• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 01/06/2024
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Freight
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sarlacc, Ponyboy, Wikileaks, Dr Seuss, Happy Trees, Stogie, Medicine Woman, Broke, Gearwrench, Gumby, Westside, Volt

12 canoes joined YHC on Saturday in the cold rain despite me pleading for no one to show up. Below 40 and rain is dumb. Thanks a lot Aholes. I put a plan together based off of some ruck and sandbag work I’m doing that would keep us in the shelter at least. It kept us dry and with the wind and cold it was hard to even sweat.


Just whatever came to mind. High knees and whatnot to get warmed up.

The Thang:

Hand Release merkins- 4 sets x 30 seconds with 60s rest between

Butterfly situps-3 sets x 30s w/30s rest

Prisoner Squats-5 sets x 30s w/30s rest

After this it was on to station work. 1 min of work and 45s of rest between. We started in to rd 2 before we ran out of time.

Stations and rds listed below

40# sandbag-OH press/Getup

60# sandbag-Clean/bent over rows

Ruck-high pull/rotations

Slamball-straight down/side to side

Kettle bell-swings/turkish getup

Dumbbells-OH clap/renegade row

25# plate-situp/roller

25# plate-weight to toe lever/curls

step ups



decline merkins

split squats




Announcedments-2ndF lunch at Whiskey Mill, Push the Rocks challenge coming up, need more runner for the P200 you meows

Prayer Requests-Several mothers, People with flu, Stogie’s M with neck problems

Naked Moleskin:

As I was driving in I saw Westside out for an EC run in the cold ass rain! I said he was either a badass or a moron and he said he was both. The sadclown soft side of me says it ain’t worth it. I’ve done some hard stupid shit what do I have to prove? The problem with that is I was a badass moron when I did that hard stupid stuff but like your cardio it doesn’t last. Stop running for a while and see what happens. You have to continually challenge yourself with hard stupid stuff to stay that tough. I don’t like it anymore than you but it’s the truth. So hats off to you Westside for being a badass moron leader and role model. Keep it up.