Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Gumby (Page 4 of 7)

Logging the Miles

16 HIMS showed at Crossroads this morning. ….Mayor was running yet again! way to push brother!…..   Pizza Man ran with Gold Digger then picked up his ruck and took off again…….Gold Digger ran a months worth of running for me in a couple of hours……. Boars Nest Rucker’s consisting of Swimmer,Oompa, Push It, and Montross  were giving it one more  trial run before the official launch next weekend……Tyson and Sgt. Hulka ran to Ozark Ave and back getting in 8 miles again this week……Seuss and Roundup doing what they do well. Running like the wind…….. Hacksaw doesn’t know what  quit or rest means that dude just keeps going.  Broke pushing me with my most consistent and fastest  5 miles yet. Appreciate that!…….Leppard getting back at it after the M’s knee surgery. Pockets out there getting at it. somehow I missed you man, always glad to have you at Crossroads.


There  was nothing but acceleration out there today. Everyone pushing themselves to be better. Way to go men!

Mt. Mitchell hike May 5th, bonfire at Lewis Farms April 27th 7:00, SFN event in Belmont get signed up.

prayer request: People battling addiction, Defs M, each other, my Mom and brother in law . I think that’s all forgive me if I missed anyone

Thanks for letting me lead it was a pleasure and an honor.


Wamarama: SSH, Don Q, Gravel Pickers

Thang: Mosey towards  the flag at the entrance with a stop at every light pole for 20 Mountain Climbers and 20 Flutter kicks all IC. Pledge at the flag.

Tater Hole takes over with SSH X something IC. Sorry can’t remember the number. From there we mosey to the split in the road for 30 squats and 15 merkins OYO at each corner of the triangle.

Pearl Jam takes over and we mosey to the lower lot for partner work. P1 does 100 SSH while P2 runs to the top of the lot and back squats and merkins were next but nearing his time allotted we Omaha for 2 minutes of dips.

Big Pappy takes over for the return to start. Lunge walk from the lower shelter with several stops along the way for merkins and big boys.

Finally with just a couple of minutes left Pockets calls Overhead Claps to finish. Sorry for not giving you longer Pockets that was a failure on my part.

Announcements: Convergence March 30 @07:00. Mt. Mitchell hike May 5

Prayer Request: Big Pappy’s family, Pockets family, Tater Tots friend, unspoken, our injured pax

Was a small crowd today  but a big effort from the PAX and it gave us all a chance to get to know each other better.  Good work men!


Made it Before the Rain

Pulled into Midoriyama to find Swimmer getting ready and Slaw running some EC. Not long after I got there Tater Hole and his 2.0 Tater Tot showed with Sister Act close behind.  Looks like the P200 guys are taking a well deserved break before not sleeping and running around the clock. Good luck guys!


SSH,Don Q’s, and Gravel Pickers


Mosey to the small soccer field. Line up on the goal line. Start with 10 Burpees at the first line then back to start.

Line 1, 10 Burpee’s

Midfield  , 20 Big Boy Situps

Line 3, 30 Squats

Line 4, 40 LBC’s

You can’t go to the next exercise without returning to start and starting over.  The Pax pushed hard and completed this in no time.

Next we head to the dog park hill for some triple nickel. CDD’s at the bottom and more Big Boys at the top.

With time left, we line up on the sideline of the big soccer field for some Doraish exercises. Partner up, while P1 runs across and back P2 does 100 merkins, switch up and P2 also does 100 merkins. Then 200 LBC’s and 300 Squats. Both partners are going to complete the total number of exercises each. No cumulative reps.  With time running short YHC had to call it with everyone of the Pax trying hard to get done with the squats.  Return to start and while YHC picks up the 6 the Pax did 10 burpees. Time. Pledge

Announcements: Convergence at Folsom  March 30 @ 07:00. Mt. Mitchell   hike.

Prayer Requests: P200 guys, Pockets family, Baily Family, Tater Tots friend, I hope I didn’t forget anything, forgive me if I did.

BOM: YHC took us out

Everyone pushed hard today and they are better for it! Thanks for letting me lead today. It was an honor and privilege.



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Pulling into Folsom I see a couple HIMS waiting for time to start. One of those guys was an FNG that had been trying to meet up with us since Tuesday.  An Army veteran and motivational speaker known as Big Country.

Warmarama: SSH, MN, Gravel Pickers, x15 IC and Hillbilly’s till Lion King joins the circle

Thang:  Yesterday afternoon I hit up Sparky to use his blocks. I wanted to do something a little different than my usual Q.  20 to 1 a  well known Sparky beatdown was in order.  Most of the Folsom regulars are familiar with this routine, but  there are several new guys that needed to be introduced to it.  Grab a block lets get at it.

20 overhead press, curls, triceps, and squats.  From here count down to 1 without putting the block down. 5 burpee penalty if you do. Hacksaw pushing hard as usual, keep it up!

The PAX worked hard and finished with a little time to spare.

Partner up for some Dora 123.  100 merkins, 200 lbc’s, 300 squats.  Time was running out with the squats, so it was stopped around the 200ish rep as we had an FNG to name. Pledge

Circle up and take a knee and let our FNG talk for a few minutes about himself.  He is known by Big Country to his Army buds and now known in F3 as such.  Glad to have you brother.

Prayer request: Allen Tate, Rockabilly’s mom, Tater Hole’s mom, Allen Tate’s mom, Frank and Medicine Woman with a death in the family, I think one more I can’t recall.  Sorry.

Announcements: Nomads for this Saturday, meet behind Dunkin Donuts at Eastridge Mall not sure what time check, twitter or slack, Mt Mitchell hike May 5th. Covergence at Folsom March 30th.

YHC took us out.

The PAX worked hard and only a couple decided the burpee penalty was worth it. Rockabilly got to check his progress as this was the very same workout he did as a FNG.  Great to see 12 HIMs out on a cold March morning in the gloom.  As always a pleasure and an honor to lead you guys.


Recovery Q

Huckleberry was supposed to have the Q this morning but like a lot of others in the county the flu has hit his home as well.  Allen Tate took my Q the other week when I was out with the flu/pneumonia crap that took me out for a couple of weeks. So when asked to cover Huck it was a no brainer.  It also helped me after being out a while to shake the sand out and get back in the gloom.

YHC  followed Volt in Folsom to find Medicine Woman waiting on the beat down. Volt got out of his car to get a little run in before the workout.  As Volt got back to start the other PAX started rolling in.  Nice turnout on a soggy morning. Let’s get at it.

Warmarama: SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbilly’s x 15 IC

Thang:  It was barely raining when we started the mosey to the flag, but with a couple of stops and some Merkins and Mountain Climbers at the light poles (thanks MW and Montross) we didn’t make it to the flag before it started raining pretty good.  After everyone got to the overhang at the flag ,YHC decided to alter the weinke to try to stay somewhat dry.

Here we go, Burpees X10, Big Boys X20, Merkins X30, Squats X40, and LBCs X50.  Rinse and repeat 5X. By the 3rd round YHC and I think most of the PAX were feeling the Big Boys  and Merkins.  Not a cardio rich workout but YHC thinks we will feel those exercises in the morning. Mosey back to start and time.

Announcement’s: CSAUP, some others that I can’t think of right now.

Prayer Request: Big Pappy’s Family,  Rockabilly’s Mom, Pizza Man’s M, Medicine Woman’s Family, My family,  each other.

Great work today men! I can see the improvement F3 has made in Rockabilly and Big Pappy, and their discipline to post after sickness and family loss is an encouragement to all of Folsom. Keep pushing the rock Folsom!

Honor and a pleasure to serve you men today.

11’s? Kinda Sorta

Pulled into Folsom this morning passing Volt and Roundup as they get some EC in before the workout. Good work! When I get to the parking area Medicine Woman is waiting for the beat down to begin. Few minutes pass and cars start showing and the PAX are ready for the beat down.


SSH, Don Q’s, X 15 IC, MN’s till Montross gets in the circle.


Mosey from parking area to the first light pole. Flutter Kicks X 20 IC, next light pole we do Mountain Climbers X 20 IC. Alternate between these two exercises at the light poles all the way to the flag. Each set led by a different PAX. (thanks guys) Get to the flag and pledge.

Next short mosey to parking lot at entrance. I think most of the PAX thought there would be 11’s. I do call those a lot but I wanted to mix it up a little. There are 3 islands and a service road at this lot so we did an escalating suicideish type workout.

Island 1, 10 Burpee’s

Island 2, 20 Big Boy Situps

Island 3, 30 Squats

Island 4, 40 LBC’s

You can’t go to the next exercise without returning to start and starting over, we finish this round and then flip it up and reverse it. Now starting with 40 Big Boys at the first island etc., Good work men 6:10 let’s head back to start.

Roundup took off like he was shot from a gun and the rest of us followed.


Short Sale with the Q at Folsom Saturday. Put on your big boy panties and pull your shorts up. Guaranteed to be a beat down.

Prayer Request:

Montross’s Aunt, Rockabilly’s Mom, Medicine Woman, Hacksaw’s MIL, each other.

YHC took us out.

Great work today men, nice to see a good crowd at Folsom. A lot of guys posting 3 times this week so far, including Rockabilly who was an FNG on Tuesday. Way to push man! Keep at it!

As always it was an honor and a privilege to lead this morning.

Keep it Moving

As I pulled into Folsom I was met with a surprise! I wasn’t going to be alone today. Swimmer was there and ready to go, and shortly after I arrived Montross showed. His FNG unfortunately was a no show. Hopefully he will show up soon. The rest of Folsom apparently didn’t get their wake up calls, perhaps I can start up a service for that soon. We have some HIM’s here let’s get this started.



Gravel Pickers X15 IC

Hillbilly’s X15 IC


Mosey to the flag at entrance for the pledge, short mosey to parking lot across from the flag. Suicides with Merkins at each divider starting with 10 and increasing by 10 at each divider. Next repeat with Squats and finally LBC’s.

Mosey around the long way to lower shelter for Dips, Squats, and Step Ups all x15 with a lap around the parking lot after each exercise X2 sets.
20 Big Boys OYO. Way to push men.

Mosey back to start. As we get back the familiar redneck truck horn in the distance 5 burpees. Now for some PAX led Mary. Montross with American Hammers X20 IC, Swimmer with Flutter Kicks X30 IC, YHC with V Up’s. another round with LBC’s, Mike Tysons, and Sandy V’s for our Folsom Fartsackers. Montross counted the Sandy V’s with the fartsackers names. Time

My goal today was to keep the heart rate up. Very little if any rest between sets. I believe we accomplished that goal this morning. Good work men!

Prayer Request:

Montross’s Aunt, Swimmer’s sister’s Father In Law passed, Hacksaw’s Father In Law passed. Sorry guys for any that I forgot.

Thanks for letting me lead this morning. Was a pleasure and honor.

Folsom Strong

2 strong at Folsom this morning. You can always count on Volt to be there.

SSH, Gravel Pickers, Toy Soldiers X 10 IC


Mosey to the flag at the park entrance pledge it out. Next on your 6 for flutters kicks x10 ic, lbc’s, x10 ic, roll over for cdd’s x10 oyo, back on your 6 for 10 big boy’s oyo.  Mosey around the parking lot to the street light for dirty 11’s with squats and sandy v’s.

Mosey to lower lot for several rounds of ab work, Sandy V’s, Peter Parker’s, Parker Peter’s, Mountain Climbers, and oblique raises.

Head back to start for 10 burpees and time is out.


Painlab Inspired

3 HIMS didn’t let a cold rain discourage them from getting better this morning. The night before we had a one pax with his M at the hospital. Another pax with a nagging injury and yet another pax that had to go to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning  for his M’s mom. That knocked the available pax down athe least by 3. Hope all is well men we will be praying for you. Now for the Painlab inspired beat down which is a new style of workout to me.

Warmarama: SSH, Toy Soldiers, Gravel Pickers

Thang: Dips, Incline Merkins, Step ups, Derkins, then on your 6 for the core part of the routine. LBCs, American Hammers,Big Boys, Freddie Mercurys, and Sandy V’s.  All exercises X 10 OYO. Repeat these for the next 35 minutes.

We really started to feel the core work after a few sets and by the end it was a struggle to finish the core work. Great work by all but we’re not done yet. Makhtar  N’ Daiyes X10 IC, Peter Parkers X10 IC, Parker Peters X10 IC. Those were a real crowd pleaser after the core work. With just 30 seconds left 10 burpees  OYO.  Time.

Announcements: Christmas  Town 5K, half marathon Dec 22 ,Operation Sweet Tooth

Prayer Request: Allen Tate mother in law, Bed Pans M, each other

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