Morning

I arrived a little early to the Labyrinth and saw two vehicles (gettin a little EC in I assumed) so I sat back and finished listening to the radio.  5:25, in rolls Dirt & Whoopie.  Light crowd today… must have been the rain or maybe a convergence at Prison Break to witness the number one douche canoe cross his 1000th post threshold!  Either way it was definitely a gloomy morning.  After a short lesson on medical therapies being used for Covid by THE sexiest cardiologist in Gaston County we started the warm-up.

IC – 20 SSH / 1 Burpee / 15 Gravel Pickers / 1 Burpee / 10 Imperial Walkers / 1 Burpee / 5 Abe Vigodas / 1 Burpee.  Whoopie had to roll at this point so YHC & Dirt continued the werk!

Dora 1-2-3 around Pelicans (Merkins / Squats / LBCs)

Mosey to the bank for Dirty 11s (American Hammers / 1 Burpee / Big Boys)

Mosey to the KFC for Dora 3-2-1 (Dying Cockroaches / Flutter Kicks / Shoulder Taps)

Mosey back to Pelicans for 20 Dips & Step-ups OYO

Back to the flag for the Pledge & COT

Announcements:  Rooster /  Q-School / SMR need driver & van / shirt design

Prayers:  Turtleman / Wichita Family / Roundup Family / Those affected by the war

YHC prayed us out.

Excuse me while I kiss the sky!  PH

Sorry bout that Wirenut

8 men showed at different times to scatter, smother, and cover Dallas with runs.  Weather was great and the fellowship was even better.  We all reconvened at the parking lot right on time.  YHC had planned to be the Q but realized that Wirenut had agreed the week prior when I was out of town.  I already had my phone out so I just took the care of the pledge and COT.  Broke prayed us out and Wirenut lead the Q-source topic of Chapter 7 “The Heart of the Shepherd”.  Next week YHC actually has the Q and will wrap up “The Way of the Shepherd”  with the final chapter and 7 principals summary.

Announcements:  2nd F Lunch @ Pita Wheel in Dallas on 3-16-22 @ 12:00 / Q school announcement pending – watch for pre-blast / Community Foundation Run on April 9, 2022 – Speed for Need /

Prayer Request:  Gumby, Tesla, a couple others but the wind in my mic covered the voices

Helpin a Brotha Out!

11 HIMs showed to start the weekend off right with a Downtown beatdown!  BOS was down in his back but showed anyway to ask if someone could take the Q.  In steps Balljoint with the pledge and what would surely be considered a Westside approved warmup of SSHs, Gravel Pickers, Abe Vigodas, Toy Soldiers & Burpees if I remember correctly.  Then Balljoint passed the baton to YHC for some “on the fly” everything!  We mosied to the wall along S York for a couple of rounds of Wall Sits and Dirty Hook-ups, then onto Main Street for some Route 66 (Burpees) then we reversed back with Big Boys.  Next we moved to the Post Office for some 11s.  Wirenut called squats at the top & LBCs at the bottom.  We left there and mosied to McQuitter’s wall for some Step-ups & Dips.  I’m pretty sure we did something back up to the start but I can’t remember what so I’ll just say we mosied!  We climbed the Pavilion with 5 Calf-raises each step.  I had a really stupid idea for a new exercise come to me whilst we were doing 11s (must have been the oxygen deprivation) so I dubbed it the “Ukraine Resistance” in honor of those fitting against the Russians.  It’s basically a Boo-yah Merkin but with both hands applying resistance to your partner’s.  It didn’t work but I think it could if we had only thought to ask someone to stop our feet from sliding.  Maybe another day!  We wrapped it up with a round of Mary.

Announcements:  Driver needed for P200 / F3 2nd F lunch Pita Wheel Dallas @ 12:00 on 3-16-22 / T-shirt orders & design / Community Foundation Run w/ Speed for Need

Prayers:  Wichita’s family, Big Pappy, Westside’s M’s grandmother, BOS, Leppard, Gumby

Too Long to Remember

I’m sad to say I’ve let this BB go too long to remember all we did but it was fun I can say that!

The Thang:

Warmup – SSH / Gravel Pickers / Pickin Cherries

Burpees & more to the flag pole / pledge / back to the workout shed / calf raises / round robin on all the exercise stations for 1 minute each / mosey to the pier for dips & step-ups / more calf raises / mosey to the big parking lot for 4 corners / back to the start

Announcements & COT

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