Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Gavel (Page 4 of 5)

Game time at The Yank

Since taking over as site Q at The Fighting Yank I’ve decided to up my Qing. Some times by necessity and others are planned. This one was sort of planned. I’ve enjoyed going to Midoriyama so when I played ultimate frisbee for the first time I knew we could do it at the Yank.

We warmed up but with no written weinke I don’t remember what we did.

The Bunker stayed with Tiger and the boot campers took off.

On our mosey I noticed we had an uneven amount of guys, but Wojo brought his cleats and is a pro, so his team was going to be down one.

Stop at a hill for some hill work. Stop at each light poll do 5 HR merkins, run back to the crosswalk for 5 CDDs. Repeat until I say stop, about 6 polls.

Mosey to the track for our game. We used Pilgrims Progress’ disk and he helped set up our end zones. After a few falls, bumps and fouls the game was over. Def Leopards team lost even though he wasn’t there. Brutus was the MVP on offense and defense.

Back to the flag for the pledge of allegiance.

Convergence next Saturday at 0700, Folsom. The Yank and Bunker are closed.
F3 Dads 7-23 at Gashouse
Tubing? 7-30

PAX traveling
BOS and family with c0vid
Pocket’s dad recovery from surgery
Tiger’s sister in law
Families involved in recent violence


It was a fun morning, sweated for sure. You should have been there. Until next time.

Gavel out.

Where’s Freight?

Nice muggy morning for a run or ruck.


Sargento and Dr. Seuss got in some EC and burned up the road on their way to 8 miles.

Tesla took a solo ruck, good work brother.

YHC ran 1 EC mile so I could have 5 total for the day.

We thought we saw the infamous dark grey Toyota of Freight right before 6:30 am but he was not there. Someone mentioned that he called out people for not coming to M.O. but he doesn’t show himself. You hate to see it.

Lunch next Wednesday the 15th.
F3 Dads at Folsom 0700 on the 18th
PT test at Gashouse on the 25th
Tubing trip July 30th, look for something on slack.
Grow Ruck events all year so sign up

Sargento’s procedure on a spot on his head Tuesday
Whoopee recovery
Tesla M family
PAX Traveling
Watson family helicopter crash one daughter in ICU
BOS motorcycle trip


YHC prayed

Gavel out.

Did you call an Uber?

Gather at flag and mosey to The Bunker for the warmup.

Disclaimer and core principles for the two FNGs.

Toy soldiers 10 IC
Merkins 15 OYO

Split from the Bunker where most stayed with Rebar.

Mosey to Main Street

Run to every intersection, stop and do 10 HR merkins. We stuck together pretty well.

Mosey to mismanaged tennis courts to find a few blocks. Partner up for some Dora with the blocks.

100 curls, partner runs to the end and back
200 chest press, partner runs
300 LBCs, partner carry block to end and back

Just enough time for 11’s- WW2 and shoulder taps. I poorly explained this so Dingy was a little confused. Sorry brother Q fail.

Freon noticed an unmarked car parked with lights on pointed towards us. Probably security but I started to wonder if someone called an Uber to get back to the flag, it crossed my mind. Oh well, mosey back to Yank for a little Mary.

Lunch next Wednesday the 15th.
F3 Dads at Folsom 0700 on the 18th
PT test at Gashouse on the 25th
Grow Ruck events all year so sign up

Prayer requests:
Grow ruckers
Whoopee recovery
Tesla M family
PAX Traveling
Watson family helicopter crash one daughter in ICU
BOS motorcycle trip


Welcome two new guys. UHaul and Skull Candy.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Gavel out.

Keep It Simple Stupid

With the CSAUP claiming a few of our regulars and the Q I decided to keep it simple. Stopped at the gas station to acquire a deck of cards since I couldn’t find the deck at our house then wait to see if anyone shows up. 3 others rolled in at we went to work.

Do what you can and do them the best you can. Every rep in good form. We don’t mind waiting for the six.

Warmup under the shelter in the park.
15 Gravel pickers IC
15 toy soldiers IC
15 plank jacks IC

Move to shelter with tables at the track.

Thang: let the cards decide our fate after a shuffle. After the first few cards Nutria decided to shuffle again by dropping the cards, great job.

❤️-SSH. Ace = 2 laps around track.
♠️-merkins any way you want. Ace = 1 minute plank
♦️-LBCs/any ab exercise. Ace = 100 flutters
♣️-dips. Ace = 100 step ups

Add 10 to each card except aces.
Jack, Queen and King of each suit =25 each

Finished just in time and went to the flag to finish.


Lunch next month?

Turtleman, write cards and send them.
Summer travel starting


YHC took us out in prayer.

Small but strong group this morning. Pleasure to lead next to these men.

The Gavel out!

Members Only 5-15-22

Great group of guys to log some miles. Some more and faster than others but work was still done.


Lunch this Wednesday noon at Sammy’s in Dallas.
CSAUP this Saturday 0630 at The Storm.
Memorial Day Murph at Sandlot at 0700.

Prayer requests:
Turtle man procedure Monday morning.
Doodles recovery from surgery.
Tesla’s family
Gump and family
Buckshot and Pillager’s M’s with child
EOG tests
Breaker Breaker’s son’s girlfriend traveling.

Sargento took us out in prayer.


Great discussion on meeting with coffee.

Gavel out, thanks for the push.

Core group of HIMs

Warmup at the flag.
18ish Seal jacks IC, disclaimer given
18 overhead claps IC
18 toy soldiers IC

A good group of regulars so this didn’t go as planned but we did it anyway. Test on core principles as listed on our website. A wrong answer = 5 burpees for the group. Correct answer = 10 squats for the group. They were solid on the order once it was clear what my instructions were so only 5 burpees and 40 squats.

  1. Free of charge
  2. Open to all men
  3. Outdoors, rain or shine
  4. Peer led
  5. Ends in COT

No bunker crew so we stuck together.

The thang:
Route 66 hand release merkins.

Mosey to the parking lot behind the station for 11’s – big boys and CDD’s

Mosey to the track through the park and partner up for booya merkins starting at 10 counting down to 1 but needed to Omaha stopping at 5.

Fellowship mosey to old middle school for Dora 100 shoulder taps, 200 calf raises, 300 LBCs. Partner one runs while #2 does the work then switch.

Mosey to The Fighting Yank for a little Mary.


Lunch May 18th noon at Sammy’s in Dallas.
F3 Dads this summer see posts from Mayor.
CSAUP next Saturday at 0630. Yank will be open at 0700 for those of us that need it.
New F3 shirts are in the works, lookout for them and support.

Prayer requests:
Marathoners running and traveling.
Turtle man
EOG tests for kids and teachers giving them.
Growing families Buckshot and Pillager’s M’s and babies.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Pleasure to lead this group, thanks.

Gavel out.

Rainy night in Lowell

Rain, rain go away. Unfortunately it did not so under the turd shack we went. No FNG’s so of course I forgot the disclaimer sorry to newbie Pallbearer.

SSH 20 ic
Grass pickers 15 ic
Seal jacks 10 ic
4 burpees

I’m calling these 30’s, unless there is an official F3 name.

25 squats & 5 merkins
20 squats & 10 merkins
15 squats & 15 merkins
10 squats & 20 merkins
5 squats & 25 merkins

Pledge for a break.

Switch to WWII and plank jacks with same numbers of reps.
Still time left so I asked Slaw and Oompa for two more exercises. They gave me Mike Tyson’s and shoulder taps. That was the final nail in the coffin.

4 minutes left for some Mary. V-ups, American Hammers, LBC’s and Flutters were called. Time!

Gastonia community foundation run. Sign up we are pushing 4 chairs for Speed for Need.

Q School at Gashouse Saturday after boot camp 0830, HC on slack for food.

May be more I didn’t write down so check slack.

Prayer requests:
Montross’ aunt home from hospital and friend Chris recovering from surgery.
Orange Man’s friend.
Oompa’s sister had a stroke and pray for him to mend some heartbreak between them two.
Tesla and family.
Mayor complacency struggles, we all agreed we need these.
Huckleberry stomach issues.
Bedpan’s wife and mom.

Pallbearer took us out in prayer, didn’t even need my notes. He will be glad to lead the prayer for any workout he attends.


A little wet Q fail

I haven’t Q’d in a while so I worked on my weinke for a couple of weeks. Luckily it didn’t rain on us while we worked but it did before so it was a little messy. This is how it went down.

Moroccan Nightclubs IC 20
Goofballs IC 15
Gravel Pickers IC 10
Burpee’s 5

The first of two Q fails took place here. I took the boot campers and The Bunker went with Rebar. We moseyed to Old Stone to start what I called Route 66 but while instructing what to do I was quickly corrected. Not sure what I called but this is what we did.

Ran to String Bean stopping at every other light pole to do 5 merkins and 5 jump squats.

Triple nickel in String bean parking lot. 5 LBCs bear crawl, 5 flutter kicks bear crawl back.

Mosey to old middle school where 11’s was called.
Dips on one end then figure eight run to the other end for CDD’s. Stop in the middle for one merkin each time. Some called these burpees but it was a tad slower.

Mosey to The Fighting Yank for some Mary.
Freddie mercurys
Heels to heaven
Churchy frogs


Christmas party at 6
Need One more bell ringer see Sargento’s post
Possible Rice and bean opportunity see Tiger

Prayer Requests:
Tornado victims in KY
Dark Helmet’s knees
Brutus traveling with brother, hoping to point him towards Christ.

I took us out in prayer. Q fail 2, forgot Name-a-rama everyone come back!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, I need to do it more to make it smoother. Thanks for the help gents.

Gavel out

Light up son!

11 at Members Only this dry cool morning. Some did EC but came back through to grab the rest of the pack.

I’m not a Panther fan, Go 49ers!, but Steve Smith has a memorable quote of “ice up son!” after a tough game a while ago. After our run and during announcements Tiger dropped some knowledge about getting some lights during these runs, I took that to heart hence the title of this BB.


Signup and vote for the Christmas Party this coming Saturday the 11th
Rice and beans this Tuesday, Tiger needs 12 people
Bell ringers see Sargento’s post on slack

Prayer requests:

Broke’s mom
Bed Pan and Sparky’s family’s with Covid
BOS’s mother in law
Bubba’s brother eye injury
Sprinkler’s eye issues
Sargento skin cancer treatment
Traveling PAX
Students with tests

Pleasure to lead today. I will get better lighting, you should too.


One day short of my 1 year F3 anniversary

On June 29th 2020 I pulled into Mt. Hollywood not knowing what to expect, I had my keys, a water bottle and a towel. Termite had the Q and they had already started with the one mile run that he is famous for but Broke stayed back with me until we sort of caught up. I know now he could have been in the front but as a true HIM he was helping me get started with this F3 thing. I haven’t looked back until today this is what happened.

Warmup: Toy soldiers x15 IC, some stretching while we wait on Ball Joint who said he was coming. We couldn’t wait any longer so we took off for a Termite one mile run around town.

Stop at the bank and line up for an Indian run with a twist. While posting at Cape Fear at the beach I picked up a little variation to the run where the last person dropped for 5 Burpees and then caught up to the front. This continued until everyone had done the burpees and taken the lead. Mosey to Ida Rankin Elementary.

One set of 11’s – CDD’s and Jump Squats running around the parting lot.

Pledged to the flag pole with no flag. After we were done Sarlacc noticed one far off in the distance so we were good.

Mosey back to the start for some Derkins, Dips and Werkins X5 then repeat X10, X15 and X20.

3 minutes for some Mary – LBCs X20, American Hammers X10 IC, Cherry Pickers, and Bobby Hurley’s.

That’s time!

F3 Dads 7-17 at Gashouse

Prayer request:
Buckeye’s friends family
Shellshock 2 families with loss of loved ones
Dr. Seuss’s request for an ex in law
Turtle man
Big Pappy and family
Sister Act and family
Traveling PAX

I took us out

Thanks for the opportunity to lead and showing me the way.

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