Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Fresh Prince (Page 1 of 2)

Goat’s Got Me Flustered

I arrived at the Goat this morning ready to lead with a Wienke that was sure to impress!  Things started off strong!  I banged out the disclaimer thanks to our FNG, then I banged out the warm up, and even banged out the pledge!  Things couldn’t have gone better, and then some women who pay for an overpriced workout (I’m just assuming since ours is free there’s must be overpriced <– Sound Logic Right?!?!) high jack the first part of the Thang and it was all down hill from there… So here’s what happened…

  1. Disclaimer
  2. Warmup
    1. 15 SSH IC
    2. 15 Freddie Mercury IC
    3. 25 Moroccan Night Club IC
    4. 10 Merkins IC
    5. 15 Monkey Humpers IC
  3. Pledge
  4. The Thang
    1. Mosey to BB&T Wall.
      1. The plan was to wall sit while each PAX ran around the building, but the stairs were occupied and I got flustered.  I freaked out and had everyone mosey to the opposite side of the town to the wall of Doffers.  Still not sure how to continue since my Wienke was now ruined we did 50 Don Quixote while I came up with an alternate workout.   My quick thinking led to 3 corners around the town square
    2. Round 1
      1. Corner 1 – 10 Burpees OYO
      2. Corner 2 – 20 Crunchy Frogs OYO
      3. Corner 3 – 30 Merkins OYO
    3. Round 2
      1. Corner 1 – 40 Monkey Humpers OYO
      2. Corner 2 – 50 LBC OYO
      3. Corner 3 – 60 Mountain Climbers OYO
    4. Round 3
      1. Corner 1 – 70 Squats OYO
      2. Corner 2 – 80 Flutter Kicks OYO
      3. Corner 3 – 90 Rocky Balboas OYO
      4. Corner 1 – 100 Moroccan Night Clubs OYO
  5. I had now recovered from my earlier flustering and was feeling really good and composed.  So back to the BB&T wall to finish what we started earlier.  The coast was clear so we each grabbed a seat on the wall while each PAX did a lap up the stairs and around the building.  This turned into MARY with each new PAX doing their lap

The workout had finally come together and my confidence was at peak performance.  In an effort to catch our breath I had everyone count off.  Little did I know this would be my downfall.  The count-off started in English ended in Spanish and somehow I managed to miss-count 8 PAX and went to 9.

Flustered again and only 10 minutes to go we went for a mosey to the gazebo where I had us partner up for elevens, only to realize that wont work.  So forget the partner and 11’s OYO including dips on the wall and pull ups on the gazebo.  Half way through I Oklahoma’d, no wait Ontario’d, or is it Ohio’d, meh whatever… to Pull ups and CDD’s.

Finally we mosey’d back to the start with one last push up the hill with Zombie Walks to finish out the day.

Announcements : Mount Mitchell Climb in August the week after another week around the time of the PGA something.

Namorama, Prayer, Dismissed!

Thanks for hanging in there with me today, sorry it all fell apart, but in the end we all put in some great work. Tune in next time for a non-flustered Fresh Prince to experience the impressive Wienke the way it should be.

Cores and More

10 PAX showed up at the Storm today to put in some work.  I hate to admit it, but I was less than prepared to lead today.  Admittedly, I didn’t put a lot of thought into the workout, and pulled it together by stealing bits and pieces of workouts from previously posted back blasts.  I’d also like to apologize again to Mayor for silencing him when he was really just trying to build morale… #mayorlove. I’d go into more detail, but if you want to know these inside quips you need to show to know.  Let that be motivation for all you fartsackers out there to get posting.  Bottom line, I will do better next time.  Ok enough apologizing, here’s what went down at the Storm.

No FNG’s so no disclaimer

Warm Up

  • SSH – 15 IC
  • Hillbillies – 15 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs – 15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers – 15 IC
  • Goofballs – 10 IC
  • 5 Burpees – OYO (Train #1)


The Thang

Mosey around the parking lot to the lower circle for some Core Time.

  • Dying Cockroach – 25 IC
  • Freddy Mercury’s Forward – 24…no wait it was 25 IC
  • 5 Burpees – OYO (Train #2)
  • Freddy Mercury’s Reverse – 25 IC
  • Crunchy Frogs – 25 OC
  • WW1 – 25 OYO
  • Flutter Kicks With Arms Up – 25 IC
  • Box Cutters – 25 OYO
  • Heels to Heaven – 15 OYO
  • V Up / Roll Up – 15 OYO
  • Hello Dolly – 25 IC

Mosey to the Box Office Knobs for Del Browns

  • 10 Merkins then Crabwalk to other end of knobs 10 Merkins then Crabwalk back, 10 Mountain Climbers then Bear Crawl to other end of knobs 10 Mountain Climbers then Bear Crawl back.
  • Plank For the Six
  • Rinse and Repeat

15 minutes to go so we Line up for Bataan Death March (Indian run with Burpees).  Before we start Train #3 came rolling in so 5 Burpees OYO.

Bataan Death March throughout parking lot working our way back to the Shovel Flag.

5 minutes to go so 5 minutes of Mary:

  • Burpees, Crunchy Frogs, Windshield Wipers, etc…

Announcements/ COT/ Prayer

  • Nomads going to Rock Hill this Saturday.  Meet at Dunkin Donuts (by the mall not the one in Belmont)
  • PAX needed for Burpeethon in September
  • Q needed for Fighting Yank this Saturday

One Big Loop

5 HiM including 1 FNG fought the fartsack, and a what looked like a heavy coating of dew (some would argue it was rain), to put in some work at the Storm.  The great thing about the Storm is there are endless areas to exercise.  Today was one big loop with running and pain stations and we didn’t even cover the entire AO.  With that said here’s what went down at the Storm this morning.


Warm Up

  • Mosey to First Speed Hump -15 SSH IC
  • Mosey to Second Speed Hump – 15 Imperial Walkers IC
  • Mosey to Third Speed Hump – 15 HillBillies IC
  • Mosey to Fourth Speed Hump – 15 LBC IC
  • Mosey to Fifth Speed Hump – 10 Merkins IC + 5 Burpees thanks to the train
  • Mosey to the stop sign at Lakewood

The Thang

  • There was a nice Grassy Hill so 5 hills with 5 Jump Squats at the top and 5 CDD at the bottom
  • After that we mosey’d up the hill to the Eye of the Storm
    • Round 1 – Everyone Planked and one by one each PAX bearcrawled around the Circle
    • Round 2 – Everyone 6 Inches and one by one each PAX Crab Walked around the Circle
    • Round 3 – Everyone together did a Zombie Walk Lap around the Circle
  • Indian Run down the hill to the lower circle
    • 10 Crunchy Frogs – IC
    • 10 Burpees -OYO
    • 10 Merkins – OYO
    • 10 LBC – IC
    • 10 Mountain Climbers – IC
    • 10 Freddy Mercury – IC
    • 10 Peter Parker IC
  • Mosey to the Box Office Wall
    • 10 Hip Slappers
    • Mosey to the Knobs – 30 Dips
    • 10 Derkins
  • Mosey back to the start to complete the loop
  • We had a few trains today so add in a couple more rounds of 5 Burpees throughout the Workout



Welcome Ohhhh WOW (FNG) Hope you come back.  As Sargento said the workouts don’t get easier but you get better!  It was an honor to lead everyone!  See ya next time.



I Think I Hear A Train…Again

I woke up this morning at 2 AM to the sound of Thunder and my first thought was will anyone be joining me at The Goat today?  I was happy to see there were PAX waiting and more coming in after me (including an FNG), and even happier that it wasn’t raining and thundering anymore. However that thunder was replaced by another thunder…  We were blessed with 5 trains this morning throughout our workout and with each train came 5 Burpees OYO!  Speaking of that workout, here’s what went down at the Goat this morning.

  • Disclaimer
  • Warm Up
    • 15 SSH (IC)
    • 15 Don Xiote (IC)
    • 15 Hillbillies (IC)
    • 10 Goofballs (IC)
  • Pledge
  • The Thang

Thanks to Brownstreak’s (who did in fact Fartsack this morning) recommendation we mosey’d to the bridge for some bridgework.

  1. Bear crawl from the base of the bridge to where the wooden part starts.  Zombie walk the wooden part to where it meets the cement again, Crab Walk the rest of the way.
  2. Partner up for a few rounds of Dora 123.
    1. – Round 1 in aggregate while partner runs to top of bridge for 10 Merkins
      1. 300 Russian Twist
      2. 200 Freddy Mercury
      3. 100 Flutter Kicks
    2. – Round 2 (find a new partner)  in aggregate while partner runs to top of bridge for 10 Monkey Humpers
      1. 300 Squats
      2. 200 Dips
      3. 100 Derkins
    3. We ran out of time before round 3 thanks to the trains mentioned before and the added Burpees…
  3. Mosey back to starting parking lot
    1. Guantanamo Bay – 1 Round
    2. 1 minute left so as many Crunchy Frogs as you can in 1 minute
      1. I really like the Crunchy Frogs for some reason and would have hated to Q a whole workout without including them

COT\Announcements\Prayer\Naming FNG

  • Fighting Yank T-Shirts are now available online.


As always it was an honor to lead today and get in a good exercise.  I think we had a record number of trains this morning but you know what they say…  The only way to get better at Burpees is do more Burpees.  Welcome Paw Patrol! If you’re sore tomorrow the only way to fix that is to come back for more.  Looking forward to next time!

A Friendly Game Of Cards

The ground was wet, the fog was thick, and one by one 9 brave PAX rolled in, with an FNG patiently waiting to experience the first day of the rest of his life.  There’s no better way to start a Tuesday!  Tiny Tank’s curiosity got the best of him and needed to know how I got the name Fresh Prince.  I’d tell the story now but if you don’t already know, show up at the next workout and I’ll tell you in person.  The clock struck 5:30 AM so we got started.

Disclaimer – Short and Sweet but I covered the main points.  I’m an idiot so don’t sue me…

Warmup :

  • 15 SSH (IC)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 15 HillBillies (IC)
  • 15 Merkins (IC)


The Thang:

Mosey plus some around the parking lot with Butt Kicks, High Knees, Sprint, Karaoke Right, Karaoke Left, Bear Crawl to the entrance of the School.

Here I said something like good news, the rest of the workout will be in this area so we’ll try to stay dry.  Bad news, I have a fresh deck of cards!

  • Hearts = Crunchy Frogs
  • Spades = CDD
  • Diamonds = Squats
  • Clubs = Merkins
  • Face Cards (Regardless of Suit) = Lap Around the parking lot
  • Ace (Regardless of Suit) = 15 Burpees OYO

The deck was placed in the middle of the circle and each PAX took turns picking a card and leading the exercise (IC or OYO was determined by PAX who picked that card)

We had the pleasure of 2 trains this morning so add in 2 sets of 5 burpees OYO.

We didn’t make it through the deck before time was called but we put in a solid effort

We mosey’d back to the flag where there was 1 minute left, so 50 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)

Announcements/COT/Prayer/Naming FNG – Weezy

Moleskin: It was an honor to lead you today, solid effort, and looking forward to my next Q.


An Intimate Workout For Two

Its been a crazy few months for me, with injuries, sickness, a pretty intense travel schedule for work, which all boils down to, I haven’t posted in a while and I haven’t Q’d in even longer.  I woke up this morning excited to lead, and as I was driving to Cramerton, I was thinking of the huge crowds waiting for my return after such a long absence.  I was thinking 15 maybe 20 PAX who have missed out on a solid Fresh Prince led workout since August would be excited to get out in the Gloom and Push The Rock.  As I came around the corner and into the parking lot I could see the crowd and I was really getting excited, only to find out those are a bunch of fools paying for an overpriced Boot Camp.  Thinking maybe today wasn’t Thursday or maybe my clock was wrong and I’m just at the wrong place at the wrong time… but no it was the right day, and was the right time, but still only 2 PAX were at Goat Island and I was one of them.  That being said… huge shoutout to Edison for fighting the fartsack and making it out this morning.   Well enough of my crying lets get into it…

Warm Up :

SSH – 15 IC

Don Quixote – 15 IC

LBC – 15 IC

Merkins – 15 IC


The Thang : 

I had planned to do a lot of partner work today but quick audible to Corners around the main square to 100

Corner 1 – 10 Burpees

Corner 2 – 20 Crunchy Frogs

Corner 3 – 30 Peter Parkers

Corner 4 – 40 Dips

Corner 5 – 50 LBC

Corner 6 – 60 Flutter Kicks

Corner 7 – 70 Squats

Corner 8 – 80 Moroccan Night Clubs

Corner 9 – 90 Rocky Balboa’s

Corner 10 – 100 Mountain Climbers

Next we mosey’d to the starting parking lot for 11’s of WW1’s and Merkins

After this we had 5 minutes left so we Mary’d

Flutter Kicks – 20 IC

Freddy Mercury’s – 20 IC

There were not announcements and we finished with Prayer


While the turnout wasn’t great,  the one on one was a great way to get to know Edison better.   I like to think we got a personal trainer session in that most hollywood types would spend thousands of dollars on for free, and I like free.   Great work today and I’m excited to be back and posting again, its been missed!

Half Wienke / Half Wing’n It

10 PAX showed up at the goat for another round led by YHC.  This was the largest group I’ve led and many repeats from my last few Q’s so I guess I’m doing something right! 5:30 hit so we got into it.

Disclaimer – I can’t remember what all I was supposed to say so I just summed it up with I’m an Idiot so don’t sue me.  Also let everyone know I was less than prepared and there was no Wienke only to surprise everyone with a half Wienke later on.  Thankfully Quiche let me know there’s a pill I can take for that, and he may or may not have some in his car…

Warm Up –

  • SSH 15 IC
  • Merkin 15 IC
  • LBC 15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers 15 IC

Pledge – Ghost Flag is still in our Court!

Work Out

Mosey to the bridge then Zombie Walk Half Way, Bear Crawl to the end of the wood, Mosey the rest of the way.

Count off and grabbed a partner for some Dora 123.  100 Incline Merkins, 200 LBC, 300 Squats in aggregate while partner ran around the playground equipment.  Plank until everyone was finished.

4 sets of exercises

Set 1

  • LBC 15 IC
  • LBFC 15 IC
  • Freddie Mercury 15 IC
  • Homer to Marge

Set 2

  • Peter Parker 15 IC
  • Parker Peter 15 IC
  • Mountain Climbers 15 IC
  • High/Medium/Low aka. Isometric Push ups  – 2 IC

Set 3

  • Low Slow Squats 15 IC
  • Bobby Hurley 15 OYO
  • Monkey Humpers 15 IC
  • Al Gore – 1 Minute

Set 4

15 Burpees OYO

To close out the workout we Mosey’d half way up the bridge, Crab Walked to the end of the wood, then Mosey’d back to the parking lot where we started.

Announcements / Prayer Requests / Name O Rama / Prayer

  • Q’s needed for Goat Island and Fighting Yank for September
  • Remember Students and Teachers as school is starting up.

Great work everyone.  It was an honor to lead you.





The Tricky Triangle

7 PAX including 1 FNG, made it out to the Goat to start their Thursday off right.  YHC started off with some mumble chatter about being sore after BA’s beat down at the Storm on Tuesday, and decided the only way to get through it is to go harder. With that we began.

  • Warm Up
    • 15 SSH (IC)
    • 15 Toy Soldiers (IC)
    • 15 Squats (IC)
    • 10 Torso Bends (IC)
    • 15 Hillbillies (IC)
  • Disclaimer
  • Pledge
  • The Thang – The Tricky Triangle
    1. Exercises at the three intersections of the town center of Cramerton moseying between corners and increasing reps at each stop. Corner 1 = Stop sign in front of Doffer’s, Corner 2 = Stop Sign in front of Firehouse, Corner 3 = Corner with Clock
      • Lap 1 Corner 1 – 10 Burpees OYO
      • Lap 1 Corner 2 – 20 Crunchy Frogs (IC)
      • Lap 1 Corner 3 – 30 LBC (IC)
      • Lap 2 Corner 1 – 40 Don Quixote (IC)
        • Imperial Walker half way then sprint the rest to Corner 2
      • Lap 2 Corner 2 – 50 Squats (Single Count)
      • Mosey to Lap 2 Corner 3 – 60 Rocky Balboa’s (Single Count)
        • Mosey halfway then Bear Crawl to Corner 1
      • Lap 3 Corner 1 – 70 Merkins (Singe Count)
        • High Knees half way then Butt Kicks to Corner 2
      • Lap 3 Corner 2 – 80 Monkey Humpers (Single Count)
      • Lap 3 Corner 3 – 90 Freddie Mercury’s (Single Count
    2. Mosey to Gazebo for 11’s
      • Omaha’d to 6’s of Pull Ups and Dips on the brick wall
    3. Mary
      • 15 Dying Cockroachs (IC) led by Monk
  • Announcements – Name O Rama – COT – Prayer
    • Advisory Board meeting this Sunday at On The Border
    • It was an honor to lead you today.  Great work “Pushing the Rock”.  Welcome Josey Wales.

Le Tour de Cramerton

8 PAX made it out to Goat Island today for a Tour de France inspired workout.  This years tour has stages through France, Spain, Andorra, and Switzerland so today’s workout included exercises that were inspired by each country.

Warm Up :

15 SSH (IC)

10 Freddie Mercury (IC)

25 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)

10 Merkins (IC)

15 LBC (IC)


The Thang:

Stage 1 (France) – Time Trials

The PAX Mosey’d to the BB&T Alley for Wall Sits while each PAX took an individual lap up the stairs and around the building

Stage 2 (France) – Mountain Stage

After the Time Trials we mosey’d to the back of the buildings and partnered up.  In aggregate 100 Mountain Climbers while partner ran Hills alternating until 100 Mountain Climbers were achieved.

Stage 3 (Spain)

Since the Tour de France is made up of long bike rides, we did a long mosey down Front Street to the parking lot at 8th & 10th Street a.k.a. Spain.  Given that this was Spain, we did 50 Don Quixote’s OYO followed by 50 Moroccan Night Clubs (Morocco is next to Spain) OYO.

Stage 4 (Andorra)

Mosey’d to the Community Center Parking Lot a.k.a. Andorra.  Andorra is a small country between Spain and France, The next set of exercises were “little”, as Andorra is a small Country and they have a Basketball Team (thanks Wikipedia).


30 Bobby Hurley’s OYO


Mosey to Baseball Field bleachers for Raccoon Crawls only to find there weren’t any bleachers, so we Omaha’d to Bear Crawls x2 through the stands

Stage 5 (Switzerland)

Mosey’d back to Front Street and planned to do Clock Merkins on the hill a.k.a. Switzerland (Swiss make Watches – Clocks are like big watches…) but there was some Mumble Chatter about Poison Ivy on the hill, so we Omaha’d…  Indian Run back to the original hill from stage 2 for Clock Merkins

12 Merkins at 12 O’Clock

3 Merkins at 3 O’Clock

6 Merkins at 6 O’Clock

9 Merkins at 9 O’Clock

Right about this time, off in the distance, was an oncoming Freight Train so a quick 5 Burpees OYO

Stage 6 – (France) – Champ Elysees

This was the final stage of the tour which was a mosey back to the starting parking lot for 22 Merkins for 22 Veterans.


There were no announcements today so we Name-O-Rama’d and closed out with prayer.

Great work pushing the rock today it was an honor to lead you all.



Goat Island Meets Crunchy Frog, The Alphabet, and Del Brown

9 PAX showed up this morning to put in some work at Goat Island.  The PAX experienced their first time with Fresh Prince at the Helm, as the turn out for my VQ a few weeks back was a much slimmer so it was good to lead a full PAX .  5:30 rolled around and we got started.

There was one FNG in the group so the disclaimer was disclaimed, this didn’t send him running so we got right into the warm up.

Warm Up:

20 SSH (IC)

20 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)

20 Don Quixote (IC)

20 LBC (IC)

10 Merkins (IC)

Pledge & Word of the Week

The Thang:

Mosey the long way around the town up to the upper deck for some ab work.

15 Flutter Kicks  (IC)

10 Crunchy Frogs (IC) – This was a new exercise for Goat Island found in the Exicon but judging by the tone of the MC I like to think it was well received, but its hard to say for sure.

15 Box Cutters (OYO)

15 Russian Twists (IC)

15 French Fries (IC)

Rinse and Repeat.

After round 2 we finished out the ab work with 1 set of the Alphabet (OYO) – This was another new one for many.  On your six, with legs elevated, spell out the Alphabet (or Hawaiian Alphabet) with your legs.

Now that the abs are feeling good and warm we did another mosey down the hill to the Pharmacy. To catch our breath, We did a count off and admired May Flies (which were ample) around the light on the building.  YHC then said anyone know what the Del Brown is? I’m thinking we should do 5 sets.  At this point there was MC of Mutiny and the count was quickly Omaha’d to 1 set which was the right call as these proved to be more difficult than expected.  Hey it looked good on paper.

The Del Brown – The PAX lined up on one end of the building for 10 Merkins then crab walk to the other side (about 25 yards) for another 10 merkins, then crab walk back to the beginning for 10 Mountain climbers then Bear Crawl to the other end for 10 Mountain Climbers then Bear Crawl Back to the beginning.

Another Mosey back up to the BB&T alley for some wall sits while each PAX ran up the steps and around the building.  Once the last PAX did their lap we were just about out of time.  We mosey’d back to the main parking lot and in proper F3 fashion, YHC called for 5 Burpees OYO.

Name-O-Rama and COT

Monk let the PAX know that starting July 9th a Q for the 3rd F will be needed.  Goat Island needs Q’s for the next 4 weeks and most have been filled now.  Continued thoughts and prayers for Godfather and T-Square and their families as they are dealing with the loss of family members.

Our FNG let us know he’s a die hard UVA fan so he was properly named Hokie.  Welcome Hokie!

It was a pleasure leading the PAX today and I’m looking forward to my next Q in a few weeks.

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