Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 4 of 30)

Runnin the track

10 at Midoriyama on Thursday. This is what we did.

Warmup: We did a few things. Let’s mosey.

The Thang:

In the parking lot next to the pump track. 5 merkins, 5 lunges, 5 WWI situps, then run a lap through the pump track. It’s not an easy run for sure. Rinse and repeat going up by 5 reps for 2 more rounds.

Mosey over to the lake hill. 5 dips at the gazebo and 5 in and outs at the top. Go up by 5 each round. Do 3 rounds.

At the bottom of the lake hill. 20 pretzel crunches on one side. Run the ramp up and around the Vball court. Do 20 on the other side and run back to the bottom. Do this 3 times.

Mosey back up to the road. Do 10 mtn climbers ic at each pole going back to the parking lot.

Back at the turd shack we had a few blocks sitting out to try something Mayor had shared with me. We will call it puff puff pass. Stand in a line shoulder to shoulder with a stack of blocks at one end. 1st guy passes a block to the 2nd guy then does a burpee. He then grabs another block to pass. Each person passes a block then does a burpee until all the blocks are at the other end. This went way better than expected.


Midoriyama Thunder

5 posted for the Thunder PT test on a mid 90’s day at Midoriyama. Not really a good place to measure fitness unless you are measuring for future global warming. We did all of the reps then we ran a little to kill the rest of the time.


Mission Work

We had runners and ruckers at The Sword on Monday. Some “smartsacked”. After words we discussed praying for God’s word to advance and the people out in the world doing his work. While we are all called to do it I’m talking about those that sacrifice and risk their lives to do it. We discussed Thessalonians 3:1-5 and Ephesians 3:14-21. Check these verses out. Spend some time studying and rereading the Ephesians verses. It is powerful and has a lot going on in it.


Some ran and some rode at Crossroads on Sunday. Some returned from vacation while a few others were still gone. At Q Source we discussed the leadership qualities of Braveheart aka William Wallace. Not the real person but the fictional character from the movie. If you didn’t know at Crossroads on Sundays we are selecting leaders to inform the group about. I was having a hard time settling on someone and had the thought that the best leaders are usually made up. You can write in all the perfect skills with a fictional leader. That is not to say the real person wasn’t the same. I don’t know. The fictional character had the skills and qualities we should all try to obtain.

Crazy 8

13 total at Midoriyama on Thursday. We celebrated the 8th anniversary of my 1st F3 post by doing what I called Crazy 8’s.


SSH x 15

Don Q’s for the groans

Mosey to get a block and over to the parking lot.

The Thang:

8 exercises, 8 reps each, 8 rounds, run a lap after each round. Simple and effective.


Goblet Squats

Side jump overs-I recommended it be done with the block standing up tall but not many complied. Meow

Alternating block merkins

WWI’s with the block



I had a lot more on my weinke but we didn’t get to it.




Announcements-2nd F lunch this week at Logans in Gtown, F3 Dads at the Yank Saturday

Prayer Request-Gumby and EZ family members, Norwood, HT kids. St Bobby took us out.


I spoke a little about the realization that I stomped down Fat Ricky a little over 8 years ago and if it wasn’t for the support I have found in F3 I do not for a second think he wouldn’t have found his way back. Defib asked about accomplishments since starting F3. Looking back I ran my 1st ever race and 5K right before starting F3. Since then I’ve run 17 relay races. That doesn’t count the ones we’ve done as CSAUP’s. I ran a 5K everyday for 30 days. A Half marathon in which F3 brothers played a major role in me completing and exceeding my goal. Multiple Goruck and Growruck events. The list goes on and will continue too because I’m a gorge runner and y’all support my habit. I love you and thank you all for 8 years of support!

The Valley Wall

12 total at Old School on Saturday morning as I make my attempt to climb out of the valley. This was my 2nd post after having pulled a calf muscle 3 weeks ago. Man I’m sore. It’s crazy how quickly you start to lose it. I want to say I do appreciate all the men for checking in on me and wishing me well. It makes a huge difference when you hit a low and someone is there to reach out a hand. Some valleys are steeper than others and require more help so make sure you are not just reaching out to your brothers, but maybe grabbing and pulling them if needed.


I probably did a little more than usual here with a new found respect for warming up those muscles.

Tha Thang:

Mosey down to Kotter corner for a triple nickel on Kotter hill. WWI’s and hand release merkins. The amount of clover growing in Kotter yard was noted.

Mosey over to the Courthouse square for 4 corners

5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 CDD’s, 20 Rosalita’s, stack’em

After this we moved over to the next block for the same

5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 Starburst, 20 imperial walker squats

Over to the next block for more 4 corners

5 burpees, 10 hillbillies ic, 15 dying cockroaches count 1 side, 20 shoulder taps count 1 side

Mosey over to the Methodist Church’s new wall for 5 rounds of 10 dips ic and 10 step ups. Then in the same spot on the worlds lowest curb we did tiger squats. Starting with 1, run to the potherside of the street and do 2. Rinse and repeat up to 5. Even Slaw had to sit down on this curb.

Next we made our way back to the start. I set a cone about 20 yds out. 1 pax would hold a sandbag over head while everyone else would bearcrawl to the cone and run back. Last one in holds the sandbag the next round unless they had previously done it. Some people don’t seem to care if you are struggling holding the bag. When I say some people I mean the majority of this crowd was not in a hurry at all. We did this for 5-6-7 minutes and called time.



Announcements-Family fun day in Forest City next Saturday

Prayer Request-Ratchet/Jackson, Huck, PH family, Graduates


Walking through the valley

A lucky 13 posted to Crossroads with the majority staying for Q source after. Some ran, some rucked, and some even walked. Hate to see it. IR is taking it’s toll on the rock pushers. Last week Blart decided to take us in a new direction at Q source, after having gone through it 4-5  times. The Q picks someone they think of as a leader and teaches the rest of us a little about them and what makes them a leader. I covered Clive Staple Lewis as I just so happen to be reading through Mere Christianity. CS had many moments in his life that pointed me toward his leadership but the first one that caught my attention was his braodcast, during air raids in WW II, of what it means to be a Christian. This was an opportunity to reach and spread God’s word and provide hope in a time when it was likely lacking. These broadcast are what make up Mere Christianity. What I like most about him though is his reasoning. He is considered a Christian Apologist and has a common sense way of making sense out of why you should believe that Jesus is God made in human form. Take some time to read some of his work.


Announcements-2nd F lunch at The Lodge in Belmont coming up soon


Prayer Request-Lots! Keep praying for one another

Wet Meow

13 PAX in the rain at Gashouse on Saturday. A much better turnout than I thought. Some may have showed because they HC’d to help pickup trash after. I didn’t officially cancel that until about 0630 just to make sure people still posted. We will reschedule that soon.


Led by Tube. Then the bootcampers went for a mosey up to the front parking lot at Grier.

The Thang:

Dirty dirty triple nickel. Lunges on one end and WWl’s on the other. Every time you pass a drain do a burpee. There were 2. Next we mosey’d down to the track….Son of a….it’s locked! Mosey over to the Presbyterian parking lot. We got into groups of 4. I instructed the PAX to mosey a lap then carry one member of the team one lap. Rinse and repeat until all members had been carried. The intent here was for all members to be involved in the carry. Most teams messed this up. Maybe it was my directions. I’ll take ownership of this one. That being said even once they saw my team and heard my instructions they still didn’t comply. Some people are afraid of the harder thing. Proof of this was seen in the recent QvQ voting where the easier thing won out. Only by one so that leaves me hope! Any way back over to the Grier parking lot. Broad jump 2 spaces and do 10 burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs, and 10 WWl’s. Do this 2 more times then bearcrawl back to the start. That’s 1 round. Do 3 rounds. Sounds simple right? Yeah not with this crowd. Especially Shortsale who complained that it wasn’t written out and laminated for all to see. Now I get why he does that. He can’t remember what to do. No wonder he spent the first 10 minutes of his QvQ finally not working out and just walking around yelling instructions. It wasn’t until I called him out for Qing and not doing that he joined me for the exercises. Noted he didn’t mention that in the BB. On this fine morning he decided to ramp up his mummblechatter to try and get at me. The problem was when the real work started he couldn’t do both….hate to see it. Keep practicing Shorty. After this we moseyed down to the corner of the museum for a few rounds of wall sits and Mike Tysons to finish things off.





Prayer request


I’d also like to note that I picked up the 6 during this workout and I did not see Slaw doing the same. #Freight2023


Membership Renewal

A solid 14 at Members Only Sunday morning. YHC decided to pick up the Q to go back for a visit after moving back to Dallas 7 months ago. While its nice to hit that closest AO it’s also nice to spend some time with others and get a change of scenery. It makes me very happy to see these guys and this AO is flourishing. Several people were out getting in extra miles. The 6:30 start group decided to do the Parkdale loop backwards. I thought this would be worse but the climb was not as bad as I thought. Turns out, when looking at the elevation map, we’ve been doing it the hard way all along. Most everyone stayed for Q source where we discussed shield lock.

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