Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 8 of 31)

Slaw Armstrong

13 PAX including 1 FNG posted to Crossroads on Sunday morning. Pretty even split on riders and runners I think. Bedpan brought an FNG we named Wiki Leak(Joshua Robinson) as he is studying IT security in school. SA skipped out on his 0600 meetup with Seuss and Roundup then showed up late and unprepared for the 0630 meetup. Then on top of that made them slow down to his pace! You hate to see it. Slaw took his new bike for a stroll. He has quickly become a canoe on a bike. Passing by people going uphill effortlessly. Who knew this would be his thing. Balljoint showed up on his banana seat bike sporting his little sisters lululemon yoga shorts. You hate to see that too! We had a good crowd for Q-Source even though we had to rush through it after waiting 10 minutes for the 20 splenda packets to get put in Wirenuts cafe’. Insert pinky out gesture here.

The Shortsale Hustle

11 men posted at Gashouse/Painlab on Saturday. 7 for the bootcamp and 4 for pain lab. Time Frame said the pain lab guys did work and asked me to include them here. That’s all I can say about that. The bootcamp on the other hand was an old school group with a lot of years and post between us.


Sealjacks, merkins, Don q’s, etc.

The Thang:

I had worked up an old school classic workout of things and places we have regularly used in the past. What appeared to be an Army group of some sort had taken over Grier doing their PT test. That along with a fence changed my plan. Oh well adapt and overcome. I’d like to not that as we took of on our mosey Shortsale was hustling. I mean he ran out and vultured us a couple of times. He was running backwards up Garrison! My man was ready to work. No meows today!

In the school parking lot we did triple nickel with tiger squats and mike tysons hopping back and forth.

Next we moseyed over to the big steeple church stairs for some Dora 1,2,3. Shoulder taps, back scratchers, overhand claps. Run the stairs and back. Some went deeper than others and some went deeper each time. You had to be there.

Still modifying my plan we used the side road that goes up the same hill as the stairs for some more partner work. Starting in the middle do 1 booyah merkin. Partners run in opposite directions and back to meet and do 2 booyah merkins. Switch directions and keep going until you get to 10 merkins.

I had written down to look for a wall to do wall ups on and it just so happened we found the perfect one at the top of the hill next to the building. So P1 does WWI’s while P2 runs to the wall,  gets up on it 1 time and runs back. Do this 5 times each.

Next we moseyed over to Bosshog’s office to the slanted parking lot. Triple nickel. Calf raises and well I don’t remember. I seem to have lost my weinke. It’s probably still in my shorts pocket. Anyway we bear crawled up the parking lot hill and crawl beared back down.

To finish things off we moseyed over to the Schielle wall for several rounds of wall sits and planks.


Prayer Request




We are Farmers

8 total at Midoriyama on Tuesday. Pallbearer wasn’t there. What’s up with that?


Sealjacks, stretches, Don Q’s, merkins

Grab a block and head to the light pole at the road.

The Thang: 

We started at the pole doing reps of an exercise then rifle carried to the next pole. We continued that for 7 poles or to the end of the road. Reps and exercises listed below.

pole 1-5 blockees

pole 2-10 thrusters

pole 3-15 swings

pole 4-20 standing chest presses. Mayor cheated himself due to a disagreement of the name. Hate to see it!

pole 5-25 alpos

pole 6-30 rows

pole 7-35 curls

After Slaw finally decided to join us(sandbagging) we moseyed over to the small field and partnered up. Below is what we did each pax switching to make a round

-P1 runs across the field and back then planks, P2 farmer carries the blocks over and back

-P1 does sealjacks, P2 farmer carries one block over and back

-P1 does mtn climbers, P2 farmer carries one block over and back

-P1 does 5 burpees, runs over and planks, P2 does murder bunnies across

Back on the road starting at the 7th light pole P1 runs to the next pole and back while P2 farmer carries the blocks. Switch and keep doing this until we get back to the 1st pole.

After we put up the blocks we did a round of iron hulks, howling monkeys and ring of fire I think? I was just making stuff up at this point to finish out the day.


Announcements-skate with Mayor this Saturday,  JJ5K the next

Prayer Request-sickness, loss by several




YHC read John 13:12-18 which is Jesus talking about servant leadership just after he has washed the disciples feet. Jesus is my standard and if he can wash feet why am I not serving others more? What are you doing to serve?

4 sided triangle

11 pax posted at Midoriyama on Tuesday. The Italian bicyclist ran, grandma walked, and the rest of the pax followed me because I definitely knew where I was going.


Some stuff like SSH, merkins, and squats.

The Thang:

It’s almost running season for me again and honestly I’m looking forward to it. I’ve kind of missed it. Somebody help me this doesn’t sound right! I’ve grown to welcome discomfort overtime. I like the feeling of pushing hard. Running provides that for sure. Anyway I decided to bump the running up a little since we’ve been doing shorter distance running in the heat. Also from time to time I like to throw in running with a brick or two just to make the suck a little worse. So we only had enough for 1 a piece but that sucks enough. Down the road we went. At the picnic shelter we stopped for some step ups and dips. Down the trail at the lake we bear crawled the first bridge. We stopped for some seal jacks ic. Bear crawled the next bridge. Off the trail onto the powerline. We stopped for some Hillbillies and squats. Mosey and stop for some Imperial Walkers and Lil Gumbys. Mosey to what looks like  the first intersection of a triangle area on Google maps to do 5 brickees. Mosey to the next intersection for 5 more. Now it’s much more overgrown than it appears on Google so I began to question which way to go. I should have went with my gut but went with my 2nd guess and stayed on the power line looking for the next intersection. As you may guess that was wrong. Now we weren’t ever lost because I knew where it would take us too but we did start to run low on time so I made the call to turn around and hit the trail to cut through to the dam road. At this point the storm was rolling in and the woods were getting pretty dark. We stopped a few more times along the way for some punches holding the brick ic so the group could stay together. We ended up about 5 minutes late which was just enough time for it to start raining.



Announcements-All the same ones for September

Prayer Request-Defibs friend in NOLA going to Hospice care


Q fail, yep and I’m ok with it. I learned from it and that’s the point. If we don’t try we will never know. We will never grow. Get out of the comfort zone and do something stupid, meow.

Meeting for Homecoming

8 Pax for Crossroads Sunday morning. 3 rode(no tires were flattened), 4 ran, 1 rucked, and many regulars were missed. Good to see hunk a junk out!

After we met for coffee to discuss meeting and why we need it from q source. We had a really good discussion.

Clean Weinke

10 PAX joined YHC on Saturday for what I deemed my homecoming weekend after moving back to NOGA country. For those of you from NOGA country that makes 11 PAX that posted. If that offended you then I recommend you stop reading now because this BB will have a lot of down punching. If you’re the sensitive type this will hurt your feelings, though I believe you need that to happen if it is the case(meow). The title is clean weinke is because I left my weinke in my shorts and it got washed/destroyed so what I can put here will just be a bit inaccurate.


Some of the usual

The Thang:

Run a lap-this is where the whining and crying started. I mean it’s one lap, WTF are you here for if you start the complaining with one lap! We stopped and did a few reps of some exercises. Run 2 laps. As you can expect more of the same from the one lap. We did a few more reps of some exercises. To be honest this was really just a part of the warmup but for these wussies with a P I have to post it here in the thang.

In the parking lot we partnered up and pulled out some 40-60 lbs sandbags. Shout out to Wirenet for bringing his so that we would have enough. We lined up in the parking lot with 1 partner running down to the other end and back while the other partner does some exercises. We did 4-5 different sets of this that included thrusters, overhead press, overhead holds, cleans, getups, etc. Let me tell you you’d think you’d have asked these guys to go shopping with their wife when I called some of these exercises! I mean there is no amount of summers eve out there that could have calmed down these irritated sandy v’s. Look I get it, I talk a lot of trash. There’s a reason I’m back to back to back mummblechatter champion. I realize people are going to come at me hard when I Q to try to pay me back and I welcome it. Hell I feed off of it. The trash talk is part of what keeps me coming back. It’s a part of being a dude. We bust balls. When we were younger that was literal. This, this was different. This was meow stuff. I’d say at least 1/3 of the group didn’t do 1/2 the reps or even the exercises. Some didn’t even try a rep. DIDN’T EVEN TRY! I get sometimes we have to modify but you can’t not try just because it’s hard. Read that last part again. We had guys walking while their partner is suffering through some of the reps, or at least supposed to be. Dude it was a 60-80 yard run sack the hell up! So at one point we made our way over to the field. P1 runs down and back while P2 chest throws the sandbag. We did this until we got to the other end. This was followed by catch me if you can. P1 starts rucking the sandbag while P2 does 5 burpees then runs to catch up and switch. I’m done writing I’m sick of reliving this sad morning.


Pray for these sadclowns amongst us and out in the world

Announcements-CSAUP 9/10 get signed up meow, skate with mayor 9/17, JJ5K 9/24


I just want to say this is how I remember the workout going. I’m sure others may remember it differently 🙂 I do want to point out that I didn’t hear the 6 complaining like I did the 12. Pallbearer was the 6 a good portion of the time as he should be being the newest guy to the group. I may have heard him praying a few times but he wasn’t meowing. I continue to be impressed with how hard he is pushing. He’s posting regularly, double posting, and coming to the heat of Midoriyama. He will be a batflipper before you know it. If you made it this far in the BB then I’m proud of you snowflake. You were challenged and did something hard today even if it hurt your little feelings.

Quality Group

6 Pax posted at Midoriyama on a sunny but somewhat dryer Thursday. I realized about half way there that I left my weinke at home. It was to be a continuation of something we didn’t finish from my last Q. We gave it  a try anyway. Somethings I remembered and some things I just made up on the fly. We did try what one nation Pax called the perfect merkin. It eliminated the short pump so many of you are used too. Hand release at the bottom and shoulder taps at the top. Slaw said it eliminates the neckie too.

So for the group there, it was full of seniority. All with years of F3 under their belt. 3 past nantans, 3 family members(we got real close to hearing about relations with a couple of twin’s sister). I hate it for them. I even cringe a little when it happens but it’s also pretty funny. It’s like seeing something gross on tv that makes you gag a little but you can’t stop watching it. It’s been great having Ass Pump back out some. He’s a fun guy to hang out with. Mainly because he’s willing to do most anything. Like try to get back into skateboarding in his mid 40’s because his preacher does it. Yup you read that right. His preacher is the same age by the way. If you see him ask to see the video footage of him skating(or not so much) into his garage. Leppard was back from his trip to Denver. He went out for his new job to a mattress convention. It sounds like the mattress business is doing pretty good! FYI there is a $9,000 mattress coming out with a pocket in it that will blow you mind! Slaw kept accusing him of getting into the weed while he was out there. He denied it but sang Rocky Mtn High the entire workout. As his partner it would explain his delay in responses like walking back to me while I held the block. He was moving super slow but kept yelling I’m going as fast as I can! The most interesting part about all of that is he just went to Denver, NC.



Announcements-F3 dads at the yank this saturday, 9/10 CSAUP(allegedly), 9/17 skate with Mayor(couples I think), 9/24 JJ5K

Prayer Request-Bos and his family during this time of loss


11 pax posted at Downtown on Friday. It’s been a busy few days so I’m just getting to the BB. That said it’s only day 3 so I’ve still beat Pockets and SA by 27 days.


Blah blah blah lets mosey

The Thang:

Starting at the intersection of Main and South we did 1 rep of 2 exercises and hit the road. We continued this throughout the workout adding 1 rep at each intersection. We made it up to 13 before we ran low on time. Should’ve made it to 15. The exercises were burpees and seal jacks. I believe that comes to about 91 reps of each.

Along the way we stopped at various places for some other work. Behind the police department we did Miranda Rights x 10 ic. Lots of complaining about these meow! At the wall of Leather and Lace we did Dirty Hookups x 10 ic, seemed fitting. In the parking lot behind the baseball stadium we did route 66 Bobby Hurley’s. We also threw in some broad jumps and squat jumps using the long line of handy cap parking spaces. Along the front of the stadium we stopped for some Nolan Ryan’s x 10 ic on each side. We stopped off in front of the police department for another round of meows and Miranda Rights. As we ran short on time we made our way over to the South st hill. We NURed up stopping for a WWI at each light pole. A few confused PAX stated they added a rep each time.


AAR-After Action Report-Since the purpose of F3 is to create leaders I talked a little about what an AAR is and why it’s needed. If you don’t know how you did then how can you improve? I asked the PAX to give me 2 things I did well and 2 things I need to improve. Give it a try on your next Q.


Announcements-F3Dads next weekend at The Yank, Dad skate 9/17, JJ5K 9/24, Rumor of a CSAUP 9/10.

Prayer Request


As I write this I’m still a little wired from the move to our new home this weekend. There were 15 HIM at the house to help unload the truck. There was another roughly 5 that were at the apartment to help load. That is insane! My wife has been showing everyone the picture we took and telling them about how you guys knocked out our move. My daughter was even quite impressed by “Tha Boys”(that’s how she refers to you) and she isn’t impressed with much these days(the teen years are gonna be hard). I’m so thankful for F3 and meeting you guys. I can’t imagine not having men like you in my life! Anyone that doesn’t is surely a sadclown compared to what I have.

Shots Fired!

13 showed at Crossroads on Sunday. Slaw nor Def Leppard were amongst them. We had runners, ruckers, walker, riders and just plan movers. Speaking of movers have you heard I’ll be moving on 8/13? The ride was about as eventful as the one they had last week. 2.5 miles in we lost Seuss. I went back for him but couldn’t find him. At 2.5 in he could definitely get lost but Mayor called him and he was good. I spent my legs trying to catch up with the group thus suffering the entire ride. Unfortunately we dropped Gearwrench on his mtn bike. We gotta get that guy on some skinny tires. Anybody got any good deals? At about mile 10 a sniper shot out my rear tire. It exploded throwing air and debris everywhere. It looked liked Days of Thunder! I was convinced I’d actually been shot and was just in shock and couldn’t feel it yet. Broke and Freon took off for a truck and Mayor, Defib and I changed the tube. We got done just as Freon was turning on the road. Thanks anyway Freon! We all learned a lesson on CO2 cartridges as it exploded in Mayor’s face sending Defib scrabbling for the ditch. Maybe it was the sniper again? Anyway we had a good group and most if not all stayed for Q Source to discuss Shield lock.


Announcements-Tubing next Saturday 7/30 at Green River Cove tubing meet there at 10:30, Camp Thunderbird 8/20 may be a few tickets left, JJ5K 9/24, F3 Dads workout at The Yank on 8/20, A family skate 9/17, Shirt orders are up, Freight is moving on 8/13


13 joined in the bootcamp workout on Saturday at The Fighting Yank. Humidity started out at 95% making for a good time. Sargento kept a check on it during the workout. At one point we dropped to 93%! Good job Nantan.


Mosey over to spread out on the side street

Sealjacks x 15ic

Don Q’s x 10 ic

Standing flutter kick squats. Move your legs back and forth kinda like a lunge but without dipping down then do a squat. You kinda have to get a rhythm going on these.

The Thang:

Mosey up to the Piccollo Antique wall

We did some wall work alternating in wall sits for 30 seconds in between

Aus Mtn climbers, Donkey kicks, Shoulder taps

Mosey over to Woodrow going toward Central

Here we did some side shuffles, Karaoke, NUR, Bear crawl, Crab walk

Mosey over to the Library and partner up

The library has a U shape drive that goes around back. P1 gets at 1 drive in and P2 gets at the other. Do 5 standing flutter kick squats, run to meet your partner in the back, do 5 booyah merkins. Rinse and repeat 5x.

Mosey to the front of the old school and partner up again

Dora 1,2,3-Hand release merkins, In and Outs, Calf Raises. Run around the front square. Now the first round of this we were at about 27 minutes into the workout. This is the point Sister Act left. He is upset because I didn’t give him credit for posting in the namarama  but I mean he didn’t even make it half way! You hate to see it!

Mosey around behind the school to the wall. Line up across the parking lot across from the wall.

Zombie Walk to the wall and get up on top of the wall 5x. Rinse and repeat x 3.

Mosey down Myrtle st hill.

Triple nickel on about 40 yds of the hill. Starburst at the bottom and Flying Squirrels at the top.

We moseyed back to the statue for a few minutes of Mary.



Announcements-Tubing Saturday 7/30 meet at Green River Cove at 10:30, Freight is moving on 8/13 back to Dallas and is looking for someone to take over Members Only as site Q



Good looking group this morning. The humidity ramped up the amount of sweat to a ridiculous level! Just remember if you can get through these days you can get through any of the others. Keep pushing!


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