Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 3 of 31)

Not so bad

12 canoes joined YHC on Saturday in the cold rain despite me pleading for no one to show up. Below 40 and rain is dumb. Thanks a lot Aholes. I put a plan together based off of some ruck and sandbag work I’m doing that would keep us in the shelter at least. It kept us dry and with the wind and cold it was hard to even sweat.


Just whatever came to mind. High knees and whatnot to get warmed up.

The Thang:

Hand Release merkins- 4 sets x 30 seconds with 60s rest between

Butterfly situps-3 sets x 30s w/30s rest

Prisoner Squats-5 sets x 30s w/30s rest

After this it was on to station work. 1 min of work and 45s of rest between. We started in to rd 2 before we ran out of time.

Stations and rds listed below

40# sandbag-OH press/Getup

60# sandbag-Clean/bent over rows

Ruck-high pull/rotations

Slamball-straight down/side to side

Kettle bell-swings/turkish getup

Dumbbells-OH clap/renegade row

25# plate-situp/roller

25# plate-weight to toe lever/curls

step ups



decline merkins

split squats




Announcedments-2ndF lunch at Whiskey Mill, Push the Rocks challenge coming up, need more runner for the P200 you meows

Prayer Requests-Several mothers, People with flu, Stogie’s M with neck problems

Naked Moleskin:

As I was driving in I saw Westside out for an EC run in the cold ass rain! I said he was either a badass or a moron and he said he was both. The sadclown soft side of me says it ain’t worth it. I’ve done some hard stupid shit what do I have to prove? The problem with that is I was a badass moron when I did that hard stupid stuff but like your cardio it doesn’t last. Stop running for a while and see what happens. You have to continually challenge yourself with hard stupid stuff to stay that tough. I don’t like it anymore than you but it’s the truth. So hats off to you Westside for being a badass moron leader and role model. Keep it up.




Relay Games

I’m down with the stomach bug or food poisoning so I’m writing this from the toilet. I hope you enjoy that visual. Due to this scenario you will not get any more than this.

1 step forward 2 steps back

8 pax posted to Midoriyama on Thursday night for a little fun and games. YHC listened and learned from last years QvQ challenge. The PAX like games in their workouts. I took a note from Shortsale’s book and we got after it.


Blah blah blah

The Thang:

In the long parking lot starting at one end. The idea was to try and make it to the other end. With a deck of cards we would draw a card and do the reps per the face value with each suit being an exercise. Just like any other time we use cards. Dimaonds=merkins, Hearts=WWI’s, Spades=Squats, and Spades =burpees. After doing the reps we then would bearcrawl that many spaces forward. So for example a 10 of diamonds we would do 10 merkins then bearcrawl 10 spaces forward. Once there we draw another card. Except this time we have to bearcrawl backwards that many spaces. So if the first card was a 10 and the next card is a 6 we would end up being 4 spaces forward of where we started. This really confused the Dr’s and Accountants in the crowd. We did this back and forth slowly inching our way forward in the parking lot. Eventually we switched the backwards movement to suicide sprints. Some believed we’d never get anywhere but we finished about a third of the way through the parking lot so we would have been up against the house if we were betting. All in all this kept us guessing and moving a lot. Which seems to be a problem for some. I guess they confused this with a 2nd F event. If you’re gonna mummblechatter you gotta be able to exercise at the same time!


Announcements-12/30 beer mile see Sargento for your HC, 2nd F lunch at Hickory tavern next week

Prayer request-Gumby’s mom, Cindy’s colon


Mo Rons

7 Mo Rons showed up in the pouring rain Sunday morning at Crossroads and got in a ruck. I’m not sure anyone was really better for it to be honest. We had some good conversations though. Slaw was not there to pickup the 6. Hate to see it. Freight 2024. After  we discussed influence and how you do it. Blart joined for that part.


Everybodaay Yeeaahhh

10 total for my return to Midoriyama. The planters is feeling pretty good but I may go back on IR until spring….I hate the cold!


Some stuff to get warmed up

The Thang:

Grab a block and hit the road. Starting at one of the light poles we did 10 block swings, ran without the block to the next pole, did 10
Freddy Mercury’s counting 1 side, ran back to the block, rifled carried the block up to the next pole, and started again working our way down the street to the end. Once at the end we turned around and started going back doing 5 thrusters and 5 hand release merkins. Those thrusters and rifle carries really started to suck on the way back!



Announcements-Christmas and convergence this Saturday at The Yank and Lewis Farm, Beer Ruck 12/9, Beer mile 12/30

Prayer Request

Naked Moleskin:

It felt good to be back. In the past it has driven me crazy anytime I couldn’t post. For some reason this go round not as much. I often pondered if F3 had run it’s course for me. Why wasn’t I missing it as much. To be honest I think after a hard summer of training I just needed a break and some rest. Being back out there I realized how much I had missed it and all the PAX. Stay hard MFer’s!


Turkey day Frisbee 2023

I’m going to do my best to account for all that were present. Some signed up and didn’t show, some were late, some showed up even though they didn’t sign up, and some did that but were late.  Herding cats! We had some good games. For the most part people were on their best behaver. Some are still sour. In the end Team Wikileaks won the championship after a double header championship round!

Team Wikileaks:

Wikileaks, Montross, Mabelline, Broke, Slaw, Chubb’s 2.0 I think they decided to name him Gator because when facing off against his dad he ate his butt up!

CSAUP Trail Run

We had 10 come out and give trail running a go. A few others had to drop out for various reasons. It was a beautiful morning for it. Perfect weather. Clear and precise instructions were given. The trails were marked impeccably and yes you guest it, people still got lost. To be honest it was expected and I kinda hoped for it 🙂 .There’s really only so much you can do. I mean some people will get lost in there own yard. We ran in teams of 2 and Flinstone and Pockets came out on top with the fastest times. Flintstone had the fastest and even knocked Pizzaman out of his spot on a segment so you know he was gettin after it. Seuss probably had the most mileage. Unless you count Wiki’s mileage when he drove to Lowell to pick Seuss up in some neighborhood he found himself in, bless. Wiki did have the fastest laps but got slightly off on one of his laps costing him some time. Anyway we did something different and had a good time. Maybe we will do it again sometime. Thanks to all that participated.

Did you ask leppard to Q

10 men posted to downtown on Friday. It was nice and warm for a November morning. Sweat was spilled. It was mostly mine as it was just my second BC in the last 2 months. It would have been my third had Slaw not shat all over me the previous day when I accepted the Q at Midoriyama upon his request. Once he found out the 1st F Q was available it was like I wasn’t even alive! Anyway.

Warmup: Doesn’t really matter

The Thang:

On the steps at the pavilion-hop up the steps. 5 Cdd’s at the top, hop down and do 5 at the bottom. 5 rounds

Next we did some deep sea divers for a few steps until I ran out of vertical/horizontal distance

Let’s mosey down to Main st.

1st corner 10 merkins, Around the block we went stacking them. 10 merkins, 20 lunges, 30 lbc’s, 40 mtn climbers.

Over to the Methodist church parking lot and partner up.

11’s. Run in opposite directions and do 1 little gumby in the woods. Run back and meet your partner for 10 booyah merkins. If you undertstand 11’s you know what happened next.

Mosey to the parking deck and partner up again

P1 does BTTW while P2 runs up a flight of stairs and back. Do 5 rounds. This sucked!

After this we did a few rounds of wall sits and dirty hookups before heading back.



Announcements-Get signed up for the Christmas party and vote even if you aren’t coming(Freight 2023 most supportive/pickup the 6), help Broke out by showing up and helping SFN at the Christmastown 5k.

Prayer Request-SA took us out

Not all failures are the same

10 Pax posted at Crossroads on Sunday morning. Some ran and some rucked. Some stayed for Q Source and some left to go make a joyful noise at church.

We continued our discussion on leaders. I brought in Abraham Lincoln but specifically talked about his failures. He lost businesses, jobs, and multiple elections and still went on to be considered one of the best presidents we have had in the United states. This lead us into discussing how we look at failure. Freaconomics podcast recently did a 4 part series on failure. I recommend listening. It part 1 Amy Edmonsin talks about the Spectrum of 6 failures. These range from blame worthy to expected. I thought it was helpful to categorize your failure to see how much at fault you are and to help determine the reasons for it.

Thanksgiving Ultimate Frisbee

Back by popular demand the “Thanksgiving Day Ultimate Frisbee Tournament”! If you missed out on this last year do yourself a favor and get signed up. It was a hard fought battle with everyone leaving it on the field before stuffing themselves with food. It will be double elimination. Teams will be randomly selected in public at a coffeerama. It will be held at Midoriyama at the back soccer fields. 0700 players meeting. Sign up deadline is Friday 11/17.

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